Full domain transfer to another account

Good evening, dear readers. We are all webmasters. We buy domains every day for our new projects. However, we sometimes get rid of non-core assets (unnecessary sites) by selling them. When selling a project for more than 100 rubles, it is usually customary to transfer the rights to the domain. You can learn how to transfer a domain by reading this article.

Let's start, perhaps, by dividing domain zones into those that can be transferred online and those that, by default, are transferred only with the help of a letter to the registrar.

Domains in the zones com, net, org, name, biz, info, in and other gtld domains are transferred very simply - by push. Push for these domain zones means a complete change of owner, transferring the domain in this way, you are no longer associated with this domain.

To transfer a domain via push, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • To know secret code to the transferred domain. This can be done in the panel at the registrar (reseller). Depending on the socket, this information is located in different places. Most often, the domain secret code is found in the domain information. However, for some registrars this code is generated somewhere else. If anything, you can always read this information in the FAQ.
  • Find out the client id (or login - depends on the registrar) to whom you want to transfer the domain.
  • Go to the registrar panel for your domain and go to the item - “transferring a domain to another owner” (perhaps the link will be called a little differently).
  • You will see a page where you need to indicate the id (or nickname) of the person to whom you are transferring the domain, then you will need to indicate the secret code that you learned in the first step.
  • The final stage: the person to whom you transferred the domain must confirm that he agrees to accept the domain.

After completing this algorithm of actions, you will transfer the domain. The person who bought your website/domain should change the whois information (sometimes it changes automatically) to their own. That's it: the domain has a new owner, you no longer have any rights to the domain you just sold.

However, in Russia it is more often necessary to transfer not gtld domains, but domains in the ru zone. Therefore, let's now talk about how to transfer rights to a domain that is located in the ru zone.

Initially, when you have just registered an account with a domain registrar (or reseller), the funds are transferred either by sending a notarized letter to the registrar, or by visiting the registrar's office. However, in my opinion, if you are a webmaster, then you will be interested in online transfer of ru domains. Unfortunately, not all registrars can transfer domains in the ru zone in real time. Only these registrars allow you to do this:

  • http://r01.ru/
  • http://www.webnames.ru/
  • http://www.reg.ru/
  • http://nic.ru/

If your registrar is not from this list, then you will have to either go to his office or send a letter to transfer the domain. The party receiving the domain will also have to either go to the office or send a letter, but not certified by a notary.

If your registrar is from the list I gave above, then there are two options. Either you have already agreed with him that you want to transfer domains without paper, or not.

Perhaps I will describe ways to agree with the registrar on the possibility of transferring a domain online. Each registrar has a different matching method. So, for example, to coordinate this with p01, you need to log into your account on the registrar’s website, upload your passport pages, wait until these data are confirmed, and then request documents from the support service, which you will need to fill out, notarize and send by letter . It is also possible to visit the office instead of writing a letter.

With webnames, unlike other domain registrars in the ru zone, you can do without letters at all. All you need is personal certificate in webmoney. With it you can set up online transfer of hands. For nic.ru and reg.ru, as well as for r01.ru, you need to send a letter once, in which you need to indicate that you allow the domain administrator to be changed without paper.

Once you have confirmed that your domains can be transferred online, transferring handles becomes very similar to transferring gtld domains. Each registrar's transfer scheme is slightly different from the others, but the point is that you indicate in the domain settings that you are transferring the domain to such and such a person.

But don’t forget about the subtleties that you can find out directly in the faq from your registrar. So, for example, in order to transfer a handle to r01, you will have to transfer the domain from a reseller account (if your domain is not directly with the registrar) to the registrar’s account with the help of the support service, and then formalize the transfer in the registrar’s account. It is important to remember that in normal mode transferring a domain from a reseller account to a registrar account takes about a day, however, with the help of support, this figure can be reduced to two hours.

If you have questions directly about your registrar, write them in the comments, and I will definitely help you.

The instructions will suit you if you have have access to an account with domains that you want to transfer to another account.

A complete transfer of a domain to another account does not constitute a change in domain administrator. To change the domain administrator, use .

After transferring a domain to another account, its administrator can independently change:

  • for .RU, .SU, .РФ domains: contact details ( mailing address, telephone, e-mail);
  • For international domains(.COM, .NET, .ORG) the administrator of a new account can change all data, including data about the domain registrant (i.e. change the administrator).

In what cases can a domain not be transferred to another account?

  • the domain has entered the renewal period (for domains .RU, .РФ - less than 60 days left before the end of the registration period);
  • the service is suspended (not renewed, blocked due to a complaint or request);
  • If you are a retail client (do not have affiliate status), you can only transfer the domain to a retail client. If you need to transfer a domain to a partner, use the help: .

If you are unable to transfer your domain due to the restrictions described above, please use written domain transfer. When transferring a domain upon written request, restrictions do not apply. Use the article: (drop-down block Transfer of a domain upon written request).

How to transfer a domain to another account

Now the receiving party needs to confirm its desire to accept the domain into its account. For this:

The domain will be transferred to the account and will appear in the section.

The domain will appear in personal account the receiving party, as soon as the party confirms reception.

Changing the contact information of the Domain Administrator follows the instructions:

Why can't I transfer a domain to another account?

Transferring a domain to another account within the site can be done in several ways: by application, through an online form, from your Personal Account.

Transfer of a domain by application or via an online form

If you transfer a domain by written application or through the online form: , the procedure is completed without any restrictions.

Transferring a domain through your Personal Account

Transferring a domain to another account on the site through your Personal Account: unavailable in the following cases:

    If you are trying to transfer a domain from a retail customer to an affiliate. Transfer of a domain from the Personal Account of a retail client is possible only to the same retail client;

    If the domain has entered the renewal period (for domains “.RU” and “.РФ”: less than 60 days left before the end of the registration period);

We transfer the rights to the domain in the Reg.ru service

I will supplement the post about with this article. The fact is that when selling a site, you need to transfer the domain, but for the RU, SU and RF zones there are some problems with this matter. It is thanks to these troubles that this article is being written.

First, you will need to conclude an agreement for online domain name renewal, and then transfer the domain to another person. I will show everything using the example of Reg.ru, because... This particular service is my domain registrar.

How to conclude an agreement with Reg.ru for domain re-registration

1. Transfer the domain to the registrar account

If your domain was purchased not directly from Reg.ru, but through their partner (for example, 2domains), then first you just need to register with Reg.ru. If you don’t know who the registrar of your domain is, you can ask the service where you purchased it, as well as the Telderi exchange if you are selling a website/domain through it.

After registering with Reg.ru, ask your partner service to transfer the domain to your registrar account. I did this through 2domains - you just need to write to their support with this request, they will tell you what is needed for the transfer (domain name, code word, etc.). The transfer is usually done within a day.

In general, it would be possible not to do this transfer, but to transfer the domain through the agreement itself, discussed below (by simply entering Domain name manually into the document). But it’s more convenient to conclude an agreement once, and then transfer new domains online - that’s why they need to be transferred to the registrar’s account.

2. Conclusion of an agreement

All information is here: https://www.reg.ru/support/legal/dogovora_i_oficialnye_pisma/soglashenie_porucheniya_dlya_bezbumazhnyh_operasii_s_domenami. If you can go to the domain registrar’s office, then you don’t have to read further, if not, read on

To conclude an agreement, you need to download 2 documents (information about them is available at the link above - see “For individuals”), print and fill out. And on one of them you need to have a notarized signature.

How it's done? You should go to any notary and ask to certify the signature on the document. Costs 350 rubles.

Then we send these documents to Reg.ru. That's all.

How to transfer a domain to another person

After everything that needs to be concluded, you can already transfer the domain name to another person (he must have an account in Reg.ru). To do this, go here https://www.reg.ru/domain/online_operations and select

We transfer the domain to another person in Reg ru

Then we indicate our full name and passport details on new page— details of the new administrator (login in Reg.ru and email). Next, you will receive an SMS on your phone with a code that should be communicated to the receiving party. After this, that person will be able to get the domain into their account.

Yes, and if your domain is registered with old passport data, then you won’t be able to transfer it. You will need to send a scan of your new passport to Reg.ru (in general, if anything happens, write to their support - they will tell you what’s wrong).

Thus, there is nothing difficult in concluding an agreement and re-registering the domain to another person. At first, I put off selling some of my sites precisely because I didn’t want to bother with documents, but now I understand that I shouldn’t have been so slow.

And the agreement for online transfer will be useful to you if you want to list the domain in the Reg.ru store - there the potential buyer can see whether the domain can be re-registered quickly or not.

The most common option when you need to transfer a domain to another person is to sell the site. An alternative to completely re-registering a domain is to change its administrator within the current registrar. But with this method of transfer (also called Push Domain), there is no complete change of owner of the domain name. In fact, re-registering a domain name is not difficult if you plan all your actions and follow them step by step. At the same time, you cannot do without completing certain legal documents - you will definitely need at least one trip to a notary.

List of steps to transfer a domain

Now let's take a closer look at each step that needs to be taken to achieve the goal. As the main option, we will consider paperless domain transfer within the REG.ru registrar (at the same time, we will not miss the interaction with the registrar’s partners, from whom many buy domains).

  1. We clarify questions with the registrar's partner (if available).
  2. We draw up an Application and Agreement of Instruction for .
  3. We re-register the domain online in your personal account.

Seller's actions

This instruction will be of most interest to website sellers, but it will also be useful for buyers to understand the intricacies of the issue, because sometimes it requires a special approach and risks.

1. Contact the domain registrar

We recommend that when re-registering (for example, when selling) a domain, in any case, contact either the registrar or the partner who has the this domain on maintenance, you can also read their questions and answers. Registrars include Reg.ru, Nic.ru, etc., and they already have a large number of partners (the most popular are 2domains, Webhost1, Beget and others), through which the majority buy domains.

2. Statements for Reg.ru

The easiest way to transfer a domain to another person is online, for which you need to once enter into an appropriate agreement with the registrar. At first you will have to tinker a little with papers, but then you will do everything, in fact, by pressing one button on the site.

To begin with, proceed to registering the Reg.ru account -

There you will need to fill in all the necessary information about you and then confirm them. To manage domains in your account on the registrar’s website, you need to transfer them there from your partner’s account (if you have not already done so). After all confirmations, you can proceed to the preparation of documents:

  1. Agreement
  2. Statement

You must fill out document data 2, and then send them to the registrar by mail or courier.

Select the option for individuals, if you are one; there is also an option for legal entity. Filling out the documents does not present any difficulties, the main thing is to do everything carefully, and a signature on the application is required notarize.

In total, you must send the Agreement in two copies, as well as one copy of the Application, to one of the addresses indicated on the website reg.ru. These documents are required if you want to make further transactions. online renewal domain to another person.

3. We re-register the domain online in your personal account

When all documents have been sent and your status is confirmed by the registrar, you will be able to transfer rights to domains in your personal account, i.e. online - without additional applications, paper renewals, etc.

Now on the corresponding page of your personal account on the REG.ru website you can submit an application to change the domain owner - https://reg.ru/domain/online_operations

To do this, you will need to indicate the relevant data of the future owner. In addition, you will need confirmation of the transaction via SMS.

Transferring a domain through a partner REG.ru

In addition to the fact that you will be able to manage domains on the official website of the registrar, it is also possible to transfer the domain to other people through partner sites (we mentioned similar sites earlier - 2domains, Webhost1, Beget and others).

In theory, there should be no problems if all confirmations are made and you have full access to domain management. In any case, if you have any doubts, you can always contact either the registrar’s partner or the technical support of Reg.ru itself.

Buyer actions

It is easiest for the receiving party, since it does not require any statements or confirmations in paper form. When re-registering a domain, for example, when purchasing on an exchange, the buyer just needs to provide the login where the domain will be transferred, or his data - name, date of birth, etc. However, in the case of transferring the domain through the registrar's partners, the buyer will need to indicate the code in his personal account, serving as confirmation that he is ready to accept the domain at his disposal.

Don't forget that there is certain restrictions for the transfer of a domain, which may not allow its re-registration. For example, if the domain registration period has expired at the time of re-registration, or the requirements for data confirmation have not been met within the established period individual. All details and up-to-date information you can find out on the website https://reg.ru/domain/service/change_domain_admin (FAQ from Reg.ru on domains).