Why doesn't virtual router plus start? Turning a laptop into an access point

Hello! I once wrote an article about how. Popular and useful (judging by the comments). Virtual Router Plus – good program, which does its job perfectly. But of course it wasn’t without problems.

For some, everything worked perfectly, but for others, when working with the Virtual program Router Plus I saw an error. Which appeared immediately after clicking on the “Start Virtual Router Plus” button, that is, at the moment the network was launched.

This error looks like this:

In the comments to the article on setting up Virtual Router Plus (link to which is above), wrote about various errors. For example, the error “Cannot start” appears. virtual router plus".

But it is not important. These errors indicate that the program cannot start the network because it did not detect necessary equipment. If we're talking about about Wi-Fi distribution, then we can suggest that the Virtual Router Plus program could not detect wireless adapter. Or for some reason cannot work with it.


The comments advised running Virtual Router Plus as an administrator. This helped get rid of the error. I think it's worth a try. Just click on the Virtual Router Plus icon right click mouse and select Run as administrator.

1. Your laptop does not have a Wi-Fi adapter at all. This is, of course, unlikely unless your laptop is very old. But it may be that there is an adapter on your laptop, but you simply do not have the driver installed for it. As a result, neither the system nor Virtual Router Plus can work with it. Or Wi-Fi is simply turned off.

It is worth adding that if you successfully connect your laptop to wireless networks, then this option can be excluded (see second point).

2. Recently, this topic was created on our forum: . It just says about the problem with the error “Virtual Router Plus could not be started. Supported hardware may not have been found.”

The author of the topic shared a solution to the problem. Updating the Wi-Fi driver helped. He used the program “ Slim Drivers" But, you can download and install new driver manually. The link to instructions for updating drivers is above.

Indeed, Virtual Router Plus may not work with certain versions drivers, or with certain devices. Therefore, you need to select a driver version that will be able to run the virtual network.

Best wishes!

Also on the site:

Fixing the error: Virtual Router Plus could not be started. Supported hardware may not have been found updated: December 8, 2014 by: admin

Virtual Router Plus is a program that allows you to configure Wi-Fi distribution from a laptop. Works with everyone operating systems Windows family. It is also compatible with the anniversary OS. To create wireless point access, just launch the program and click “Launch virtual router plus”. But often users encounter the error: “virtual router plus cannot be started.” I will write what to do in this case and how to fix the problem as part of this article.

Reason for error

Virtual Router Plus is a program with simple interface, which automates the creation and connection to an access point. The received error indicates problems in the software or hardware of the laptop:

  1. Wi-Fi adapter is missing.
  2. Wi-Fi is turned off or on.
  3. The drivers for the wireless adapter are not installed.
  4. The adapter or driver does not support running virtual Wi-Fi networks.
  5. The virtual adapter is not enabled.


Now let's check what caused the error.

Checking Internet access

Make sure your laptop is connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi or LAN cable. If the Internet Access icon does not appear in the tray:

Advice! If you are using wireless communication as an Internet connection, check out the information on .

Checking the virtual network adapter

Right-click on Start and select “Device Manager”:

If there is no such device in the Device Manager or there is not even a mention of the Wi-Fi (Wireless adapter), proceed to the next step.

No adapter in Device Manager

If you are sure that your PC/laptop has a Wi-Fi adapter, you need to install/update the appropriate drivers. Download software, you can visit the website of your device manufacturer. The installer can be launched using the executable .exe file or through the device manager by selecting “Update driver”.

Don't forget to restart your operating system.

If you have any questions after reading the article, leave comments or use the form.

Hello, friends! I recently wrote an article in which I talked about . But as it turned out, the method I wrote about in that article is not suitable for connecting mobile devices such as phones, smartphones, tablets, etc.

And if we take into account the fact that a lot of people want to set up a laptop for Wi-Fi distribution and connect to it mobile device, then I decided to correct the situation. This article can be considered a continuation of the previous article.

In order to make the laptop turn into a router and connect a mobile device to it, we will use the program Virtual Router Plus. It's small simple program, which is very easy to set up, which is what we will do now.

If you don’t understand what we’re going to do now and haven’t read the article linked above, then I’ll quickly explain.

Let's say you have a laptop and some other mobile devices that have Wi-Fi. And your Internet is connected, say, via cable and only to your laptop. There is no Wi-Fi router. Do you want to connect your phone or tablet to the Internet? So, we will make the laptop take the Internet via cable (or in another way, for example via a USB modem. Just not via Wi-Fi) and distribute it via Wi-Fi. The laptop will be the access point.

There are several ways to set up distribution. You can use special programs, such as VirtualRouter Plus, Connectify Hotspot, or through command line. I loved it free program VirtualRouter Plus, so I’ll show you how to set it up. With her help, everything worked out the first time.

What do we need?

We will need a laptop (netbook, desktop computer with adapter) which has Wi-Fi. Internet, which is connected using a network cable, or a USB modem. VirtualRouter Plus program (I'll give you a link later) and the device that we will connect to the Internet (phone, tablet, etc.).

Everything is? Then let's start :).

Setting up Wi-Fi distribution from a laptop

Let me remind you once again that the laptop must be connected to the Internet using a cable, and not through wireless network. Something like this:

And the connection status should be like this:

If everything is connected, we can continue.

Setting up the VirtualRouter Plus program

First download VirtualRouter Plus you can download version 2.1.0 (on which I configured) via the link, or . Links have been verified.

Download the archive and extract it to a folder. Run the file in the folder VirtualRouterPlus.exe.

A window will open in which we need to fill in only three fields.

Network Name (SSID)– in this field, write a name for your wireless network.

Password- password. The password that will be used to connect to your network. Specify a minimum of 8 characters, in English.

Well, on the contrary Shared Connection select the connection from which the Internet will be distributed. My Internet is connected via cable, so I left “Connect via local network”.

That's it, press the button. Start Virtual Router Plus.

All windows will become inactive and the Stop Virtual Router Plus button will appear (you can use it to turn off virtual Wi-Fi) . You can minimize programs and it will hide in the notification panel (bottom, right).

Connecting the device to Wi-Fi

Now take your phone, tablet, or whatever you want to connect (for example, I have HTC phone on Android), turn on Wi-Fi on it and look for it in the list available network with the name that we set in the Virtual Router Plus program.

I have this network:

Click on this network, enter the password (which we specified when setting up the program) and press Connect. It should look something like this:

You can already try to access sites from your phone (or other device), which receives the Internet via Wi-Fi from a laptop. But the connection is there, but the Internet may not work. This is true:). Just some more tweaking to do.

The device connects to Wi-Fi, but the Internet does not work

Return to your laptop, open the program in which we configured the distribution and press the button Stop Virtual Router Plus. Then right click on the connection status and select Network and Sharing Center.

On the left select Change adapter settings. Right click on the adapter LAN connection and select Properties. Go to the tab Access.

Check the boxes like I have in the screenshot below. In field Connection home network you need to select an adapter. Everything works fine for me when installed Wireless network connection 3 (You may also have a Wireless network connection 2, or another). Experiment.

Then in the Virtual Router Plus program we launch our network again. The phone should now connect automatically. The Internet should already be working. Everything worked for me, the sites opened!

Converting a laptop into a router was successful :).

Advice! You can add the Virtual Router Plus program to startup so as not to constantly launch it manually. I wrote about how to do this in the article.


Of course, if possible, I would advise buying a router. Even some simple, inexpensive model, for example, will do an excellent job of distributing Wi-Fi to several devices. And you won’t have to torture your laptop :). In addition, the laptop itself will be able to connect via a wireless network, and not distribute it.

But this method is also good. You can quickly set up a wireless network, even without a router.

If you have any problems, leave questions in the comments, or even better on our forum. We'll figure out. Best wishes!

Also on the site:

How to configure a laptop to distribute Wi-Fi and connect a mobile device to it? Setting up VirtualRouter Plus updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

Recently, we published detailed instructions for setting up a virtual access point on a computer using the program. In this article, we will look at the process of setting up another program - Virtual Router Plus. This is another very popular one, free program, with which you can set up Internet distribution via Wi-Fi from a laptop, or from personal computer (if it has a wireless module).

Essentially, these two programs are almost the same, and the setup instructions are very similar. But, if you have downloaded Virtual Router Plus and want to configure the Hotspot using this program, then it will be much easier for you to do this according to the instructions written specifically for Virtual programs Router Plus.

I think you know what this program does and why it is needed. If not, then look at the article at the link above, where I talked in more detail about the very possibility of setting up a virtual Wi-Fi points access in Windows.

Setting up Virtual Router Plus

As usual, first we need to download the program. You can. There is no need to install it. Just unzip the downloaded archive into a folder.

Go to the program folder and run the file VirtualRouterPlus.exe.

A program window will open, you can leave it for now. First, we need to resolve general access to the Internet.

Right-click on the connection icon in the notification bar (doesn't matter what kind of icon you look like). Select Network and Sharing Center.

In the new window select Change adapter settings.

Next, right-click on the connection through which you are connected to the Internet, and select Properties. If you are connected via network cable, then this is the connection "LAN connection".

Go to the tab Access, check the box next to "Allow other network users...", and select a connection from the list Wireless network connection 3. You may have a different number at the end.

We return to our Virtual Router Plus program and launch the access point.

  • In field Network Name (SSID) please indicate Wi-Fi name network that your laptop will distribute.
  • In field Password indicate the password. Please enter a minimum of 8 characters. English letters. Numbers possible.
  • Opposite the point Share Connection select from the list the connection through which your computer is connected to the Internet (which we shared).
  • Click on the button Start Virtual Router Plus.

If, after starting the access point, you get an error, then see the article below. At the end of the article, I will tell you how to solve one popular mistake.

If all is well, the program window will minimize to tray and you will see a message that the access point is running. And the icon will turn green.

To stop the Internet distribution, just press the button Stop Virtual Router Plus.

Possible problems when setting up the Virtual Router Plus program

If there is a connection, but the Internet does not work.

A very popular problem when setting up virtual Wi-Fi. And it doesn’t matter at all what program you use to set everything up.

Most likely, the antivirus or firewall is to blame. To check this, you need to completely stop the antivirus and firewall. In the settings of almost every antivirus program, there is a possibility. As a rule, it is enough to call up the menu by right-clicking on the antivirus icon and select the desired item.

If, after disabling the antivirus, the Internet works, then you just need to add your connection to the antivirus exceptions, and it will not block it (see the settings of the built-in firewall). There is no need to remove the antivirus. Moreover, we strongly advise you to install one of them, or purchase a paid license.

Also, it’s a good idea to check your sharing settings; I wrote about this at the beginning of the article.

Error “Virtual Router Plus could not be started. Supported hardware may not have been found"

If, at the time of starting the access point, the error “Virtual Router Plus could not be started. Supported hardware may not have been found" (a very popular error in Virtual Router Plus), then you need to check whether Wi-Fi works on your laptop at all, whether it is turned on, and whether everything is ok with the drivers.

See if Wi-Fi is turned on and working. You must have a Wi-Fi driver installed. If not, then install it. You also need to try updating the Wi-Fi driver. Just download from the official website for your laptop model (or external receiver) and install.

Go to Device Manager and see if the adapter is enabled " Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter".

You can leave your questions or additions to the article in the comments.

In the case when you have a computer with a Wi-Fi adapter or a laptop, and the connection to the Network is made using a 3G/4G modem, it may be necessary to distribute the Internet to a smartphone or tablet. To achieve this, you should make certain settings and take advantage of the functionality of a product such as Wi-Fi in the form of the Virtual Router Plus program.

Setting up Internet sharing in Windows 7

Virtual Router Plus: virtual Wi-Fi router

For virtual Wi-Fi to work without errors, you should: search bar In the Start menu, enter cmd and open the file of the same name with the extension .exe. Then execute next command: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow. This enables network hosting mode to be enabled. This can be verified after pressing the Enter key.

Further actions are extremely simple:

Connecting to a virtual access point

  1. Go to the settings of your mobile device and activate Wi-Fi.
  2. Find the access point you created and start the connection process.
  3. A password entry window will appear in which you should enter the password created when starting the virtual router.
  4. Click the "Connect" button.

Virtual router: problems with Wi-Fi

Often a situation arises when a mobile device can be connected, but the Internet remains unavailable. In this case, the problems are less related to how the virtual router Wi-Fi. Basically they are:

  • blocked by an antivirus or firewall;
  • unable to obtain an IP address because the process hangs.

In the first case, the solution is to change the antivirus and firewall settings so that they do not interfere with the distribution of the Internet from the computer. As for the second option, here you need to go to the “Changes adapter parameters” section, select the created wireless connection, right-click and find the TCP/IPv4 protocol in properties. Then double-click and see if “Obtain an IP address automatically” is checked. If not, please note as this may affect your ability to access the internet. In addition, do not forget to restart your computer after completing all manipulations.

By the way, do not forget that after rebooting computer system, you should restart the virtual Wi-Fi router. Also if you are using new wifi adapter, then take care of installing drivers for it. Otherwise, the above steps should help you distribute the Internet with desktop computer or laptop.