Programmer Free programs for your computer, useful tips for Windows. Searching for relatives on the Internet. What can a person tell himself unconsciously?

Services, search operators and interesting tricks.

We continue to talk about advanced ways to search the web. We started with the article:

I am sure that many of the techniques will be a revelation for you. For example, do you know how to find out a girl’s apartment number using her home phone number?

1. How to find a person’s pages in all social networks at once?

Several years ago, Yandex launched a service to search for people’s personal pages. It is available at Currently, the search is carried out on 16 social networks:

You can search not only by first and last name, but also by nickname:

If you are in doubt about how a person identifies himself on the Internet, you can use the logical OR operator (indicated by a vertical bar):

2. How to find a person’s latest posts on all social networks at once?

12. Does ICQ store any interesting information about your stormy youth?

14. How to find out location by IP?

The method does not guarantee the accuracy of the information. After all, there are many ways to hide your real address, which are used by both providers and users. But it's worth a try.

1. Take a letter from a person and look at its original text:

2. Find the sender’s IP address in it:

3. Enter it into the form on the service:

15. How to find out a person’s apartment number using their home phone number?

The last trick makes a lasting impression on women:

1. Accompany the new girl to the entrance. You casually ask for her home phone number;

2. In the meantime, go to the Sberbank mobile application and go to the section for paying for MGTS services;

3. Enter the phone number and find out the apartment number;

For those who want to feel part of a huge whole. After all, the history of every family is fraught with an incredible number of secrets and discoveries, troubles and joys, happy and tragic stories that will make you feel that you have an incredible legacy behind you. And you don’t have to be a distant relative of princes and counts to feel like part of history.

The opportunity to find out who your predecessors were is an invaluable wealth that cannot be measured in material units.

Some people want to understand who their great-grandmother was, some want to find the trace of a relative who disappeared decades ago, and others want to find out where the remains of their grandfather who died in the Great Patriotic War are buried.

The goals are different, but they have one thing in common - the desire to find answers to exciting questions about the origins of their family in the mists of time. In any case, the research process can turn into a real adventure and be remembered for many years.

Where to start research of this kind

First, ask the oldest family members about relatives living in other places. What do they remember about their parents, brothers and sisters, when they were born and what their names were, where they lived and where they moved?

Perhaps someone knows the burial places or the house in which your great-great-grandfather was born is still preserved. Any information would be valuable. Even what songs they sang in the village when they had a wedding, what clothes they wore and what they ate, how they liked to spend their time and what animals they kept in the house. Perhaps this information will not help us find out our ancestry up to the seventh generation, but it will definitely bring distant times closer to us and help us understand people who lived decades ago. Don’t forget to record the conversation on a voice recorder so that later you can transcribe the recording and transfer it to paper. Plus, the living voice of a loved one will definitely stay with you, and important details will not slip out of your memory.

How to find information about your ancestors in the archives

Before heading to the state archives, start by clearing out your home shelving.

Pay attention to photographs, documents on marriage or divorce, birth and death certificates, documents on graduation. At the same time, look not only at the front, but also at the back of the document or photograph. Important notes may remain on it that will help in further searches.

This is especially true for photographs: many people signed the names of the people depicted, as well as the date and place where the photo was taken. And in the photograph itself you can see the name of the station or find out in what rank your great-grandfather ended the war.

How to find the history of your ancestors: ways to systematize information

It's easy to get confused when searching through multiple sources and pieces of information. Therefore, we advise you to write down all incoming data in a notepad or create a folder on your computer.

How to find your family of ancestors by first and last name: on the Internet and in the archive

It is logical that those who seek to find information about their roots try to find their relatives by searching by last name. On the Internet you can find many sites dedicated to research by experts in the field of family history. Perhaps you, too, will be lucky to find a clue that will lead to the traces of your ancestors.

There are special reference books and dictionaries where you can find a brief history of your surname. Usually, it dates back to ancient times, and is often formed from the nickname, name, profession, nationality, noticeable character traits or appearance, as well as the place of residence of your distant ancestor.

Thus, the surname Goncharov was built on the principle of “son of a potter - potters.” The surnames of representatives of princely families usually came from the name of the lands where the family's possessions were located. Vyazemsky and Meshchersky are direct examples of this.

Think about how your last name was formed; perhaps it will say a lot about your relatives.

How can you find the roots of your ancestors via the Internet: looking for information about relatives on the Internet

A simple Google search with the first and last name of your relative is unlikely to yield any significant results. You should rather turn to specialized search engines:

  • Google Books will help you find scans of thousands of books and reference books. Hundreds of digitized publications from pre-Soviet times cannot be found by ordinary search engines. And with the help of this site, you can simply enter your last name and first name into the search bar and accidentally stumble upon a mention of relatives.
  • is an international service that will allow you to search through countless archival lists, metric records, audit tales, and burial lists. The site is paid, but there are also options for which you do not need to pay. With its help, you can both find your ancestors and model an approximate layout of your own family tree based on data about their pedigree.
  • OBD "Memorial". Almost a starting service for those who know very little about their roots and are trying to understand how to find their family by surname. “Memorial” is a service that helps to obtain information about missing, killed or captured soldiers during the Great Patriotic War. For almost all military personnel, the place of birth and year are written. This makes the search much easier. If you know that your great-great-grandfather died in the war, but what village he was from and where to look for information about him you don’t know, this resource can become a real treasure trove of information. Often the lists indicate not only the name of the soldier and his place of birth, but also the names of his family members who were informed of the death of the soldier. This is not only a name, but also a note about who the person who died is related to. This way you will not only find out the place of birth of your relative, but also the names of his mother, father or wife. This service is also useful for owners of rare surnames. Through a search, you can see the distribution area and find out where its carriers were born and lived. Quite often it turns out that almost all namesakes lived in the same area or even in one small village.
  • An important help in how to find information about ancestors on the Internet will be the website of the All-Russian Family Tree. There you can find a whole database and an excellent forum of participants who share their stories of searching for roots, and can also give valuable advice and suggest in which direction to “dig” next.
  • You can search more specifically and precisely. If you want to find out about the fate of your relative who died during the First or Second World War, we advise you to turn to the resources “In Memory of the Heroes of the Great War of 1914–1918” and “Memory of the People.” If you are looking for information about a relative who may have been repressed, pay attention to the websites “Everyone’s Personal File” and the “Last Address” project.

  • You can view the personal files of relatives who died in the Holocaust on the website of the Yad Vashem center.
  • For those who know that their ancestors lived in Moscow or St. Petersburg in Soviet or pre-revolutionary times, the address directories “All Moscow” and “All Petersburg” will be an invaluable assistant. Here you can find information about your relative's address, and sometimes about his occupation. These reference books can be viewed on the Historical Library website.
  • Something similar to the previous point - Memorable books. Such collections were published in the pre-Soviet period every year in almost every province. They wrote about all the people who held any minor position in the province. Starting from a village doctor or land surveyor to the chairman of the noble assembly. Almost all publications have indexes. You can search for memorial books on the website of the same “Historical Library”.
  • A somewhat specific, but also extremely useful resource for those who are interested in how to find the biography of their ancestors is the website It is a collection of documents prepared by American Mormons. You can search digitized documents from all over the world, including Russia and Ukraine. However, non-Mormons are not allowed to view the data. You can obtain permission if you make an official request to the resource administration.

How else can you find information about the biography of your ancestors?

To search for living relatives or descendants of those who have already died, write to the website of the “Wait for Me” program. You can not only send a request to search for a specific person, but also monitor whether lost relatives and friends are looking for you or your loved ones.

You can contact the registry office. Provided that you have your own birth certificate (if not, order it there), you can receive documents from deceased relatives. Using this method, you can find out where your grandmother was born or where your grandfather got married. However, this only works for documents released after the October Revolution. Papers from the pre-Soviet period need to be looked for elsewhere.

How to find data about your ancestors in the archives

Since the 18th century, population censuses have been conducted in our country. The oldest of them are in the archives and help restore the genealogy to the time of Peter I. Many centuries ago, the most important documents: birth and death certificates, marriage certificates were issued in two copies, one of which was kept in the church, and the second in a special storage facility.

It is better to look for cases related to noble families in the Russian State Historical Archive in St. Petersburg.

Also located in the city on the Neva is the Russian State Archive of the Navy - here you can find information about relatives who lived in pre-Soviet times, as well as those who were born and lived after the revolution.

The Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts is based in the capital - here you can find documents from the Time of Troubles and an earlier period. The Russian State Military Historical Archive is also located in Moscow. Here it is better to look for information on time before 1918.

In the Moscow region there is the city of Podolsk, which houses the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense - here it is possible to find information for the period from the beginning of the Second World War to the present.

You can do the research yourself, but be prepared to face painstaking paperwork and numerous hours spent in archives. Those who, for some reason, cannot spend so much time, but still want to get information about their roots, should turn to the help of professionals. “Russian House of Genealogy” will help you conduct research that will show where, how and when your ancestors lived, loved and died. Our specialists have access to closed archives. They will not only help you create a search strategy, but will also conduct archival and search work, check the authenticity of the data and systematize the information received into a family tree. You can order the design of a genealogy book and family coat of arms, which will clearly present the rich history of your family.


Open any search site convenient for you (Google, Yandex, etc.)

Type your first and last name in the nominative case in the search bar and click the search button. The found pages will contain a mention of your first and last name, which means some information about you or your namesakes. Try this way to find information about to myself using several search sites. As a rule, each of them produces a slightly different set of links.

Continue your search using your Latin name if you participate in international events, communicate on Facebook, or have friends abroad. Your name may be found in the archives of an international forum in which you once took part, or appear in the caption of a photograph taken by a foreign friend.

Remember the nicknames (online nicknames) you have ever used. You could have forgotten them a long time ago, but they are still “alive.” It is quite possible that one of the network users quotes your blog, or cites your opinion expressed on the forum as an expert opinion. This is also part of your image Internet.


There are many sites on the Internet offering to provide information about any person for money. Using such databases is illegal! Also, such sites very often carry virus programs that are dangerous for your computer!

Helpful advice

In addition to web search, you can also look at the “pictures” section, where you can find your own photographs.

If you find information on the Internet that you would not like to show to a wide range of people, try to figure out how it can be removed from the site. If you cannot do this yourself, contact a moderator. Excessive publicity on the Internet can be dangerous!

Sometimes you are faced with the task of describing a person. This is usually necessary when you are telling your friends about an incident that happened with you and someone they do not know and have never met. Or such a need arises when you write a post on your blog. It is important for you to tell us about person so that your readers will form a clear impression of his appearance, character and habits.


Start by describing it. Indicate his height and build, body features: disproportionately long arms, a short neck, large ears or hands - everything that may catch your eye at first glance. Describe the face - hair and eye color, distinctive features that attract attention, manner of speaking and looking.

Tell us about your style of dressing and taste in clothes, what colors and styles a person prefers. If we are talking about , you can talk about her manner of applying decorative cosmetics, about what perfume she uses. Perhaps this is where the description of appearance can end.

As you understand, appearance tells little about a person’s character, so the main part of the description is a psychological portrait. Tell us about your character’s characteristic habits, how and in what ways they manifest themselves, indicate the reasons why they were formed in this particular way. Here we can mention the place in which he grew up and the order that reigned in it. This will tell listeners a lot, since the foundations of character and worldview are laid in childhood and often under the influence of, thanks to, or despite it. Mention those events that could leave their mark on the person’s personal qualities.

Tell us about those cases and situations in which the person had the opportunity and showed himself in one way or another, about his reactions to some events. We think that the psychological portrait can also be completed here. By this moment, those who listened to yours had already formed a clear and complete image of that person whom they had never seen, and all this thanks to your masterful artistic description.

Often, when the function of including the date of the photograph in the image itself is not used, various elements, such as the file name or information in the metadata, help to remember the date. All this can be viewed by connecting the device to a computer.

You will need

  • - card reader;
  • - file manager.


To find out when it was made photo, open the folder containing this object and move the mouse cursor over the element you are interested in. If your system settings allow it, view additional information in the pop-up window - usually there is information about the file size, date modified, created, camera and lens model, and so on. The date of the photo will be indicated in accordance with the system date on the device with which it was taken. In some cases, the time and date on the camera gets lost, and people are simply too lazy to change it to the current one, so they leave the settings unchanged. In this case, it is impossible to find out the date of creation of the photo.

Many people need to find out a person’s address by his last name.

Situations and reasons may be different, some are looking for relatives or old friends with whom they have long lost contact, while others need to find a child support defaulter. To do this, there are several proven and effective methods that you can use to find out the address of a particular citizen.

Reasons for searching

Before you begin to find out exactly how it is possible to find out a person’s address by full name, you need to understand the reasons why there is a need to do this.

They look like this:

  • The person has been sued, he has committed an offense and needs to be found.
  • The person evades payment of alimony.
  • Search for heirs who are indicated in the will of a deceased relative.
  • Restoring contact with long-lost relatives or friends.
  • When purchasing residential space on the secondary market (to make sure that no one else is registered in the apartment).
  • When selling real estate (to obtain a certificate of registered citizens).

In order to find out the address at which a person is registered, it is necessary to know his exact full name.

How to find out a person's registration by name

The duration of searches, as well as their results, largely depend on how much information is known about a given person.

An ordinary citizen has much less opportunity for a positive outcome of the search than government agencies.

It is very difficult to independently find a person only by his last name, but if you put in a lot of effort, it is possible. An important role is played by how common the surname of the wanted citizen is.

In the case where there is information about his patronymic, as well as his name, the search procedure is greatly simplified. The geography of the search is no less important because, knowing the specific region where he lives, it will be easier to find him. If the area or city is known, this will make the search even easier than if you search for it throughout the country.

Who is requesting information?

The speed with which a citizen will be found by name depends on who exactly is looking for him.

  • Information about where a person is registered may be requested by:
  • Organizations that issue loans if the person you are looking for took out a loan.
  • State traffic inspectorate bodies.
  • Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Employees involved in the personnel policy of the organization in which the wanted person is registered.
  • Social services.

Prosecutor's office.

When a private person, and not one of the listed organizations, wants to find out information about registration, the procedure becomes much more complicated. The thing is that the personal data of each citizen is classified and is protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In order to obtain information about the registration of a citizen, one name and surname is not enough; data from his passport is needed.

How can you find out where a person is registered based on his passport data? There are many sites on the Internet that offer this service. They offer to enter personal passport data, but this is not worth doing; often these are scammers; you need to contact reliable sites, the main ones being the FSN website and Rosreestr.

  • Find it yourself
  • Today, there are several effective ways to find out information about a citizen’s registration address by full name on your own:
  • Consult the telephone directory.
  • Submit an application to the Federal Migration Service.

Request a service at the help desk.

Through the Internet.

If you look at the directory, it will show the person’s full name, landline phone number and address where he lives. To find out the registration address, you must have information about the city in which the wanted person lives.

This method is ineffective, due to the fact that the telephone directory contains only the address of the permanent place of registration of the citizen who is the owner of the home.

All other registered family members with the same last name are not listed in the phone book. In addition, it is impossible to find out the address of a person with temporary registration. And the worst thing about this method is that the information indicated in such a directory is often irrelevant due to the fact that the citizen could change his place of registration.

How to make a request to the FMS authorities

A request to the Federal Migration Service solves this problem much more effectively. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, any citizen living on the territory of Russia is required to register at the place of residence, and even those who have temporary registration. All issues related to permanent or temporary registration are regulated by the Federal Migration Service. This organization has an extensive database that includes all departments of the state passport and visa service.

To make a request to the FMS you must:

  • Come with your civil passport to the nearest FMS office at your place of registration.
  • Fill out a special state form. It requires you to indicate all the information that is known about the person, the reason for the search and your passport details.
  • Apply.
  • Receive, within the deadline set by FMS representatives, all the necessary information about the place where the wanted citizen is registered. This procedure takes on average from 15 to 30 days.

Personal application submission is not required. You can make an online request to establish the address where the wanted person is registered or send it by mail.

How to submit a request to the help desk

Addresses and telephone numbers of information bureaus can be easily found on the Internet.

To submit a request you will need:

  • Find out the address of the nearest information desk.
  • Come to this address.
  • Fill out an application, in the form of which you must indicate information about the person you are looking for.
  • Go to the information desk at the appointed time and get the necessary information.

In the event that several persons are found upon request, then all the necessary information will be issued to the information bureau for all found citizens.

Through the Internet

Trying to find out the address of a wanted person via the Internet can be quite simple. After all, today a huge number of Russian residents register on social networks such as Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and Facebook. During registration, they often leave their real data, residential addresses and mobile phone numbers.

You can simply enter the first and last name of the person you are looking for in any search engine and his account on one of the social networks will be displayed. The problem is that there may be quite a lot of people with such a surname and name and not everyone puts their real photos. But at least this method has the right to life and, with a successful combination of circumstances, it is possible to find a person and find out his address.

There is also another option, if the information about a citizen is unknown, but the license plate number of his car is known, then you can go to the traffic police portal and submit a request.

What makes it more difficult to find a person by name is that he is, for example, temporarily registered. The most popular resource where you can find out a person’s registration is Rosreestr.


You can find out quite a lot of information using the TIN number, but this applies mostly to legal entities; it will be much more difficult to find out anything about an individual. It’s quite easy to find out your full name; this information is publicly available on the Federal Tax Service website.

Here's what exactly you can find out using your tax identification number:

  • Based on the first four digits, the region where this document was issued.
  • The next six digits allow you to access the personal data of an individual.
  • The remaining two digits are access to simplified data.

To find out the address of a person by TIN, you will need to submit a request to the tax service of the Russian Federation, but not everyone will be able to obtain the necessary information. To obtain the necessary information, the citizen submitting such a request must confirm ownership of the residential premises. Another option is possible that the applicant has the authority to act on behalf of a person who is related to the disputed residential area.

There is also the opportunity to issue an indirect request about whether the wanted person has arrears in tax payments.

The information is easy to find out when the inscription “Repay the debt” appears; below you can see the address of the citizen whose data was entered.

To do this, you need to go to the FSSP website (Federal Bailiff Service). To start working with the database, you need to go to the search and select the subsection called “Search by individuals.” By going to the section called “Territorial Authorities”, you must indicate the region in which the wanted person is officially registered and enter his full name. The month and year of birth do not have to be filled in, but the date of birth can help narrow the search and more accurately identify the person.

If you know the production number, you can find out the necessary information from the database through a special section of the website “Search by enforcement proceedings number.”

There you need to enter the full name of the citizen you are looking for and press the search button, the system will display as a result of the search a list of all debtors, the production number and the subject of execution. Next, you should carefully review the information received and find the data of the person being checked, if any.

Responsibility for illegally obtaining information

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the private life of any citizen is inviolable; violation of this law is punishable by criminal penalties under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

  • A citizen who collects and disseminates information about a person collected by illegal methods is obliged to suffer the following types of punishment:
  • Fine in the form of a fixed fee.
  • He may be charged income for the period established by law.
  • Punishment in the form of referral to compulsory correctional labor.
  • Prohibition on engaging in professional activities.

Deprivation of liberty.

In order not to break the law, you must adhere to only the permitted methods of searching for a person, as discussed above. As you can see, there are quite a few such methods and each of them is effective in its own way. You can search either independently or with the help of authorized bodies; they act many times faster, and the search will most likely lead to a positive result. Everyone must remember that illegal methods of searching for information about a person in our country are considered a criminal offense and are punishable by law.

In ancient beliefs, the spirits of ancestors were honored and considered patrons of the home, guardian angels. Now many people have difficulty remembering the names of their great-grandparents. Is this why they often talk about the disappearance of moral values ​​and the loss of family feelings? Why do you need to order?

A person’s first and last name contain secrets that leave a certain imprint on their bearer. What is his origin and class? What professions, position and social status did his ancestors have?

Surnames became widespread in the 18th century .

Their sources were work, nationality, character, faith, place of residence and much more. Knowledge of the family tree makes it possible to determine the circle of interests of the family, find movable and immovable property, or even treasures buried in difficult times.

Awareness is also good for health: knowing about predispositions to diseases makes it easier to prevent them.

However, finding such information on your own is an extremely difficult task. This requires paper research (which may mean a trip to another city), surveys, and the help of scientists. It is better to entrust an important matter to specialists - their search will be fast and accurate.

Stages of searching for family ties

Over time, the births intertwined and moved. Putting together the threads of this huge tapestry is a labor-intensive process consisting of several steps.

Genealogical examination

It is both the beginning of any search for ancestors and a separate service. The examination includes the formation of a family tree and a study of the safety of sources.

This initial sketch may include up to a dozen family lines related to the client's family.

Objectives of the examination:

  1. Organize existing genealogical information. Collect information from relatives and find additions.
  2. Correct inaccuracies. Recover missing facts from available sources.
  3. Develop a prototype of a family tree.
  4. Understand the prospects of deep search and decide how further work will be carried out.
  5. Find out exactly where the information you need is stored.
  6. Create an algorithm and make a search estimate for the future.

After completing the first stage, the customer is left with a paper version of the family tree and printed archival photos.

Genealogical research and searching for ancestors in archives

Since the time of Peter I, population censuses began to be conducted and stored, which makes it possible to restore the genealogy until the beginning of the 18th century. And this is more than a dozen generations.

Data on births, deaths and marriage registrations were recorded in parish registers in duplicate. The original was kept in the church, the duplicate in the archives of the consistory.

In 1918, the “Code of Laws on Acts of Civil Status” was adopted, and metric notebooks were replaced with registry ones. After one hundred years of storage by the civil registry office, they are redirected for eternal storage to the State Archives.

To search for ancestors by last name, experts delve into the wilds of various archives throughout the entire former Russian Empire.

The second part of the research is collecting family legends and working in local history museums. Told and recorded testimonies of descendants and contemporaries, hypotheses, legends, traditions - a huge layer of information.

Can be divided into three types according to customer needs:

  1. "Full construction". All possible sources of information are used. Suitable for those who want to find ancestors up to the 12th generation and gain maximum knowledge about them.
  2. Classic. Working with several archives and indirect sources helps in revealing the history of a particular family, taking into account migration.
  3. Accurate. Search field - 1 regional or registry office archive, where the information necessary to confirm nationality or return relatives to their ethnic homeland is located.

How is DNA testing carried out and why is it needed?

Genetic research is a breakthrough in science that has made it possible to identify a genetic ancestor going back 150,000 years. Documents may be lost, but the information is written into a person's DNA.

Studying it allows you to understand what part of the world a person’s roots lead to and what ethnic group he belongs to. The analysis also helps to find out the degree of relationship between people from the same family over several generations.

DNA tests are a magical journey into the depths of fifty generations of kinship. Moreover, the results are almost accurate. Lower down the tree, the reliability decreases, but the analysis shows what part of the Earth your ancestors came from, and what routes they took to settle in different territories.

Information will help you look at yourself and the world differently, because almost all people of the Caucasian race have up to one percent of Mongoloid genes. In addition, all people today carry about two percent of the genes of the Neanderthals, who disappeared forty thousand years ago.

Hundreds of thousands of people around the world are interested in searching for their ancestors.

For those who have already been tested, a huge scientific database of the distribution of various genetic groups around the planet has been created.

By comparing your results with the available information, it is easy to find dozens, and sometimes hundreds of people who have a common ancestor with you. The test will clarify the degree of kinship and migration of the clan.

Options for using the information received

Any research is good if the result is clear. Having learned about his ancestry and family history, a person will want to preserve and pass on this information.

There are several options for its layout and design (or you can choose more than one - for example, keep something for yourself and give something to your family).

Drawing up and designing a family tree

There are a lot of possibilities here. The main thing is that you should like the design, because the tree will always be in front of your eyes at home or at work.

You can additionally illustrate it with parts of maps, insert pictures of landmarks or coats of arms of populated areas. The result will be:

  • Design tree diagram on photo paper or drywall. Information about all known relatives, systematized by a historian, turns into a tree with a unique design.
  • Scenic tree. A professional illustrator creates a work in engraving techniques and watercolors. It is then transferred to canvas using high-quality plotter printing, maintaining a hand-crafted appearance.
  • Carved solid wood panel. Made using 3D wood carving technique. The durable solid teak is oiled, which reliably protects the wood from damage. It contains icons with names made of aged brass. Lighting inside the frame creates a cozy atmosphere.

Writing a genealogy book

A magnificent gift for yourself and your descendants, which will be treasured by many future generations.

The book can include all the collected information
- family tree diagram, results of genealogical research, photos from the family archive, copies of documents, family traditions and legends. If desired, the publication includes a chronicle of memories of significant events in the history of the family from eyewitnesses.

You can decorate your family encyclopedia with a custom photo cover, calico or leather binding. Another option is the reconstruction of an antique publication from the 19th century.

What is the price search for ancestors and where to order it?

High-level specialists from the Christian House of Family Traditions will help restore family history, find ancestors by last name and lost relatives.

The research is carried out as quickly as possible, because specialists do not wait for answers from the archives of another city, but go to look for information themselves.

Before starting an expensive in-depth study, an examination of the data is carried out.
The customer learns the plan and cost of further research, and also receives copies of the collected documents, a schematic family tree, and a list of sources of information and materials.

Cost of genealogical examination- 155 thousand rubles.

Cost of genealogical research- depends on the time depth to which specialists must “get to the bottom”, and on the geography of the search, therefore it is negotiated individually with the manager.

As a result, you will have in your hands:

  • family tree in the form of a diagram on photographic paper with a tube for storage;
  • generational painting in the form of a brochure on designer paper;
  • flash card with copies of found documents, a database and a tree in the “Tree of Life” program.

DNA test price
- 85 thousand rubles. Test results are scientifically proven, accurate, and expressed as a percentage of probability. The analysis is faster than searching for ancestors by last name in the archives and does not depend on possible errors made in historical documents. All information is strictly confidential.

You can find out about the cost of other services by calling or writing to the managers of the House of Family Traditions.

A person can rethink himself after he finds out who our ancestors were. He realizes himself as an integral part on a huge tree of life, and can feel a connection with his own ancestors.

Each of us is a reflection of all the best that happened before, a continuation of the characteristic features of our own family.