Windows 10 update from pirated version. Pirated builds of Windows: pros and cons

Microsoft Company today officially announced Windows release 10 already in the summer, and also spoke about a strategic partnership with Chinese companies, which should “help fight piracy,” which is actively flourishing in the Middle Kingdom. Then it was said that Microsoft would update even pirated copies to Windows 10 for free, and now the head of the Windows division of Microsoft Corporation, Terry Myerson, told how exactly updates would occur in the case of legal and pirated systems.

According to Microsoft's position, owners of legal copies of Windows 7 and 8.1 will receive an upgrade to Windows 10 absolutely free. After the update, these users will receive all new features and security enhancements absolutely free, “for as long as this device is supported.” What exactly do they mean last words(until the device breaks or perhaps for the duration of the warranty?), he did not explain.

If Microsoft detects any kind of tampering with the system - simply detects that a copy of Windows was obtained illegally - a watermark will appear on the desktop, informing the buyer that he has an illegal copy installed. Terry Myerson asks users to be attentive to this when purchasing new devices and to avoid purchasing gadgets with Windows 10 that have a watermark on the desktop.

Microsoft's "black mark" means a lack of support from the company and its partners and threatens not to receive updates, even critical ones important updates security. Microsoft emphasizes that free update still will not be available to users of illegal copies of the system, however, the software giant, together with partners, promises to offer “very attractive” conditions for the transition to a licensed version of Windows 10.

It appears that no further measures will be taken. Microsoft probably decided that it made no sense to restrict the operation of a copy of the OS that was identified as pirated. This time, it seems, they won’t even deprive the desktop screensaver.

The “very attractive” transition conditions probably hide a paid upgrade to Windows 10. What the amount will be has not yet been announced, but it can be assumed that Microsoft will not ask for a lot of money for this. This idea is prompted by the recent announcement that Windows 10 will be latest version The OS will be improved according to the service principle. One of the likely options for monetizing Windows 10 is the introduction of a subscription, which was previously hinted at by Microsoft COO Kevin Turner. This would be a logical step, given plans to gradually improve the system. Transfer amount from pirated copy will most likely be comparable to the amount of subscription to short term, since the user will bring money constantly in the future - this is exactly what Microsoft is striving for.

Installing Windows 10 is virtually a one-button installation. All you have to do is agree to the installation and wait, watch the interest go by, and wait again. The process takes from 10 minutes to several hours. On last stage The installer will ask about some settings, which mainly relate to the browser - you don’t have to change anything.

What is the price

Not at all. Update your current version Windows on "Ten" is free for the first year after release, that is, until July 29, 2016. There is time to think, especially since it is reasonable to wait until the most noticeable errors are fixed in Windows 10, and this will take several weeks.

Boxed versions of Windows 10 and 10 Pro will cost 6,900 and 11,900 rubles, respectively, but so far Microsoft disks and does not sell keys and only offers to buy a computer on Windows 8.1.

Windows as a service

The most common misconception about Windows 10 is that the system will run on paid subscription. Almost everyone took the words Microsoft representatives about turning Windows into a service is clear: Microsoft will take money monthly/annually, and if you miss a payment, the system will turn into a pumpkin; Linux will stop running, and free period supposedly it will end in a year.

In reality it's not like that. After upgrading to Windows 10, you will receive a full license that will be valid indefinitely. And by “service” we mean that Microsoft will support and update the system on your computer for its entire service life. By the way, you won’t be able to refuse updates: regular Windows 10 they will arrive automatically, and on Windows 10 Pro their installation can be delayed only for a short time.

Update pirated Windows 7/8

I wanted to answer: “Aha! They fled" - but, according to users, many of them manage to update hacked copies of Windows 7 and 8 to the tenth version. In this case, after installation, the system is activated and a key is assigned to it, that is, subsequently it can be installed on a “clean” computer. Others, however, write about unsuccessful attempts install updates. Success probably depends on the pirated activation method.

Hello admin! I am contacting you as a friend, I need advice. I'm in ninth grade. My parents bought me a laptop with Windows 10, overall I’m happy with it, it turns out that Win 10 is my second operating system, before that I was using an old computer with Windows XP. But I really want to try Windows 7, I don’t know it at all. Our computer scientist at school says that Win 7 is more beautiful, easier to manage, configure, and most importantly, there is no Metro interface unnecessary on the desktop, but the question is - where to download it?

On the official Microsoft website they only distribute , which means there is not much choice, only torrents remain, but again, torrents distribute various assemblies, that is, modified (changed by skilled users) images real Windows 7, I don’t want one, I want to install the original Windows 7 Professional on my laptop instead of Windows 10 and use it for a month, if everything they say about the “seven” is true, then I will honestly buy it in the online store. If I don't like Win 7, I'll stick with my Windows 10.

  • I understand that it is not customary to provide links to download operating systems on such reputable sites as yours, but at least help distinguish a real Microsoft original image of Windows 7 or Windows 10 from a non-original one(pirate assembly), say in your own words, what is the difference between a pirated build of Windows 7, 8.1, 10 and a licensed Windows 7, 8.1, 10, what exactly changed there ? Why do you advise all users in the comments to install original images from Microsoft?
  • And the last two questions, how exactly assemblies of the Windows 7, 8.1, 10 operating systems are created, how the image is disassembled and how it is assembled later?
  • Why didn’t you yourself, with your knowledge, download Windows 10 with an activator, but went to a simple store and bought a licensed Windows 8.1 Professional 64-bit Rus (OEM) in a box, and then wrote an article about it?

Sorry for so many questions, I'm just interested in everything related to computers and I honestly don't want to steal anything, I just want to understand everything. You have a very good site, I visit it constantly, thank you very much in advance for your answers.

Best regards, Maxim!

In this article I will answer your other questions. Is it just me, the simple one? computer technician don't know what original Windows better than unoriginal. Over the years, I have seen so many abnormal and crappy assemblies that I have lost count.

I agree, not all builds are so bad, but I’m still for the original. Why? I’ll give you a simple comparison example, maybe a little unfortunate, but I think you’ll understand the gist.

You came to the store to buy Levi's jeans, and suddenly they offered you jeans from another company for free, personally, I wouldn't even agree for free, what if they tear at the most inopportune moment right on the street, so I need original jeans from Levi's, Windows from Microsoft, the processor from Intel, and the cartoon “Well, wait a minute” from Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but so far it's all worked.

Original look and Windows status in such assemblies it is rarely saved, because that’s why it’s an assembly, to have some differences from the original and other assemblies of the system. Posted on the Internet Windows builds from enthusiasts - these are the results of their experiments, where they remove or disable some system functionality, preset certain settings, implement third-party software products, modify the system interface.

From the number system settings and the functionality could be:

1. Disable User Account Control.

2. Disabling the page file

3. Removing office equipment drivers that are not used at home.

4. Removing Metro functionality in Windows 8 and 8.1, removing hibernation mode, etc.

5. Windows builds are often bundled pre-installed programs, and after installing the system, shortcuts are already ready on the desktop to launch the browser, uninstaller, system optimizer, Microsoft applications Office and other useful software.

6. Third-party design themes, gadgets on the desktop, informers and other not so useful, but rather beautiful little things, modify the boring design of Windows.

Introductions to the system that improve its design are especially approved by novice users in the comments on online distributions of Windows builds.

If you come across a Windows build, in the description of which an enthusiast mentioned testing it personally, you are very lucky. Collectors do not always check their creations for functionality before posting them on the Internet. After all, if there are any problems during the installation or operation of such Windows builds, users will definitely write in the comments. And only then will the collector begin to solve the problem.

Sometimes Windows builds can come in Live CD format, as is the case with Linux distributions. Such Live CDs contain a menu in which you can choose to install Windows, or you can use the programs offered to resuscitate the system or prompt exit in Internet.

Windows builds are “freed” from the need to pay money for using the system, which is why they are called pirated. Some assemblies are installed with already installed serial key and are activated automatically, and some provide, after installing the system, the presence of an activator utility on the desktop, which the user needs to launch manually. Windows builds may not contain embedded serial number, do not activate automatically, may not even have an activator on the desktop. In this case, the activator utility can be downloaded separately (very often it is because of the activator curves that the operating system fails to load).

Who publishes Windows builds on the Internet for free and why?

Who are these enthusiastic collectors? And what are their benefits? Why do they waste their time and use their acquired skills in order to then give away the results of their work for free?

In many cases, they are driven by the need for their own development and the opportunity to test their developments in conditions feedback with users. Often this is a common desire to show off your technical literacy and gather an audience around you who will thank you, ask questions - in general, increase your self-esteem.

Note: Friends, if you are smart, educated and talented, spend better strength to create a real operating system that would be a worthwhile alternative Windows from Microsoft!

Of course, Windows builders can be ordinary scammers who initially introduce malicious codes for the purpose of profit. These points must be checked in the comments on online distributions of Windows builds to see if anyone has any complaints about this.

Advantages and disadvantages of pirated builds of Windows

Left click to enlarge image

Applying patches to change the system interface and implementation third party software theoretically can negatively affect the stability of the system. But this is a very conditional drawback of pirated Windows builds - after all, you can choose a build where the builder did not apply patches to change the system interface. However, users love various design features and are not particularly worried about the impact of patches on the integrity and performance of the system.

Pre-installed in the assembly Windows programs- This is more of an advantage of the system than a disadvantage, even though assemblers, as a rule, complete a set of programs based on their ideas. And often, along with multimedia software for beginners in the Windows build, you can find an advanced monitoring manager system resources or a utility for measuring voltage and temperature on each processor core. However, unnecessary programs you can easily remove them from the system, and leave the ones you need without wasting time searching for them on the Internet, downloading and installing them.

All of the above disadvantages conditional deficiencies, imperfections and other little things are leveled out by the two main advantages of pirated assemblies - these are free use any version of Windows, any edition and a huge variety of choice of assemblies, unlike standard set Microsoft.

Have you ever thought about looking for “criminal” methods? Windows activation 10? I can please you, Microsoft has taken care of this. Apparently they realized that it was pointless and there was no strength to fight the hackers who constantly hacked the company’s operating systems. Therefore, the company took a different route. Microsoft in the new operating room Windows system 10 made it so that it can be used for free, but of course with some restrictions. The Redmond-based company allows anyone to download Windows 10 for free and install the system without a product key. I want to tell you how to do this and give you some tips on how to get around some of the restrictions.

How to download Windows 10 and install it without an activation key?

We'll need an ISO image of Windows 10 itself. You can download it directly from Microsoft, and you don't even need a product key to download a copy of the system Media utility Creation Tool will help with this.

To create media, select “Create” installation media for another computer" and click "Next".

We choose a language, naturally Windows 10 Pro (walk, walk) and architecture, preferably x64.

Then select the media on which the installation files will be written. If you select an ISO file, you will need to specify a location to save it; if you select a flash drive, then select the appropriate device. All data on the flash drive will be deleted. In a few minutes you will have the official version downloaded Windows image 10.

If you're ready, just start the installation process. By following simple system prompts, you will install Windows 10 as usual. One of the first screens you'll see is Activate Windows, which will ask you to enter your product key. However, you can simply click on the "I don't have a product key" option at the bottom of the window and Windows will allow you to continue with the installation process. You may be prompted to enter your product key later in the installation process, but you skip this step.

A little more and Windows 10 will be successfully installed on your device.

What's wrong with this Windows 10?

Once you have installed Windows 10 without a key, it will not actually be activated. However, there are no special restrictions on use activated Windows 10 no. More from Windows times XP, Microsoft used the famous Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) activation key authentication tool. It seems that in Windows 10 the company abandoned its use and limited it to cosmetic methods only.

From the beginning you will barely notice. Everything works, everything is updated, everything is installed, everything works. Over time, you will see a warning watermark in the lower right corner that you need to activate your version of Windows 10. It cannot be removed or cut out. But for many, it is unlikely to interfere with their work, much less distract them.

If you decide to go to Settings, you will be greeted at the bottom with the message “Windows is not activated. Activate Windows."

I don’t think many people look here often, and this inscription will somehow bother you. If you click on the inscription, you will understand the essence of the second limitation of non-activated Windows 10.

It concerns the ability to change the interface and appearance Desktop and lock screen. You will not be able to change the desktop screensaver,

choose main color system and taskbar. All buttons are simply inactive.

You will also not be able to change the Lock Screen picture, set sound settings, mouse settings, or arbitrarily place icons on the Desktop. In other words, the system itself will decide which label can be placed and where. Some cannot even be created at all, for example My Computer.

How then? It turns out that there is a solution to the problem and it is very simple. To get around these restrictions, you simply need to disable network connection to the Internet. Then you will have access to Personalization. You can change everything: wallpaper, themes, upload your own image on the Lock Screen, change sound and mouse settings, even place shortcuts at your discretion. Then you turn on the Internet and you will see that the system will not fix anything.

But there will be one more way to change background picture Desktop. To do this, select an image from your collection on your PC, click on right button mouse, you will see the familiar “Make background image desktop." This feature was not blocked even in non-activated Windows 10.

Beyond these limitations, your system will function normally. Of course, from time to time it will ask you to activate it; you will not be able to disable the privacy settings. You won't pay a penny for that.

What if I still want to activate my Windows 10?

It is possible that over time you will want to activate the Windows 10 you like. Microsoft has taken care of this. If you look at the point Activation, you will find here the option to either enter your product key if you have one, or simply buy a licensed version of Windows 10 from the Store.

By the way, licensed version Windows Pro in the Store now costs 4,599 UAH. In Ukraine and 13,900 rubles in Russia.

It seems that the desire to attract maximum attention to Windows 10 occupies a special place in Microsoft strategy. Maybe they are right, because if you can’t defeat the enemy (hackers), lead it. They're probably pretty good at it.

The concept of pirated Windows 10 actually means installing a licensed copy of the operating system, but without a key. Let's look at this concept in more detail.

1. What does “pirate” mean?

This does not mean that you will download installation file not on the official website or some kind of “broken” file. You will deal with completely official version Windows.

The secret is that during installation the user simply will not enter the key. For some reason, the developers allowed users to completely freely install the OS and use it without any restrictions without a key.

Now let's look at the installation process step by step.

2. Installing a pirated copy

Important! This process involves the creation bootable media, that is, a flash drive or disk from which the operating system will be installed in the future. Therefore, immediately prepare the shooting storage device, preferably empty at once. If there is anything on it, it will all be removed.

So, to install and use the operating system without an activation code, do this:

  • The next step is to select the operating system language, release, that is, version and architecture. Choose the edition you want, and as for the architecture, choose the one that matches the parameters available on the computer. At the end, click “Next” again.

  • The next step is to select the media that will subsequently become bootable. That is, then you will insert it into the appropriate connector and install the OS from it. If you took a flash drive, check the box next to the “USB flash memory device” option, and if a disk, then “ISO file”. Traditionally, to move on to the next step, click Next.

Advice: It is better to use a flash drive. It's much more convenient. If you take a disc, you will need to burn the created ISO image onto it using additional programs, for example, Daemon Tools.

  • If you select the option with removable storage, on next step you have to choose it. Insert the flash drive into the appropriate slot on your computer and select it from the list. As usual, click “Next” at the end.

  • A recording will occur. You will clearly see this process, or rather, how it is performed, as a percentage. When the recording is finished, you can click the “Done” button and the program will close. Now you have bootable flash drive, which is needed for installation.
  • Next you have to load the BIOS and select the flash drive as the first boot priority. How to do this depends on BIOS version and the operating system as a whole. To launch it, in most cases, you must press the “Delete” button repeatedly when starting the OS. When the BIOS opens, you need to find the partition responsible for boot priority. For example, in AMI BIOS there is a section “ Hard Disk Drives", which has a subsection "1st Drive". That's what we need. Read more about this step in this article (Step No. 2).
  • When the material is loaded from the flash drive, you will first need to select the language, time format and keyboard layout. Do this and move on to the next step.

  • Read on (or not) license agreement, check the box, click “Next”. After that, choose an update or a custom installation - the option that suits you. If you don't need to radically reinstall operating system, the first one will do.

  • Now the fun begins! The next window requires you to enter an activation code. But you don’t have it, so click on “Skip” in the lower right corner.

  • Next, select a section hard drive, on which the OS will be installed, watch the installation process, read about how to increase operating speed, create account and that's it!

As you can see, the installation is quite standard, you just skip the step of entering the key. What does this mean?

3. Consequences of installing pirates

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this. It’s just that annoying “Windows is not activated” messages will appear in some places. Also in the lower right corner of the desktop there will be an inscription “Windows Activation”.

There may be problems with some settings. For example, in some cases it is not possible to change the desktop screensaver.

Secret: You can bypass any prohibitions and restrictions associated with activation by simply turning off the Internet.

Actually, that's all. Agree, you can live and work with all this in complete peace. So take advantage of the stupidity of Microsoft developers to your heart's content!

In addition, there are ways to activate the OS without a key. One of them is described in the video below.