Restore Acer 4820tg to factory settings. Reset settings on Toshiba. Acer laptop factory settings

How to return a laptop to factory settings and why is it necessary? Such actions may be required in several situations, for example, if there are any glitches that interfere with the operation of the operating system, or if Windows is “clogged” unnecessary programs, old drivers and various components. Similar reasons can lead to the computer running much slower, and sometimes resetting the BIOS solves the problem of Windows locking.

When it is impossible to restore

How to return a laptop to factory settings if the operating system has been reinstalled? Unfortunately, in this case this cannot always be done. Many people reinstall their devices after purchasing them. operating system, included in the kit, along with this removing from hard drive files needed for recovery. If the hidden partition from the recovery is deleted, then you will not be able to reset the laptop to factory settings.

However, in such a situation there is a way out: for example, everything you need can be on the disks supplied with the device. You can search for images of recovery partitions on the Internet, in particular on torrents. In addition, a recovery disk is available for sale on the official websites of manufacturers.


Before you restore your laptop to factory settings, you need to know what this will lead to. First of all, everything user files are deleted, although in some cases only cleared system disk However, you must back up all important data. Secondly, system partition formatted, and the operating system is automatically reinstalled (programs and user drivers are removed), without the need to enter a key.

Drivers and programs preinstalled by the device manufacturer are automatically installed after the first start of the operating system. If the entire process is completed, the user will receive a laptop in its original software state, the same as it was purchased in the store. It can't solve just some problems. For example, if the device turned off due to overheating, then most likely, after restoring the BIOS to its factory state, this will continue.


Each manufacturer has its own BIOS recovery scheme. How to return an Acer laptop to factory settings? In fact, everything is much simpler than on computers from other companies; everything will take just a few minutes. First you need to turn off the computer, then turn it on while holding Alt key. At the same time, you should press F10 at a frequency of two clicks per second, after which the system will ask the user for a password. If this device has never been restored to factory settings in the past, the password is standard: six zeros (000000). Next, a menu will appear in which there will be an option to reset the settings to factory settings (in English version Factory reset).

However, there is another way to return a laptop to factory settings. Windows (7, Vista or higher) that comes with Acer devices has a special utility called eRecovery Management. It should be looked for in the programs preinstalled by the manufacturer. After startup, you need to use the "Recovery" tab.


Here is another company that supplies a bunch of unnecessary programs, which slow down and clutter up the operating system, but among them there is a utility similar to that described above from Acer, it is called OneKey Rescue System. But if you can’t log in, how can you return your laptop to factory settings? Lenovo has equipped its devices special buttons entering the BIOS environment, by the way, this is a feature of all laptops from this company: the BIOS loads only after pressing a button, no keyboard shortcuts.

The so-called Novo Button is a rather distinctive small round button with an icon round arrow, turned to the left. It is usually located next to the power button, but can be at the power input, and in the Yoga family of laptops it is located on the left side, between the headphone jack and the volume control.


So, when the button is found, you must first turn off the laptop, and then press the Novo Button instead of the power button. A menu will appear on the screen containing the System Recovery item.

This program will be useful if the user is interested in how to return a laptop to factory settings. Windows 7 and higher will also be able to create backup copies through the Lenovo utility. If there is one, you can roll back the system to it by selecting the appropriate item in the next menu. If there is no restore point, then click “Restore from original backup”.

The program has very user-friendly interface, intuitive even for a novice user. After the restoration is complete, you will need to re-enter all user data as after the purchase.

Then, having installed everything necessary drivers and programs, you can make a restore point and restore the system to it next time.


Almost everything modern devices, be it tablets, phones or laptops, are equipped with a hidden reset interface, and this manufacturer is no exception. How to return Dell laptop to factory settings?

They don’t have a “magic button” like Lenovo, but everything is not so difficult, even a beginner can handle it. First, you should turn off the computer, and after turning it on, when the Dell logo appears on the screen, you need to hold down the F8 key if the operating system is Windows 7 and older, or the Ctrl + F11 combination if it is XP. A window with advanced OS boot options should appear. Next, use the keys to select the interface language, and then click “Next”.

The utility will prompt you to enter a login and password - the same data that the user uses to log in to the system. Next, you need to select the option to restore the factory image (Dell DataSafe Restore and Emergency Backup) and “Next” again. The next window offers the option “Repair your computer”, which you should click, and then “Next” again.

If there is a restore point, you can try to boot from it, but if not, in the new menu the utility will offer only one copy of the operating system - the factory one. You need to select the recovery option without saving files and click “Next”.

The last request from the program will be to confirm the action; you must also use the keyboard to select “Yes, continue.” This will initiate the factory reset procedure. The process usually takes up to twenty minutes. When finished, the laptop will automatically reboot and the user will be prompted to configure the operating system.


How to return a Toshiba laptop to factory settings? The rollback instructions can also be considered one of the simplest. First you need to turn off the laptop, then press and hold the “0” button on the keyboard. It should be noted here that the key with digital block, located on the right side of the keyboard, will not work.

Turn on the computer while holding down the "zero" key. When you hear a characteristic beeping sound, you can release the button: the launch of the recovery utility has been initiated, you can simply follow its instructions.


To restore factory settings on HP computers, you must first turn off the laptop and also remove all memory cards, removable hard drives and other devices. Then turn on the computer and press the F11 key on the keyboard until the recovery environment loads on the screen - system utility from HP called Recovery Manager(it can also be launched directly from the operating system by clicking on the shortcut in the list of programs).
After downloading the utility, you must select System Recovery, after which the user will be prompted to save any data. If the reason for resetting the settings was that your computer was infected with viruses, then it would be better not to save any data in order to prevent the problem from recurring in the future.
The recovery process starts in automatic mode and does not require user participation. In this case, the computer may reboot several times.

After the process is completed, the laptop will arrive in factory condition, it will have HP branded drivers and programs installed, which you can leave or remove.

About computer repair

Quite often people call computer technicians, which reinstall the operating system. As a result of this, the recovery partition will be deleted from the computer, and the next time the user will again have to call the service and pay money for what he could have done with the help of a recovery utility. The program itself will install the operating system, which will also be licensed, with all factory drivers and programs.

Therefore, before contacting the service, you should try to use the built-in recovery partition; this sometimes saves not only money, but also time. Everyone needs to know how to restore factory settings on a laptop, because after mastering simple instructions, the owner of the device will be able to return it to a clean state at any time.

In today's article we will talk about returning Acer, eMachines and laptops to factory settings. Packard Bell. Initially, I planned to write separate articles on them, but later decided to make do with one.

The fact is that eMachines and Packard Bell are the same Acer and the recovery procedure is only slightly different in visual terms, and all the restoration steps for laptops released under these trademarks are almost identical, so I’ll just point out one single nuance along the way .

So, before you begin the procedure for restoring your Acer, Packard Bell or eMachines laptop to factory condition, please read the article first if you have not read it before, as it describes the preparations that need to be made before you begin restoring your laptop from the system recovery partition. Further actions are described on the basis that you have followed all the recommendations I gave in this article.

Well, don’t rush to start restoration until you read this article to the end.

To launch the utility for restoring Acer, Packard Bell and eMachines laptops to factory settings, use the Alt+F10 key combination. You must press this combination when you turn on the computer, before the operating system starts loading.

To make sure you don’t miss this moment, I recommend holding down the Alt key and making quick, short clicks on the F10 button.

However, for the recovery utility to run this way, the D2D Recovery option must be enabled in the BIOS settings. The setting you are looking for is here:

If you have never worked with BIOS settings before and have a vague idea of ​​what it is, I strongly recommend that you run the System Recovery Environment a little longer, but more in a safe way, standard for many mobile computer manufacturers.

To do this, immediately after turning on the laptop, quickly start clicking the F8 key. This is what they usually do when they want to choose special treatment loading the operating system. We need the following menu to appear on the screen:

As you can see, at the very top there is a “Troubleshoot your computer” item. Select it (if for some reason it is not selected by default) and click Enter key. The files will begin downloading.

Now you will need to specify the user on whose behalf the recovery will be performed and enter the password for the selected user, if one has been set. Enter the required information and click OK.

In the next menu that appears, click Recovery Management.

After this, the recovery utility will launch Packard laptop Bell, Acer or eMachines. As I already said, the differences in their interface are purely cosmetic.

If you are going to use the recovery option using the Alt+F10 key combination, then all the previous steps are not relevant for you. The process of resuscitating the system from the recovery partition will begin immediately from this step.

So, since we assume that all our important data has been previously saved, we select the option “Restore operating system to factory settings”.

We will be warned about necessary measures precautions that you already know about if you read the introductory article. To continue the procedure for restoring the laptop operating system, click “Next”.

After this, we will be shown information about the hard drive of our laptop. Just click “Next”.

We agree with the next warning that all data will be lost.

After this, the computer will need a little time to complete the preparations...

...after which the process of restoring to factory condition will begin. We're just waiting.

Sometimes a computer owner is faced with the need to clean the system of various bugs that interfere normal operation. This can be done by reinstalling the operating system, or using special utilities. But there is a method that has several undeniable advantages over them.

Resetting the settings to factory defaults will help restore the device to functionality in most cases, even if you cannot start the OS. This method is especially relevant for those who do not want to waste time reinstalling the OS.

When restoring factory settings, the OS will be reinstalled automatically. Repeat code There is no need to enter OS activation. That will be restored Windows version, which came with the laptop upon purchase.

By rolling back the BIOS, you will eliminate the problems listed above. In this article we will look at how to return a laptop to factory settings and restore its functionality. There are several methods, which we will take a closer look at.

The option to reset settings may be needed if:

What are factory settings?

Factory parameters are set by the manufacturer for specific model computer or laptop. They store BIOS settings and computer configuration parameters. Such information is located in dynamic memory device called CMOS.

All factory settings take up very little space and are separately powered - from a small battery located on the motherboard.

You can reset the laptop parameters without access to the BIOS. To do this, simply remove the battery, wait 30-40 seconds, and insert it again. After the reset process is completed BIOS settings

and the OS has been reinstalled, you will receive the laptop in the same condition in which you bought it in the store. It is worth noting that to successfully return the device to factory settings, in addition to CMOS, you need a Recover partition, which stores setup files

and other necessary system information.

Video: Laptop factory settings

Where is Recovery located and its activation

A hidden partition on the hard drive that stores all the files needed to restore the system is called Recovery. It is created by default on all laptops, and is deleted or damaged in most cases as a result of incorrect user actions.

You can see where the hidden section is located: There you can see the size that Recovery occupies on the HDD. Usually it is 20-25 GB system information

and installation files. If you have Toshiba laptop , then you probably already noticed that on drive D there is system folder

, called HDD Recovery. It also stores the information necessary to reset the system, so it cannot be deleted. Activating Recovery starts the process of resetting user BIOS changes, restoring factory settings, and reinstalling the OS and system programs

and drivers. To activate Recovery, press a specific hotkey combination. This will allow you to login system menu

, where you can select several system recovery options. It should be remembered that each manufacturer has its own combination of hot keys; below we will look at the most popular ones.

Restoring settings using hotkeys In order to return your laptop to factory settings, you should remember several hotkey combinations. When the system boots, press hot keys to access the menu BIOS Setup

, from where you can start the process of restoring parameters. Depending on the manufacturer computer equipment

  1. , hot keys and their combinations differ:
  2. Toshiba - depending on the model F8, or 0, or Fn+0;
  3. Sony - F10;
  4. Acer – Alt and F10 at the same time;
  5. HP, LG and Lenovo – F11;
  6. Samsung – F4;
  7. Fujitsu - F8;
  8. ASUS – F9;
  9. Packard Bell - F10. If you have Windows 8 installed, you can use the power button when you log in. You should hold down Shift and at the same time select the “Reboot” menu item;
  10. MSI – F3, and on some models F11.

How to reset a laptop to factory settings via BIOS

Using hot keys, you can roll back user changes to the system and return the BIOS to factory settings.

On the black screen that appears, select sequentially:

  1. option "Running the recovery center" for Sony, or "Troubleshooting your computer" for Toshiba, or "System Recovery" for HP;
  2. menu item "Load Defaults BIOS".

Depending on the manufacturer, the option name may vary: "Load BIOS Setup Defaults", "Load Safe-Fail Defaults", but the words "Load" and "Default" will definitely be present.


Prepare for a factory reset:

After you start the process of resetting the settings, the process of collecting information and preparing system files. This may take some time, so don't worry.

Recovery process

Once you start the recovery process, all actions will be performed automatically, without your participation. The computer may reboot if required by the installed software. During the process of resetting the settings, device drivers will be restored and standard system programs will be installed.

It is worth mentioning that it is not always possible to successfully reset the settings on a laptop. This is possible if:

What can you do if you deleted the hidden Recovery partition from your hard drive? You'll have to search boot disk with settings or image hidden section for your laptop. They can be found on the Internet, and sometimes manufacturers offer to buy such disks for system recovery on official websites.

If ready-made images not for your laptop, you can ask the owners of a similar model on computer forums to create such an image for you. And to avoid such a situation, you can create your own bootable USB flash drive

or a DVD for your laptop that you can keep on hand and use when necessary. Restore the operating room windows system 7 (vista, XP, Windows 8) on an acer laptop aspire one can we go on as before? working condition

or completely to factory settings. Only the last option is not suitable for everyone, but only for owners of acer laptops who bought it, with preinstalled windows

Then the recovery image is specially written to a separate partition on the hard drive - it is hidden by default.

If you accidentally (unknowingly) messed something up, then using the first option is much better (the second deletes all your personal files: games, programs, settings).

The first option is to restore the Windows operating system on an Acer laptop

To restore Windows on an Acer laptop, be sure to connect Charger. Then turn it off and on.

When you see the laptop logo, press two keys (simultaneously) Alt + F10 (you can do it several times).

The Windows recovery utility will launch. Acer eRecovery Management" (the Disk-to-Disk (D2D) option must be enabled in the BIOS).

When prompted for a password, here are the standard ones: “000000”, “AIM1R8”, “00000000”. Next, click on the line “ full recovery system factory settings."

Yes, I almost forgot, there is also the possibility of recovery while saving user data.

On Acer netbook it takes about 15 minutes. Confirm by clicking “OK”. The computer will restart, and

The second system recovery option on an acer aspire one windows laptop

This recovery option can only be used if your laptop is still able to boot.

Then you can start restoring Acer eRecovery Management to factory settings directly from a running Windows operating system.

To do this, then click at the bottom “all programs” and click on the line “Acer eRecovery Management”.

After that, on the left side, click “restore”. Next, you can choose “restore the operating system and save user data” or without them. All further actions similar to the first option.

If “the work does not work”, as already written above, enter the “BIOS” and in the “Main” tab, enable the “D2D Recovery” option - set the position to “Enabled”.

Immediately after this you can press F10 and after rebooting Alt + F10. Then the process described in the first option will follow. Good luck.

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Resetting to factory settings on a laptop may be necessary in several cases: if you want to eliminate some system errors, erase unnecessary applications and files or solve the problem when “Windows is locked.” After the rollback, you will receive your laptop the same way you picked it up from the store: without any system errors, viruses, etc. However, problems with the hardware will not be eliminated: if the laptop overheated, it will overheat if it did not work modern games- it won’t work.
The recovery process will delete all user data, reinstall Windows, and install all necessary system programs.

The factory reset process is not too complicated and can even be done inexperienced user, however it differs slightly depending on the laptop manufacturer.

Note: Restoring to factory settings will not work on laptops on which Windows was reinstalled, since during the reinstallation process, most “computer wizards” delete files that are necessary for recovery due to their dishonesty.

How to restore factory settings on an Asus laptop

1. Turn off Boot Booster. This is a program that speeds up the process of starting a laptop. To do this, go to the BIOS menu by pressing F2 while starting the laptop. You need to find Boot Booster there and disable it by selecting Disabled.
2. Save the settings you entered into the BIOS by clicking “Save changes and exit” - the device will reboot.
3. Now press F9. The system will ask for confirmation to restore factory settings.
4. After confirmation, the process will end by itself.

How to restore factory settings on an HP laptop

1. First, remove all accessories (memory cards, USB drives, etc.) from the laptop.
2. Now enable System Recovery. This can also be done through Windows, like normal application, and through the F-keys: during startup, press F11.
3. After turning on the application, select "System Restore".

How to restore factory settings on an Acer laptop

1. To restore on Acer, hold down Alt and press F10 repeatedly.
2. The system will ask for a password. The default password on all Acers is six zeros.
3. After entering, click "Factory Reset".
4. Wait until the recovery process is complete.

How to restore factory settings on a Lenovo laptop

1. Turn off the laptop and start it again by pressing the arrow button next to it instead of the “Power” button.
2. Use the arrows to select “ System recovery" and press Enter.
3. Choose if you need backup copy and confirm everything that the program offers you.
4. Wait for the factory reset to complete.

How to restore factory settings on a Samsung laptop

1. You need to get into the settings rollback menu. This can be done in two ways: run from Windows samsung app Recovery Solution or press the F4 key repeatedly when turning on the laptop.
2. After launching the utility, you must select the “Recovery” item.
3. Then select "Full recovery".
4. You must select Computer Initial Status as a recovery point.
5. Confirm to reboot the system. Wait. After the recovery process is complete and Windows startup You need to restart the laptop again to save the system settings.

Reset settings on Toshiba

1. Start the device and hold down the “0” (zero) key on the top keyboard.
2. Hold down the key and wait for the laptop to turn on.
3. Release the key when you hear the laptop start making beeping sounds.
4. Next you need to follow the instructions specifically running program recovery.

Resetting settings on Sony laptops

1. After starting the laptop, you need to press F10, enter the manager Windows boot and select "Launch VAIO Recovery Center".
2. In the window that appears, click “Fully restore the system” and wait until the rollback to factory settings is completed.