Odnoklassniki social network home page login. Odnoklassniki social network - “My page

Basic information

Odnoklassniki (OK.RU) is a social network, the Russian analogue of the Classmates website. It is used to find classmates, fellow students, former graduates and communicate with them. In Odnoklassniki you can create your own page, add personal information and your photos there. And that’s not all: you can invite friends, send each other private messages, play games, join interest groups, give each other gifts-pictures and, of course, watch news from friends and in groups.

To quickly enter Odnoklassniki there is Login - an excellent start page:

By connecting Odnoklassniki to the Login (it takes five seconds) and making the site the start page in your browser, you will always see this block with the latest information:

To enter Odnoklassniki, just click on any place in this rectangle. And if you click, for example, on the word “Guests,” then Odnoklassniki will immediately open on a page that lists all the guests who visited your page. Your home page will look something like this:

If you are not yet registered in Odnoklassniki, it is not difficult to do so. We have prepared special step-by-step instructions: “Registration in Odnoklassniki”. She will help you register and also tell you the fastest and most convenient way to log in.

How to log into Odnoklassniki.ru?

Sometimes it can be difficult to find a site that you have visited before, including Odnoklassniki.ru. For example, you always visited the site from your home computer, where it is set as the start (home) page, added to “Favorites”, in general, is in the usual place, then when you find yourself on another computer (at a party, on vacation), you can get confused.

And the easiest and fastest login is the “Login” start page.

Is it possible to log into Odnoklassniki without a login and/or password? We explain in this instruction: Odnoklassniki without a login and password - how?

Login to the Odnoklassniki website

To quickly access the Odnoklassniki website, its main page, a start page “ ” has been created. From here you can log in not only to Odnoklassniki, but also to Contact, Facebook, Mail, Moy Mir, Small World, free dating - in general, to all popular sites. By setting your site as your home page, you can access any site with one click. Try it - it's convenient and free.

What to do if you can’t log into Odnoklassniki?

We have collected basic tips and ways to solve problems with logging into Odnoklassniki in the article “Not logged into Odnoklassniki? Solution! " She will definitely help you.

If you want to find out if the Odnoklassniki website is working right now, use the check function: What happened to Odnoklassniki? Checking if the site is currently working. The check is performed very quickly, almost instantly.

How to log into Odnoklassniki without registration?

Odnoklassniki is designed in such a way that you cannot log into the site and use it without registration. After all, people sit there under their real names, and the site should somehow distinguish them from each other. Otherwise, it would just be a bunch of people without names - then how can you figure out where your friends are? Therefore, everyone registers on the site.

Most likely, you are already registered in Odnoklassniki, and just want to find an entrance to the site.

After which you will be able to log into your profile from the main page of the resource. All you need to do is enter your details - login and password.

Odnoklassniki login to my page - user profile

After going to , a field will appear on the right where you need to enter your cell phone number, your email address, which was registered during registration, or the login specified during registration. Next, below, enter the password and click the “Login” button.

When entering " Odnoklassniki social network» from someone else’s computer, we recommend that you uncheck the box next to the “Remember me” button. This is done for your safety, since the owner of the computer can easily log into the network under your name and subsequently change the password. You should be very careful and careful when logging in from someone else's computer!

Contents of your personal page on Odnoklassniki

When you first enter the site, not all menu items may be clear, so we will dwell in more detail on each menu item to make the social network interface as clear as possible.

Let's start from the very top of the page:
  • Main menu. This is a personal page, which is sometimes called a “user profile”. The main part of the menu is occupied by the activity feed. All changes to your friends' pages are displayed here. By scrolling through it using the mouse wheel or the up and down arrows, you can see photos and posts of friends. This menu item is more or less clear.
  • Private messages. It’s easy to guess that this is where all correspondence with friends and other users of the social network is stored. By clicking on a specific section, you can read received messages from users or sent ones.
  • Discussions. This displays information that is actively discussed by your friends. For example, a mutual friend's birthday or other events.
  • Alerts. This section displays information about friend invitations; notifications from online games and other applications available on the social network are also stored here.
  • Guests. The section allows you to see everyone who accidentally or intentionally visited your page during the month. After thirty days, this information is automatically deleted.
  • Ratings. This section stores ratings for your photos, video files, music from different users.
  • Music. Sound files are located here. You cannot download them - you can only listen, but you can buy certain compositions you like. The cost of each song is approximately 20-25 OK.
  • Friends. The list of your friends in Odnoklassniki is stored here.
  • Photos. This section contains your photo albums or individual shots. You can edit, delete, or add new ones at any time.
  • Groups. This is the section with the communities you have joined. For example, a certain school, kindergarten, city, etc.
  • Games. Here you can play your favorite games online.
  • Notes. Notes store old statuses or other notes from your page. When deleting, statuses are first removed to this section, from where they can be permanently deleted.
  • Video. Here you can find many videos stored on the social network. The topics of the videos are very diverse.
  • The "Gifts" section stores gifts received from friends and other users.
  • Forum. Mini-chat that allows you to talk with several friends at once. Here you can write whatever you want.
  • Help. Here you can ask all your questions regarding the work and capabilities of the social network. It will be needed not only for beginners, but also for experienced network users.
  • Russian keyboard. A convenient section for those who do not have Russian on their keyboard. For example, for users from other countries. A useful function that allows you to change the text language to Russian with one click.

How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki?

Restoring a lost page is an extremely difficult task for most users of a well-known social resource " Classmates" It’s not uncommon for people to ask: “I can’t restore my Odnoklassniki page, I need help!” For the lucky owners of an active profile on this social network, we present the main factors that contribute to account blocking or loss of registration data.

Using this information, you can avoid the need for complex page restoration in the future:

  1. The page may be hacked.
  2. The profile can be deleted by you personally (before doing this, weigh your decision).
  3. The user account may be blocked by the site administration.
Accordingly, there are also several recovery methods. So, how is it possible to restore a page in Odnoklassniki?

If the page has been hacked or stolen

First of all, don't panic. You have the opportunity to address the support service with a request for new data or receive the information necessary for recovery on your mobile phone. This is quite enough to once again personally control your own page on a social Internet resource. Secondly, you will receive a new temporary password. It is very important to change it immediately, as well as change your email password.

Be carefull! Fraudsters are active on the World Wide Web, so do not send SMS messages to an unknown phone number. If you have the slightest suspicion, check the information with the server support service. Or renew your account using the method described below. You will save both money and time.

The procedure for restoring a profile in Odnoklassniki consists of the following steps:

Restoring a hacked page is not such a significant problem; it is easy to solve. We also present to your attention another case where a profile was deleted.

If a page on Odnoklassniki is blocked by the administration

The reason for blocking may be non-compliance with the rules of the social network, spam, etc. You have the opportunity to contact the administration with a question about an inaccessible account. The message should indicate the reason for the request, page address, time and date. The request can be sent using this link at the very bottom. In addition, this page of the site provides comprehensive information about various problems when working with the site.

In conclusion, let's look at a case where you personally deleted your Odnoklassniki profile, but changed your mind and decided to restore it.

If the page has been deleted

Regardless of whether you deleted your page intentionally or accidentally, it will unfortunately be impossible to restore your profile. For those who are particularly persistent and still strive to restore a deleted account by any means, we recommend contacting the administration. But the provided answer to the request is unlikely to please you. Typically, users receive a notification that the deleted page cannot be restored.

In this case, we can advise you to register again and not be upset about minor troubles!

Login to Odnoklassniki - you can log into your page in different ways to communicate with your friends, relatives and acquaintances. Through the screen of a computer, tablet or smartphone, you can resume communication with people who are hundreds of kilometers away, exchange text and video messages, and photographs.

Odnoklassniki login – log in to your page

The social network Odnoklassniki allows only authorized users to use their profiles, who must fill out all fields of the form when registering, and only then gain the right to enter. If the registration process is already over, you can use your page at any time, unless it is blocked for a number of reasons, of course.

There are several ways to log in:

  • Via computer;
  • On a smartphone through the official version of the website (browser) or thanks to a special mobile application;
  • Via anonymizer .

Login page via the official website

To quickly enter your profile page on Odnoklassniki, you can use the “Login” start page, which can be found at vhod.cc. For maximum convenience, you can set it as the starting page when you log into your browser in order to first view all the news on the social network and through this page get to the sites that you need for work and leisure. This allows you to always be aware of the latest events in the lives of your friends and acquaintances. To do this, you need to go through a few simple software steps:

  • Click the triangle icon on the specified site;
  • Activate the top left button “Make start”.

How to log into your page if someone else's profile is open?

To do this, you must first go through the mirror login method in order to leave the other user’s profile, and then log into your account.

  • Click the top right field in the corner of the “Exit” screen
  • Log in to your page using your email address VHOD.cc. This will allow the user to open their start page on Odnoklassniki.

This can be determined by the “Basic” section, which opens first after entering your login and password.

How to log in to your page if access is blocked?

Sometimes users complain that they cannot get into their profile on Odnoklassniki. Before looking for ways to fix this problem, you need to figure out what caused the page to be blocked or disappear (a “page not found” entry appears).

  1. Incorrect password entry. Everything needs to be double-checked. Often the reason is in the settings: a different input language is installed or the Caps Lock key is pressed.
  2. The computer is infected with viruses that the security system of the Odnoklassniki social network program does not allow through. You need to run the antivirus yourself or contact a service center for qualified assistance.
  3. Lack of network connection, etc.

Recovering your Odnoklassniki password

  • Click the line at the bottom of the window “Forgot your username or password?”
  • Following the clear instructions of the program (indicating your email address or mobile phone number that was recorded when filling out the registration form);
  • To confirm your actions and the desire to receive an answer to the request, the security program will offer to reproduce several symbols or pictures exactly as indicated in the sample.
  • If everything is done correctly, an access code will be sent to the specified contacts to change the password.
  • By setting and confirming a new password, the user receives renewed access to his profile.

Restoring access in case of a “404 Page not found” error

Software viruses that are picked up when visiting various sites can cause changes in the user’s computer settings, sending them to SPAM pages. The system blocks this redirection by displaying the message “error 404, page not found.”


Cleaning the hosts service file from viruses and debris allows you to restore user access to your Odnoklassniki profile. This instruction will be useful for users of systems such as Windows 7.8 or Vista.

  • Login to Start
  • "All programs". Right-click and select “Run with administrator rights.” (For Windows XP users, you just need to launch Notepad);
  • "File";
  • "Open".

The hosts file is located at:

  • "My computer";
  • Moving to the system drive with Windows (for most, Drive C:);
  • Windows directory;
  • System32;
  • Drivers.

After opening the file, you need to delete everything that is in the folder (except for the line localhost, if there is one in this folder). Afterwards, you need to press Ctrl-S (the changes will be saved).

Cleaning your computer of viruses will allow you to resume logging into the Odnoklassniki social network and log into your page.

A quick login to Odnoklassniki is here:

My Odnoklassniki page - where is it?

Where exactly is “my page” in Odnoklassniki? We are not talking about someone’s page, but about one about which you can say: “It’s mine.” Everyone has their own page. For example, your page contains information about you, and mine contains information about me. When you go to my page, you can easily distinguish it from yours - because you will see my name and information about me there.

That's what people do. For example, when you see on Odnoklassniki that someone has visited you, you can click on that person’s name (or portrait) and go to their page to see who it is.

Let's study the so-called “my page” in Odnoklassniki. What can you see on it? We're talking about your page, not someone else's. This is the main page on the site. In another way it is also called “profile” (English word profile). For example, “my profile”, “profile settings”.

At the top there is the main menu: “Messages”, “Discussions”, “Alerts”, “Guests”, “Ratings”. These are the main sections of the site that you will use most often. In addition, your name is written large at the top, your age and the city (town) where you live are indicated.

How to log in to my page?

If I'm already registered in Odnoklassniki...

To quickly log into your Odnoklassniki page (they often write Odnoklassniki), and also always be aware of whether someone has written to you or visited the page, use the start page “Login" (address website). It is very convenient to make it the starting page in your browser and subsequently enter your favorite sites through it. The most important thing is that you will always see what’s new in Odnoklassniki; This is what it looks like (example):

By clicking on this rectangle anywhere, you will immediately be taken to your Odnoklassniki page. Making “Login” the home page is very simple: when you go to it, there will be a “Make home” button at the top left.

If I still Not registered in Odnoklassniki...

If someone else's page opens...

How to enter your page if someone else’s (another person, the owner of the computer) opens? In this case, first exit it (click “Exit” in the upper right corner), and then use . Then you will no longer get to someone else’s page.

What's on my page?

Let's continue to study your page on Odnoklassniki. Below is an additional menu: “Main”, “Friends”, “Photos”, “Groups”, “Games”, “Events”, “Statuses”, “Video”, “Other”.

Usually, when you log into Odnoklassniki, the very first section opens - “Basic”. Here you see the so-called event feed: everything your friends did is included in it. For example, someone added a photo, someone joined a group or became friends with someone - this appears in your feed as a new event. The most recent events are always at the top, that is, they go in order from newest to oldest.

By clicking on other menu items, you switch between the corresponding sections, which will open in the center of the page. For example, if you click on “Friends”, you will see a list of those you have added as friends. If you click on “Photos”, your photos and photo albums will be shown, and so on.

Now let's see what's on the left and right. On the left is your photo (avatar), a button for adding photos and a few more buttons. Your possible friends are usually shown on the right. Who is this? For example, if one of your friends is friends with someone who is not yet your friend, it is quite possible that this is a mutual acquaintance. These are the people they suggest to you here.

In addition, your events, groups, and friends on the site (those who are online right now) are shown here.

How to customize my page?

To specify or change information on your page, do this:

  1. To the right of your main photo, click on the “More” link
  2. A menu will appear, select “About Me”
  3. Click "Edit personal data"
  4. Enter everything you need
  5. Click "Save"

If you still have questions about your page, you can always refer to the help section, where answers to them are collected: Odnoklassniki - Help - My Profile.

Login to your Odnoklassniki page

Now you can go to the entrance to your Odnoklassniki page:

I can't log into my page!

The problem can be solved. If you can’t log into the Odnoklassniki page, look here (read the instructions to the end!).

Odnoklassniki is a very popular social network, aimed more at adult users, unlike VKontakte. Often the site is used by grandparents or people who are not particularly computer literate. That is why this article was created. We will tell you how to log into Odnoklassniki and what difficulties may arise. Accordingly, you will learn how to solve them.

Login using login and password

When you first open the ok.ru website, you will see a beautiful picture and a login/registration form. If you have already registered with Odnoklassniki, then enter your data in the appropriate fields and click “Login”. If not, you can read it.

In order not to constantly enter your username and password every time you log into a social network, check the box next to the item.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you check this box if you are accessing a page on Odnoklassniki from someone else’s computer or laptop.

Login to OK without registration, password or login

You can view someone else's profile without registering with Odnoklassniki. In order to do this, you need to enter the URL for any user of this social network in the address bar. For example, we have a link to a profile, which consists of the ok.ru address and user ID. It looks like this: https://www.ok.ru/profile/588020523795. Let's enter it into the address bar of the browser.

As you can see, everything works. At the top of the page the “Login” menu item is displayed, which means that we are not authorized, but even without this we receive detailed information about the user we are looking for. You can see when a person was online, see his friends, photos, etc.

Attention: if you are offered some kind of program to log into Odnoklassniki without registration, rest assured: it’s just a couple of scammers who want to take your money.

How can I find out my password and recover it?

If for some reason you have forgotten your password, you can recover it. This is done like this:

  1. Open the website ok.ru and click on the inscription indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Next, select a password recovery method. This could be: personal data, phone number, email, login or profile link. We will use the phone.

  1. Now you need to enter, in fact, the number itself or other data (depending on which recovery method you chose).

  1. After this, a letter with activation information will be sent to your phone number or email. All you have to do is enter the key from it into the form at the next stage.

If you haven’t received an email within a few minutes, try finding it in the Spam folder and click OK on your page.

If you can't log into your account because someone has taken over your credentials and changed your password, do this:

  • contact Odnoklassniki website support and describe the situation to them;
  • remove extensions from your computer that required login information to the site. The same goes for apps on your smartphone.

What should you do if you are asked to send an SMS?

If you can’t log into your Odnoklassniki page and your login and password don’t work, try logging into the site from another computer or phone. Perhaps you have become a victim of a virus or fallen for a phishing site.

It happens that, having gained access to your site, attackers begin sending spam on behalf of the user, which ultimately leads to the blocking of the page by the administration. If this happens, restore access using your phone number.

How to avoid losing access to your account?

There are a lot of malicious resources and programs on the Internet that offer you various services for money or for free. For example:

  • follow someone on Odnoklassniki;
  • log in OK to someone else's page;
  • read someone else's correspondence;
  • get free Okie, etc.

As a result of working with such “helpers,” you lose access to the site or money. So, if something like this comes to you (for money or just like that), add the authors to the blacklist or spam.

You can read more about deception associated with communication on Odnoklassniki in our article:.

How can I show my username and password?

If you have forgotten your password, but the browser remembers it, you can look at the code and turn the asterisks into numbers. We will show how this is done using Mozilla Firefox as an example. Let's get started.