Touch id fails. Touch ID setup cannot be completed. Installation of a new mechanism

Touch ID – unique technology fingerprint reading. The following versions are equipped with it mobile gadgets from Apple, like the iPhone 5s, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. According to the manufacturer, this technology is more advanced in models of the sixth line. However, many users often complain on forums that Touch ID is a rather poorly functioning element in both the first and second versions.

Touch ID is definitely a good idea. And not only in terms of marketing, but also for practical use. WITH using Touch ID, the owner of an iPhone can unlock his device, log into the “accounts” of some programs on the network, make payments using Apple Pay. But this is only if the technology functions smoothly, which is not always the case. Like any electronic mechanism, Touch ID sometimes has problems. How to deal with them? Let's figure it out.

Firstly, if problems were discovered after a recent firmware upgrade to OS version 9 (or more recent versions of iOS), a downgrade may be required. This term refers to a system rollback to previous version. But if the problems are not so significant, the best solution will wait for the next update.

All other problems are often caused by misunderstandings that do not imply anything serious. Therefore, the user can solve most of them independently, without going to a repair shop. Moreover, there are not many such problems, and the methods for solving them have long been known. In this article we will look at each problem and how to solve it in detail.

It often happens that the fingerprint on the iPhone 6 or iPhone 5S does not work. If a system malfunctions, experts recommend making a simple reconfiguration. In other words, you need to retrain the gadget to recognize a fingerprint. When the first scanners appeared, Apple was concerned about annual updates software for them. This is done so that the devices remember the fingers of their owners as best as possible.

Significant optimization in this area was carried out in the eighth version of the operating system. But as the practical experience of many users has shown, if the fingerprint is not regularly refreshed, somewhere after month touch The ID will start to malfunction. The reasons for this are usually the most banal, but they are basically cosmetic in nature (the fingerprint has worn out, dry skin on the finger, and similar misunderstandings).

Considering the above, if Touch ID glitches on the iPhone 5S you need to update the fingerprint in the gadget’s memory. But before the procedure, you need to thoroughly wipe the surface of the display and wash your hands. Then you should go to the iPhone settings, and after that - to the section Password Touch ID. In this case, the earlier fingerprint must be deleted using a swipe, moving across the display with right side to the left. After this action, you need to click on the add a fingerprint button and again carry out the usual operation of entering a fingerprint, in accordance with the instructions.

Touch ID doesn't work in the App Store

This, like the previous problem described, occurs quite often. And this usually happens due to the fact that the scanner does not interact with App Store. As before, the reason most often lies in cosmetic factors. But sometimes the problem occurs due to software problems in the iPhone 5S. Many users note that gadgets based on OS version 8, or more precisely, the Touch ID technology in them, do not work in this store.

For solutions similar problem you need to complete the following steps:

  • Click on the settings section, and then on the Touch ID and password item.
  • Go to the technology usage section and disable the App Store.
  • Reboot the device system.
  • Come back to initial settings, enable the App Store.

After all the steps have been completed, the Touch ID bug in the store should be automatically removed. Let us also remind you that if the user has not made purchases in a store during the day, when entering the store again, the system will prompt you to enter a password.

The fingerprint scanner doesn't work at all

It happens that the scanner itself fails, that is, it simply breaks. Although this happens extremely rarely.

A breakdown can be signaled by complete inoperability of the technology after the update. In this case, you can try " Hard Reset", having done the backup procedure before this.

But if the issue is a malfunction of the iPhone 5S software, hard reboot usually solves the problem 100%. Otherwise, the user will have to seek repairs, since it is impossible to do without competent diagnostics of the device.

Touch ID stops working in cold temperatures

According to statistics, glitches in the operation of technology in winter or in cold conditions occur much more often. As always, the explanation for this phenomenon is simple. It's all about changes in the papillary pattern of the fingers, which, when changed, weather conditions is changing. Of course, it is not possible to detect such changes by eye. But smart Touch ID immediately detects them and reports failures.

As you might have guessed, this whole issue is also treated through updating the fingerprint. But here everything can be made even easier. All you have to do is complete and save your “winter” fingerprint in the device’s memory. To do this, you need to do the procedure as soon as you come from the street, and your fingers are still cold. Although, this is not a guarantee of a successful solution to the problem. According to reviews from iPhone owners, the above methods do not always cope with the situation.

If the scanner does not work in dirty or damp conditions

There is no need to go into long explanations here. Obviously, moisture and dirt prevent the system from scanning a fingerprint. It's about about the presence of dirt or moisture not only on the finger itself, but also on the surface of the scanner. Therefore, before the operation, you need to wash and dry your hands well and carefully wipe the scanner with a dry cloth.

But one thing to remember important point: There is no need to keep your hands in water for a long time when washing, as this will cause the skin to swell and the papillary pattern will change significantly.

However, Apple guarantees fans of its products that in the new sixth line of gadgets labeled S, Touch ID works more effectively with wet surfaces. But at the same time, the developers still do not recommend using the scanner when your hands are wet.

Breakdowns after repair: reasons

Speaking in simple words, during the process of repairing the device, the cable between Touch ID and the telephone board may be damaged. This leads to the fact that the system is no longer able to determine the authenticity of the fingerprint. And after that, the gadget deactivates the biometric sensor. IN similar situation Replacing individual elements in order to improve the operation of the technology is impossible. Identifiers between Secure Enclave and sensor third party manufacturer they just won't match.

If the cable is completely damaged, then restoring it is an impossible task. The fact is that it includes ten tracks consisting of several layers. And the thickness of each track is a tenth of a millimeter.

The situation is different with the elements of the Home button that regulate the process of registering a click. Replacement is a simple matter. However, from now on, unlocking the device will be available exclusively through a password. It's easy to identify a broken Touch ID through settings. To do this, you need to carefully consider the menu for adding new fingerprints. It must be gray if there are any malfunctions.

The only method of obtaining a properly functioning sensor with fingerprint technology at its core is to use elements of another device. This means that you will need to install new board And Home button. However, this repair will be very expensive for the user. In such a situation, it is advisable to purchase new iPhone. Of course, if Touch ID technology is very important for the user.

Apple provides users of its technology with a large number of functions designed to provide complete safety and protect the device from unauthorized access. One such add-on is Touch ID.

What is Touch ID

Touch ID is a password that can be set to unlock the device or access certain applications. Unlike before existing passwords, which was a combination of numbers or a key character, Touch ID checks the fingerprints of the person trying to unlock the phone or tablet and compares them with the fingerprints stored in the device's memory. If they match, then the unlocking is successful, but if Touch ID suspects that they are trying to hack the device, it will go into lock mode. The user has three attempts to prove their identity using unique fingerprints.

The advantage of this technology is that it is the most reliable way block access to your device or individual programs. If a phone or tablet is stolen, it will be very difficult for an attacker to remove it from the locked state.

Touch ID first appeared on the iPhone 5S and is present on all subsequent phone models. This technology is also available iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3.

How to enable, disable and configure Touch ID on iPhone

Before you activate Touch work ID it is recommended to restart the device, close all applications and wash your hands, as the first time you turn it on you will need to add your fingerprints, and if they are unclear, you may have problems unlocking the device in the future.

  1. Open the Settings application.
  2. Go to the “Touch ID and Passcode” section.
  3. Click the “Add fingerprint” button. The device screen will show detailed instructions to add a fingerprint. It will be necessary to apply your finger several times, raising and lowering it at the right moment. Hold the device the way you normally hold it. Don't place your finger straight or at a certain angle; place it on the Home button the way you most often place it during everyday use.
  4. If you think that the fingerprint is inaccurate, then find it in the “Fingerprints” block and swipe it from right to left. A “Delete” button will appear, which you must click to erase the fingerprint.
  5. You can click on the name of the resulting fingerprint to assign any other name.
  6. Now let's activate the function " Unlocking iPhone"if you want the device to unlock only after touching it with your finger.
  7. Activate the "ITunes Store, App Store" feature if you want your fingerprint to be required when entering the store.
  8. If you want to disable Touch technology ID on your device, then deactivate the two above functions.

What to do if a function stops working or crashes

Some users encounter problems immediately after turning it on Touch functions ID, and some after a few days or months. The problem may be the following: Touch ID does not work, has stopped working, does not work the first time, does not work correctly. To get rid of all the above problems, you need to do the following:

  1. Reboot your device by pressing the Lock and Home buttons at the same time for 8-10 seconds.
  2. Open the Settings app.
  3. Go to the Touch ID and Passcode section.
  4. Delete any existing prints. To do this, first click on the name or fingerprint number.
  5. In the tab that opens, click the “Delete fingerprint” button. Repeat this operation with all prints.
  6. Click the Add Fingerprint button. Follow all the instructions that appear on the device screen: remove and reapply your finger, rest the tip or middle of your finger, rotate, and others. Repeat this process with each finger.

What to do if the fingerprint scanner is not working well - video

If restoring fingerprints does not help fix problems with Touch ID, you need to take the device to a service center to get advice from a qualified specialist and possibly send the device for repair, since the problem is most likely in the hardware of the phone or tablet. If you hacked the firmware of your device using Jailbreak, then this may be the reason. Also the reason may be IOS version, must be installed on your device latest version firmware so that Touch ID works correctly.

From time to time there are complaints about the operation of the fingerprint scanner on the iPhone or iPad. There is always a small chance that the problem lies in the failure of this component of the device, but it is possible that it can be solved incorrect operation You can do Touch ID on your own. For example, if you recalibrate the scanner, clean it, and also check your fingers for damage. We have collected several useful tips for those whose Home buttons do not work as well as they would like.

Make sure Touch ID is turned on and configured correctly

To do this, go to Settings, then to the “Touch ID and Password” section, and check that the use of the scanner is enabled for unlocking the device, as well as for purchases in iTunes Store and App Store. In addition, the required fingerprints must be added - from one to five.

Recalibrate the scanner

Perhaps something went wrong the first time and your fingerprint was not recognized well enough. The solution to problems with Touch ID may be re-adding fingerprints. For ease of use of the scanner, it is worth taking at least three slots out of the five available, for example, adding two thumbs and one index finger on the main hand. Be sure to properly label the added fingerprints to reduce the time and effort required for recalibration in the future.

Check that your fingers are dry and undamaged

Do not forget that wet, frozen or damaged fingers can interfere with the operation of the fingerprint scanner. Perhaps you recklessly grabbed something hot, spent a long time in the bathroom, or played unsuccessfully with the cat? All this could affect the quality of fingerprint recognition, and not at all problems with Touch ID.

Clean Home Button

At first glance, the Home button may seem clean, but a barely noticeable ring of dirt accumulates around the junction with the front panel of the smartphone. Over time, the useful area of ​​the scanner becomes slightly smaller, which makes the scanner more difficult to operate and leads to operational errors. It’s worth making a habit of cleaning the Home button weekly, which will have a positive effect on Touch ID performance.

Do you have an iPhone 6 Plus?

If none of the above helps, you probably have an early release iPhone 6 Plus. It’s difficult to say why, but it’s this smartphone that receives the most complaints from users regarding Touch ID. In our editorial office we have an iPhone 6 and an iPhone 6 Plus, so we see the difference in the operation of the fingerprint scanners on personal example. If misfires in a compact model happen extremely rarely and are most often my fault (I let go of my finger too quickly, didn’t place it accurately), then sometimes it’s possible to unlock the iPhone 6 Plus only after manual entry password. Perhaps by supplying fingerprint scanners for different iPhone models were engaged different companies, otherwise it is unclear how to explain the large number of complaints about the operation of Touch ID in a smartphone with a larger diagonal.

From time to time there are complaints about the operation of the fingerprint scanner on the iPhone or iPad. There is always a small chance that the problem lies in the breakdown of this component of the device, but it is possible that you can solve the incorrect operation of Touch ID on your own. For example, if you recalibrate the scanner, clean it, and also check your fingers for damage. We've put together some helpful tips for those whose Home buttons aren't working as well as they should.

Make sure Touch ID is turned on and configured correctly

To do this, you need to go to Settings, then to the “Touch ID and Password” section, and make sure that the use of the scanner is enabled for unlocking the device, as well as purchases in the iTunes Store and App Store. In addition, the required fingerprints must be added - from one to five.

Recalibrate the scanner

Perhaps something went wrong the first time and your fingerprint was not recognized well enough. The solution to problems with Touch ID may be to add fingerprints again. For ease of use of the scanner, it is worth taking at least three slots out of the five available, for example, adding two thumbs and one index finger on the main hand. Be sure to properly label the added fingerprints to reduce the time and effort required for recalibration in the future.

Check that your fingers are dry and undamaged

Do not forget that wet, frozen or damaged fingers can interfere with the operation of the fingerprint scanner. Perhaps you recklessly grabbed something hot, spent a long time in the bathroom, or played unsuccessfully with the cat? All this could affect the quality of fingerprint recognition, and not at all problems with Touch ID.

Clean Home Button

At first glance, the Home button may seem clean, but a barely noticeable ring of dirt accumulates around the junction with the front panel of the smartphone. Over time, the useful area of ​​the scanner becomes slightly smaller, which makes the scanner more difficult to operate and leads to operational errors. It’s worth making a habit of cleaning the Home button weekly, which will have a positive effect on Touch ID performance.

Do you have an iPhone 6 Plus?

If none of the above helps, you probably have an early release iPhone 6 Plus. It’s difficult to say why, but it’s this smartphone that receives the most complaints from users regarding Touch ID. In the editorial office, we have an iPhone 6 and an iPhone 6 Plus, so we see the difference in the operation of fingerprint scanners from personal experience. While misfires in a compact model are extremely rare and most often due to my fault (I let go of my finger too quickly or placed it inaccurately), sometimes I can unlock the iPhone 6 Plus only after manually entering the password. Possibly supplying fingerprint scanners for different models The iPhone was handled by different companies, otherwise it is unclear how to explain the large number of complaints about the operation of Touch ID in a smartphone with a larger diagonal.