Sleep mode windows 10 on desktop. Where is the function? Does the computer support sleep, hibernation, and hybrid sleep?

Not all PC users know that operating system Windows has modes that can reduce its energy consumption. When using them, it is not at all necessary to turn off the computer from the network every time. They are also convenient because they allow you to minimize the PC startup time and get fast access to previously launched programs. Among them are:

  • Sleep mode, also called standby.
  • Hibernation.
  • Hybrid mode.

How are they different?

The main difference between the modes is the way data is saved and how it is accessed later. Sleep mode is available in almost all versions of Windows. It saves data from programs executed by the system into the computer's RAM. Its disadvantage is that all data is reset when there is a power outage.

Hibernation, unlike sleep mode, stores data in special file, which is stored on the hard drive. It refers to system files and is called hyberfil.sys. A significant advantage of hibernation is the ability to boot the last working session of the system even after complete shutdown computer from the power supply. The disadvantages include the reduction of free space hard drive, since the hyberfil.sys file takes up quite a significant amount of space.

Please note that the computer wakes from sleep mode in a matter of seconds, while restoring its functionality after hibernation may take several minutes.

Hybrid mode has this name for a reason. It stores data in both ways at once: on the hard drive and in RAM. This mode is available only in older versions of Windows (7 and higher). It is quite convenient because it allows you to get the fastest possible access to the last working session, regardless of whether the computer was disconnected from the power supply.

To start a sleeper windows mode 10 complete the following actions:

Mode control methods

AT 10 Windows versions option installed quick launch, the operation of which is similar to the hibernation mode. It allows you to quickly access your work session by saving data about it on HDD. Despite the fact that the option is undoubtedly useful, it is not always in demand. Therefore, in order to save free space on your hard drive, it can be managed.

Management in in this case comes down to actions like:

  • inclusion;
  • shutdown;
  • changing file sizes.

Enabling and disabling the option can be done in one of two ways: using command line And standard means OS.

Important: to manage Quick Launch using the command line, you must run it as an administrator.

The following commands are used for control:

  • powercfg -h on – enable;
  • powercfg -h off - shutdown;
  • powercfg /h /type reduced – reducing file size;
  • powercfg /h /type full – restore the size of the hiberfil.sys file.

Sleep mode is controlled in the PC power settings. To enable sleep mode, follow these steps:

Important: if you are logged in under account does not have administrator rights, some actions will not be available.

Hibernation- this is an intermediate state of the computer between the full shutdown of its operation and the inclusion of sleep mode on it. This mode differs from sleep in that when the computer is turned off, it copies all data from programs, services, files, and the like that were open to the hard drive, after which the power is completely turned off. When you turn on the computer, it completely restores the state of the operating system, including all running programs And open files in the form in which they were before turning off the power.

If “during sleep” the PC continues to consume energy, then in hibernation it is completely turned off. The device comes out of sleep mode instantly, while in the second case it takes a little longer. This is the main differences between hibernation and sleep mode. And most importantly similarity- saving the state of the operating system, along with running programs and open files, exactly in the form in which they were before the power was turned off.

If you disconnect your PC from the network in sleep mode, the state of the operating system (running programs and open files) will be lost and the OS will boot again. This will be tantamount to disconnecting a running PC from the network without shutting it down software.

A computer in hibernation may be completely disconnected from power for unlimited amount time, and after switching on, it will again continue its work from the same state as if nothing had happened.

This useful property can be used if you want to move your PC to another location, but you cannot terminate some important running program. Or do you want to leave home for for a long time and completely turn off power to all electrical equipment, including a personal computer.

It is worth adding that some laptops automatically perform this shutdown method if the user has forgotten to charge the battery and the power is running low. Even if the laptop is in sleep mode, it will go into hibernation and save your data.

The principle of hibernation is that it creates a file on the hard drive and saves everything in it. necessary settings(for example, browser tabs), including the contents of memory, data of all open source software, documents with which work is in progress. All this data is quite large, so you need to be sure that there is enough space on your computer's hard drive to successfully enable the mode.

Advantages and disadvantages of hibernation mode


  • the ability to continue working with programs, photos, videos, Internet tabs, documents and other files immediately after the computer resumes operation;
  • minimum energy consumption;
  • significant acceleration of turning on and off the computer operating system, in contrast to normal shutdown;
  • the ability to enable hibernation automatically, which is useful in case of an unplanned shutdown of the computer (if you don’t have it with you charger or turned off the lights).


  • the file in which all the necessary data is saved for later opening takes up a large amount of space hard memory disk;
  • There's a possibility incorrect operation some programs after the computer wakes from hibernation;
  • longer recovery time from hibernation compared to sleep mode, especially if files that occupy large amounts of memory remained open during shutdown.

To combine the advantages of the two described modes, it was invented hybrid sleep mode. Power supply for some components such as RAM, continues to maintain the state of the running operating system, but at the same time, state data is also saved to the hard drive, as with hibernation. Therefore, if no power problems occur with the PC while it is turned off, the system will minimum time will load from RAM. If a power outage occurs, the operating system will restore its state from the hard drive.

So, let's move from theory to practice. Paragraph " Hibernation» in the computer shutdown menu may be disabled by default. It's easy to connect using the command line.

Please note that the command line must be launched as Administrator.

Let's start with version 10 of the operating system, and then consider the previous ones.

Setting up hibernation in Windows 10

Adding the Hibernation item to the Shutdown menu

In Windows 10 OS settings, hybrid sleep mode is enabled by default, and the menu button " Hibernation» is disabled. To activate it, you must follow a number of instructions:

Setting up hybrid sleep mode

If you added the menu item " Hibernation", then you will most likely want to be sure that when you select the menu item " Sleep mode"It is he who will be included. However, on some PCs this item will actually launch hybrid sleep mode, which was discussed earlier.

Despite its visible advantages, it retains one drawback: Data is written to disk, and in some cases this is not necessary (especially if you are confident in the reliability of the power supply, for example, when using uninterruptible power supplies).

So, to set up a power off menu where " Sleep mode" - this is exactly it in its “purest” form, follow further instructions.

At this point, the setup is complete and sleep mode has become normal sleep mode.

How to customize the Sleep button

You can change the functionality of the Sleep button, if you have one. If you are going to use hibernation instead of sleep mode, then it will be most convenient to rebuild the method of how your computer or laptop responds to this button. For this:

This completes setting the button reaction.

Enabling hibernation in Windows 7 and 8

For enable hibernation First of all, you need to call the console " Execute"(command line).

For Windows 7

The corresponding tab should now appear in the menu " Start" In chapter " Switch off».

In this simple way we enabled hibernation on the PC.

If she didn't show up, it might be BIOS settings. This mode can be disabled there. Unfortunately, the BIOS is different for all manufacturers and there is no single solution to the problem. You need to learn how to enable the necessary settings in the BIOS of a specific manufacturer.

For Windows 8

If all actions are performed correctly, then when you press the power button, the corresponding item will appear.

Making sleep mode normal

Now we'll tell you how to disable hybrid sleep mode, making it a regular sleep mode. To understand why to do this and whether you need it, study a little more detailed information more about this in the previous section.

So, let's begin.


This article discussed options for enabling modes: hibernation, hybrid sleep and sleep modes. And their advantages and disadvantages were also indicated. Now, depending on the working conditions and the goals that must be achieved, you can choose one or another option for completing the work.

Video on the topic

Sleep mode helps save energy. This function is especially good for laptops, because with prolonged idle time, battery consumption is significantly reduced. But, in some cases, this feature can harm the user, especially when using personal computer. For example, if the user left for a while workplace, without saving the documents you were working on, the PC went into sleep mode and all unsaved data will be lost. In earlier versions of Windows, the procedure for disabling this mode was carried out almost the same, but in the 10th version of the OS, the control has changed significantly. Let's try to figure it out how to disable sleep mode in Windows 10 to avoid possible troubles.

To activate sleep mode yourself, click on the menu “ Start" on " Shutdown", and then " Sleep mode».

But to get rid of the sleep mode, which turns on after the timer has expired when idle, you need to use the control panel or the menu “ Options».

To disable sleep mode using the Settings menu, do the following:

  • open the menu " Start" and click on the icon " Options", after which, in a new window, select " Power and sleep mode»;
  • set the selection pop-up menu to “Never”, which is located in the “ Dream»;

Remove sleep mode using the control panel:

  • open " Control Panel", which is located in the Start menu in the folder " Service»;
  • go to the section " Power supply"(don't forget to select small icons in the display);
  • go to the settings of the power plan that you have installed on this moment(if you change your power plan later, be sure to make similar changes there too);

  • in the field where there is an indication of switching to sleep mode when idle, set the value in the pop-up menu to “ Never»;

  • save changes.

If you decide to restore sleep mode, you can easily set the settings in the same way.

Note: To save some energy computer technology, you can set a timer to turn off the monitor in case of prolonged inactivity. This is done in the same way as turning it off (sleep mode), but setting required parameter should be in the "Screen" section.

Related problems when resuming from sleep mode

There are times when the computer is in sleep mode and despite mouse movements and keyboard keystrokes, the system is not logged in and nothing happens at all. If this happens, the only way out of this situation is forced restart. But to prevent this, you need to set the mouse and keyboard settings correct parameters. For this:

  • go to " device Manager"(right-click on " My computer"and place the cursor on the corresponding line, or in the service folder, select "Device Manager");
  • expand the list " Keyboard", select your own keyboard, right-click and go to the line " Properties»;
  • in the " Power management"You need to check the box that says that this device should bring the computer into working condition when triggered;

  • click the button OK».

Similar actions must be carried out with the mouse.

Only in this case, when the keyboard or mouse is activated, the sleep mode will be disabled.

If the steps taken did not produce any result, in this case it is necessary to update the drivers of these devices. This can be done in " Device Manager» by automatic search in the Internet. Also, in this case, it is recommended to update the operating system manually (especially if automatic update you have it disabled). Go to the menu " Options" and select " Update and Security“, and in the next window you can click on the “” button, the OS will begin searching and install them.

In contact with

Hibernation mode in Windows 10 - what it is, why it is needed and the main mistakes when using it is the topic of this article. In addition, we will take a closer look at the questions - how to enable sleep mode in Windows 10, change the time, configure it, and completely disable it. Here you will find answers to questions related to sleep mode on Windows 10.

How to enter and exit sleep mode

First, it's worth explaining that sleep mode is a low-power state in which the system pauses processes and active activities and turns off the display to save as much energy as possible. This is a kind of alternative to shutting down, but with the ability to quickly “wake up” the computer and continue working where you left off.

In reality, there are several types of sleep mode:

  • Sleep mode – the system and its processes are paused, the screen goes dark and Windows goes to sleep. When you turn off or have a power surge - that’s it active processes and open files will be lost.
  • Hibernation – processes and open applications are saved to the file hyberfil.sys, the screen goes blank and the device goes into hibernation, in which, if there is a power surge or sudden shutdown, all files will be saved when turned on again. Hibernation is used mainly for laptops, so when complete discharge battery, Windows goes into hibernation and restores operation from the same place when charging is connected (if the corresponding item is enabled in the settings).

But questions also arise - “hybrid sleep mode in Windows 10, what is it”? Essentially, this is hibernation, but only for desktop computers. It combines saving all active applications to a file, like hibernation, and quickly waking up, like sleep mode. In Windows 10, this term is not used and is called hibernation, both on desktop PCs and laptops.

By the concept of sleep mode in Windows 10, we will perceive all 3 types (sleep, hibernation and hybrid), since they have General settings and work according to general principle.

As stated earlier, sleep mode is a state maximum savings energy, so it automatically turns on when inactive, so that battery power (if it is a laptop or tablet) or electricity (if it is a desktop PC) is not wasted. The time after which the device will “fall asleep” is indicated in the power settings, but more on that a little later.

If you want to put your Windows 10 device to sleep without waiting for time, you can use following methods:

  • Click on "Start", click on the power symbol and select "Sleep mode"

  • Press Win+X on your keyboard to open the menu quick settings. Select "Shut down and log out" and click on the "Sleep" button.

  • You can also put your devices to sleep through the lock screen. The user's lock screen is accessible using the combination Ctrl+Alt+Del (previously this combination called up the task manager). Tap the power symbol at the bottom right and select Sleep.

Additionally! On some keyboards, to enter sleep mode in Windows 10, there is hotkey. On laptops (as well as on PCs), you can configure what actions will occur when you press the power key (shutdown, sleep, hibernation, etc.)

The computer has fallen asleep, but how to wake up from sleep mode in Windows 10 - in order to do this, press any button on the keyboard or click on the mouse. Alternatively, press the power button if previous points didn't help. In the future, we will show how you can allow or disable waking up the device when you press the keyboard or mouse.

Sleep mode - turn off, turn on, configure on Windows 10

Let's look at the basic settings and sleep mode options - Windows Settings and power settings.

Windows 10 Settings

As you know, Microsoft is systematically abandoning the Control Panel, where all system settings are concentrated and duplicating them in a more convenient place - Windows Settings. With the exit new version more and more settings are being added here.

To open sleep options, follow these steps:

  • First, open Settings by pressing Win+i or open Start and click on the gear icon.
  • Go to System settings and open "Power and sleep mode"
  • Here you can set the time to go to sleep and turn off the screen to save energy

But there are times when the Settings window does not open (this is how Windows 10 can work strangely). In this case, the good old Control Panel will help you.

Control Panel

In the control panel we need system power settings, where we can not only turn on required parameters, but also customize them in detail for yourself.

  • To begin, open Control Panel: open the “Run” window (shortcut Win+R), type control and click OK. Or in Windows search(Win+S keyboard shortcut) enter your query "control Panel" and select the desired application.

  • Select here "Power supply"
  • In the power settings, namely in side menu, select “Setting the transition...”

We learned how to configure the transition to sleep mode on Windows 10 and change the time, we will show how you can configure the exit from sleep for specific equipment.

Wake up a device (Windows 10) using a keyboard or mouse

Using standard settings Windows, you can wake up the computer by pressing any keyboard button or moving the mouse. Some users may find one or both of the wakeup methods inconvenient. Therefore, we will show you how you can set up wake-up.

Wake up with keyboard

To disable or, conversely, enable Windows 10's keyboard wake-up mode, you need to follow these steps:

  • Open "Device Manager", then press Win+X to bring up the quick settings menu, and select the desired item.

  • After that, expand the “Keyboards” list, right-click on the keyboard and select Properties

  • After that, go to "Power Management"

  • When enabled, this value will allow you to wake up your PC from sleep using any keyboard button. And if the checkbox is not checked, then it will not be possible to awaken the PC from sleep.

Like this easy setup allows you to enable or disable the ability to wake up the PC with the keyboard. Let's move on to the mouse.

Wake up with a mouse

To configure Windows 10 sleep mode, namely disable or enable mouse wakeup, follow these instructions:

  • Launch window "Device Manager". Press Win+X and then select the desired value
  • Expand the “Mice and other pointing devices” list, select any one from the list, right-click on it and click on “Properties”.

  • Open "Power Management". Meaning "Allow this device..." will allow or prohibit the PC from being woken up from sleep.

But what to do if the device does not wake up from sleep, or, on the contrary, does not want to fall asleep. More on this later.


In my experience, the problem of entering sleep mode was one of the most popular, after major updates Windows 10. Some people did not have this item, somewhere the PC categorically refused to fall asleep and errors of this kind, on different devices there was a great multitude. Let's look at errors that may still be relevant and do not require special skills to solve this problem.

Lack of sleep mode

Often, users come up with the problem that sleep mode does not work or has disappeared in Windows 10, namely, it is not in the shutdown list. Only Shutdown, Reboot and Exit. There is no trace of any Sleep mode. There is only one explanation for this error - the video card driver, which is responsible for outputting to sleep and hibernation mode, is to blame.

To fix this problem, do the following:

  • Run "Device Manager"- in the “Run” window (Win + R combination) enter devmgmt.msc, then click on OK. Or you can press Win+X on your keyboard and find "Device Manager".
  • Next you need to expand the list of video cards and select there discrete video card(some devices have 2 video adapters - built-in and discrete).

  • Now right-click on it and find "Update driver"
  • Usually Windows system It finds the latest driver in the update center. If you have several video adapters, then you need to update for all devices.
  • If fresh drivers I couldn’t find it or this method didn’t help, which means you need to update the drivers yourself. Go to the device manufacturer's website and find them based on the model of your video adapter.

Then install the driver. In case of errors or failures, it is recommended to perform a clean installation of the driver. Or through the installer settings (item clean install, with which old driver is completely removed and a new one is installed) or through the Display Driver Uninstaller utility, which can also remove and clean the video adapter driver for subsequent installation.

After installing the new driver, restart your PC and make sure that sleep mode is now active.

Important! If the above tips did not help, and sleep mode is still absent, you need to install the chipset driver that is responsible for power plans. For some motherboards, there is separate driver ACPI power supply, which should already be included in the chipset driver.

You can download the chipset or ACPI driver from the manufacturer’s website motherboard or laptop.

PC won't wake up from sleep

There have been cases when the device does not wake up from sleep mode in Windows 10 when pressing the keyboard or mouse. Let's look at this case in more detail. As previously written, in paragraph "Wake up the device using the keyboard or mouse", the settings that prohibit waking the device may be to blame.

First of all, you need to check whether the keyboard and mouse can be woken from sleep. To do this, open "Device Manager"- open the Run window (Win+R) and enter devmgmt.msc, then click OK.

First, let's check the keyboard. Expand the "Keyboards" list, click right click mouse over keyboard and select Properties. In the window that opens, go to the tab "Power Management". Make sure the checkbox next to the item is checked “Allow the device to wake up the PC from standby mode”.

We check the mouse in the same way.

Other errors

Most often, you may encounter an error: when you wake up, you see a black screen and the only help is restarting the PC by long pressing the power key. To solve this problem, you need to disable fast startup.

  • Go to settings "Power Supplies" Taskbars.

  • In the side menu, click on "Power button actions."

  • Press "Change settings…".

  • Then disable “Quick launch" and click Save changes.

This error usually occurs after Windows updates. After you disable Fast Startup, Windows 10 will take a little longer to boot when you turn it on and wake it up.

You can also update your video card driver or chipset driver ( ACPI drivers), to solve the problem without disabling Fast Startup.

Why doesn't my computer fall asleep and what to do about it?

There are many reasons why Windows 10 does not go into sleep mode, here are the simplest and most common:

  • Make sure there is no active media such as music or video in your browser tabs. They can be muted and prevent the device from falling asleep.
  • Active torrents or others active applications, may prevent the device from falling asleep
  • Make sure you set the time to enter sleep mode. Try checking Windows, set the time to 1-2 minutes and wait, if the computer does not fall asleep, you need to look for an error.

For standard analysis take advantage with the following instructions:

  • Open a command prompt window (press Win+X to open the quick settings menu) and select Command line or PowerShell
  • Type powercfg /requests and press Enter
  • Information about any processes or applications that may interfere with automatic sleep will be displayed.

For example, my device cannot go to sleep because music is playing in the tab Chrome browser, so Chrome and the sound driver prevent you from falling asleep.

If you turn off the sound on a tab, Chrome will not interfere with sleep, unlike the driver. Chrome will consider this tab not such a priority so as not to put the device to sleep (multimedia marking for the tab is disabled), but nothing changes for the sound driver, the sound is played, but on zero volume. Such strange conditions for the interaction of applications and hardware drivers with the system.

You can also check for devices that may be preventing Windows from going to sleep.

  • Open a command prompt or PowerShell window using the previous method and

enter the command Powercfg -devicequery wake_armed

  • The list of devices that may interfere with us will be displayed.

  • To disable this feature, enter the command:

Powercfg -deviceenablewake "value"

Where instead of “value” you need to enter a device from the previously proposed list. It is worth noting that you must enter the same as written in the list, for example:

Powercfg -deviceenablewake “HID-compatible mouse”

Let's also check the wake timers that are causing Windows 10 to sometimes not go into sleep mode.

  • To do this, go to the system power options and click "Setting sleep mode".
  • Then in the page that opens, click on “Change add. options…"

  • Expand the Sleep list and select "Allow wake timers"

  • Set all parameters to “Disable”

In this article, we examined the main issues regarding sleep mode - turning it on/off, setting it up and troubleshooting errors. If you have any difficulties, questions or suggestions, we will be happy to answer you in the comments.

Have a great day!

Good afternoon, dear readers! Are you also annoyed when you leave your computer for what seems like five minutes, and when you return to it, the computer goes into sleep mode? Sometimes such a strong desire of your computer to sleep makes you think that you have acquired an overly sleepy and always lazy assistant, doesn’t it? Fortunately, this can be fixed quite easily, and now I will tell you, how to disable sleep mode windows 10!

However, before we begin, let's figure out what sleep mode is in Windows (not only 10) and why it is needed. You may not want to turn it off after this, but just tweak it a little for your convenience. And if not, then scroll to the corresponding heading and you will quickly learn how to remove sleep mode.

What is windows sleep mode?

Sleep mode is a special computer state designed to save energy during periods of prolonged inactivity. Sleep mode turns off most windows services and cuts off power to all components of the computer except those necessary for storing temporary data and for waking up.

If the computer goes into sleep mode, then outwardly it looks like it is turned off, but in fact, the RAM and power supply (and the mother, of course) are still working in it. But they work very quietly... the computer sleeps...

How to disable or configure sleep mode in windows 10?

Now let's get closer to the body of the matter. Do not rush to disable sleep mode in Windows; perhaps it will be enough to just configure it a little. For example, slightly increase the idle time after which the computer will go to sleep. So, step-by-step setup sleep mode in windows 10 (you can also disable sleep mode altogether if necessary):

  1. Now select the inactivity time after which the computer will go into sleep mode. If you want to disable sleep mode, select " Never».

It’s not difficult at all and you can set everything up in just a couple of minutes. And I advise you not to completely turn off the sleep mode, but to simply set a very long period of inactivity, but still fall asleep. You yourself know how sometimes you can go buy bread, meet friends and disappear for three days. And it’s better if the computer sleeps at least a little during these three days.

What is the difference between sleep mode and hibernation?

Finally, I’ll tell you a little about the differences between hibernation and sleep mode, because many people confuse them. In fact, both of these modes perform the same function - saving energy, but there are still differences.

During sleep mode, some computer components remain idle quick exit from "dream". And although the computer is very similar to being turned off, under no circumstances should you turn it off. In this situation, at a minimum, you will lose all unsaved data, and in the worst case, you can damage the operating system or even computer components. This is almost equivalent to a sudden loss of power to a running computer.

But hibernation, in turn, can allow you to turn off power to the computer for an arbitrarily long period of time. This is possible because the computer is actually in hibernation mode. after careful preparatory processes turns off completely. And then, when turned on, it recreates from memory the entire work environment(All open folders and apps) as if it had just woken up from sleep mode.

All necessary information To recover from hibernation mode, the computer stores it on the hard drive (rather than in RAM, as in hibernation mode). So sometimes it makes sense to buy hard disks with enough memory for all occasions.


I hope the article answered your question of how to disable sleep mode in Windows 10. If you have any questions, ask, we will solve it.

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