In which program to fill out the SZV-M report? How to submit the SZV-M report? How to fill out a form on the Bukhsoft web service

In this article we will tell you how to easily and quickly submit reports in the SZV-M form online using online accounting, without downloading additional programs.

Let's start with the fact that in order to pass SZV-M in in electronic format, you need to draw up an agreement on electronic document management with the Pension Fund of Russia. To do this, you need to visit your local Pension Fund office and fill out an application and agreement form. You can download the forms on the Pension Fund website or receive them directly at the branch.

If an electronic signature certificate is required to complete an agreement, registered users of online accounting can obtain it from the service technical support. An electronic signature is issued free of charge to users of the service.

When you have the agreement with the signature and seal of the Pension Fund in your hands, you will need to upload a scanned version to the service and enter the number and date of the agreement. After this, you will be able to submit SZV-M and other reports to the Pension Fund, as well as send informal requests and receive answers to them.

Information in the SZV-M form must be sent monthly before the 15th. To ensure you don't miss the deadline, your personal tax calendar will send you a notification by e-mail or SMS.

To generate the SZV-M report, follow the following algorithm:

1. In the tax calendar, select the event “Report to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation SZV-M for January 2018” (or another reporting month).

2. In the window that opens, you will see the rules for submitting and sending the report, as well as a link to instructions for filling out the report.

4. The next window will display a list of all insured persons who will be included in the report. If you do not need to include any employee in the information, uncheck the box next to his name. Remember that the SZV-M must include all employees working under employment or civil law contracts if at least one day of the contract’s validity falls within the reporting period. In this case, accruals and payments do not matter, that is, the form will also include those employees who are on regular, maternity, or administrative leave.

5. On last step you will be able to choose the method of transmitting the report: electronically or by personal visit to the Pension Fund. If you submit information for 25 or more people, your paper report will not be accepted, and you will be fined 1,000 rubles for violation. Depending on the selected reporting method, the system will show you the order further actions. You can print a document in paper form, and send it electronically immediately to Pension Fund.

That's all. You can track the status of sent reports in personal account. If the Pension Fund has comments, you will know about it immediately and will be able to respond in a timely manner. Upon receipt negative protocol from the Pension Fund you will have 5 days to correct the errors.

Just as easily and quickly, you can generate and send a new SZV-experience report and the EDV-1 attachment to it. The system stores data about the conditions and period of work of each employee, so fill out these forms using step-by-step wizard won't be difficult.

Fines for violating the rules for submitting personalized accounting information are 500 rubles per employee. The more employees, the higher the fine. We will help you do everything correctly and avoid sanctions.

All insurers who submit information about their employees in the SZV-M form (approved by Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated 01.02.2016 No. 83p) in electronic form know that the Pension Fund has developed and approved electronic format SZV-M. It lists technical requirements to the data indicated in the report, to the file name, etc. (Appendix to the Order of the Board of the Pension Fund of August 31, 2016 No. 432r).

Of course, it is quite difficult for a person without the appropriate education to understand the document that determines what the SZV-M file format should be. After all, there are more than enough special terms and foreign words in it. However, even a superficial acquaintance with the PFR Order can save the policyholder from some mistakes when submitting electronic SZV-M.

SZV-M: xml format

In what format should I take the SZV-M? IN in this case The word “format” refers to the file extension, which is indicated at the end of its name after a period.

So it's giving up electronic form SZV-M in xml format (clause 3 of the Appendix to the Order of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2016 No. 432r). This important nuance, which you can control when preparing the file, but you are unlikely to be able to fix it if for some reason the program generates a file with a different extension. Therefore, if something is wrong with the format, it is better to immediately contact support.

SZV-M: error in file name

The SZV-M file name must consist of several parts, each of which carries certain information. So, a correctly formed file name must be “built into” registration number the policyholder, the code of the territorial body of the Pension Fund and other information (clause 3 of the Appendix to the Order of the Board of the Pension Fund of August 31, 2016 No. 432r).

If the SZV-M file name format does not correspond to the structure approved by the Pension Fund of Russia, the program will generate an error. For example, this warning may appear when preparation of SZV-M: “incorrect report file name” or “SZV-M does not comply with the approved format 00042” (the last digits are an error code in one of the programs).

Previously one of common problems when forming electronic SZV-M there was an absence in the file name of the code of the territorial body of the Pension Fund. Another common error is an incorrect file ID. This is a series of letters and numbers at the end of the file name, just before the document extension. It must consist of 12 characters. If you have fewer characters, it means the file name is formed incorrectly. And it's time to write a letter to technical support or update the program. Although when using some software Manual correction of the error also helped - a simple addition required quantity characters.

The unified report form was approved by Resolution of the Pension Fund Board of February 1, 2016 No. 83p. The information is necessary to record the insured persons. We will tell you how to correctly submit the SZV-M through the Pension Fund website.

Who reports electronically?

Budgetary organizations are required to provide this type of reporting for hired employees. This should be done monthly, no later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting period. That is, for September, the company must report no later than October 15. If the deadline for submitting the SZV-M falls on a weekend or holiday, then the date is moved to the next working day.

An organization with an average headcount of 25 or more people is required to report electronically or fill out the SZV-M on the PFR website online. Otherwise, representatives of the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will issue a fine of 1,000 rubles.

Organizations with 24 or fewer employees may also submit electronic forms or submit paper reports.

How to fill out SZV-M correctly

Making mistakes in a report is expensive. For distortion of information, there is a fine of 500 rubles for each insured person in whose information inaccuracies were identified. The organization faces a similar amount of fines if the report was submitted later than the deadline or was not sent at all.

We reviewed the step-by-step algorithm for filling out the report earlier, see the details of filling out in the article “”. The requirements for filling out the fields are the same and do not depend on how the report is submitted: online or on paper. The only difference is that you will need a document in Excel format (XML file).

SZV-M report form in Excel format

How to submit SZV-M to the pension fund for free via the Internet

All budgetary organizations are interested in reducing reporting costs. Internet offers big choice programs and online services where you can generate and send any reports for free. Accounting programs are also equipped with the function automatic sending reporting forms to regulatory authorities.

How to submit a free report:

  1. Install a free program from the list of recommended financial institutions.
  2. Fill out the SZV-M online for free on the Pension Fund website 2019.
  3. Take advantage of promotional access to paid online services.

In any case, it will not be possible to organize electronic document management completely free of charge. You will have to order an electronic signature (ES) of the manager at a special certification center. Electronic signature is necessary to certify information and information contained in electronic documents. Otherwise, the reporting will not be accepted and a fine will be issued.

Free Pension Fund programs

Using specialized software is quite simple. To do this, download one of the programs presented for generating and sending reports on the official website of the Russian Pension Fund, in the “Free programs, forms and protocols” section.

The following applications are suitable for preparing the SZV-M form:

  • “PU 6 Documents”;
  • "Spu_orb";
  • "PD SPU";
  • "PsvRSV".

To determine which application is best suited specifically for your budget organization, consult with a Pension Fund specialist.

Online reporting via the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

To organize the sending of reports through the official website of the Pension Fund, it is necessary to conclude an agreement on electronic document management. Then specialists of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will carry out the difficult procedure of connection and registration. After special testing of the channel electronic document management you can start working.

To register in your personal account on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation you need electronic signature and a registration card, which is issued by specialists from the territorial office of the fund.

You will need to fill out a form similar to the one we showed above, and when sending, sign the report with an electronic signature.

Check SZV-M online for free

Before sending the document, it is necessary to check it in special programs. To control and eliminate errors, use free programs checks. You can download them on the Pension Fund website. Please note that the format of the generated file must be XML, otherwise the reporting will not be accepted.

In demand on this moment are CheckXML and CheckPFR. To work, install the application on your work computer and follow the software prompts. The procedure is simple: in the verification section you need to specify the path to the XML file with the report, the program will analyze it and indicate what needs to be corrected.

How to simplify reporting

We invite you to familiarize yourself with little tricks that will save time on the formation and delivery of SZV-M:

  1. When submitting a report on paper, take with you an electronic version of the report on a flash drive, in XML format. Many representatives of the Pension Fund began to demand an electronic form of the document. Of course, this is not necessary, but it will avoid unnecessary conflicts.
  2. The employer is obliged to report monthly in the SZV-M form not only to the Pension Fund, but also to employees. That is, monthly print out and issue statements to employees indicating that they are included in the list of insured persons. Punishment for violation this condition not yet provided. But it is better to organize work in this area in advance. The most convenient way to register the issuance of statements for each employee is in a random journal, where you indicate the reporting period, the employee’s last name and initials, and the date of issue. The employee must sign for the form received.
  3. There is no information for reporting in the reporting period? In such a situation, for insurance, send a blank SZV-M form. Does the company expect long-term absence of employees? Then send a written request to representatives of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, with detailed description circumstances. Without written confirmation from the Pension Fund, stopping reporting is risky.

PC "Taxpayer PRO"

PC "Taxpayer" - is intended for maintaining accounting records, preparing accounting and tax reporting to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund, FSRAR in electronic form on magnetic or paper media in approved forms and formats, including for transmission via telecommunication channels (TCC) With electronic digital signature(EDS).

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28 29 30 31 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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What's new?

Implemented new functionality"Monitoring the counterparty." The functionality is available from the menu item: Settings and Service -> Counterparty Monitoring, as well as by clicking the “Counterparty Monitoring” button in the directory of organizations

For exchange with counterparties legally significant documents: electronic versions Invoices, UPD, Torg-12 and Acts, within existing systems electronic document management, their uploading is implemented in approved Federal Tax Service XML formats(Orders of the Federal Tax Service No. MMV-7-15/155 and No. MMV-7-10/552)

Implemented the generation of reporting in the forms SZV-STAZH and SZV-KORR in the formats approved by the Resolution of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 507p dated December 6, 2018

The programs have updated the VAT rate (20%) from 01/01/2019.

Connected new test 2-NDFL in the new format 5.06. Directories updated

In the "Statistics" section appeared new document: "Information on financial investments and liabilities (Form No. P-6)"

In Taxpayer PRO the year 2019 is open until 04/01/2019 - free

For HOAs, SNTs and GSKs - printing of QR codes on PD-4 forms has been implemented to simplify the process of paying for receipts through payment terminals and mobile applications of banks. Menu: Accounting -> Documents -> Accrual of debt for individuals (members of HOAs, SNT, GSK, etc.)

In the "Settings and Service -> Control" mode, the ability to compare data has been added individual card and income register

A new statistical reporting form has appeared: “Information on the main performance indicators of a micro-enterprise” (Form No. MP (micro))

When generating an invoice for the purchase of a program, the ability to pay from the account has been implemented individual. You can pay your bill by scanning the QR code in the payment terminal, mobile application(for example: Sberbank Online) or through a bank employee

Filling out SZV-M online

In April 2016, among all types of reporting submitted by companies and individual entrepreneurs to the Pension Fund, a completely new form has appeared - SZV-M. It was introduced to promptly provide the Pension Fund with information on the employment of pensioners for subsequent adjustment of the size of their pensions, taking into account all indexations in the event of termination of employment.

As already noted, the generation of the SZV-M report should be carried out by all employers who have at least one employee on their staff. The only exceptions are self-employed policyholders who did not employ people in the organization. All others must do it by the 15th. current month submit the completed form on paper or electronically, provided that the number of employees is at least 25. You can prepare SZV-M online for free using the functionality of the service and the Taxpayer PRO PC.

The SZV-M form does not contain any information about the income of employees or accruals to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from these incomes. It reflects exclusively general information, therefore it contains only a few graphs:

  • last name, first name and patronymic of the employee;
  • data from SNILS;
  • reporting period;
  • form type.

In addition, the SZV-M report indicates the details of the employing organization and two codes classifying the document and the enterprise. Ready document signed by the head of the company or individual entrepreneur and sealed, if available. The electronic form is certified with a special electronic digital signature.

To avoid errors and make a correct report, you can fill out the tax return tax form online for free using the Taxpayer PRO program. It allows you to easily and quickly generate a document in an approved format, save it for further use, print or, if necessary, transfer via TKS with a confirming digital signature. The necessary forms are already contained in the database, so employers’ accounting departments require a minimum of time to fill out the report.

Download program

In preparation electronic reporting about the insured persons, an important nuance must be taken into account - the file extension and technical requirements for it. After all, incorrect parameters lead to an error when sending. Knowing the SZV-M format in 2017, you can avoid an unpleasant situation and submit these reports correctly. Details are in our consultation.

The essence of the electronic report

SZV-M is a report form that reflects information about insured persons who work for the employer or cooperate with him. All employers who have entered into labor or civil law agreements with people (even for 1 day) must submit it.

The law requires that the SZV-M form be sent to the Pension Fund on a monthly basis - no later than the 15th day of the next month. When the deadline coincides with a weekend or holiday, the deadline moves to the first working day.

Who is responsible for filling out this report and sending it is decided by the head of the enterprise. Typically, such functions are assigned to an accountant. This specialist must not only correctly enter all the details - TIN, SNILS, reporting period, names of insured persons, etc. - but also check the correctness:

  • writing the name of the file with the report;
  • file format.

Name and format requirements

The Pension Fund has developed an electronic form SZV-M report, which is filled out using special accounting programs. If the design requirements are not met, the program generates an error. One of them - correct name file. It should have the following structure:

  • registration number under which the policyholder is registered;
  • code of the territorial Pension Fund;
  • file creation date;
  • An identifier that ensures the uniqueness of the document.

The word “format” or “extension” in our case should be understood as a certain combination Latin letters, which come at the end of the report file name (after the dot).

At the beginning of 2017, SZV-M could be sent according to the old format, but at the end of last year there were changes in legislation. More about them below.

What changed in 2017

Based on the resolution of the Pension Fund Board of December 7, 2016 No. 1077p, the new format SZV-M.

The electronic document with the report must have XML extension in UTF-8 encoding. This encoding is aimed at achieving two goals:

  1. Improve the quality of SZV-M processing using specialized programs.
  2. Make the perception of information more convenient.

Although there were no global changes regarding the file structure. Detailed information on compilation new form SZV-M is possible.

Here is an example of a correctly formed file name:

Note that the Pension Fund did not provide transition period, therefore, before January 16, it was possible to submit the SZV-M in two versions: old and new. In the future, policyholders should send the report strictly in the new SZV-M file format.

Strictly speaking, an accountant is not required to know everything technical details sending to FIU report SZV-M in electronic form. The main thing is that the program used for this meets the new requirements. And this is the task of the electronic document management operator.

Please note that if the requirements of the Pension Fund Board Resolution No. 1077p are fully complied with, fund employees do not have the right to refuse to accept electronic SZV-M.

What nuances do you need to know?

  1. Users who submit SZV-M electronically need to update their accounting programs. If, when preparing a document, a file is generated according to outdated requirements, you should contact support.
  2. If during the reporting process a message appears: “Incorrect file name” or “SZV-M does not correspond to the approved format 00042”, but software was updated, which means the user made an error in the structure of the file name.
  3. In the file name, it is important to check the correct spelling of the 12-character identifier preceding the extension. If the number of characters is smaller, the program will generate an error when compiling the SZV-M in the new format.