What is cloud mail. How to use the mail ru cloud, storing files on it

Greetings, dear reader. I’m in touch with you, Timur Mustaev. Recently I encountered a problem such as lack of free space on my hard drive. It seems that the normal volume is 1 TB.

And one more inconvenience: I often use a laptop and tablet, and I only sit at a desktop computer in the evenings at home. And all the important work that I do in the evenings is necessary for me during the day. And I decided to get myself cloud storage, namely Google Drive. Which made my life a lot easier.

Therefore, today I want to tell you how to save free space on your hard drive without overloading your computer and have access to your work files from any device. It is unlikely that anywhere else you will learn such detailed and detailed information first-hand.

After reading this article, you will never again be bothered by the fear of losing documents, important photos and videos, and you will learn how to save files in the cloud. I think that this information will not be superfluous for you. Well, then let's start from the very beginning and in order.

What is cloud storage?

Cloud storage is a data storage located on the company’s web server. All data is stored and processed in the cloud, an online storage facility provided by a third party. Next, I will introduce you to all the providers of online “warehouses”, with the help of which you can manage documents without saving them on your computer.

Benefits of working with the cloud:

  1. Free access to data from any device with Internet access;
  2. Possibility of corporate work with data;
  3. Greater confidence in saving data in the event of a hardware failure;
  4. Payment is charged for the actual space occupied, not for server rental;
  5. All work is carried out by the service, the client does not take part in this.

How cloud services work

A virtual storage device is created on the device, similar to a local disk. A separate item appears in Explorer with the name of the cloud.

Now let's look at each of them in more detail.


This company was the first to establish itself as a provider and supplier of Internet storage. The program has a huge advantage - a cloud gateway. Using this technology, you can open a file on your phone. The application is available for all operating systems. Agree, it’s great to prepare for a presentation while you’re stuck in a traffic jam or on public transport.

The administration is very loyal to customers. For stable use of services, the site allocated an additional 15 gigabytes, which is not such a small amount. You can forget the fear of accidentally deleting a document; they are automatically saved in a copy for recovery.

Initially, the service provides two gigabytes of free space and up to one hundred gigabytes for various non-commercial plans. Another tariff, Dropbox for companies, provides storage with 350 GB of free space for use.

User data is stored on an Amazon server and is protected by SSL technology and encrypted with 256-bit encryption.

How to install Dropbox

Dropbox, like any other virtual drive, is very easy to install and configure.
The first step is downloading. You can download it from the official website.

2nd step – Registration. You can do this right there by entering your personal data.
Step 3 – Install the program.
4th step – Launch and authorization

That’s it, now it’s enough to move the file from your desktop/folder/local storage inside the “Dropbox” folder. Now you can use your virtual disk.


Onedrive (originally SkyDrive) is a cloud from Microsoft.
Onedrive supports the full suite of Microsoft Office programs. You can automatically save documents from Excel, PowerPoint and Word to the cloud. The utility allows users to edit files from Office directly in the browser, create and share folders.

OneDrive support is built into one of the most popular social networks, Facebook.
Photos from your account will be automatically saved to the cloud.

Initially, the site offers 7 gigabytes of free space. Users can buy 50,100,200 gigabytes of additional storage. The cost is calculated using the formula - Desired location / 2. So, the cost of 100 gigabytes will be $50 per year. The cloud is available for the following operating systems:

  • Android;
  • Windows;
  • Windows Phone;
  • Xbox.

Onedrive offers a business edition for corporate work. Payment is made individually from each user $2.50 monthly. Users receive 25 gigabytes of initial free space, with the option to purchase more.

Installed and configured similarly to the previous one.

Yandex. Disk

One of the world's largest search engines is expanding in every possible direction. The company launched its own online storage, Yandex. Disk.

The operating principle is no different from other services. The advantage of working with Yandex is the initial large volume. Upon registration, you are given 10 gigabytes of free space, which will double with continued use.

Supported OS:

  • Android;
  • Linux;
  • Mac OS X;
  • Symbian;
  • Windows;
  • Windows Phone.

Tariffs for additional space are low.

Monthly cost:

  • 30 rubles – 10 Gigabytes;
  • 80 rubles – 100 Gigabytes;
  • 200 rubles – 1 Terabyte.

The annual cost is 10 times more than the monthly one.

You can manage your data from your smartphone by installing an application from the Play Market if your phone is Android.

Screenshots from your computer are automatically saved to storage. You can share files and folders by making them publicly accessible.

[email protected]

The most famous mail service throughout Russia and the CIS countries has launched its own cloud storage.

The cloud allows you to store all types of files from documents to videos. Document exchange, like other repositories, is also present. The company received the Runet Prize for launching the cloud.

The initial free data storage volume is 25 GB. There is the ability to remotely edit and change documents located in your “storeroom”. Mail.ru supports working with modern technology and a unique security system.

Rates for additional free space depend on the current volume. The minimum monthly payment is 99 rubles per 100 gigabytes or 990 per year. For 1 TB 499 rubles monthly or 4990 per year. Not a very steep price tag.

The server is located in Europe. All files are scanned by Kaspersky antivirus.

Google Drive

Google Drive, originally Google Docs, is a cloud storage and data synchronization service from Google.

The service is no different from other cloud storage services. All the same functionality, installation, configuration and the same capabilities.

At the moment I am actively using this service. I like his prices, not very cheap, but not very expensive either. Files can be shared using a special link in the context menu. You can open it by right-clicking on the desired folder.

During installation, other services from Google may be installed. There is no need to worry or fear them. These are just hyperlinks to online services for working with documents and presentations.


To summarize, we can say that any of the above virtual disks cope with their task with a bang. It’s just that everyone decides which one they like. To say that one is better than the other is to say nothing. All of them are reliable and have encryption against unauthorized access, so all your data is completely safe.

If you are very worried about your data on your computer, then make a backup copy. At one time, I did not pay attention to this until I encountered this. With what exactly? With the loss of information from your hard drive on your computer. After this incident, I started backing up data. How do I do this? The video course helped me " Backup using the method of Evgeny Popov" It is very simple and understandable. Take care of your data and backup it!

Well, now the time has come to say goodbye. I hope you have cleared all your questions and doubts about the new online data storage technology. I wish you success, share this article with your friends and acquaintances on social media. networks.

Thank you for your attention, all the best!

All the best to you, Timur Mustaev.

The modern Internet has provided all users with such a huge number of opportunities that even simply listing them would take quite a lot of time. And the best part is that the list of available technological innovations continues to grow quite rapidly, and existing solutions are being improved, rapidly approaching perfection.

This continuous technological evolution has also affected storage media, adding a new group of data storage to the list of stationary and portable devices - cloud storage. Thanks to their widespread implementation, user work with information has been transferred to a new, more modern and reliable level.

The idea of ​​cloud disks (storages) is simple and extremely clear: the user can store the files he needs or are simply interested in not on his own PC or mobile device, but on network storage on the Internet (on secure servers) and you can access such information from anywhere in the world ball.

The concept of such storages turned out to be so popular that Internet giants such as Google and Yandex instantly implemented it for their users.

However, today we will talk about another organization - the Mail.ru company, which has developed and put into operation its own cloud, which is often superior in capabilities to the services of the above companies (the size of the provided disk space is noticeably larger than competitors, the file transfer speed - downloading / uploading is also higher).

You can download mail.ru cloud to your computer for free in Russian. The link is available on the Mail.ru website in the user’s account (shown in the screenshot), or on our website at the bottom of this material (before the “technical information” section). Let’s say right away that every user who has opened a mailbox on their servers has the ability to access the cloud.

As you already guessed, so The storage can be fully used through any modern Internet browser, however, it is most convenient to do this through a free program for a Windows computer.

Features of working with the Mail.ru cloud:

  • simple and intuitive user interface both when using the web version of the cloud and in the case of software installed on the computer;
  • The size of the free disk space is 25 GB (you will have to pay for additionally allocated disk space);
  • The file upload limit is 2 GB (if you install the program, all limits are removed);
  • If you install the program on a PC, working with the cloud is reduced to working with a regular Windows folder, data into which can be copied or deleted from there. All changes made in this way will be carried out on the cloud itself (on the Internet) thanks to the automatically launched synchronization function;

By the way, users of the Mac OS and Linux operating systems, as well as owners of mobile devices based on Android and iOS OS, for which adapted versions of the programs have been released, are also not left out.

Advantages of cloud storage Mail.ru disk

  1. First of all, there are no restrictions on the speed of downloading a file or uploading it to the cloud. The only limit is the speed of the user’s Internet channel;
  2. You can download from disk or upload to disk several files at the same time (this applies to both the web version of the service and when installing the program on a PC);
  3. when uploading files to the cloud, they are automatically scanned by Kaspersky anti-virus, which minimizes the transfer of unwanted software inside file archives and malicious macros in office documents;
  4. high reliability of data storage. It is ensured by the use of two independent data centers, one of which stores the original, and the second acts as a backup storage (in case of failure when using the first);
  5. a document placed in the cloud cannot be forgotten at home - to access the file you only need access to the Internet;
  6. text files can be created directly in the browser, and then edited online using a simple web-based analogue of Microsoft Word. The same opportunity is available in the mode of working with presentations and spreadsheets;
  7. mail.ru cloud can be downloaded for free on any modern device.

Separately, I would like to say that a document posted on the mail.ru cloud can be viewed and edited by all interested parties (employees, friends or family). To do this, you need to share access to a folder or file, such as Google Drive.

We recommend this service as the simplest and most accessible option for simple and advanced users. Let us remind you that you can download the mail.ru cloud to your computer using a direct link on our website or from your personal mail service account. And to remove a program, use the control panel options in the "Add or Remove Programs" section.

Many people have probably heard of such a concept as cloud storage data. It sounds a little confusing, but it's actually simple - it's nothing more than free hosting for your files. You register in the service, you are given a certain amount of disk space, which you can then increase - for money or for certain advertising actions, which we will look at below. Essentially, it’s a virtual hard drive, only the documents are stored not on your computer, but on a server on the Internet. In this article I will show in detail how for free use the best cloud storage in RuNet - Yandex and Mail.Ru

This method of storing information has two big advantages over traditional storage on a hard drive on a computer or on a flash drive.

Therefore, cloud storage is a very convenient way to create a backup copy of documents that are important to you. Cloud technology has recently become very widespread and new services are constantly appearing - free and paid - providing this service. And today I would like to consider two of the best cloud storage services on the Russian-language Internet today - Yandex Disk, which has already proven itself, and Mail.Ru Cloud, which has recently come on duty.

Free data storage Cloud Mail.Ru

This service appeared quite recently - just the other day I saw it and then the idea came to me to write this article. In order to create one, you must first register with Mail.Ru. Initially, you are given 10 GB of space, which can be increased up to 100 gigs by performing a few simple steps.

So, register in the mail, log into your account and follow the link cloud.mail.ru.

Click on the “Try Cloud” button

And after a few seconds we receive a letter in your inbox notifying you that your free cloud storage has been created.

The interface here is very logical, so it’s quite easy to navigate. You can create an unlimited number of subfolders, upload and delete files. But first, let's look at how to increase the space from 10 to the promised 100 gigabytes.

Click on the “Get more space” button.

  1. Installation on a computer - +10GB.
    By downloading and installing the application on your computer, you can automatically synchronize a specified folder on your computer with cloud file storage, which will allow you to automatically back up your files. There are versions on Windows, MacOS and Linux.

    I selected and downloaded for Windows. Install the application and launch it on your computer. The first window will ask you to enter the login and password for your Mail.Ru mail.

  2. Installation on a smartphone - +10GB.
    The same thing, only for a smartphone. Popular systems are also present - iOS and Android. Windows Phone is not on the list yet, but I think it’s not far off, and owners of modern Nokias will soon also receive their own application for synchronizing smartphone folders with hosting.

    Let's see how this works using an Android smartphone as an example. Download the Cloud Mail Ru application from the Play Market. Log in using your email username and password.

    We accept the agreement, skip the welcome screen and be sure to enable auto-upload of photos, it will add another 10 GB to us. Then click “Get Started”.

    The transfer of photos from the phone to the hosting will begin, and on the phone we will receive a directory of all cloud files.

  3. Public link +10GB.
    To activate this mode, you need to download at least one file and make it public, that is, allow other people to download it.

    First, let's download the file. To do this, for now, close the window with ways to expand space and click on the “Download” link. A window will open into which you simply need to drag and drop all the files that need to be placed in the cloud data storage.

    When the files are uploaded, click on one of them and in the right column click on the check mark icon so that a link to the file appears under it - now it is available for downloading, and the link can be given to friends or posted on the website.

  4. Auto-upload of photos – +10GB
    Let's return to the disk space expansion window. If you have installed an application from this cloud storage on your smartphone, but did not activate auto-upload of photos when you first log in, then do it now. As soon as you go online from your phone or tablet, all the pictures you take are automatically uploaded to your account. Then you can disable it, as well as completely remove the application from your phone - but now our goal is to get as much disk space as possible.

    5. Tell your friends - + 25GB
    This method is the easiest and at the same time the most effective - it will give you a lot of space at once. And there’s nothing to do - log in under your nickname on one of the social networks (Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, My World or Twitter) and post a link on the wall by clicking on the “Tell your friends” icon.

  5. And finally, if you go through all the steps, they will give you the remaining up to one hundred and 25 gigs. We get this beautiful picture:

Cloud storage Yandex Disk

I have been successfully using Yandex Disk cloud storage for a long time to store my video courses. Similarly with Mail, you need to have a Yandex mailbox to get free storage for files. After that, go to the link disk.yandex.ru and immediately get 10GB.

After that, by inviting friends using a special affiliate link, you will receive another 512 MB for each user attracted by this service, until you increase it to 10 GB. This is the limit of free stuff - then just buy.

In the storage itself, you can conveniently create as many subfolders as you like and upload files there.

In order for your friends to download these files, click on the downloaded document and move the “Public Link” slider to the “ON” position. The resulting link can be posted on the site and given to users. but keep in mind that if you remove this file from public access and then turn it on again, the link address will change.

You can share not only files, but also entire folders. To do this, just like with a file, you need to enable its publicity and send invitations by email or social network profile to your friends to join the shared folder, selecting the access level - read only or change. In this case, friends, of course, must also have their Disks in the Yandex service. But keep in mind that after accepting the invitation, the shared folder will be copied to the account of the person who accepted it and will take up disk space.

You can also automate the operation of the service - download a special program and install it on your computer. After this, select a folder on your computer and its contents will be automatically synchronized with your data on the Yandex Disk service. Versions are available for both desktop and mobile OS.

How to access the cloud from a smartphone?

I will not consider here an example of installing an application on a PC - this is done in the same way with the cloud from Mail Ru. But a more interesting way is to enter the data storage from a mobile phone. There is no special program for the phone here, but we can still do this using the universal explorer for Android that we have already reviewed, from which you can connect and enter folders of both network devices and the cloud - we are talking about ES Explorer. If you remember, through it we connected to a file server on the local network.

Launch this program and open the “Cloud Storage” tab

Click the “Create” button and select Yandex Disk from the list of supported services.

We connect, go into the disk and see all the folders and files located on it. Unfortunately, there is no auto-sync option here, like with email - you can only go to your Drive and download or upload manually.

That's how simple and free you can get a huge virtual disk in a cloud data storage, and for free. By registering in several services at once, you will receive as much space as will definitely be enough for you for the next few years - use it!

Hello friends! Today's article is about Mail.Ru cloud storage. Let's look at how to use the cloud via the web interface:

How to upload files there and share links to them;
How to create folders and configure access to them;
How to move, rename and delete files.
How to create documents, spreadsheets and presentations directly in the cloud.
And other subtleties of use.

The beauty of any cloud storage is that it gives you additional space to store your files online.

No need to clutter up your computer again.

It’s convenient to share files with other people (just open access via a link).

And since I have a mailbox on Mile, I decided to use this storage as well. Moreover, 25 GB of memory is available for free here. Insert from 2018 - now they give 8 GB for free.

In general, this is all theory. And we will move on to practice.

Watch my video instructions for working with the Mail.Ru cloud below:

So, as you already understand, to gain access to the cloud on Mail.Ru you need to register a mailbox here. By doing this, you create your account through which you can use other Mail services, including cloud storage.

Although it is not necessary to register a mailbox, you can use Mail to log into your mail located on another service. I showed this in the video (watch from the 11th minute 46th second). Thus, your mailbox, for example on Yandex, will open in the Mail.ru interface and you will also be able to use the cloud.

To go to the cloud, being on the main page of Mail.Ru, you need to click on the “All projects” tab and select “Cloud”.

Initially, pictures and a video file are already loaded there, which you can delete. Delete files perhaps in several ways. If you need to delete several files at once, mark them with a checkmark and click on the “Delete” button at the top.

Or right-click on the file and select “Delete”. Again, if you have marked several files, they will all be deleted.

And one nuance - in the Mail.ru cloud there is no recycle bin into which deleted files go, as on the same Yandex disk. From there we can restore them. We delete it from the cloud immediately!

To add files from your computer to the cloud, use the “Download” button in the upper left corner.

You can upload using the “Select files on your computer” button, or drag them into the upload window with the mouse. There is a limitation - the uploaded file size is up to 2 GB.

Next to the “Download” button we see the “Create” button. We use it for creating folders, documents (Word), tables (Excel) or presentations (power point) directly in the cloud.

If you want to organize your files in the cloud, then create special folders for them. To move file to folder, select it with a checkmark, right-click, select “Move”.

A window will open in which you can select a folder to move or immediately create a new one.

Generally, we can use the right mouse button for different actions on files– delete, move, copy, download, generate a link for other people or send by mail. It is very comfortable.

By the way, if you need download several files from the cloud at once. You select them with checkmarks and they will be automatically packed into one archive for downloading.

If you open access to a file for a while, and then want to delete this link, then select the desired file with the mouse, right-click and select “Delete link”.

All your files to which you have shared access can also be found in the “Sharing” section.

If a link to a file from the Mail.Ru cloud was shared with you, then you can download it immediately or save it to your cloud. You will have the option to specify a folder (where you want to save this file) or you can create a new folder for it.

Now a few words about setting up access to folders. You can share any folder with the ability to edit. That is, other users will also be able to add files to this folder.

To set up access to a folder, check the box and click on the “Set up access” tab.

Editing access can only be made available to individual members you invite via email.

If you are going to send an invitation to a user with a mailbox other than Mail.ru, then he will receive the invitation only if he logs into his mail via Mail. More about this Here.

This user will see the following invitation in their mailbox:

Having accepted it, in his cloud, in the “Sharing” section, he will find the folder that you opened for him and will be able to add his files to it. You, in turn, will see all the changes he made in your folder.

And also, you can change the display of files in the cloud. And instead of large icons, you will have this compact list:

Friends, if this is your first time getting acquainted with Mail.Ru cloud storage, I hope that the instructions were clear to you. In any case, I'm always happy to answer your questions in the comments.

I wish you success!

Sincerely, Victoria

Cloud Mail.Ru- online cloud storage and data synchronization solution with support for popular desktop and mobile platforms.

You can access your files, photos and documents from any device and anywhere with an active Internet connection. Cloud storage will save space on the hard drives of your computer or in the memory of your smartphone/tablet.

The reliability of storing files on the Internet is ensured by a backup system and anti-virus scanning.

Overview of Cloud Mail.Ru capabilities

Support for popular platforms

The Mail.Ru cloud works on all the most popular desktop and mobile platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Android smartphones and tablets, iPhone, iPad and Windows Phone. The functionality of the applications allows you to take advantage of the Cloud, no matter what device you have.

The speed of file transfer in cloud storage depends only on the capabilities of your Internet connection.

8GB of free space

The Mail.Ru cloud offers 8 GB of cloud disk space for each user for free. You can store any types of files, including photos, videos, music, presentations, documents.

File synchronization and backup

To reliably protect your files, create a folder on your computer, save your files in it and synchronize it with the Cloud. Even if your computer's hard drive fails, all your files will be saved online and you will be able to access them. For reliability, Mail.Ru also uses backups of your files at different data centers to prevent data loss.

You can enable auto-download of captured photos and videos on your smartphone or tablet (iOS and Android). This will allow you to save files even if your mobile device is lost or fails. Automatic syncing also allows you to delete files from your device and make room for new photos and videos.

Shared folders. File sharing

The Shared Folders feature allows you to share files with other users and make changes to the content. For example, you can share photos with friends, organize group work on a project, or add to a shared folder with educational materials.

Integration with Mail.Ru Mail

The cloud is integrated with your Mail.Ru mailbox. You can save any of the files received in a letter to the Cloud or, when sending a new letter, attach files to it from cloud storage, mail or computer.

Anti-virus file scanning

All files that you save or transfer in the Mail.Ru Cloud are scanned using Kaspersky Anti-Virus technologies. This helps protect all your devices from malware infection. Infected files are blocked and become unavailable for downloading by other users.