Blue screen of death what to do. System and driver updates. Hard drive errors and damage

Blue screen of death ( Blue Screen of Death, BSoD) is critical system error in operating systems Microsoft Windows. When this fault occurs, the system freezes and data that was changed during operation is not saved. It is one of the most common in the Windows 7 operating system. To fix this problem, you first need to understand the reasons for its occurrence.

The reasons why the BSoD error appears can be divided into 2 general groups: hardware and software. Hardware problems are problems with the hardware in the system unit and various components. Most often, malfunctions occur with RAM and hard drive. But still, malfunctions in the operation of other devices are possible. BSoD can occur due to the following hardware problems:

  • Incompatibility installed equipment(for example, setting additional strip"RAM");
  • Failure of components (most often they fail HDD or RAM);
  • Incorrect overclocking of the processor or video card.

The software reasons for the problem are much more extensive. The failure may occur in system services, incorrectly installed drivers or due to malware.

  • Inappropriate drivers or conflict of some drivers (incompatibility with the operating system);
  • Activity of virus software;
  • Application malfunctions (most often, such failures are caused by viruses or software solutions that emulate the application).

Reason 1: Installing a new program or hardware

If you have installed a new software solution, this may result in a Blue Screen of Death. The error could also occur due to software update. Provided that you have carried out such actions, you need to return everything to its previous state. To do this, you need to roll back the system to the moment when no errors were noticed.

The recovery will start Windows process 7, after which your PC will reboot and the problem should disappear.

Reason 2: Lack of free space

You need to make sure that on the disk where the Windows files, there is the necessary free space. Blue Screen of Death and various major problems occur when disk space is full. Clean the disk with system files.

Microsoft advises leaving at least 100 MB free, but as practice shows, it is better to leave 15% of the volume of the system partition.

Reason 3: System update

Try updating Windows 7 to latest version Service Pak. Microsoft consistently releases new patches and update packages for its product. Often, they contain fixes that help fix the BSoD problem.

Reason 4: Drivers

Perform the procedure for updating your system drivers. The vast majority of BSoD errors are related to incorrectly installed drivers that cause this type of problem.

Reason 5: System errors

Check the event log for warnings and errors that may be associated with the blue screen.

Reason 6: BIOS

Incorrect BIOS settings may lead to the appearance BSoD errors. By resetting these parameters, you can eliminate BSoD problem. How to do this is described in a separate material.

Reason 7: Hardware component

It is necessary to check that all internal cables, cards and other components of your PC are connected correctly. Elements that are poorly connected can cause a blue screen.

Error codes

Let's look at the most common error codes and their interpretation. This may help troubleshoot the problem.

  • INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICEthis code means there is no access to the download section. The boot disk has a defect, the controller is faulty, also incompatible system components may cause a problem;
  • KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED– the problem most likely arose due to problems with the hardware components of the PC. Incorrectly installed drivers or physical breakdown equipment. It is necessary to check all components one by one;
  • NTFS FILE SYSTEM– the problem is caused by system failures Windows files 7. This situation arises due to mechanical damage in the hard drive. Viruses that have written to the boot area of ​​the hard drive cause this malfunction. Damaged logical structures system files can also lead to malfunction;
  • IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL- this code means that the BSoD malfunction appeared due to errors in service data or Windows drivers 7;
  • PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA– the parameters that are requested cannot be found in the memory cells. Most often, the reason lies in defects random access memory or incorrect operation of anti-virus software;
  • KERNEL DATA INPAGE ERROR– the system was unable to read the data that was requested from the memory section. The reasons here are: failures in hard drive sectors, problematic issues in the HDD controller, faults in the RAM;
  • KERNEL STACK INPAGE ERROR– The OS is not able to read data from the swap file to the hard drive. The reasons for this situation are damage to the HDD device or RAM memory;
  • UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP– the problem is related to the system kernel, it can be both software and hardware;
  • STATUS SYSTEM PROCESS TERMINATED– a logical malfunction that is directly related to drivers or malfunctioning applications.

So, in order to restore the correct Windows works 7 and get rid of the BSoD error, first of all, you need to roll back the system to the moment stable operation. If this is not possible, then you should install the latest available updates for your system, check the installed drivers, test the functionality of the PC hardware. Help to resolve the error is also present in the fault code. Using the methods given above, you can get rid of the blue screen of death.

It so happened that blue screen death always scares PC users. You're playing CS:GO or Dota 2 when suddenly the Blue Screen crashes. Or they wrote the coursework for 2 hours - and again this mistake. And if autosave was also disabled, then that’s great.

10 main reasons

First, let's look at the main reasons why the blue screen of death appears:

  1. Failure of HDD, video card, RAM, etc.
  2. Device conflict (usually new RAM).
  3. Some device is incompatible with Windows.
  4. Overheating of devices (most often the video card or processor).
  5. Inappropriate driver (or incompatible with Windows).
  6. Driver conflict.
  7. Incorrect BIOS parameters.
  8. Not enough free space on local disk WITH.
  9. Overclocking the processor or RAM.
  10. Virus infection.

In 70% of cases, a blue screen appears due to drivers. Therefore, install them only from the official website of the developer.

Blue Screen crashes: what to do?

First you need to configure it so that your computer or laptop does not reboot after this error. For what? To write down its code and use it to find a solution to the problem.

The instructions for Windows 7, 8 and XP are the same:

Ready. Now, when the blue screen of death appears again, you need to write down/remember the error code. Where is he? See the example screenshot below:

IN in this case this is 0x0000004e. You write it down and look up what it means. For example, you can search here - this site contains the most common error codes.

There is also information about 0x0000004e: the error appears due to correct operation drivers. Which one exactly? This is not said, but there is one simple way to find out.

To do this, you will need the BlueScreenView utility (you can find it, the download link is almost at the very bottom of the page). It will automatically find the file causing the error and display it in the report. To do this, you just need to run the program.

For example, in the screenshot above you can see that the blue screen on the computer crashes due to the ati2dvag.dll file. It is associated with AMD video card(you can guess by the name ATI or search the Internet by its name), so most likely you need to install new drivers for it. Or vice versa – old ones (it’s best to use the disk that came with your PC).


The majority of BSoD errors occur as a result of corruption of certain system files. In addition, this malfunction may be due to the lack of drivers or their incompatibility. Do not restart your computer immediately after a blue screen appears.

Find and delete the files indicated in the error text. Remember that if we're talking about about system files, deleting them can lead to permanent damage to the OS.

If you are not sure about the correctness of your actions, use the “System Restore” option. Open the System and Security category in Control Panel. Follow the "Backup and Restore" link.

Select the "Recover" mode system parameters" Activate the recovery process previous state operating system. To do this, select a suitable control point and click the “Next” button.

If the described procedure did not help fix the error, re-examine the text of the message. If the BSoD is related to driver files, completely update their configuration via secure Windows mode.

Try installing new copy operating system. If after this the computer is still unstable, it means cause of BSoD is a malfunction of any equipment. Replace the damaged device.

Video on the topic

The death screen appears when an error occurs in the system. The display shows information about what exactly led to the failure. For some users, such information may help troubleshoot problems, but for others it means nothing. In the latter case, you can disable the death screen.


When the screen of death, aka "blue screen", "blue screen of death" appears, you can only physically turn off or restart your PC Power buttons or Reset on the computer case. The system does not respond to any other commands from the keyboard or mouse at this time. To automatically reboot the system instead of the death screen when an error occurs, set required parameters.

Call the System Properties component. There are several ways to do this. Click the Start button or Windows key, select “Control Panel” from the drop-down menu. In the Performance and Maintenance category, left-click on the System Properties icon. Will open required component. More quick way: From the Start menu or desktop, click right click mouse over the “My Computer” item and select the last item “Properties” in the context menu.

In the System Properties dialog box, make the Advanced tab active and find the Startup and Recovery group. Click on the "Options" button to open additional window settings. In the new window, in the “System Failure” group, check the “Run” field. automatic reboot" Pay attention to the “Write event to system log” field. If you mark it with a marker, you can read information about the error that led to the failure in the log at any time.

Good afternoon.

Although, he’s probably not that kind, since you’re reading this article... In general, the blue screen of death is not a pleasant pleasure, especially if you spent two hours creating some kind of document, and autosave was turned off and you didn’t have time to save anything... Here you can turn gray if it’s a coursework and you have to take it the next day. In this article I want to talk about step-by-step recovery computer operation if you are tormented by a blue screen with enviable regularity...

And so, let's go...

You probably need to start with the fact that if you see a “blue screen”, this means Windows has completed its work with critical error, i.e. There was a very serious failure. Sometimes, it is quite difficult to get rid of it, and only drivers help. But first, let's try to do without it!

Eliminating the blue screen of death

1) Setting up your computer so it doesn’t reboot during a blue screen.

By default, Windows OS, after a blue screen appears, goes to reboot automatically without asking you. There is not always enough time to record an error. Therefore, the first thing we will do is to prevent Windows from rebooting automatically. Below we will show how to do this in Windows 7, 8.

Open the computer control panel and go to the “ system and safety«.

Here we are interested boot and recovery options.

In the center of the window, under the “system failure” heading, there is an item “ perform automatic reboot". Uncheck this box so that the system does not reboot and gives you the opportunity to take a photo or write down the error number on paper.

2) The error code is the key to solving the error

A blue screen of death has appeared in front of you (by the way, in English it is called BSOD). You need to write down the error code.

Where is he? The screenshot below shows the line that will help determine the cause. In my case, the error is like “0x0000004e”. I write it down on a piece of paper and go look for it...

I suggest using the site here are all the most common error codes. By the way, mine was found too. To solve it, they recommend that I identify the faulty driver and replace it. The wish, of course, is good, but there are no recommendations on how to do it (we'll look at it below)... This way you can find out the reason, or at least get very close to it.

3) How can I find out the driver that caused the blue screen?

In order to determine which driver caused the failure, you will need the BlueScreenView utility.

It's quite simple to use. After launch, it will automatically find and show errors that were recorded by the system and reflected in the dump.

Below is a screenshot of the program in action. Errors when a blue screen occurred, date and time are shown at the top. Select the desired date and see not only the error code on the right, but also the name of the file that caused the error is shown at the bottom!

In this screenshot, the file “ati2dvag.dll” somehow did not suit Windows. Most likely you need to install newer or older drivers on the video card and the error will disappear by itself.

Similarly, step by step, you will be able to identify the error code and file that is causing the crash. And then you can try to replace the drivers on your own and return the system to its previous stable operation.

What to do if nothing helps?

1. The first thing we try to do when a blue screen appears is to press some keys on the keyboard (at least that’s what the computer itself recommends). 99% that nothing will work out for you and you will have to press the reset button. Well, if there is nothing else left, click...

4. If the computer displays a blue screen immediately at the moment of Windows boot, and not immediately after it (as in point 2) - then most likely they were damaged system files the OS itself. To restore, you can even use standard utilities system recovery by control points(by the way, in more detail -).

I hope at least one piece of advice from this article will help you...

Good afternoon.

Although, he’s probably not that kind, since you’re reading this article... In general, the blue screen of death is not a pleasant pleasure, especially if you spent two hours creating a document, but autosave was turned off and you didn’t have time to save anything... Here you can turn gray if it’s a coursework and you have to hand it in the next day. In this article I want to talk about step-by-step restoration of your computer if you are tormented by a blue screen with enviable regularity...

And so, let's go...

Probably, you need to start with the fact that if you see a “blue screen”, this means Windows has completed its work with a critical error, i.e. There was a very serious failure. Sometimes it is quite difficult to get rid of it, and only reinstalling Windows and drivers. But first, let's try to do without it!

Eliminating the blue screen of death

1) Setting up your computer so it doesn’t reboot during a blue screen.

By default, Windows OS, after a blue screen appears, goes to reboot automatically without asking you. There is not always enough time to record an error. Therefore, the first thing we will do is to prevent Windows from rebooting automatically. Below we will show how to do this in Windows 7, 8.

Open the computer control panel and go to the "System and Security" section.

Here we are interested in the boot and recovery options.

In the center of the window, under the “system failure” heading, there is an option “perform automatic reboot”. Uncheck this box so that the system does not reboot and gives you the opportunity to take a photo or write down the error number on paper.

2) The error code is the key to solving the error

A blue screen of death has appeared in front of you (by the way, in English it is called BSOD). You need to write down the error code.

Where is he? The screenshot below shows the line that will help determine the cause. In my case, the error is like "0x0000004e". I write it down on a piece of paper and go look for it...

I suggest using the website - all the most common error codes are here. By the way, mine was found too. To solve it, they recommend that I identify the faulty driver and replace it. The wish, of course, is good, but there are no recommendations on how to do this (we will consider below)... This way you can find out the reason, or at least get very close to it.

3) How can I find out the driver that caused the blue screen?

In order to determine which driver caused the failure, you will need the BlueScreenView utility.

It's quite simple to use. After launch, it will automatically find and show errors that were recorded by the system and reflected in the dump.

Below is a screenshot of the program in action. Errors when a blue screen occurred, date and time are shown at the top. Select the desired date and see not only the error code on the right, but also the name of the file that caused the error is shown at the bottom!

In this screenshot, the file "ati2dvag.dll" somehow did not suit Windows. Most likely you need to install newer or older drivers on the video card and the error will disappear by itself.

Similarly, step by step, you will be able to identify the error code and file that is causing the crash. And then you can try to replace the drivers on your own and return the system to its previous stable operation.

What to do if nothing helps?

1. The first thing we try to do when a blue screen appears is to press some keys on the keyboard (at least that’s what the computer itself recommends). 99% that nothing will work out for you and you will have to press the reset button. Well, if there is nothing else left, click...

2. I recommend testing the entire computer and RAM in particular. Very often a blue screen occurs because of it. By the way, wipe its contacts with a regular eraser, blow system unit from dust, clean everything. Possibly due to bad contact RAM connectors with the slot where it is inserted and the failure occurred. Very often this procedure helps.

3. Pay attention to when the blue screen appears. If you see it once every six months or a year, does it make sense to look for reasons? If it starts to appear after every Windows boot, pay attention to the drivers, especially those you recently updated. Most often, problems arise due to video card drivers. Be sure to update them, or install more stable version, if this took place.

4. If the computer displays a blue screen immediately at the moment Windows boots, and not immediately after it (as in step 2), then most likely the system files of the OS itself have been corrupted. To restore, you can even use standard system recovery utilities using checkpoints.

5. Try going to safe mode- perhaps from there you will be able to remove the faulty driver and restore system functionality. After that, the best option will try to restore Windows system with help boot disk, from which you installed it. To do this, start the installation, and during it select not “install”, but “restore” or “update” (depending on the OS version, the wording will be different).

6. By the way, I personally noted that in newer operating systems blue screens occur much less often. If your PC meets the specifications for installing Windows 7, 8 on it, install it. I think there will be fewer mistakes overall.

7. If none of the previously suggested solutions helped you, I’m afraid that only reinstalling the system will improve the situation (and then only if there are no hardware problems). Before this operation, all the necessary data can be copied to flash drives (by booting using a Live CD, and not from your hard drive) and calmly reinstall Windows.