Why can't I find a contact on Skype? Why is Skype not online but the Internet is?

Skype is one of the most popular programs of its kind. With its help, millions of people can communicate with each other from different parts of the world. Beginning computer users who are not very familiar with computers often have the question of how to find Skype on the computer if it is not on the desktop. The answer to this can be found in this article.

First you need to make sure that Skype is installed on your computer. To do this, you need to go to the control panel in any known way.

In Windows 7 and Windows XP, this can be conveniently done through the Start menu.

Control Panel in Windows 7

In Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, you can go to the Control Panel by right-clicking on the Start menu and selecting “Control Panel” from the drop-down menu.

Control Panel in Windows 10

After that, look for the “Programs and Features” icon (Add or Remove Programs).

Programs and components

A list of all will open installed programs on your computer. Among them you need to find Skype. If it is there, then we read the article further. If you do not find in Skype list, which means it needs to be installed.

Skype in the list of installed programs

So, there are several ways to find Skype on your computer if it is not on your desktop.

Method No. 1

The first and easiest thing is to see if it is already running in this moment. To do this, pay attention to the notification area (lower right corner near the clock). Isn't there Skype icon. It looks like a green circle.

Skype in notification area

Also don’t forget to disclose hidden icons notification area by clicking on the arrow.

View the hidden notification area

If there is an icon there, then just double-click on it and Skype will launch.

Method No. 2

If you still have Skype installed, but you didn’t find it in the notification area near the clock in the lower right corner, then open “Computer” and go to drive C.

There we find the “Skype” folder and go into it. Next is the “Phone” folder, in which there will be an icon for launching the Skype program.

In folder " Program Files x(86)" open Skype and then Phone

In order not to have to worry about finding the icon in the future, you can immediately place the Skype shortcut on your desktop. To do this, right-click on it and select “Send” -> “Desktop (Create shortcut)”

Place the Skype icon on your desktop

After this, a Skype shortcut will appear on your desktop and you will not need to look for it every time to launch it.

Method No. 3

If for some reason the above method did not help you, then you can try to find Skype on your computer if it is not on your desktop through search.

In Windows 7 it is located in the Start menu. This is a strip at its very bottom, where the pale gray It says “Find programs and files.”

We enter Skype there and if the program is installed, its icon will be displayed. by clicking on which you will launch Skype on your computer.

Finding a Skype shortcut in Windows 7 via standard search windows

In Windows 10, the search icon is located right on the taskbar near the Start icon. Click on it, enter “Skype” and launch it using the found shortcut.

Finding a Skype shortcut in Windows 10 using standard windows search

The situation when Skype is not online but the Internet is available is most often associated with the penetration of malicious software to your computer. First of all, to prevent this problem, you should take care of decent antivirus protection computer. A high-quality antivirus program will never miss a threat and your system will always be safe.

What to do if Skype is not online but there is Internet?

  1. First, check Skype for updates. The application quite often stops connecting to the Internet if the user has one of the outdated versions installed.
  2. Another reason for this error may be a cluttered registry. In this case, it will need to be cleaned. For this you can use different applications, having the function of “cleaning and speeding up work”.
  3. Be sure to run an antivirus on your PC! It is best to use a full scan.
  4. Check system disk for errors (there are also special utilities for this).
  5. Open portable version application and try to make a call through it. Often this works great. If this is not possible, we continue to look for the reason.
  6. If you not only have no connection, but also error 1603 appears on the screen, you can find a solution.

If none of the methods help, try using the method below (according to user reviews, it turns out to be the most effective):

  • Open the "Program Files" folder.
  • Find the Skype section and the Phone subsection.
  • Find the skype.exe file.
  • Right-click on it and select the “Create Shortcut” command.
  • Now the application should always be launched through this shortcut.
  • Click on it and select the “Properties” section.
  • Go to the “Object” section and put a space next to skype.exe and add /legasylogin.
  • Click on the “Apply” and “OK” button.
  • A window will appear in front of you in which you need to enter your personal account login information.

That's all! The problem of Skype being offline is solved!

Very often, organizational changes in the computer industry remain unknown. ordinary users. Only the curious know latest events: They know that ATI has become part of the largest developer central processing units- AMD, and all rights to the famous Skype program were recently purchased by Microsoft.

For most users, one thing is important - that programs and hardware components work efficiently, and you don’t have to think about such little things as who bought whom. However, recently on the forums in huge quantities The question began to appear: “I can’t add a contact on Skype. What to do?". The reason for this was the change of servers and the start of changes to the program by the new owner. However, the problem when a person claims: “I can’t add contacts to Skype” is not new at all. It is often explained by less global reasons than the above.


One of the reasons why a user often states: “I can’t add a contact on Skype” is due to incorrect program configuration operating system. So, all versions of Skype, starting from 5.5, actively use WSE ( Windows Scripting Engine), ActiveX, JavaScript and, surprisingly, some Internet Explorer (IE) browser modules. Thus, incorrect work any of these software components(including configuration features) may lead to the user being forced to study the topic “I can’t add a contact on Skype” on the forums.

To restore functionality, you can try updating specified programs- they are all free and can be easily found by searching in the browser. Also, sometimes you can solve the problem by installing a new Skype.

Working with the program

Sometimes a problem like “I can’t add a contact on Skype” occurs due to incorrect human actions. This is especially true for newcomers who “see” Skype for the first time. Let's remember the basics of the work.

After registering in the system and launching the program, only Echo is in the contact list - this is a connection check service. To add an interlocutor, you need to know his nickname - an invented name in the system.

We also allow searching by first and last name, email or phone number. You need to click “Contacts” in the program menu and select “Add contact”. In the “Skype Login” line, you should type a known nickname and wait until the system displays information about this person. All you have to do is check them and click “Add”. After this you need to send special request, which must be confirmed by the other party. Otherwise, the contact will be inactive, although through the menu right button mouse, you can still contact him (if the person is online).

In new versions it has been slightly changed: a plus sign is displayed above the contact list window and next to it. By clicking on this icon, you need to type a well-known nickname in the line that appears.

Before raising the topic “I can’t add friends on Skype” on the forum, you need to make sure that the login (nickname) you are typing is correct. In addition, sometimes the search takes some time - you need to wait for the results. Latency is especially noticeable on slow connections.

Skype The program is designed to communicate with people online completely free of charge. But in order to take advantage of this opportunity, you first need to know how to add a contact on skype.

In order to find a certain person in the Skype service, you first need to download Skype and run the application on your computer. How to find someone on Skype almost everyone thinks New user. At first, everything seems very confusing, but in fact, this task is very easy to cope with and anyone can do it. Having carefully examined the Skype interface, to your left you can find a list of contacts.

Among the list there will be two tabs contacts and resent, you click the first one. At the bottom of the contacts window there is a button "add a contact" or "add contact". By clicking on it, another new window will appear with empty columns that need to be filled in with information known to you about the person you are looking for.

In the first field that you see, enter your username or if your login, you can also try entering real name and the person's last name. To narrow the search area, indicate the country and city in which the person lives. You should remember that the person you are looking for may not have indicated full information about yourself, so you need to try it various methods search in Skype.

After the person you need is found on Skype, click on the button "add". Thus, you send him a request to be added to your contact list. As soon as he appears online, he will receive this notification and can accept or reject it. Until the application you sent has been approved, you will not be able to call, write or see the status in which you are the right person. After he accepts your friend request, you will be able to observe when he is online and when he is not. If a response to your request does not arrive for a long time, try sending it again. How to add a friend on Skype,You can understand it yourself, or use the tips below.

You can also add contacts by using the search bar, having previously entered the nickname of the person you are looking for, and as soon as it appears in the search results, click on the plus sign. There is another way to find a person on Skype. It is much more convenient than the previous one, but is only suitable for those who have recently registered on social networks.

Go to the contacts menu, then click "Import contacts". After some time, a pop-up window will load, after opening it, the program will offer to go to one of the well-known resources where all your friends are located who can be added to Skype. You just need to enter your password and login, then Skype automatic mode imports contacts. You won’t have any problems importing contacts, since the process is thought out to the smallest detail and is popular among regular Skype subscribers social networks. Contacts of people you want to call on Cell phones or regular home phones, it’s better to look for the previous ones manually. Also, remember that to communicate with similar contacts, you need to top up your personal account, which is attached to your account. The account is replenished with real money.

How to add a person on Skype,You now know and can enjoy all the benefits of the program completely free of charge. After all, in addition to regular calls, you can exchange text messages, send videos and photo files, and quickly find new friends who may be on the other side of the planet. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of easily, simply and, most importantly, freely, to delight yourself with communication with loved ones.

Displayed as a characteristic shortcut on the desktop in the form of a blue petal with the letter S. When this application is open, the panel Windows tasks it is displayed with the same petal. It can also be found among the taskbar icons as a green petal. However, sometimes it happens that a shortcut disappears somewhere from the desktop. In this case you can find Skype in My Computer to restore the lost shortcut through which the user launches Skype.

Hosting Skype files

Files Skype applications usually scattered around different places computer. Some of them are located in the directory AppData, the other part is in the folder ProgramData. The main files are written during installation in the directories specified by the user. However, by default they are written to the folder Program Files.

It must be said that there may be more than one Program Files directory on the PC. This depends on the bitness of the operating system. Thus, a 32-bit operating environment creates only one such folder. If the bit depth operating environment 64 bit, then it creates two such folders: one with the usual name for installing 64-bit applications, and the second with a prefix (x86), where applications for 32-bit systems are installed.

Skype files end up in the directory Program Files (x86) when installing the program on a 64-bit system. When installing Skype on a 32-bit system, the program files end up in Program Files. To find Skype files on your computer, you can use the search bar that Windows offers in Explorer.

Looking for Skype files

Let's look for files related to Skype program, which are located on your computer. To do this, you will need to open the My Computer snap-in.

It is necessary to understand that this kind of search will allow you to find not only some of the Skype files, but also many other files that are related to the name we entered in the search line.