Great monitor for gaming. How to choose a monitor for gaming

The Internet is simply flooded with offers for the sale of monitors, new and old, from expensive to budget models. Accordingly, each manufacturer tries to please as many consumers as possible, “spitting out” more and more new models on the market. Sometimes stuffing old monitors with unnecessary functions that the average consumer does not need at all. Entering a computer hardware store, we will also see a large number of monitors, and in each store they will persuade you to buy this or that model, and not just persuade you, but justify its advantages with various “bells and whistles” and their irreplaceability, which can be very controversial with experts' point of view. However, unfortunately, most of us will not be able to object to this, but it is worth noting that the monitor is the least susceptible. And just as sellers read articles on how to sell a product, we suggest you arm yourself with the knowledge of one that will meet your requirements.

Decide on the monitor screen size. In monitors and televisions, screen size is measured in inches (1 inch = 2.54 cm) diagonally. If 5 years ago 17-inch monitors were in demand, now the overwhelming majority of sales are for monitors with a diagonal of 19 inches and above, and in the second half of 2008, every second monitor purchased had a diagonal of 22 inches. This is due to a significant reduction in prices for these monitors: in particular, prices 19-inch LCD monitors start at $100, at 22-inch LCD monitors– from 160 dollars. At the same time, in order to buy a 24 inch monitor or more you need to collect at least $180.

Tip #2. Or maybe choose a widescreen monitor?

Widescreen monitors have been rapidly gaining momentum in popularity lately. Instead of the old familiar 4:3 size, these LCD monitors have an aspect ratio of 16:10. At first, the workspace will seem too large, elongated horizontally and uncomfortable, but once you buy such a monitor and try it out, you will immediately appreciate all the advantages of a widescreen monitor: you will not need to “hide” toolbars in applications (thus narrowing the usable space) , several windows can easily fit on your display, and watching movies at home will feel like going to the cinema.

Tip #3. Which matrix is ​​better to choose a monitor with?

In order to enjoy the achievements of civilization, it is not at all necessary to understand how this or that device works. Therefore, we will not go into technical details. Here it should be written that the type of matrix is ​​a set of features of the effect on the liquid crystals of the monitor to obtain an image. Today, LCD monitors with three types of matrices are available for sale: S-IPS, TN-film and PVA/MVA. If you are professionally involved in photography or design, then we recommend that you choose a monitor with an S-IPS matrix, which provides better color reproduction and better viewing angles, but you won’t be able to buy a monitor with such a matrix for less than $500-550. PVA/MVA matrices, in turn, have better contrast, and you can buy a monitor with such a matrix for at least $300 (19-inch LCD monitor). But don’t be upset, because only a good specialist who probably knows in advance what kind of monitor he wants to buy can feel and, therefore, appreciate these not cheap advantages. It is better for the average consumer to choose a monitor with a TN-film matrix, because this will be the most optimal in terms of price-quality ratio. In addition, many global monitor manufacturers have spent the last few years investing heavily in improving the performance of monitors with this most popular matrix (90% of monitor sales) and significant results have now been achieved. So the TN-film matrix is ​​what you need!

Tip #4. Pay attention to the screen resolution. What are dead pixels?

The entire LCD monitor screen is divided into small dots (called pixels or grains), from which the image is composed. Naturally, the smaller the size of each dot, the better the image will be. Resolution is the number of pixels that the monitor displays vertically and horizontally. Please note that the manufacturer usually states a recommended resolution (as the resolution can be changed for each monitor), which corresponds to a certain screen refresh rate. As the resolution increases, the refresh rate decreases. It should be remembered that working on a monitor with a refresh rate of less than 60 hertz leads to rapid fatigue and headaches, and the optimal refresh rate is 75-100 hertz. Therefore, you should be interested in the real working resolution (usually at a frequency of 60-75 hertz), which for 19-inch monitors should not be less than 1280x960 pixels, for 22-inch monitors - at least 1600x1050 pixels, the dot size should be no more than 0.3 mm , and a dot size of less than 0.278 is a very good indicator.

Due to the technical features of the LCD monitor, some pixels may not change color, i.e. be constantly black, white or colored. Such pixels are called “broken”. The presence of three “dead” pixels is not a warranty case, so before you buy a monitor, ask the seller if he checks for such “dead” pixels before selling.

Tip #5. What matrix response time is acceptable?

The matrix response time is the minimum time during which one frame can be replaced by another. The shorter the response time, the better (and, accordingly, the monitor is more expensive). If this time is too long, the image will be blurred (since the monitor will not have time to change pictures). To choose a monitor with the necessary and sufficient response time, let's think logically: if the rate of change of pictures in a movie is 25 frames per second, then the longest acceptable response time of your monitor can be 40ms (1sec/25 frames=1000ms/25=40ms). For modern monitors with a TN-film matrix, this figure is usually no more than 8ms (on average 5ms - and this is a very good indicator). For PVA/MVA matrices this figure is usually no more than 25ms (this is also enough). There is also a statement that for a gaming computer it is preferable to choose a monitor with a response time of 2ms. Of course, a fast monitor response is important, but the difference when using monitors with 2ms and 5ms is quite difficult to feel.

Tip #6. All other things being equal, give preference to monitors with a digital DVI input

The monitor can be connected to the computer via or input. In the second case, the analog signal is converted thanks to special circuits. In the case of a digital input, a direct connection is made between the computer and the monitor without the need for conversion, which is undoubtedly better and the picture is clearer. The conclusion is simple: we recommend choosing a monitor with a digital DVI input.

Tip #7. Brightness and contrast - don't be fooled!

Monitor brightness indicates the amount of light emitted by an all-white monitor screen. Contrast is defined as the ratio of the brightness of the lightest and darkest areas. Without going into technical details, it should be said that the monitor will have as much contrast as the depth of black it can display. We recommend that you choose a monitor with a brightness of 250 to 400 cd/m2 (candelas per square meter), and the contrast should not be less than 500:1. The optimal contrast is in the range of 700:1 to 1000:1. Some manufacturers and sellers also offer to buy a monitor with a declared contrast ratio of 5000:1, 8000:1, and so on. Don’t be fooled - these numbers are achieved artificially and do not affect the quality of color rendering in any way.

Everyone knows that LCD monitors have a limited viewing angle. Depending on our position towards the monitor, the image may change colors and become difficult to distinguish. If you plan to use the computer alone, then you can always adjust the position of the monitor to suit you. However, for example, viewing photos or a movie with friends may be difficult on monitors with a narrow viewing angle, so we recommend choosing a monitor with a viewing angle of at least 160 degrees vertically and horizontally.

Please note that the monitor can be adjusted vertically and horizontally. Otherwise, even in monitors with a good viewing angle, the image will be slightly distorted. In addition, most modern LCD monitors have the ability to mount on a wall, which can significantly free up your work space. Sometimes a wall mount is included in the original package. Before buying a monitor, we recommend that you think about whether you will hang the monitor on the wall (less than 5 percent of users do this), or whether it is better to choose a monitor without this option and it is not worth overpaying for this addition (especially since you can always buy a wall mount separately)?

As for the color of the display, we will not give any recommendations on which monitor to choose, because the design itself is a matter of taste for each of us. It should be written that most often you can find LCD monitors on sale in black and silver colors. Some models are available in white. Buy an LCD monitor in Kharkov other colors (blue, gold, etc.) will be problematic. Sometimes monitor buyers also wonder what the difference is between glossy and matte monitor surfaces, and which one is better. Gloss has a brighter picture, however, any light will be reflected from such a monitor, which will not be very convenient when working, so it is preferable for working in a dark room (for example, in a computer club). But LCD monitors with a matte surface (with anti-reflective coating) have a less rich picture, but do not create discomfort during operation. It's a matter of everyone's taste here.

Tip #10. Do you really need additional options?

Before you pay attention to the presence of various add-ons in the monitor, you should think carefully about whether you are ready to overpay for it, or whether it is better to buy a monitor without frills. Among the add-ons, manufacturers usually offer a built-in TV tuner and speakers. The presence of USB and FireWire ports is convenient for connecting external devices (players, cameras, external drives, web cameras, etc.) directly to the monitor.

The built-in TV tuner and speakers turn your monitor into a full-fledged TV. However, monitors with such an addition have disadvantages: for example, if the acoustics break down, you will have to carry the entire monitor for repairs, and it is no longer possible to update such built-in speakers. Of course, implement urgent repair of computers and monitors not a problem today, but the monitor is the least susceptible part of the computer to update.

Additional tip. Repair and maintenance. Pah-pah, so as not to jinx it!

Before buying a monitor, make sure that there is a corresponding one from this manufacturer, for example, samsung, lg, acer, benq, viewsonic, syncmaster, nec, asus, philips, sony, dell, hp , belinea (belinia), samtron, acer (acer), aoc (ak), hanns-g (hans) etc. A situation may arise that by contacting the store under warranty, your LCD monitor will be sent to the official Kiev SC. It would seem that what’s wrong with this?! But in practice, instead of the legal 14 days for repairs, it takes 1.5-2 months of feeding breakfast. Therefore, you need to eat urgent lcd monitor repair- feel free to contact us. Because sometimes it’s better to pay 100 UAH and receive a monitor in 30-40 minutes than to wait 2 months and eventually hear: “ This is not a warranty case«.

Extremely simplifying the principles of choosing a monitor for a PC in accordance with its main purpose, modern devices can be grouped into three categories:

  • On fast TN+Film matrices - for eSports;
  • With GB LED backlight and extended color gamut - for working with graphics;
  • Universal displays - with IPS or VA panels.

In this material we will try to talk about the best computer monitors with diagonals of 19, 24, 27, 32 and more inches.

Choosing the best matrix type for a monitor

Sadly, not a single LCD monitor can display all the variety of visual information equally well. There are three main types of liquid crystal displays:

The number of colors the monitor displays depends on matrix capacity. The simplest ones (6 bits) are capable of outputting 262 thousand shades. Most modern models are equipped with 8 or 10-bit panels (16 million and billion colors, respectively). Naturally, the higher the bit depth, the more expensive the final device.

There are models in which greater color depth is achieved through clever technical solutions. In particular, frame rate control(Frame Rate Control). In such cases, they talk about pseudo-bit (for example, 8 bits + FRC). From the point of view of the final number of shades, such monitors have everything “fairly”, but sensitive eyes may react to the additional blinking of pixels.

The pulse width method of brightness control can also cause eye fatigue ( PWM). Please note that the term Flicker-Free can mean anything from different manufacturers. Let's say PWM is used only for low brightness levels or high frequency modulation is used. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to find out this point.

Diagonal matters

The first mass-produced LCD monitors were simply “ridiculous”, by today’s standards, diagonal. These days, purchasing even a 21-inch monitor involves force majeure. Of course, the comfortable size is different for everyone, just like the screen resolution. As for the best combinations, they are approximately the following (for an aspect ratio of 16:9):

  • Full HD (1920×1080) - 24 inches;
  • 2K WQHD (2560×1440) - 27 inches;
  • 4K UHD (3840x2160) - 32 inches and larger.

Ultrawide monitors(21:9) are not small at all, and their acceptable pixel size starts from a diagonal of 29 inches. Well, we don’t consider diverse “exotics” in our rating. Our ranking of the best is basedmonitors based on customer and expert reviews and analysis of the technical characteristics of popular models in 2017.

It is impossible to use a computer without a display. But how to choose the right one if there are a huge number of options on the market? Let's look at popular computer monitors. The 2018 rating was compiled to help you make your choice.

Classification of monitors

To successfully select a display, you need to look at the classification. There are 3 main parameters that are worth paying attention to.

Screen type

The main difference between the types is color rendering and viewing angles.

Connection type

When choosing, you should consider the connector that is present on your computer. Only then select a monitor with the appropriate cable.

Note! Thunderbolt is currently gaining particular popularity due to its versatility. There is an assumption that soon all manufacturers will switch to a single standard.

Best models

This table contains both budget and expensive options. These monitors were selected based on user reviews.

AH-IPS24″1920×1080Best Budget11000 rub.
IPS23.8″1920×1080Frameless11000 rub.
TFT A-MVA27″1920 x 1080Inexpensive 27″12000 rub.
TFT TN24″1920×1080Game16,000 rub.
TFT TN28″3840 x 2160Inexpensive 4K17,000 rub.
IPS24.1″1920×1200Optimal20,000 rub.
IPS34″2560 x 1080Gaming35,000 rub.
IPS27″2560 x 1440For graphics40,000 rub.
V.A.34″3440×1440Curved45,000 rub.
IPS27″2560×1440Super game65,000 rub.

Let's move on to an overview of each option.

Short review

An excellent solution for everyday use at home or in the office. The main element is a high-quality IPS matrix (AH-IPS). There are no problems with viewing angles. The 24-inch display is framed by a neat frame without unnecessary elements.

Frameless design is not so easy to see in the budget price segment. The monitor from LG has a futuristic design, which is typical for a more expensive class of devices - invisible thin edges, as well as an ArcLine stand.

This solution differs from the previous ones in its increased diagonal and matrix type. For a low cost you get a high-quality screen with rich black images. The BenQ GW2760HS is especially good for those who read a lot (it's all about the matrix).

An inexpensive gaming monitor that every gamer will love. The main feature is the 144Hz TFT TN display. The user will be able to enjoy excellent contrast, a wide range of adjustable parameters, as well as very fast frame changes during gameplay.

A budget option for those who need 4K resolution. The U28E590D is suitable for watching high-definition videos. Separately, I would like to note the eye protection technology, which eliminates flicker and reduces the intensity of blue light. This monitor is appreciated by those who spend a long period of time at the computer.

A monitor that is popular among users. A high-quality IPS matrix, 5 USB ports, 2 HDMI and DislayPort, a simple stylish design - this is exactly what UltraSharp attracts. The 24-inch screen is surrounded by a thin frame, which is also an advantage.

A powerful solution for computer game lovers. The widescreen 34-inch matrix has a frequency of 144 GHz - all according to the gaming standard. Instant 1ms response will help during gameplay. Those who bought this monitor have only positive things to say about it.

Ideal color rendition - this is how the matrix can be characterized. The expanded color range makes the Dell UP2716D ideal for people who work with photographs or graphics. In terms of characteristics, nothing outstanding, but competitors are not able to produce a similar picture.

Premium device from a South Korean company. The display is ideal for watching movies due to its curved design. Samsung has put the best technology into this monitor. This can be seen from the juicy and high-quality picture. Separately, it is worth mentioning Picture-by-Picture - a technology for displaying images from two different sources on one screen.

A worthy representative of gaming monitors. The anti-glare high-quality IPS matrix has a high frame rate. The movable hinge allows you to rotate the structure in any direction. A wide range of settings and bright backlighting of the leg emphasize its gaming purpose.


When choosing a monitor, you need to understand for what purposes it will be used. Conventionally, they can be divided into several categories: for working with graphics, gaming, for watching movies, for work.

There is nothing complicated in choosing a monitor; the main thing is to understand which characteristics are basic and which are secondary. Then everything will fall into place, and you will be able to easily choose the ideal model for yourself at a very reasonable price, and not overpay for functions that you do not need.

A good monitor will save your eyesight and allow you to fully enjoy its capabilities even after many years of use, because a monitor is a thing that does not wear out, and if it does become obsolete, then only in a moral sense, as we can still find in some offices or government offices have old large monitors with a convex screen, and they work... But let's get to the point, how to choose a monitor for your computer.

Important characteristics of a monitor when choosing it

Screen size. One of the most important points in choosing a monitor should be the choice of screen diagonal, which is calculated in inches. The most popular diagonals are: 19, 20, 22 and 24. A lot depends on the screen size: resolution, format, price, etc. Naturally, the larger the screen, the more comfortable it is to work, play or study. If we talk about work or learning, then a large monitor (the optimal size would be monitors from 20 to 22 inches) can fit a large fragment of a document or even several of them, which is very convenient. For those whose computer is primarily a place for entertainment, a large monitor will also be in demand, because games will look even more realistic and interesting on it. For games and movies, it is better to take a monitor with 24 inches or more. But here take into account the fact that not every video card will be able to properly display graphics on such a diagonal.

Monitor format. To understand whether a monitor is widescreen or not, you need to know its aspect ratio (width and height). If the monitor is widescreen, then its aspect ratio will be 16:9 or 16:10 (more relevant today). These monitors will be an ideal option for buyers who, in addition to working on a computer, also want to play on it and watch movies, which, by the way, are mostly released in wide format. Monitors with an aspect ratio of 4:3 (look like square) - we do not recommend choosing them!

Monitor resolution. When thinking about what monitor resolution to choose, you should understand that the higher the resolution, the clearer the picture on the screen will be, and the more information will be displayed on it. As a rule, buyers do not pay attention to this parameter, because... Basically, the manufacturer himself sets the required resolution for the monitor, and does this depending on the matrix of the LCD monitor, as well as on the diagonal of the screen. We recommend choosing monitors with a resolution of 1360x768 or 1920x1080 (for larger diagonals). If you need the largest possible screen, then pay attention to monitors with a resolution of 2560x1600.

LED backlight. As a rule, monitors used to use cold cathode fluorescent lamps (abbr.: CCFL), but now monitors mostly use LED backlighting (abbr.: LED). LED-backlit monitors display colors more vividly. In addition, monitors are thinner and consume less electricity. The only drawback is the slightly overpriced LED monitors.

Type of LCD matrix. The quality of the picture on the screen depends on the matrix. There are three main types of matrices.

  • * TFT IPS. Monitors with this matrix are an ideal choice for those buyers who want to get the most beautiful picture on the screen. This matrix allows you to transmit excellent colors and also provides a wide viewing angle. The only serious drawback is its high cost. This matrix also has the following varieties: TFT S-IPS, TFT H-IPS, TFT UH-IPS, TFT E-IPS and TFT P-IPS.
  • * TFT MVA / TFT PVA / TFT S-PVA. Matrices, which, like IPS, allow you to provide ideal colors of pictures, but in addition they improve their contrast. The disadvantage is still the same - a very high price.
  • * TFT TN. This is the most popular matrix. Today, 70% of monitors in computer stores have a TN matrix. They have only one advantage - low price, otherwise there are only disadvantages: parts can often fail, small viewing angles (that is, if you look from the side, the picture is hard to see), terrible color rendition (compared to an IPS matrix) .

Stereo speakers. Very often, buyers pay special attention to this point, attaching great importance to it, but in reality this is a big mistake. The speakers that are built into the monitor do not and cannot make much sense. The sound quality in them is terrible, so we highly recommend not using them as the main sound source on a computer; even the cheapest computer speakers can provide much better sound than them.

HDMI, DVI or VGA. The method of connecting the monitor is also important. First of all, you should pay attention to what kind of connection your video card has, as well as how soon you plan to replace it. The fact is that it is better to choose a monitor with an HDMI interface, since in a couple of years it will become almost the main way to connect all equipment. However, if you don’t know exactly your connection type, or want to buy a monitor with a universal output, then we recommend paying attention to models with HDMI, DVI and VGA inputs.

3D support. Are you trying to choose the most modern monitor? Then give preference to a monitor with 3D support. This technology will allow you to create a three-dimensional image on the screen. 3D graphics will allow you to get much more vivid emotions from watching a film and fully experience the modern capabilities of technology that can transport you into the virtual world. For such a monitor you will also need special glasses, which, as a rule, are included in the kit or you can purchase them separately in the same store.
Naturally, to display 3D graphics you will need a special film (in the required format) or a special computer game.

Monitor models for different purposes

Very often, users want to receive more specific information, namely a list of monitor models that they should pay attention to. We decided to satisfy this desire of our readers. So, let's see.

Gaming monitor - Philips 273E3LHSB(S)

Main characteristics:
  • * Large monitor with a diagonal of 27 inches;
  • * Matrix type TFT TN;
  • * Widescreen monitor with a resolution of 1920x1080;
  • * Availability of LED backlight;
  • * Connection types: VGA, DVI, HDMI.

Monitor with Full HD - LG Flatron M2250D

Main characteristics:
  • * The monitor has a diagonal of 21.5 inches;
  • * TFT TN matrices;
  • * Widescreen monitor with screen resolution 1920x1080;
  • * Monitor with LED backlight;
  • * Two inputs: VGA, HDMI;
  • * Decent monitor brightness.

LED Backlit Monitor - DELL U2312HM

Main characteristics:
  • * Diagonal 23 inches;
  • * TFT IPS LCD matrix;
  • * Resolution 1920x1080;
  • * LED backlight (abrr.: LED);
  • * Three inputs: VGA, DVI, DisplayPort;
  • *High contrast.

Monitor with 3D support - Samsung SyncMaster S27A950D

Main characteristics:
  • * Just a huge 27-inch monitor;
  • * Modern design;
  • * Matrix type: TFT TN;
  • * 3D support;
  • * Screen resolution: 1920x1080;
  • * LED backlight
  • * Three monitor connection options: DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort.

Monitor for working with graphics - LG Flatron IPS226V

Main characteristics:
  • * Diagonal 21.5 inches;
  • * One of the best matrix types: TFT E-IPS;
  • * Widescreen, resolution 1920x1080;
  • * LED backlight (LED);
  • * Universal input options: VGA, DVI and HDMI;
  • *High contrast.

Inexpensive monitor - LG Flatron W1943C

Main characteristics:
  • * Small but sufficient screen diagonal – 18.5 inches;
  • * Budget LCD matrix type: TFT TN;
  • * Widescreen(!) screen with a resolution of 1366x768;
  • *Input: VGA.

And finally: many people think about which brand to choose a monitor - this should not be done. You should choose a monitor based on its characteristics, as well as design, but not on the brand.
Good luck with your choice!