Troubleshooting Wi-Fi connection problems on your computer

A typical user has several devices at his disposal from which he can access the Internet, so a router is usually installed at home and a wireless network is configured. But sometimes it happens that mobile gadgets connect to Wi-Fi, but a computer running Windows OS displays the error “The default gateway is not available” when trying to establish a connection.

This error can appear on any version of Windows, including Windows 10. However, the system version does not affect the choice of method to resolve the problem; the methods are universal for all editions of Windows.

Manual gateway configuration

Since the automatically installed gateway is not available, you must provide other information to gain access to the network. This can be done through the connection properties.

Some clarification is needed here. In the line “Default gateway” the address of the router is written, through which its web interface is accessible. You can see it on the device itself; there is a sticker on the case.

The “IP address” is registered close to the main gateway, but differs in the last digit, preferably by several tens - 20, 30.

The “subnet mask” will be filled in automatically, and the DNS should be specified as shown in the screenshot - and

Enabling FIPS Compliance

Another reason that the gateway is not detected may be that the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) is disabled. To fix the problem, you need to enable it.

Click OK to save the configuration. If manually installing the gateway and enabling FIPS does not solve the problem, then proceed to the next troubleshooting method.

Setting up the power supply

Another fairly common reason for the error to appear is an interruption in the power supply to the wireless adapter. The module stops working and the connection is not established. The problem is resolved by manually adjusting the power supply.

This is not the end of the power supply setup. For the adapter to work properly, you must set it to maximum performance mode.

After configuring the power supply, restart your computer for the configuration to take effect. The next time you turn on, try connecting to the Internet again to make sure the problem goes away.

Checking drivers

If the error begins to appear after reinstalling Windows or the next system update, you should check the wireless power adapter drivers. Perhaps the hardware software has crashed, so the device is not working correctly.

If rolling back the driver does not help, then you should go to the wireless adapter manufacturer’s website from another computer and download the software for your model. Then install the drivers and try connecting to the Internet again.