Restoring the Windows 10 system to an earlier state. Windows System Restore

If your Windows 10 suddenly stops working, don't worry - there are many ways to restore it. For example, a rollback to a previous state, a restore checkpoint, or creating a mirror of the system and saving it on external media, followed by restoration via bootable USB (this option in Ten works much better than in previous versions). Below we will look at all existing options for restoring the Windows 10 system and find out what errors most often occur when it starts.

To successfully restore, you need to understand how one or another option works. First you should try running Windows in . Using it, you can perform a “clean” boot, without activating additional drivers and software. A failure can occur not only in Windows itself. Most likely, this is an error with a driver installed later, or with some application. If safe mode does not solve the problem, you can proceed directly to recovery.

This feature recently appeared in Windows 10 and has already proven itself well. This is something similar to a hard reset on Android smartphones (Windows returns to factory settings). You can start the process in several ways:

  1. Click on the notifications icon and click on the “All settings” tile.

  1. Click on the “Update and Security” tile.

  1. In order to return Windows 10 to factory settings, click on the “Restore” entry, and on the right side, click on the “Start” button.

There is another opportunity to get into this menu, we’ll talk about it below. There we will also tell you what to do if Windows 10 does not start and you cannot get into the rollback settings. Once the “Start” button is clicked, you will be offered two options to reset Windows 10. You can return the system to its original state and still keep all user data, or permanently delete everything and reinstall the OS completely.

You can get into this mode even without logging in. To do this, on the Windows login screen, hold down the Shift button and restart the PC.

A menu will appear in which we need to select the item indicated in the screenshot.

All that remains is to click “Return the computer to its original state.”

On the next screen we will again be offered the choice of saving or deleting user data.

After this, our system will reboot and the recovery process will begin.

We just need to wait until Windows prepares all the necessary files.

Once again we will be asked to choose a recovery option: we will do a “clean” reinstallation, so click “Just delete my files.”

“Ten” will notify you that all data will be deleted. We agree and click on “Return to original state”.

The recovery procedure may take a long time. Sometimes many times more than if we reinstalled the system from a flash drive. By the way, you can read about how to do this.

After clicking the “Clear” button, the installation of Windows 10 will begin.

  1. We select the location we need.

  1. We decide on the system language.

  1. We agree to the Microsoft license and click the “Accept” button.

  1. Select the type of use of the system.

  1. Select the authorization method. You can use a Microsoft account, sign up for one, or sign in to a local account.

Once the process is complete, the computer will be returned to its original state. In other words, it will be as if only after installing the operating system. In some cases, you may need to install drivers.

The advantages of automatic system recovery include the ease of use of the tool and the absence of the need to have bootable media.

On laptops and computers that had Windows 10 pre-installed, returning to its original state involves installing all the necessary drivers (there is a special partition for storing them on the disk).

Using a recovery disk

A recovery disk is a medium that contains all the necessary data for reincarnation or complete recovery of the OS and system files. Let's look at the algorithm for creating a Windows 10 recovery disk. Below are step-by-step instructions with screenshots. Begin.

  1. Open the system parameters using the search tool. It is located on the left side of the taskbar. Enter the name in the search field.

  1. In the search bar of Windows settings, write the word “Disk” and select the tool we need in the search results.

  1. If, when creating a disk, we check the box next to the item marked in the screenshot, in the future we can not only fix the OS, but also reinstall it again, copying all user data.

  1. Select the disk on which the recovery image will be written and click “Next”.

  1. Windows will notify us that all files on the flash drive will be deleted. We agree and click “Create”.

  1. After automatic recovery preparation is completed, disk creation will begin. The process may take quite a bit of your time.

Using our recovery disk you can:

  • restore the previous state of the computer from a backup copy;
  • use the rollback to restore point mode;
  • apply automatic recovery mode at system startup;
  • use command line;
  • Perform a complete restore of Windows 10 from an image.

The drive, the creation of which we described, is even more convenient than a simple installation flash drive. After all, using the latter, you need to configure Windows 10 every time, and a system restored from a copy requires virtually no configuration and is immediately ready to work.

Rollback the OS using a full image

Ten has the ability to perform a complete backup of the entire system. Below we will look at how to create an image and how to restore the OS from it, for example, after failures that occurred due to the fact that the computer was not started correctly. Each step of the step-by-step instructions will be accompanied by a screenshot for clarity.

This option differs from the one described above in that we create a complete snapshot of the existing operating system with drivers, user files, etc. Using this image, you can restore the system and immediately start using it - you don’t have to do any additional actions. It is best to make a backup as soon as the system is installed, configured and, in general, brought to a working state. But in no case when it is already starting to slow down due to clutter.

Let's start creating a complete image of the existing Windows 10:

  1. Open the control panel using Windows search (click the magnifying glass icon, enter a search query and click on the result).

  1. In the search field of the control panel, write “File history” and click on the result.

  1. Now in the lower left corner click on the inscription indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Go to “Create a system image”.

  1. Now you can proceed directly to creating the image. There are three options for saving it. We can burn a backup to a hard drive, split it into several DVDs, or specify a target network folder. Let's use the first option. Click on “Next”.

  1. Let’s get down to business – click on “Archive”. The system tells us that this may require around 46GB.

  1. The creation of the archive has begun. Depending on the amount of data and PC performance, it may take different times.

  1. When the backup is complete, you will see the following window. Click “Close”.

In the future, the system can be restored from this image. To do this, when installing the OS from a flash drive or disk, select the recovery mode and specify the image created above. The system will unpack the archive to drive C and will be ready for use. This is much more convenient, if only because the OS no longer needs to be configured, drivers and software installed: you just sit down and start having fun or working.

How to create a restore point in Windows 10

Restore points in version 10 of Microsoft's OS work exactly the same as in versions 7 and 8. With their help, you can return the system to a specified point in its life and fix the problem that arose after the checkpoint was created. In order for us to roll back the system to a restore point, we need to enable their creation. We do the following:

  1. Go to the control panel (we described how to do this in Windows 10 above). Next, write “Recovery” in the search bar and click on the result indicated in the screenshot.

  1. In the next window, click “System Recovery Settings”.

  1. In our case, automatic creation of rollback points is disabled. Let's fix this - select "Customize".

  1. Activate the automatic creation of control points and click “OK”.

Now, whenever you change Windows settings, recovery checkpoints will be created automatically. You can also make manual checkpoints here - this is necessary before any serious step, for example, installing a suspicious program.

When you need to apply one of the points and fix the system, go to the control panel, namely “Run System Restore,” and restore the copy. If Windows does not start, there is another option. Boot from the installation flash drive or disk and select system recovery mode there.

Restoring the bootloader using the command line

Despite the fact that working with the command line is a method more intended for professionals, each of you can use it. The main thing is to follow our instructions exactly.

  1. Initially, install the bootable media into the PC slot and boot from it. In the window that appears, click on the item indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Next, click on the tile called “Troubleshooting.”

  1. Select “Command Line”.

  1. Now you can run the utility to restore the master boot record. To do this, enter the command bootrec.exe C:\Windows into the black screen (specify the drive letter on which your system is installed) and press Enter.

The system will inform us that the disks were successfully created - the master boot record has been restored.

Comment. To work correctly with operators, you need to know the name of the disks installed in the system. Such names are individual and in most cases do not coincide.

Registry restoration

The operating system registry is periodically saved in the directory indicated in the screenshot.

To create a copy of the registry, copy these files and save them. You can restore data by moving it back and replacing it. Naturally, to do this you need to have administrator rights.

Error 0x80070091 during system restore

Users are increasingly asking why error 0x80070091 occurs when working with restore points. This is due to a system update and will be fixed later with the next patch. You won't be able to fix the error yourself.

Let's sum it up

Now we know how to roll back Windows 10 and perform an advanced recovery. There are many options for this and they are all effective. When used correctly, they are enough to fix any problem in the operation or startup of the operating system. There are also additional programs that can reset Windows 10 to factory settings, for example, Aomei OneKey Recovery. This can be the same Acronis or a backup image provided by the computer or laptop manufacturer. But you shouldn’t discount the tools in Windows 10 – their functionality is enough to solve any problem.

Let's try to restore Windows 10 and deal with the many options in order of increasing complexity. Actually, they have a lot in common: in all cases, without exception, except for a full restore of Windows 10, we will need a backup copy.

To begin with - the most important files and documents, and ideally - the entire system disk... To ensure the reliability of the system, we need to secure the most important disk - the first, system, as well as our user information, that is, documents. You can do this in several ways:

  1. Resetting your computer to its original state
  2. Using File History
  3. Using restore points
  4. From the system image
  5. Using a disk

How to restore Windows 10 to its original state

The first thing you need to pay attention to when you want to restore Windows 10 to its original state is the “Restore” function. To do this, open Settings >> Update & Security >> Recovery and click the "Start" button.

There are two options available here. Restore the computer to its original state. “Reset” with the removal of all installed programs, with or without saving personal files. This last resort should be used in emergencies... and if you have a backup copy of all valuable information.

The last item of this menu offers a clean installation of Windows using the new Refresh program - this is the same reset, only with the subsequent reinstallation of Windows 10 from the “distribution” automatically downloaded from the network. We will use this method only in cases where a regular “reset” is impossible.

In both cases, first take care of backing up your documents and photos - unless, of course, they are stored in the cloud or on a separate disk. Remember: a system reset only affects the main, system drive; all other drives in your system remain safe.

Recovery disk

If the computer refuses to start, then the installation disk or recovery disk that we created earlier will come to our aid (Read: How to create a Windows 10 recovery disk). To start from removable media, you need to make some settings. Using the boot menu, set to boot from USB Flash Disk, only then will we be able to boot from the disk.

Once in the recovery environment, you will be faced with multiple tasks, even rolling back to the initial state if other methods do not help.

Recovery Mode Windows 10

Restore point

Creating "restore points", that is, backup copies of configuration files and important system files. They take up little space, but will allow you to revive the system in the vast majority of cases. Windows periodically (usually when installing new programs) creates snapshots of the system state. And if you have several such “points” at your disposal, you can return the system “back to the past.” And not until the birth of life on your computer, but just a day or two ago, until the “glitch” appeared.

To do this, we need to head to the old System Restore menu in Control Panel (System and Security section) - you already know that the easiest way to get to it is by typing the word “Recovery” in the search bar.

Click on the line “Run system restore” - a “calendar” will open in front of us, which will list all the restore points. And at the same time - the programs before the installation of which they were created. And if you know for sure that your system was “ruined” by a video card driver, you can simply find its name in the list and roll back to the date before its installation.

One subtlety: by default, the “restore point” system in Windows 10 is disabled. And if you are going to use it, then the first time you start a computer with a “fresh” system, you need to turn it on and configure it. This is done in the System Recovery Settings menu: note that it is enabled separately for each disk on your computer (if you have several of them on your computer, I recommend limiting it to the system one only). In addition, you can configure the amount of disk space allocated for storing “points” - the more space you allocate, the more “points” the system can save.

The Windows 10 recovery procedure is reversible: in case of failure, you can easily return the system to its previous state

Using File History

It is better to store documents and photos in the “cloud” from the very beginning, that is, not in folders on the Desktop, as we are used to, but in storage devices such as Dropbox or OneDrive (if this is more convenient for you, create a “shortcut” for these folders on the Desktop) . See How to use cloud storage.

If you don’t trust the Network, store them in special Documents folders, and enable OneDrive Backup in the system settings, and if you have a separate drive (for example, an external USB hard drive), use Backup using File histories.

Unfortunately, this method only protects your information, but not system files; it will not help restore Windows 10 after a failure.

If Windows stops loading, you can use standard utilities to restore correct operation.

One of the main nightmares of computer lovers is to encounter a situation where they cannot turn on the device. The operating system starts to load, but eventually displays a message like: “Windows updates could not be configured, changes are being discarded, do not turn off the computer.” After which nothing new happens - the software cannot be restored, and downloading stubbornly does not help. The best antivirus for Windows 10 The best antivirus for Windows 10 Viruses and all kinds of spyware are the most common causes of PC problems. Let's figure out how to defend ourselves. More details

System recovery tools

Before the release of Windows 7, this situation turned into numerous dances with a tambourine, and often a complete reinstallation of the operating system. Now everything is different, and often the problem is solved with standard tools from Microsoft, which do not even need to be specially installed. The task comes down to being aware, in principle, that such a toolkit exists, as well as simply remembering it when something “irreparable” suddenly happens.

The trick is that when you boot your computer, even before the Windows boot icons appear, you have time to get into the advanced parameters of this very boot, where you will be able to run diagnostics and, if necessary, restore the system to the selected checkpoint. In Windows 7, when booting, you had to press the F8 function key, and then select the “Troubleshoot” option (although in rare cases, the “Last Known Known Configuration” option saved the day).

More Windows 7 download options

Once in the “System Recovery Options” menu, in most cases one of the first two options became a salvation. “Startup Repair” could save the operating system automatically, and “System Restore” required you to manually select a checkpoint to which the rollback would be made.

Windows 7 System Recovery Options

Backup of Windows 10 Backup of Windows 10 To ensure that if the operating system malfunctions, you can restore it to its original state, you must make a recovery disk in advance. Read more Microsoft would be cheating on itself if, with the update of its brainchild, it left all the useful tools as before. Restoring the Windows 10 system is carried out by pressing the “hot keys” Shift + F8, and, unlike “seven”, you need to press this combination very, very quickly, since the operating system itself began to load much faster.

Windows 10 Boot Options

The appearance of the rescue menu has also undergone changes. Having selected “Diagnostics”, in the “Advanced options” there are the already familiar “System Restore” and “Startup Repair” (only in a different order). There is also a “Return to previous build” option if you upgraded to “ten” from one of the previous versions of Windows.

Windows 10 Advanced Boot Options

If automatic recovery doesn't work

Restoring a Windows system to one of the previous checkpoints is not a difficult task. It is only important that these points themselves exist in the system, because sometimes users themselves manually disable their creation, at the same time deleting existing ones. It really makes sense to periodically clear old control points, since they take up a lot of space. But giving up restore points altogether is a risky proposition. Secure Internet via DNS Secure Internet via DNS How to navigate the Internet without getting viruses? Secure DNS servers will help. Learn more To make sure that your restore points are automatically created or to make changes to the corresponding settings, you need to select the “Large icons” (or Small, but not Categories) icon display in the “Options” window and select the “Recovery” item. There, select “System recovery settings”, check whether protection is enabled and, if necessary, use the “Configure” button. Here you can manually create a point for subsequent recovery.

Recovering your Windows 10 computer

Windows 10 restore points

If we have restore points, then using the method described earlier, that is, using the built-in Windows system recovery tools, you can quickly roll back to an earlier state of the computer without losing important files.

Creating a Windows 10 recovery image

In extreme cases, you will have to restore the system to its original state or to a previously created system image. It is advisable to create a “System Image” and a “System Repair Disk” in a working state of the operating system, after you have installed all the applications you need. This is all done through the same “Control Panel” (aka “Settings”), when viewing by “Categories”, selecting “Backup and Restore (Windows 7)”. Here you can restore the operating system to a previously created image if the computer still boots, but has no longer worked as it should. Limiting Windows 10 tracking Limiting Windows 10 tracking With each release of the operating system, Microsoft requests more and more information from users. But you can moderate her appetites. More details

Restoring a laptop to factory settings

If standard tools do not help, and you do not have a disk or USB device with a recovery image, then laptop owners can use hot keys to launch the built-in recovery utility. Some models may even have a separate key for these purposes, for example, OneKey Recovery from Lenovo, but this is rather an exception. In other cases, it is important to know which hotkey is for your laptop, since it tends to differ among manufacturers.

Hotkeys for laptop manufacturers:

F3 – MSI; F4 – Samsung; F8 – Fujitsu Siemens; F8 - Toshiba; F9 - ASUS; F10 - Sony VAIO; F10 - Packard Bell; F11 - HP Pavilion; F11 - LG; F11 - Lenovo ThinkPad; Alt+F10 - Acer (before this select in BIOS - Disk-to-Disk (D2D)); Ctrl+F11 - Dell Inspiron; Hold - Rover.

Factory Utility will restore the device to its original condition, as if it had just come from the store. This will delete all programs with settings, all files, including favorite photos, which it makes sense to store in cloud services just for such cases. However, the device will be able to work again, and in some cases this method will simply help prepare the laptop for subsequent resale or transfer to relatives.

Five Windows 10 System Recovery Methods (Step-by-Step Guides)

Windows 10, like earlier operating systems, may be susceptible, for example, to virus attacks or system errors. In this regard, specialists from Microsoft have provided their Windows 10 with special built-in functions so that you can quickly restore the operating system, allowing you to effectively return it to a working state. Among these tools, the new product contains, as well as methods that have already been tested over the years, for resuscitating the OS, for example, using a pre-created recovery point or recording an image of the entire OS on an external drive, but also some improved methods have been introduced, such as creating a USB specifically for the possibility of recovery.

This article describes in detail for Windows 10 five methods to ensure quick recovery when system failures occur. The first three methods should be used when not particularly difficult situations arise, and the last two will effectively help even in cases where it is impossible to boot the system. The option of a clean installation of the system will not be considered here, since it already refers to cardinal methods and even in its essence can no longer be called a recovery method, since the OS will be installed “from scratch” (with formatting the system partition of the hard drive) .

Method 1: Using a recovery point

It is envisaged that in automatic mode, Windows 10, like its previous versions, creates points at certain intervals for the possibility of its recovery. But at any time the user can always save such a point in manual mode. For example, before making any important adjustments to the system or before installing applications and special software.

The main advantage of method 1 is that after the procedure, all information on the user’s computer is saved and only software installed after the restore point date will be deleted.

If the user is interested in the question: “How to restore the OS using 1 method?”, then the algorithm of actions is as follows:

Method 2: Restore to factory state

The Ten has added a feature that allows you to return your PC to factory settings. This method provides the ability to perform a total system rollback or without affecting the personal information of the owner stored on the computer.

How to restore the OS using the reset function? To do this, you need to perform the following sequential steps:

Method 3: Using the file backup function

In Windows 10, there is a convenient “File History” function, with which the user can independently or by setting automatic execution in the settings, create backup copies of information stored on the PC. To do this, you just need to enable this setting and show what exactly needs to be reserved. The time interval after which copies of files should be created is specified in the settings. This, in the event of failures or errors in the OS, will allow you to quickly and without investing much effort, return your information and resume full-fledged work with them.

Method 4: through creating a USB disk

In cases where the OS does not start at all, the first three methods will not help. In this case, you will need to use the recovery disk, which allows you to use additional boot options.

The algorithm of actions consists of the following stages:

Method 5: Using bootable media with Windows 10

If you do not have a previously created recovery disk and if you cannot boot your PC, you will need to use bootable media with Windows 10 to restore the system. Bootable (installation) media is created on a USB flash drive or DVD.

The sequence of steps performed is as follows:

Windows 10 System Restore

  • 1 Create a photo
  • 2 Restoring
  • 3 If it doesn't load

Windows 10 is under continuous testing. This means that errors appear periodically. It’s no wonder that restoring Windows 10 in such conditions is a necessary process. Problems arise due to updates being implemented by developers. After all, this whole bunch of applications and equipment that exist on the market must be adapted to the requirements of the new operating system.

Create a photo

You can imagine that returning the computer to its previous state is a time jump. Windows 10, in spite of our desire, automatically photographs its configuration. Such memory fragments have important files and drivers in running versions. So, it is very important for Windows 10 to take a photo of itself before installing any software. The user can do this operation independently.

To do this, click on the Start menu and select Control Panel.

After this, you need to click on System.

Go to a new window and click on System Protection.

We check such a parameter as the partition for which Windows 10 recovery is enabled. Place the cursor on this partition, select it and click Configure.

In the next window you need to check the box next to Enable system protection. It is recommended to allocate around 15% to store all our recovery points. Next you need to click OK.

Having realized that the recovery point is being created on drive C, we begin this process.

We restore

So, let's say something bad happened. For example, a virus got onto your computer or a new program greatly affected its operation. In this case, a rollback to previous snapshots is used.

Click the Restore button in the System Properties window.

See also: What's the catch in upgrading to Windows 10

Windows 10 will then prompt us to select any snapshot. For example, we can choose the one we created ourselves.

If it doesn't load

And if everything is really bad, and Windows 10 doesn’t even boot, then you can try to restore it by first inserting a boot disk. Such a disc can be created on the basis of DVD media. For this purpose, regular Windows tools will help us.

  • Click the Start button.
  • Then select Control Panel.
  • Next, click on System and its maintenance.
  • Then select Backup and Restore.

On the left side of this window there will be a command to Create a system repair disk. You just need to follow the instructions. Naturally, such operations must be done first, even before fatal problems with the computer begin. Once you have created a disk, you need to use it wisely.

  • Insert the disc into the DVD drive of the sick computer.
  • We reboot the machine using a special button on the case.
  • If boot from disk is not set, then go to the BIOS and display boot from DVD up in the Boot menu.
  • In the loaded menu, you need to select the recovery option and click Next.

That's all, as you can see, there is nothing to be afraid of computer failures. There are both automatic saves and manual methods for archiving the entire work of the software. If you do everything correctly, then you just need to click a few buttons a couple of times and roll back to a working version of Windows 10. Windows 10 recovery will always save us.

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Windows 10 Recovery

Let's try to restore Windows 10 and deal with the many options in order of increasing complexity. Actually, they have a lot in common: in all cases, without exception, except for a full restore of Windows 10, we will need a backup copy.

To begin with, the most important files and documents, and ideally the entire system drive... To ensure the reliability of the system, you and I need to secure the most important drive - the first, system drive, as well as our user information, that is, documents. Restoring Windows 10 can be done in several ways:

  1. Resetting your computer to its original state
  2. Using File History
  3. Using restore points
  4. From the system image
  5. Using a recovery disk

How to restore Windows 10 to its original state

The first thing you need to pay attention to when you want to restore Windows 10 to its original state is the “Restore” function. To do this, open Settings >> Update & Security >> Recovery and click the "Start" button.

Here we are offered two options. Restore the computer to its original state. “Reset” the system with the removal of all installed programs, with or without saving personal files. This last resort should only be used in emergencies... and if you have a backup copy of all valuable information.

Special download options. Finally, other system recovery operations can be performed by rebooting the computer in a special “recovery” mode - we will return to this later.

The last item of this menu offers a clean installation of Windows using the new Refresh program - this is the same reset, only with the subsequent reinstallation of Windows 10 from the “distribution” automatically downloaded from the network. We will use this method only in cases where a regular “reset” is impossible.

In both cases, first take care of backing up your documents and photos - unless, of course, they are stored in the “cloud”, as I advised you, or on a separate disk. Remember: a system reset only affects the main, system drive; all other drives in your system remain safe.

Recovery disk

If the computer refuses to start, then the installation disk or recovery disk that we created earlier will come to our aid. See: How to create a Windows 10 recovery drive. To start from removable media, you need to make some settings. We need to use the boot menu to boot from the USB Flash Disk, only then will we be able to boot from the recovery disk.

Once in the recovery environment, you will be faced with multiple tasks to restore the system, even rolling back to the initial state if other methods do not help.

Windows 10 Recovery Mode

You can roll back to a previous “restore point” even if the computer does not boot at all. In such cases, after several boot failures, the computer automatically boots into a special Windows 10 recovery mode, from where you can “get to the bottom” of any saved “snapshot”.

How to start recovery mode? Restart your computer and use special commands: Settings >> Update and Recovery >> Recovery >> Special boot options. If you see this picture after restarting your computer, you can first try clicking on the first item and continue loading as usual. If this does not work, we have a direct path to the Troubleshooting section.

In this menu we will find many useful commands that will help us in case of failure. For example, loading in Safe Mode, with a minimum of commands and add-ons. In Safe Mode you will have to make do with only standard drivers and programs... but that's what we need! This mode can be used if the system freezes at the very last stage of boot, after the logo appears and disappears from the screen. Most often, this happens due to problems with drivers or some programs in the Startup Menu - they will not start in safe mode, so you can, with some experience, catch and remove them. But the most important section with recovery tools will open to you when you press the F10 key.

This gives us access to boot management, an incredibly powerful tool that will come to your aid in case of all sorts of errors. Here the system will offer you a “reset” to a clean system state - either preserving your personal files and settings, or completely. Of course, this method is too radical for simple failures - it will correct errors, that’s certain, but it will casually destroy all programs installed on the computer. Well, let’s leave this recipe for the most extreme case and click on the link Additionally: there’s another one in store for us "first aid kit".

This is much more interesting: first, we can try to fix boot problems (if there are any) - the Startup Repair tool will help us with this. It does not affect our personal data or installed programs, checking the integrity of system files and a number of drivers. Alas, this repairman will not help us with the most severe failures, but it’s worth at least trying.

The Windows 10 System Restore tool will allow you to roll back to a saved “restore point” (we’ll talk about them below). Let me remind you that such “points” with a snapshot of the registry and other important system files are created automatically when installing new programs... But you can do this manually - say, some potentially dangerous software.

Finally, the Boot Options menu will allow you to reboot in "safe mode" without running most device drivers and programs from the startup list. This can help you with problems with video card drivers or antivirus: potentially, they are the ones that most often “freeze” the system at startup.

As you can see, the Boot Menu is powerful enough to fix most problems with Windows 10 - although I sincerely hope you never have to see it on your screen.

And at the same time, I’ll remind you of my favorite method of resurrecting a system from the dead in case of the most severe failures, up to a complete failure of the hard drive - restoring from an image, a backup saved on another hard drive (best of all, an external one). I’ll say right away that Windows itself can create such “images,” and it’s not for nothing that the Image Recovery command is included in the boot menu. But this is exactly the case when you should, without hesitation, choose a separate program for this work, be it the free Rescue Kit on Paragon or the talented in all respects, but hopelessly paid Acronis True Image.

Restoring Windows 10 from a system image

If we have a copy of the system image, then when the time comes to restore Windows 10 from the image, it will not be difficult and we can restore the computer in a few minutes and at the same time we will not have to install all the programs. In order to restore the system partition from an image, you need to start the computer in the recovery environment: Settings >> Update and Recovery >> Recovery >> Special boot options.

After entering the account password, you will need to select the image from which the system distribution will be restored.

After simple manipulations, the system will warn: All data on the restored disks will be replaced with data from the system image. Click "Yes" and wait for the process to complete. After restarting the computer, you will see that the system looks the same as you did when you created the image. See the article: How to create a Windows 10 image.

Restore point

Creating "restore points", that is, backup copies of configuration files and important system files. They take up little space, but will allow you to revive the system in the vast majority of cases. Windows periodically (usually when installing new programs) creates snapshots of the system state. And if you have several such “points” at your disposal, you can return the system “back to the past.” And not until the birth of life on your computer, but just a day or two ago, until the “glitch” appeared.

To do this, we need to head to the old System Restore menu in Control Panel (System and Security section) - you already know that the easiest way to get to it is by typing the word “Recovery” in the search bar.

Click on the line “Run system restore” - a “calendar” will open in front of us, which will list all the restore points. And at the same time - the programs before the installation of which they were created. And if you know for sure that your system was “ruined” by a video card driver, you can simply find its name in the list and roll back to the date before its installation.

One subtlety: by default, the “restore point” system in Windows 10 is disabled. And if you are going to use it, then the first time you start a computer with a “fresh” system, you need to turn it on and configure it. This is done in the System Recovery Settings menu: note that it is enabled separately for each disk on your computer (if you have several of them on your computer, I recommend limiting it to the system one only). In addition, you can configure the amount of disk space allocated for storing “points” - the more space you allocate, the more “points” the system can save.

Using the same menu, you can create a Restore Point manually (although the configuration is automatically “backed up” by the system after installing important updates or programs, so you have to resort to this operation less and less often). See article: Restore Point in Windows 10

The Windows 10 recovery procedure is reversible: in case of failure, you can easily return the system to its previous state

Using File History

It is better to store documents and photos in the “cloud” from the very beginning, that is, not in folders on the Desktop, as we are used to, but in storage devices such as Dropbox or OneDrive (if this is more convenient for you, create a “shortcut” for these folders on the Desktop) . See How to use cloud storage.

If you don’t trust the Network, store them in special Documents folders, and enable OneDrive Backup in the system settings, and if you have a separate drive (for example, an external USB hard drive), use Backup using File History.

Unfortunately, this method only protects your information, but not system files; it will not help restore Windows 10 after a failure.

If your Windows 10 PC is running slow or you're regularly experiencing errors and crashes, the easiest solution is to reset your PC to default settings, removing all your programs, files, and anything else that might be causing problems. This method is especially good if all other attempts have failed, but there is no installation disk with the OS and it is not possible to restore functionality in other ways. You'll learn basic PC recovery techniques: using the built-in Windows 10 tool through the Advanced Boot menu, as well as system image recovery so you can return your Windows 10 system to its original state in the future.

Method 1: Factory reset Windows 10

Click Start and type Recovery. Click "Restore to original state". A reset window will open in which you can select several options. If you're experiencing problems that you didn't have in Windows 7, 8, or 8.1, and you upgraded to Windows 10 less than a month ago, you can go back to your old OS. If you want to stay there, click "Start" under "Reset."

A dialog box will appear with two choices.

  1. Reset Windows 10

    This option will remove all programs on the computer, but will not affect other files such as documents and user settings. It will also remove programs you downloaded from the Internet, but any apps you installed from the Windows Store will be reinstalled. This is a convenient way to get your computer back to its previous state if it's not working properly and you don't want to have to restore files.

  2. delete everything
The Delete All option does the same thing as the previous option, but it will also delete all of your files. This is the best way to restore your computer to factory condition without going back to the old operating system. This option works the same as a clean installation of Windows 10. If your computer originally came with Windows 10, then this will keep the programs that originally came with your PC.

NOTE: If you use any of these options (disabling the latter), you will lose the ability to revert to Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 in the future.

Method 2: Using an OS image

If you don't want to reinstall your OS now, but think you might want to in the future, it's worth backing up your OS in case it produces errors in the future. Thanks to this, you will have a ready-to-install image of your files, settings and applications. This is a convenient way to restore an operating system from an image to its current state at any time in the future.

To do this, click the "Search" menu and enter "Recovery." Click "Recovery" and wait until the download is complete. Click "Create a recovery disk" and follow the wizard's instructions.

You will be given the choice of where to place this image on your hard drive, optical drive, or network. Once you select the drive, click Next and then Start Backup. The image will be created. Now let's look at how to restore Windows if you already have it.

To use your OS image, go back to the reset menu we used earlier. This time, click Restart Now under Advanced Startup.

When your computer restarts, you will be given the option to reinstall Windows from the system image you created.

This is probably the best option as it returns the OS to the state you created the image in. Keep in mind that this option will delete all files created after the OS image, so make sure you have a backup of your information before doing this.

Using System Restore

System Restore is a way to undo changes using rollback points, allowing you to return system files and settings to an earlier point in time without affecting users' personal files. System Restore uses a feature called system protection that regularly creates and stores information about your PC's drivers, programs, registry, system files, and settings as rollback points.
If you can't solve problems with Windows 10, you can perform a Windows Rollback to return your system to Windows to an earlier point, called a checkpoint.

Note: To perform a rollback, you must be logged into the OS as an administrator.

In the search, enter “Recovery” and select the appropriate item from the search results.

When you run the rollback process, the OS will automatically create a checkpoint before continuing so you can undo the changes if necessary.

If you booted Windows in Safe Mode, a checkpoint will not be created until the recovery continues. In this situation, you will not be able to cancel the rollback process.

Windows 10 System Restore at Startup

Now you will learn how to perform a system restore on Windows 10 at boot via BIOS:

Now you know how to boot into advanced boot mode through the BIOS and start the OS recovery procedure.

How to restore Windows using a boot disk or flash drive?

Many users know how to reinstall the OS, but few people know how to restore Windows from bootable media.
To start the recovery process, boot from the installation media. After loading, a window will appear asking you to select a language. Click “Next” and in the next window click on the “Recovery” link.

A similar advanced boot menu will launch.

If Windows 10 suddenly suffered a critical failure and stopped loading, the best way out of this situation may be to roll back to a restore point. Even if there is a system backup on a non-system partition, created using backup software, it will be of little use if you don’t have a boot disk with the appropriate program at hand.

Restoring the operating system by returning to the initial settings - preserving user files, but losing installed programs and system settings - is too radical a step, which should be taken only after attempts to roll back to a restore point have failed.

How to roll back Windows 10 to a restore point if the computer won't boot?

Recovery environment

As in the two previous versions of the platform, a special recovery environment is provided for resuscitation of Windows 10, implemented in the form of a menu for selecting various actions on a blue screen background.

In fact, this environment is an analogue of the menu for additional boot methods, which is familiar to many who have encountered problems starting Windows 7. This menu in the seventh version of the system is called up when the computer boots by pressing the F8 key. Among the Windows 10 recovery environment tools, there is also the ability to roll back the system.

So, we have a computer with the system protection function enabled, which provides the ability to roll back to one of the restore points in the event of unwanted changes. The Windows 10 protection feature is active by default, and if it was not intentionally disabled, the system can be returned to the state captured in one of the restore points. These must be created, if not manually by the user, then at least automatically by some kind of software.

How to get to the recovery environment?

If the computer is still able to boot, you can get into this environment by holding down the Shift key and pressing the system restart button.

In a situation where the computer does not boot at all, you can try to get into the recovery environment by holding down the Shift+F8 keys while the system boots. But achieving the desired goal will not be easy. Few people manage to press these keys at the right time due to the reduced boot time of the latest versions of Windows. As soon as the computer starts to boot, you need to quickly press the Shift key, and then frantically fiddle with the F8 key. After training, perhaps the efforts of some will be rewarded.

It is much easier to enter this environment either through an installation disk or a specially created recovery disk.

Below we will consider both of these options and roll back the “ten” to the recovery point.

Using the Windows 10 installation disc

It doesn’t matter which installation DVD (or flash drive) is on hand - with the same edition of Windows 10 that is installed on the computer, or with a different one, in any of these cases the issue with access to the recovery environment is resolved. Moreover, for these purposes you can use the Windows 8.1 installation disk or even the test edition of Insider Preview, which is available completely free of charge on the Microsoft website.

Insert the installation DVD with either Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 into your computer's drive, or connect a bootable USB flash drive if the distribution package is stored on it. In the BIOS, set to boot from the appropriate media. Click "Next" in the first window of the system installer.

Select "System Restore" at the bottom of the window.

The same recovery environment will appear in front of us, in the menu of which we need to select one or another action. We need a diagnostic section.

Click "Advanced options".

Select Windows 10 if, as in my case, you have two operating systems installed on your computer.

The system rollback process to the restore point will begin. Click “Next”.

In the window for selecting recovery points, you need to check the option to show other points. Then we will be able to choose a suitable date - not too old to restore Windows to the most current state, but not too recent, when problems may have already existed. Select the optimal point and click “Next”.

Click “Finish”.

We confirm the decision to roll back the system.

Once the process is complete, reboot.

Not every system rollback process to a restore point can be completed successfully. But I was lucky - everything went very well. Welcome to the restored system.

Creating a Windows 10 Recovery Disc

If you don’t have an installation disk with system versions 8.1 or 10 at hand, you can’t do without involving a second computer device in solving the problem. And instead of waiting for the image with the distribution to be downloaded from the Internet, it’s easier to create a Windows 10 recovery disk using its standard tools. Naturally, this requires that the same Windows 10 be installed on the second computer device. In general, the availability of such a disk must be taken care of in advance. This way, the resuscitation disk, recorded on a flash drive, will always be there for you if problems arise with loading your computer.

To create a recovery disk, go to the control panel. The shortest way to it is to call the context menu on the Start button.

At the top of the control panel window (right) is the search field. Enter a key query in it to search for the recovery partition and select this partition.

We need the first function - “Create a recovery disk”.

The system will warn you that all existing data on the flash drive will be destroyed. Click “Create”.

The recovery disk is ready.

Now enable booting from the desired media in the BIOS - from a flash drive. After loading, you will see the same recovery environment designed to resuscitate the operating system. Further steps will be exactly the same as in the previous case.

In what cases can you not roll back Windows 10 to a restore point?

As already mentioned, the Windows rollback process may not always complete successfully, and this applies not only to situations involving the recovery environment, but also when we are talking about the usual launch of this process in the system properties window. If viruses damage important recovery point files, most likely the only way out of the situation may be, if not reinstalling the system, then at least restoring it with the loss of all settings and programs.

Sometimes it will not be possible to successfully roll back an operating system using a recovery environment because the recovery functionality itself has been removed. And this, by the way, is one of the reasons why you should not use homemade Windows builds. Often the latter are designed only for installing Windows from scratch, without the possibility of recovery. The system recovery functionality is cut out by assemblers, supposedly for the purpose of optimization. In this case, it will not always be possible to revive the operating room even with the help of third-party Live disks. But even in the case of a pirated build of Windows with reduced functionality, various kinds of problems can be foreseen by stocking up on a backup copy of the system and bootable media in advance using third-party backup programs. — link

List of keyboard shortcuts for restoring laptops to factory settings

Most laptops have the operating system and drivers in a special hidden partition and do not need a disk for reinstallation at all. When booting, just press the key to enter the system recovery menu. I propose to compile a list of hot keys for laptop mods, this will help many.

  • Acer - Alt+F10(previously enter the laptop's Bios and enable the D2D Recovery function)
  • HP pavilion; LG - F10, F11
  • Packard Bell - F10
  • Dell inspiron- as soon as the splash screen appears, you need to click Ctrl+F11
  • Dell XPS: F8 or F9.
  • ASUS- as soon as the ASUS splash screen appears, you need to click F9
  • Sony vaio - F10 or button ASSIST
  • Fujitsu Siemens - F8
  • Rover- when turning on, press and hold Alt
  • LG-F11 while loading. The LG Recovery Center window should open.
  • Samsung - F4
  • Lenovo ThinkPad: F11.
  • MSI - F3.
  • Toshiba - F8.
  • Packard Bell - F10.

Complete description of Acer eRecovery

Before the recovery procedure, please note that the Disk-to-Disk (D2D) function is enabled in the BIOS; for those who have it, enable the Quick Boot function (displaying the OEM logo), or better yet, simply return the BIOS settings to default (Exit tab item Load Default Setup).

There is a hidden partition on the laptop hard drive for this purpose. If you managed to remove it, you will have to contact the service center.
If the hidden partition is not deleted, then after booting from it and restoring the OS, we simultaneously discover that all the information accumulated by the user has disappeared. Therefore, before the recovery procedure, important data must be saved on another medium.

Do some laptops come with a disc? It's usually called "Reanimator" or something like that. If you install the system using this resuscitator, then the hidden partition with the “Recovery” utility should be restored, but when using this disk, all data from the screw will be lost, since the resuscitator formats everything completely.

If you reinstalled the system, the Alt + f10 combination will not work. If you installed another HDD, does the system recovery key function now not work? Because the recovery occurs from a hidden partition of the hard drive, but this partition does not exist on the new hard drive.

How to restore the system on a Lenovo laptop?

We offer you brief instructions on how to restore the operating system in Lenovo IdeaPad laptops to its factory state. Why might this be needed? Well, firstly, all users sooner or later have a desire to start from scratch. Secondly, your system may experience a serious failure or it may be attacked by a virus, after which the OS stops loading. You need to understand that making a laptop look “like it came from a store” will erase all your data from your hard drive, so all important information needs to be copied somewhere before recovery.

If everything is ready and the data is safe, you can proceed. A program called Lenovo OneKey Rescue System will help us. It is installed on all Lenovo IdeaPad laptops (but not ThinkPads), and makes part of the hard drive invisible to the user, and there it stores the operating system as it came from the factory. To begin the recovery process, you must first turn off your laptop. And then turn it on again, but not with the standard button, but with the OneKey Rescue key. It is usually marked with a curled arrow and can be found on all IdeaPad laptops. On the IdeaPad Y460 the button looks like this:

Press the button and wait for the recovery shell to load.

As you can see, the OneKey system can even scan your hard drive for viruses. Moreover, you can create your own image of the system and all data, and in case of problems, restore from it. But now we will show you how to return the “factory” image of the system. To do this, select OneKey Recovery.

In the menu that opens, leave the option “Restore from original backup”.

The system will then ask you twice if you are sure. Think carefully because, I repeat, all data from the laptop will be deleted!

Here you can watch the recovery process. It will take 10-15 minutes, after which the program itself will prompt you to reboot. Congratulations, your laptop has been restored to “store like” condition :) Please note that along with a fresh copy of Windows you received all installed Lenovo drivers and programs. - link

P.S. And don’t forget that by restoring the system to factory settings (the ones before you took the new laptop out of the box) you format everything!