Guess the category melody. Musical and intellectual game for schoolchildren

“Guess the melody” is one of the entertaining games that the “Holiday Again” team loves so much. The success of this program is associated with the vivid emotions that the participants experience when remembering the songs of past years. During the music tournament, the best domestic and foreign hits are played, and we are pleased to watch the players’ smiles flash at the first sounds of their favorite melodies.

How to guess the melody with the whole team

If you remember, the television version of the program involves 3 people, and each of them has a button. In our case, there will be one button for the entire team of 5-7 people, so choose the captain carefully. It is he who will hold the remote control in his hands and quickly press the button when the answer version appears in the command.

Try to discuss options quietly so that your answer is not taken advantage of by competitors! It’s better to come up with a secret sign for the owner of the button so that his reaction is lightning fast.

The game uses a special brain system with light and sound signals, which is controlled by the program host.

2-3-4 teams (up to 24 people) can play at the same time. This is the most comfortable option, but we have experience in organizing larger games (up to 96 people). In this case, a tournament is held according to the Cup system with semi-finals and a final.

During 4 rounds of several thematic blocks, participants will have time to listen and guess many hits. After each block, the host announces an auction to give the losing teams a chance not only to catch up with their competitors, but also to get ahead. Very fun and exciting!

To hold a tournament, you need tables that need to be placed at some distance from each other, chairs for all participants, a comfortable place for the host, three electrical sockets, sound equipment and a microphone (if necessary, the organizers will bring with them).

Note: If you have a very small team of 10-12 people, you can arrange individual tours with a final of the best players.

If you have a corporate event or team building

You can gather in one of office premises(in a meeting room, conference room, dining room, etc.) or rent a banquet hall in a cafe or restaurant. The game “Guess the Melody” is dedicated to the meeting, or. This can be part of a team-building event, as there is an opportunity to demonstrate team spirit and leadership qualities.

Anniversary with the game “Guess the melody”

This is an alternative to a karaoke party, as there will be a lot of music, but there is no need to force guests to sing the song from start to finish. In addition, for the hero of the day they will make a selection of hits that have accompanied him through life since birth. The blocks of the music tournament can be called: “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth” and... “In the prime of life”.

In warm and dry weather, the game is often played in a summer tent, gazebo, or simply in an open clearing. The main thing is access to electricity.

Event plan (timing) for example:

— introductory part, first round: 30 minutes
- short break: 5 minutes
— second round: 25 minutes
— pause for buffet/coffee break: 30 minutes
— third round: 25 minutes
- short break: 5 minutes
— fourth round or Super Game: 25 minutes
— summing up, award ceremony: 10 minutes

What's included in the price:

  1. a selection of musical questions for the tournament with fragments of famous hits in an unusual performance, taking into account the wishes of the customer
  2. set of button-lamp brain system
  3. laptop for presenter
  4. selection of a convenient room for playing if necessary
  5. personal meeting with the client and scheduling the event
  6. reportage photography

Number of participants



10-24 people

35,000 rubles

24-60 people

60,000 rubles

60-96 people

80,000 rubles

Additional services

To create an even more festive atmosphere, you can order Additional services:

— organizing a photo zone and conducting an on-site photo shoot: a thematic banner, lighting equipment, professional processing photographs, instant photo printing with distribution of photographs to participants
- themed design and decoration of the hall
- prizes and diplomas for the winners
— karaoke championship
— staged pranks and comic music competitions
— video shooting and editing of a colorful video
— tea break, buffet, coffee break or banquet
- orchestra
— disco with a professional DJ
— an incendiary dance battle with event participants

Irina Averina
Scenario of the game “Guess the melody”

The result of the thematic week "Sorceress Music" was the game " Guess the melody"We invited our parents to this game. It was very fun and interesting.

Game scenario« Guess the melody»

Preparatory group

Goal and tasks games:

To promote musical education in the family, to involve parents in the formation of the foundations of musical culture in children.

Create a creative, positive environment of cooperation between children and parents.

To foster in preschoolers a sustainable interest and love for classical, folk, and children's music.

Preliminary work:

On music lessons introduce children to works of classical, folk and children's music.

Record music and soundtracks of children's songs onto an audio cassette for listening at home.

V. Quietly, quietly, we’ll sit next to you,

Music comes into our home.

In an amazing outfit -

Multi-colored, painted!

Both from sadness and from boredom

Can cure us all

Naughty ringtones sounds,

Songs, dances, jokes, laughter.

Good afternoon guys! Hello, guests! We are glad to see you in our music salon. Today we met to talk about music, remember our favorite melodies, their composers.

Music is the language of feelings: it helps us find ourselves far, far away, in the world of sounds. Do you guys know how to recognize a work from a small fragment?

I propose to conduct interesting game « Guess the melody» , which will define your musical horizons. To do this we need to split into 2 teams. One participant from each team chooses a note from any category, parents help in the choice.

The first participant chooses a category and any note. On back side notes, the number of points is given if the melody is guessed, then the point is counted. If the participants find it difficult to answer, the team helps them; they can sing the songs one verse at a time.

1 – Ursa Lullaby

2 - Song of the Merman

3 - They say we are byaki-buki

4–Winnie the Pooh song

5 – fixies

1 – Autumn in the forest

2 –If only there were no winter

3 – a song about summer

4 -The sun came out from behind the gray clouds

5 - Three white horses

1 – A grasshopper was sitting in the grass

2 – Two funny geese

3 – I’m lying in the sun

4 – Once in a frosty winter

5 Black cat

1 –Clouds

2 – Cheburashka's Song

3 – Baby Mammoth's Song

4 –Antoshka

5 Blue carriage

The jury sums up the results of the first round, I invite the audience to play


Seven sisters are very friendly,

Each song is very necessary.

You can't compose music

If you don't invite them. (Notes)

They hit each other

And they sing in response

And they shine like two pennies -

Musical. (dishes)

Round, sonorous, familiar to everyone,

All the rulers are with us at school.

We always knock on it,

Loud sound is not nonsense.

It’s not in vain that the tool was given to us,

To knock on. (drum)

He writes music for us

Ringtones plays,

He will set the poems to a waltz.

Who writes the songs? (Composer)

Five rulers - a home for notes,

The note lives in everyone here.

People in the world of different countries

The name is rulers. ( "staff")

They eat soup at lunch,

By the evening "they'll talk"

Wooden girls

Musical sisters.

Play a little too

On beautiful bright ones. (spoons)

If the text is combined with melody

And then do it together

What you will hear, of course,

It's called easy and simple -. (song)

The string rings, she sings,

And the song is heard by everyone.

Six strings play anything

And that instrument is always fashionable.

He will never get old.

We call that instrument. (guitar)

We call the instrument a piano

I have a hard time playing it.

Louder, quieter, louder, quieter

Everyone will hear my play.

I hit the keys zealously,

My tool is... (piano)

Three strings, plays loudly

That tool is "cocked hat".

Find out quickly

What is this? (Balalaika)

Let's join hands together,

Let's stand around - this is necessary.

Let's go dance, and then -

Dizzy. (round dance)

The instrument plays happily.

He has bellows and keyboards.

If he plays even a little,

Everyone will recognize the instrument. (harmonic)

I sang one verse beautifully,

I started singing simple. (chorus)

We sing together

And we are not singing.

When there are four of us, it will work out. (quartet)

A group of musicians who play together

And they perform music together.

It can be string or wind,

Pop, folk and any other. (Orchestra)

Let's all sing a song together,

A song will sound throughout the school.

Smooth, harmonious and friendly.

We need to sing together, guys.

The corridor is full of songs -

That's how ours tries. (choir)

"Find out the song by its description."

(Children must recognize the song by its verbal description; 3 songs for each team)

1. This will make everything bright and cheerful, so says the fluffy little animal in his song. (Little Raccoon "Smile").

2. A song about a holiday that is celebrated with tears in our eyes. ("Victory Day")

3. The song is about how good it is to walk with friends and sing songs. ("It's fun to walk together")

4. Song of a girl who wore a bright headdress ("Song of Little Red Riding Hood")

5. A song about what happens if you multiply one number by another. ("2x2=4")

6. A song about worn winter shoes. ("Felt boots")

7. The song after cartoons that all the children go to bed to. ("Tired toys are sleeping")

8. A song about a wooden boy who exchanged his alphabet for a theater ticket. ("Pinocchio")

9. A song about a coniferous tree that is cold. ("Little Christmas Tree")

10. About a lonely tree offended by people. (There was a birch tree in the field)

11. A song about a charming cute insect (Good bug)

12. An optimistic song in which the hero promises to survive all troubles (Song of Leopold the Cat)

"Musical instruments"

(Whose team will remember more names of musical instruments)

Children are shown pictures of musical instruments, they must name the ones they recognize.

The jury sums up the results, we suggest you rest and dance:

Dance "Guilty Cloud"

"Music Connoisseur"

1) What was the name of the heroine of the fairy tale, who, when she first went to the ball, charmed the king and prince with her wonderful song? Who is this song about? (Cinderella)

2) Name your favorite music. Karabas-Barabas instrument (Pipe)

3) Which flower has a musical name? (Bell)

4) What is the name of the kindest, and most importantly, singing cat, who called on everyone to live in friendship and harmony? (Leopold)

5) What kind of instrument can be made from a reed if you make holes in it? (Pipe)

6) What is the name of the profession of a person who performs songs? (Singer)

7) What is the name of the song they sing before going to bed? (Lullaby)

8) The profession of the person who writes music? (Composer)

9) Name main song our country. (Hymn)

10) What song did the mother goat sing so that the kids would open the door for her?

(Hum a song)

11) Name the musical instrument that Gena the crocodile plays? (Harmonic)

12) Name the first musical note. (Before)

Sing a line from a song that contains word:

Sun, fire, earth, sea, house, plane, sky, love.

While the jury is summing up the results, I propose to sing a song about friendship.

Lyrics of song "Friendship"

1. If a friend doesn’t laugh, turn on the sun for him,

You turn on the stars for him - it's easy!

You correct the mistake, turning it into a smile,

All the sadness and tears, it’s simple!

Sunday, Saturday,

Friendship is not a job

Friendship is not work!

There are friends, and for them

Friends don't have days off!

There are friends, and for them

Friends don't have days off!

2. If happiness falls,

Divide it into parts

And give it to all your friends, it's easy.

And when necessary,

All friends will be there

To turn on the sun for you

Or the stars.

3. If everyone is a friend in a circle

He will extend his hand to a friend,

That will be visible through the porthole:

Friendship is the equator.

If everyone is a friend of the planet

Waving a daisy to a friend,

It will become clear: friendship is

Planet of daisies.

Іс – sharalar adestemelik azerleui

Methodological development Events

"Guess the melody"

Competition "Guess the melody"

Form: musical competition

Kustarushy terbieshi: Pozhidaeva S.V.

Compiled by teacher: Pozhidaeva S.V.

Date: April 2014

“Kalkaman balalar uyi” mm

State Institution "Kalkaman Orphanage"

Event scenario " GUESS THE MELODY"


    to form aesthetic education in children through songs;

    get children interested in music;

    contribute to broadening your horizons and the ability to work in groups.


Develop the emotional sphere of children;

Develop musical-imaginative thinking;

Develop the basics of creative musical abilities;

Cultivation of musical, aesthetic taste, interest in love of music, desire to listen to it.

Forms of conducting:

Rules of the game

The game involves 5 people.
The game consists of 4 rounds.

I round: participants listen to 4 categories of music of their choice, accumulating points.
The choice of melody is given to the player who guessed the melody; the first time the choice can be made by the participant who answered the question. The participant with the fewest points is eliminated.

Round 2: participants listen to tunes of their choice and those participants with the fewest points leave the game.

Third round: represents the bidding, which begins with the participant who has more points. You can start guessing the melody from 15 notes. If the melody is not guessed, the point is given to the opponent. In this round the score will go up to 3 points.

First, a hint sounds, then the players bargain, then as many notes of the melody sound as the participants stopped on.
Super game.


Technical equipment(computer, microphones)

Video projector;

Signal cards;

Progress of the event

Org moment. Greetings.

(the song “Blue Frost” is performed by the students at home)

Presenter 1. Nadya H.

Hello! We welcome you to our show “Guess the Tune”.

Presenter 2. Vika M.

To begin with, I suggest you do very difficult task.

Qualifying round

Presenter 2. Vika M.

Dear guys, now you will be presented with words from songs that you heard in cartoons. The task is simple: you need to name the hero

and the name of the cartoon in which this song is sung. Which one of you guesses the task correctly and quickly will take part in our show.

Presenter 1. Nadya H.

1. “And I increasingly notice

That it was as if someone had replaced me.

I don’t even dream about the seas - TV has replaced nature for me” (Matroskina’s song from the film “Prostokvashino”).

Presenter 2. Vika M.

2. “Kneading the snow with a spoon,

The night is coming,

Why aren't you sleeping, silly?

Your neighbors are sleeping

White bears,

Sleep quickly too, baby." (Lullaby of the Ursa from the film “Umka”)

Presenter 1. Nadya H.

3. “I was once strange

A nameless toy

To which in the store

Nobody will come. (Cheburashka’s song from the film “Cheburashka and the Crocodile Gena”).

Presenter 2. Vika M.

4. - Tell me, Snow Maiden,

Where were you?

Tell me, honey,

How are you?

I was running after you,

Father Frost,

I've spilled a lot

Bitter tears. (Song of the Snow Maiden and Father Frost from the film “Well, just wait!”).

Presenter 1. Nadya H.

5. “Stretch the bellows, accordion,

Eh, play, have fun!

Sing ditties, Grandma Yozhka,

Sing, don't talk! (Song by Babok Ezhek from the film “The Flying Ship”).

6. “If it’s long, long, long,

If it's long along the path,

If it's a long time along the path

Stomp, ride and run,

Then, perhaps, then of course,

That's probably true, true,

It's possible, it's possible, it's possible,

You can come to Africa" ​​(Song of Little Red Riding Hood, film "Little Red Riding Hood").

Presenter 2. Vika M.

Participants who answer the questions correctly are invited to the stage.

Presenter 1. Let's greet music experts.

(presentation of participants)

Participant #1...

Participant #2...

Participant #3...

Participant #4...

Participant #5...

Presenter 1. Nadya H.

Congratulations, you have become participants in the “Guess the Melody” show. And the jury will judge you. Let me introduce you to a strict but fair jury that will evaluate the participants in our show.

(presentation of the jury members)

Presenter 2. Vika M.

It's time to start our show. The jury is ready to work, the participants are in place, all that remains is to explain the rules of our game. We will have 4 rounds, after the first round, the participant with the fewest points is eliminated. After the second round, the two players with the lowest results leave the stage. Then, after the third round, one participant is also eliminated, and a super game is played with the remaining player.

Presenter 1. Nadya H.

So here we go. First tour.

In front of you is a board with four categories of music, in each category there are four melodies. Melodies are indicated by notes. Each note has its own price - from 10 to 50 points. You select a note, then the melody plays without words. Participants are required to be the first to remember what the melody is, pick up their number and answer. If the answer is correct, the cost of the “note” is credited to the participant’s scoreboard, who has the right to choose the next category. If the player makes a mistake, he is “fined” - he misses one (two) melodies and is out of the game. The melodies sound for 30 seconds, in which case the “note” remains unplayed. Not all categories and notes can be played in the first round. After the first round, the participant with the fewest points is eliminated.

Presenter 2. Vika M.

The right to name and open the first note is given to participant No. 1 (the participant chooses a melody, it sounds, and the one who first picks up his number guesses. If the participant guessed right, then the next move will be his).

Presenter 1. Nadya H.

The first tour ends with this magnificent melody. Let's see the results. The jury's word.

As was said, according to the rules of our show, the participant who scores the fewest points leaves us. Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to……..and say “thank you”.

Playing with spectators

Presenter 2. Vika M.

Based on the description of the song, you must guess what movie it is from and who performs it.

    A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat (“If it’s long, it’s long” - Song of Little Red Riding Hood)

    Song by syllables about a wooden man (Bura - ti - but)

    A song about the future, which should not be cruel to our contemporaries (“Beautiful is Far Away” from the film “Guest from the Future”)

    The song is about a piece of land where ugly but kind people live. (“Island of Bad Luck” from the film “The Diamond Arm”)

    A song about animals with long ears working as lawn mowers (Song about hares from the film “The Diamond Arm”)

Second round

Presenter 1. Nadya H.

Let's continue the game. And now the start of the second round is announced. The player has the fewest points……., so this participant chooses a category. According to the conditions of the second round, the 2 participants who scored the fewest points are eliminated from the game.

(a game).

Presenter 2. Vika M.

The jury gives the floor (speech by the jury, summing up the results of the second round).
Participants... and... are eliminated from the game, we thank them for great game applause.

Third round

Presenter 1. Nadya H.

In the third round they play us... and.... The tour will take place in the form of auctions. You will bargain with each other for the right to name the melody after my hint. The game will go to three points. The participant numbered… with starts the game the largest number points. The countdown goes from 15 to 7 notes, that is, you say “I will guess this melody from 15 notes, and the second participant either gives you the right to guess the melody, or says a smaller number of notes from which he will guess the melody.

Presenter 2. Vika M.

We give the floor to the jury. The third round has come to an end, unfortunately, for one of the participants it turned out to be the last. We say goodbye to... We are glad that you were at the game and showed a high musical level.

Super game.

Presenter 1. Nadya H.

Now it's a great game. We congratulate the participant on reaching the final. You need to guess 7 melodies in 3 minutes. At the jury's signal, we begin.

Presenter 2. Vika M.

Today you have proven that you are a true music connoisseur. Congratulations on winning our show. This thunderous applause is addressed to you.

Even though you didn't get through super game, but you are a finalist and you are the winner of the game “Guess the melody. You are rightfully considered a music connoisseur.

Presenter 1. Nadya H.

We invite all participants of the game to the stage. Thank you for your attention. See you soon!
(awarding the winner, presenting prizes and certificates to participants)

2. Vladimir Shainsky – Blue carriage

3. It’s fun to walk together

4. About Jam (Masha and the Bear)

5.Beautiful love (Assorted)

2. Spring (Makim)

3. From a smile

4.I'm lying in the sun

5. If spring shines through the window (Colors)

5. My Kazakhstan (Serik Musalimov)

Third round

1. A song about the most magical day that we wait for once a year (“Let them run clumsily”)
2. A song about a representative of the insect order that looks like a vegetable (“A grasshopper was sitting in the grass” from the cartoon “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”)
3. A song about the knowledge gained at school (“What they teach at school”)
4. Song about the lost baby (“Song of the Baby Mammoth”)
5. A song about two cheerful representatives of the grandmother’s farmstead (“Two cheerful geese”)

Super Ira

    Antoshka (from the film “Antoshka”)

    Pinocchio (from the movie "Pinocchio")

    About traces (from the movie "Masha and the Bear")

    Titanic (from the movie "Titanic")

    Musical kaleidoscope. Scenario for schoolchildren

    Target: test the capabilities of children, their intelligence and ability to discover themselves; strengthen interest in cognitive activity; create an environment of shared passion and creativity.


    Music staff with seven notes and treble clef;

    Pictures: apple, birch catkins, cucumber, raspberry, potato, bunch of rowan, sunflower;

    12 cards with song reversals;

    6 cards with song titles;

    10 soundtracks with excerpts from popular songs.

    The game involves 6 teams of 6 people. The team receives points based on the number of correct answers.

    Progress of the game

    I. Opening remarks.

    Leading. Hello guys!

    Today we have gathered to find out which of you are music lovers, that is, not only those who play musical instruments, but also understand music.

    II. Competition program.

    Before you is a stave with seven notes on which the tasks are written.

    1. Competition “Guess the melody”.

    We take off the first note

    And we offer a task.

    You need to guess 10 melodies. Whoever guesses the least is eliminated from the game.

    2. Competition “Sing a song based on the proposed picture.”

    We take off the second note

    And we announce the task to you.

    The teams are given pictures: an apple, a raspberry, birch catkins, a potato, a bunch of rowan berries, a cucumber, a sunflower. According to them, participants must remember and sing several lines of songs.

    3. Competition "Song according to a hint."

    The third note is in front of you,

    Guess the songs yourself.

    Teams need to sing a song according to the prompt:

    1. A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat (“If for a long, long time...”).

    2. A song about a spirit who lived in a swamp and helped build a flying ship (“I am a merman, I am a merman...”).

    3. A song about animals, thanks to which our planet moves in a circle (“Somewhere in this world...”).

    4. A song about a strange toy that no one noticed (“I was once a strange, wooden toy...”).

    5. A song about an African island where life is easy and simple (“Chunga-changa”).

    6. A song about an animal who loved to sunbathe in the sun (“I’m lying in the sun...”).

    4. Competition “Auction of songs with names.”

    The fourth note is in front of you,

    It is dedicated to songs with names.

    Teams need to perform 1-2 lines from songs in which a name is mentioned.

    5. Competition "Changes".

    Here's the fifth note

    And a new job awaits you.

    It's the turn of the changelings,

    Guess them, people!

    The presenter distributes two cards with reverse songs to the teams. After three minutes, the teams must give an answer: what song is “hiding” behind the changeling?

    1. “Oh, sun, sun, bake us all.” (“Oh, frost-frost, don’t freeze me”)

    2. “The melons and watermelons were withering.” (“Apple and pear trees blossomed”)

    3. “How deftly motorists walk on dry asphalt.” (“Let pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles”)

    4. “Someone famous has risen across the plain.” (“Someone came down the hill”)

    5. “There was an aspen tree in the forest.” ("The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree")

    6. “It’s sad to swim alone along a narrow corridor.” (“It’s fun to walk together”)

    7. “Why are you sitting upright, oh, you thick oak tree.” (“Why are you standing swaying, thin rowan”)

    8. “A waitress named Manya.” ("A Stewardess Named Zhanna")

    9. “A palm tree appeared in the steppe, but in the steppe it dried up.” ("The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree")

    10. “My bun, I’m not crying for you.” (“My baby, I miss you”)

    11. “She was leaving the shore of Lyubasha.” (“Katyusha came ashore”)

    12. “Here is a straight road, but the engine has stalled.” (“Here’s a new turn, and the engine is roaring”)

    6. “Questions and Answers” ​​competition.

    Here is note six in front of you,

    There is a new task in it.

    The task of the teams is to answer asked question from a song with a line from another song:

    1. What should I give you, my dear man? (A million, a million red roses)

    2. Where did the circus go? (A week before the second he went to Komarovo)

    3. Where are you, my black-eyed one, where? (There in the distance beyond the river)

    4. What, what, what are our boys made of? (I made him from what was)

    7. Pantomime competition.

    Leading. The seventh note is also for you,

    We'll open it now. One person from each team is invited. Everyone draws a card with the name of the song and pantomimes it. The team must guess the song.

    III. Summing up the results of the game and rewarding the participants.

    First tour
    Three players participate. There are four categories of music with four melodies each (four “notes”). The cost of “notes” varies. After selecting a note, a melody without words sounds. The participant needs to be the first to remember what the melody is, press the button and answer. If the answer is correct, the cost of the “note” is credited to the participant’s scoreboard, who has the right to choose the next category. If the player makes a mistake, he is “fined” - he misses two tunes and is out of the game.
    Second round
    The rules in the second round are similar to the rules of the first. When you select one of the four categories, music immediately starts playing, and while it is playing, the cost of the melody increases accordingly. Each category has four melodies and its own cost. If no one guesses the melody, it remains unplayed, but the prize usually increases significantly. At the end of the second round, the participant who has the least earned money leaves the game.
    Super game
    All money earned during the preliminary stage of the game remains with the player in any case. The participant must guess 7 melodies in 30 seconds. If he is unsure about one of the tunes, he can skip it and come back to it later. You can't make mistakes. The participant loses if: He makes a mistake when guessing the melody; 30 seconds are running out. If a participant guesses all the melodies, he is considered the absolute winner
    To conduct (ensure) the competition efficiently, it is necessary: ​​- the presence of at least two people, the presenter and his assistant - a laptop with installed Windows system 7, 8, 8.1, projector or plasma panel- computer program “Guess the Song”
    The competition is held through the interaction of the presenter and his assistant. The presenter’s assistant (for example, a DJ), depending on the game scenario, includes the necessary musical compositions and regulates the course of the game. All melodies and stages of the competition are automated as much as possible, they are very simple and convenient to use!!

    Included you get:
    - Computer program Guess the Song
    - Detailed video instructions for installing and using the program
    - 4 New Year categories - 16 songs