Caution is the best prevention of “winter” injuries. Game Nut Rush: Snow Clash online

At this time, bruises and bone fractures (about 15%), dislocations (about 10) predominate. The main causes of these injuries are falls due to the unsatisfactory condition of sidewalks and roads (unremoved compacted snow, icy conditions, potholes, pits, potholes). The victims are predominantly of working age (about 80). Children under 15 years old make up 2%, and people over 60 years old make up about 8%. The most common, in descending order, is a fracture of the radius in a typical location, fractures of the ankles and collarbone, bruises of the humerus, fractures of the shin bones and damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle and knee joints, and traumatic brain injuries.

It is estimated that the possibility of influence on the state of injury in general by doctors is no more than 10%, and the remaining 90% depends on other factors, which, in turn, can be divided into external and internal. The first group includes ecology, the condition of habitats, work areas, recreation areas, sidewalks, roadways, and the serviceability of machines and mechanisms. And internal ones are compliance with safety precautions, principles of safe life, rules traffic, principles of a sober lifestyle.

Statistics say that the main cause of injuries in winter is banal haste. Many people simply do not notice the ice covered with snow, as a result of which they fall and receive various injuries. In a hurry, a person tends not to even notice open ice. In addition, a significant proportion of injuries are associated with public transport. They slip and fall both when entering and exiting a bus or trolleybus. Children and young people love to take a running ride on slippery slope, slide. At the same time, crowding and knocking each other down. In this case, they usually get off with bruises. Although not always.

The most common injuries - fractures of the limbs - occur due to the fact that when falling, a person instinctively puts his arm forward and falls on it with the entire weight of his body. A similarly awkwardly placed leg breaks at the shin area. In women, wearing high-heeled shoes also contributes to this. It is easy to trip and fall in it. Elderly people, due to age-related characteristics of the skeleton (increased fragility, less elasticity of ligaments and muscle frame), often receive very serious injuries. They often break the spine and femoral neck. In old age, even a small blow can cause a fracture. In 95% of cases this occurs in women.

By changing a number of external and internal factors, you can protect yourself from injury in winter time. And if we are often unable to change the first group of reasons, then a number of internal factors are available to most potential victims. Let us remind you that it is necessary to comply with the principles of safe life, traffic rules, etc.

How to fall “correctly”?

If you feel like you are falling, try to sit down - this will reduce the height from which you fall. In addition, at the moment of falling you need to group yourself - pull your chin to your chest, remove your hands to your stomach, press your elbows to your sides. Try to push your shoulders forward and keep your feet together. In combination with a squat, this will give a tuck. The main condition for correct execution is not to be afraid of bruising in advance.

If you slip and lose your balance, do not land on straight arms! Try to group yourself and turn to the side so that the blow hits the side surface of the falling body. This way you will protect your spine, pelvis and limbs from overload. This technique is recommended for people over 50 years of age.

If you fall on your back, press your chin to your chest and spread your arms as wide as possible. This will protect you from traumatic brain injury.

If you fall down a slippery ladder, it is very important to protect your face and head: try to cover them with your hands. Do not try to break your fall by spreading your arms and legs - this will only increase the number of fractures.

How to prevent possible injuries?

Preventing injuries falls under the umbrella of injury prevention. And, as the same ubiquitous statistics show, this is to a large extent reduces their number. To prevent winter injuries, you must follow these simple rules:

It is advisable to wear shoes with flat soles or low square heels. It is better if the sole has large ribs that do not slip.

You need to walk in icy conditions in a special way - as if sliding a little, as if on small skis. It is advisable to go as slowly as possible. There is no point in sliding on ice on purpose - this increases the icing on the soles. Remember than step faster, the greater the risk of falling.

Elderly people, who are most susceptible to injury, are recommended to attach special “anti-icing” pads to the soles of their usual shoes. They can be purchased at appropriate retail outlets.

You should follow safety precautions when engaging in extreme sports, use all necessary protective accessories(elbow pads, knee pads, helmets, etc.).

It is important to teach your child to follow safety precautions when skiing, skating, and sledding. Don't forget to provide your children with everything necessary means protection. Adults need to be able to provide first aid to a child.

Attention and caution are the main means for preventing injuries, and not only winter ones. Therefore, when going out into the street, especially on those days when the “plus” on the street changes to “minus” or vice versa, you need to evaluate every step you take! Remember, the best prevention of winter injuries is caution and prudence!

How to provide first aid correctly?

As statistics show, in more than half of the cases, assistance to victims of “winter” injuries, their transportation to medical institution carried out incorrectly. This aggravates the severity of the damage and makes it difficult further treatment. The population as a whole is poorly oriented in matters of first aid.

The essence of first aid depends on the type of injury

Injury. This is the most common species injury occurs when struck by a hard, blunt object. Pain, usually mild, occurs at the moment of impact or shortly after it. Swelling forms relatively quickly, and bruising appears after a few hours. In case of deep tissue injury, it may appear after 2–3 days. The function of the bruised limb in the form of limited movements is slightly impaired.

First aid for a bruise is aimed at reducing hemorrhage and relieving pain. Apply a pressure bandage and cool the injury site (ice pack, cold compress, wet cloth, cold metal object). The bruised limb is given a state of rest (the arm is suspended on a scarf, the joint is fixed with an 8-shaped bandage or splint). To make the bruise resolve faster, lubricate it with heparoid or troxevasin. This will prevent the spilled blood from clotting, and it will quickly resolve without pain or swelling at the site of the bruise. A good effect is achieved by applying a “mesh” of 0.25–0.5% iodine solution to the skin. To do this, a regular 5% iodine solution from a vial must be diluted with alcohol or vodka.

Contusions to the head, chest and abdomen may be accompanied by hidden injuries, so consultation with a doctor is required!

Observe the bruise that forms at the site of the injury. If it changes color over time from red through purple, cherry and blue to yellow-green, then everything is fine. If it only turns more purple or swelling and pain intensify, then suppuration may begin - consult a doctor immediately.

Dislocations(persistent displacement of the ends of the bones that make up any joint) occur during a fall, impact, and sometimes during awkward movement. Sharp pain appears at the time of injury and intense pain in the first hours after it. Normal movements in the joint become impossible. The joint is deformed, its outline is changed in comparison with a healthy one.

First aid should be aimed at reducing pain and delaying the development of swelling. To do this, cold is applied to the joint and the limb is fixed (the arm is hung on a scarf, bandaged to the chest; and the leg is covered with soft objects and left in the position in which it finds itself). Then it is necessary to urgently transport the victim to the emergency room or hospital. Under no circumstances should you attempt to correct a dislocation yourself if you do not have the appropriate knowledge and skills.

A bone fracture is a violent violation of its integrity. Fractures can be closed - without breaking the skin and open - with their rupture. A fracture will be indicated by acute pain in the affected limb, which intensifies at the slightest attempt to move it. Because of this, movements become impossible. Externally, the limb has an unnatural shape due to changes in its axis and shortening (usually) as a result of muscle contraction. With open fractures there is always a wound in which the end of a bone fragment is sometimes visible.

First aid is to ensure fixation and rest of the broken limb. Build a tire from what you have at hand - a stick, a board, a large branch. Using a scarf, scarf, or belt, tie it so that the splint covers two adjacent joints. For example, if the bones of the leg are fractured, apply a splint that captures the knee and ankle joints. This way they will be motionless, and bone fragments will not be able to move, injuring surrounding tissues and causing pain. The splint is especially important when the hip is damaged. If there is nothing nearby that even remotely resembles a future splint, tie (bandage) the injured leg to the healthy one, and the arm in case of a fracture of the humerus to the body. Only after this can the victim be transferred to the car and sent to the hospital.

In conclusion, I would like to wish all of us not to fall into similar situations. And remember that your health is, first of all, in your hands. Be careful on the roads!

Fans of the game Nut Rush Snow Scramble, welcome the third Christmas part and help the squirrel collect nuts in the winter season. Usually the red-haired housewife is engaged in preparing and replenishing the pantry with food supplies in warm time years, and in winter it sits in a warm hollow and does not stick out, cracking nuts and waiting for summer. But today the squirrel decided to stick its muzzle out of the hollow because it heard a strange knock on the wooden trunk, as if something had fallen on the ground. It turned out that Santa Claus was flying over the forest on his magic sleigh drawn by reindeer. He was in a hurry to deliver gifts to the children, and he rushed so hard that one bag came untied and nuts spilled onto the ground. The squirrel couldn’t miss the opportunity to add an extra treat to its reserves and decided to take a bold step. The fluffy beauty accelerated and full speed is going to race along the platforms, collecting nuts. Help the little girl in Nut Rush Snow Scramble not to miss the delicious fruits and not to run into snowmen and other obstacles. On high speed It’s easy to stumble and fall down, and hungry, toothy wolves are already waiting there; in winter they are happy with any prey. Having rushed along the snow-covered platforms at the end of the path, the squirrel must deftly jump into the hollow and not miss, otherwise the whole run is meaningless. Use stumps for high jumps, deftly give commands to the squirrel and it will safely collect a bunch of nuts and hide in the house. Nut Rush Snow Scramble is an html5 game that you will play online on any convenient or available mobile device. The squirrel will be extremely grateful to you for Christmas gifts; she will have a real Christmas with gifts from Santa, even if they are random. By helping the squirrel, you will train your reaction; it is simply necessary for the heroine to quickly jump over, reacting to obstacles. Practicing virtual space, it will be easier for you to use the acquired skills in reality.

My mother always told me: “Eat nuts, they are necessary,” but as a child I did not understand why they were necessary. And if you still don’t understand, then this article is especially for you. In the autumn-winter period, nuts are a real salvation for your mood and health.

With the arrival of cool autumn days, our body becomes more demanding when it comes to choosing foods, since snacking on vegetables and fruits alone no longer brings a feeling of fullness. In order to avoid a loss of strength and mood, and eating the blues with sweets and baked goods, you should pay attention to something rich in vitamins and healthy fats: olive oil, avocado, fish. But at work you won’t eat fish during your break :)))

So feel free to grab your nuts! These babies contain the body's daily requirement of fat. However, do not forget that nuts are high-calorie foods, so in the daily human diet there should be no more than 100 g. Here is the following consumption table.

To maintain tone and maintain energy throughout the day, you need a variety of vitamins, most of which are found in nuts: magnesium, phosphorus, B vitamins, potassium and iron. In addition to a boost of energy, you will get the effect of improving your skin, nails, hair and overall well-being. In addition, nutrients and trace elements will help protect the body from colds and other diseases.

The benefits of nuts

Each nut has its own unique properties and each type is useful, but remember about the consumption standards, otherwise there may be an excess of any vitamin or element in the body.


Recognized as one of the most beneficial due to its antioxidant content. Helps reduce arterial pressure, strengthens the immune system and liver.

Walnuts contain copper, healthy fatty acids and a rare type of vitamin E. They will be indispensable for colds, insomnia, and the recovery period after surgery.

Will help with high level cholesterol, ulcers, hypertension, kidney, eye and upper respiratory tract diseases.

This nut contains a combination of magnesium, vitamin B6 and calcium that is optimal for bones, and also supports the nervous system and heart by large quantities potassium and protein.


Cashew will be for you perfect choice if you prefer physical exercise: The nut will supply the body with the zinc, phosphorus and copper necessary for recovery. It is also popular in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and anemia.

Walnut grows well on almost all types of terrain and types of soil. Trees grow slowly, freeze and are unproductive only in deep ravines on swampy, poorly drained and heavily washed away soils. Walnuts grow most productively on loess-like chernozems, deep soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. Trees die from suffocation of the root system, especially in the presence of subsoil water at a depth of less than 2 m. The presence of a powerful, deeply penetrating root system (10–12 m) in the walnut ensures the supply of moisture from deeper soil horizons. Walnut is a moisture-loving crop. With active watering, it grows up to 2 m per year. The growing season of the nut depends on local climatic conditions and varies from 120 to 200 days. Despite high ability tolerate drought, irrigation contributes to better development of nut fruiting and good preparation for winter and the rhythm of nut development.

Frost resistance is the ability of trees to tolerate low temperatures, resistance of cells to dehydration and the ability to retain supercooled water in the cells, avoid crystallization of water inside the cells. This property is genetically determined. Each tree cell has its own limit of dehydration and compression. The crossing of these boundaries, and not just a decrease in temperature, is the cause of their death. This phenomenon should be considered not as a direct effect of cold on the plant cell, but as an action causing dehydration of the plant cell due to freezing of water. Convincing evidence of this is the state of hypothermia, which the plant tolerates without harm at the same temperatures, but with the formation of ice in the tissues, the tree cells die.

Winter hardiness - this is the ability of trees to withstand the harsh conditions of winter and early spring, sudden changes in temperature with a transition over 0°C. The winter hardiness of trees changes with age, depending on the nature of the microclimate, soil moisture, its supply of potassium and phosphorus, as well as on growing season conditions. In the language of mathematics, winter hardiness is equal to: frost resistance minus unfavorable weather and minus poor care.

Care- these are techniques that increase winter hardiness, regular fertilizing with fertilizers, stable skeleton formation, spring rejuvenating pruning, preparing trees for spring and autumn.

How to increase the frost resistance of walnut orchards

Through the targeted use of agricultural technology, we can influence not only the general condition of walnut trees, but also their timely preparation for winter, and hence increase their frost resistance. Agrotechnical measures include appropriate soil tillage, fertilizing, watering, rejuvenating tree pruning, soil mulching, application modern technology on land care, the use of mycorrhizae, effective microorganisms, etc.

First requirement - feed, well-fed trees are not afraid of any frost. Two feedings are especially important: the first, when the trees begin the second wave of sap flow: in June-July (the first wave is in April), and the second, in the fall, when the trees store nutrients for the winter and phosphorus and potassium are required. Regular feeding, foliar and root, with organic fertilizers (potassium and phosphorus only) increases frost resistance; nitrogen is not recommended to be used in the second half of summer, it delays the growth and ripening of wood and reduces winter hardiness.

Second requirement - give water to water, since it is water that carries nutrients to plants that help them survive harsh winters. In October, when the leaves fall, the soil and the trunk circle should be
soak to a depth of 40–60 cm. Not all parts of the walnut tree react equally to frost. For example, if the aboveground part can withstand up to –35–45°C, then for the roots this figure is –15–18°C. And at a depth of 45–50 cm, at an air temperature of –45°C, the temperature does not drop below –3°C and does not threaten the roots freezing. And walnut trees die not from frost, but from winter drying out of the root system. Frosty air is very dry and moisture in the root zone evaporates very quickly, so it is very important to plant seedlings correctly. And if you do not take care of mulching the tree trunk circle of the planted seedling, then there is a high probability of its death in the northern regions. Even with stable snow cover, the death of trees from freezing of the root system is not observed. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Compliance with only one method of agricultural technology - finishing temperature regime root layer of soil to the physiological norm will increase crop yields by 25% without additional costs. Using only solar energy, you can master walnut farming in the northern zones. And in this matter great importance has not the air temperature, but the temperature of the root layer of the soil. The soil of the northern horticultural zone is cold soil, and all soil processes, as well as biochemical processes in plant roots, occur within the range of +7–20°C. This is clearly lacking in trees of southern origin, in which optimal temperature soil of the root layer is within the range of +20–35°C, at which their enzymes are active, and, therefore, biochemical metabolic reactions are possible. And in the northern regions, weak metabolic processes in the roots are observed, and weak absorption of nutrients during root nutrition does not meet the needs of growth and development: the nut grows, but bears fruit slowly and poorly.

And the easiest way

Bringing the temperature of the root layer of soil to optimal conditions in accordance with physiological requirements.

The first thing to do - create heat-intensive and heat-conducting soil of a larger volume. The easiest way is to cover the soil with agro-fabric, mulch, for starters, at least a circle around the trunk with a radius of at least 2 m, and in the future the entire garden, the entire area. This is especially true when the temperature drops significantly at night. In this way, a significant difference in day and night temperatures is compensated. Large-volume closed soil eliminates the negative influence of uncontrollable natural processes, such as severe summer cooling, early spring and autumn frosts, lack of heat during the growing season, and also creates optimal conditions for the development, growth and fruiting of the walnut, and the issue of garden care is automatically resolved. The advantages of closed ground are that, in addition to warming up the soil, it protects the garden from weeds, which actively absorb nutrients.

IN Timiryazevskoye LLC For three years now, grafted annual seedlings have been planted using agrofabric; a technology for care and feeding for the entire period of development has been developed and implemented. Under the influence of wind, rain and sun, uncovered soil gradually loses its fertility and its structure is destroyed. The soil can be protected from atmospheric factors by mulching, i.e. covering it with materials such as peat, sawdust, chopped straw, mown grass, agricultural fabric, etc. The radius of a circle covered with such mulch, in the center of which the plants are located, reaches 2–3 m (with a layer of up to 20 cm), and is covered with earth or agro-fabric on top. The layer of mulch should not reach the trunks of plants; the mulch is not removed and added in May new layer, as a result of which the soil retains heat better in winter, which is important when growing gardens and for increasing the frost resistance of plants. Seedlings planted in autumn die not from frost, but from winter drying. The root will not be able to compensate for the loss of moisture caused by winter frosty drying of the underground part of the seedling.

After planting, the tree trunk circle, or better yet, mulch the entire area of ​​the garden, and after a week, water it with EM solution. When planting, it is advisable to apply EM-preparations containing 100–150 g of live bacteria of EM-compost to the roots of the seedlings along with the soil, which improves root nutrition and accelerates the development and onset of fruiting. The continuous process of enzymatic decomposition of organic mulch provides true “dynamic soil fertility”, i.e. provides complete and active nutrition plants, and not at all the reserves of nutrients in the soil - humus (natural fertility) as previously thought, and especially not chemical fertilizer (artificial fertility). Humus is only a witness of fertility, i.e. organic fermentation process. Humus is “preserved” reserves of nutrients. This is what was broken down under the influence of microbial enzymes from digested mulch and, remaining unused, combined with soil minerals, forming salts of varying “availability” for plants. If the process of enzymatic breakdown of organic mulch is continuous and occurs in the immediate vicinity of plant roots, then the plants receive adequate nutrition constantly and in full as required.

To maintain metabolic balance, it is necessary to return any fresh organic matter to the soil in the form of mulch so that it can be processed by soil microorganisms and return nutrients to a new plant nutrition cycle. You can add mulch and organic matter throughout the season, which will further improve plant nutrition. You can use any type of organic matter: grass, leaves, husks, husks, straw, chaff and even paper. To process these types of organic matter, the soil must contain appropriate microorganisms, EM bacteria. These are EM liquid, EM compost and EM powder. In order for the process of decomposition and fermentation of organic matter to proceed optimally, it is necessary to create the trinity of optimal humidity, soil breathability and the required temperature. How to create these conditions? You need to artificially create high-quality soil yourself.

If the site has sandy soil, clay or loamy soil should be added to increase moisture holding capacity and moisture retention. If it is clay soil, add a sufficient amount of coarse sand,
which will simultaneously increase breathability, heat capacity and thermal conductivity. At the end of August, in the first ten days of September, carry out the following activities: be sure to mulch the tree trunk with a layer of up to 20 cm, sprinkle with soil with a layer of 5–10 cm, add 100 g of “bokashi” live EM bacteria, pour in an aqueous solution of the EM-liquid preparation in concentration 1:200, but not less than 30 liters per tree.

Timiryazevskoye LLC is the only walnut nursery in Ukraine certified by the Swiss company Organic Standard, which grows environmentally friendly grafted seedlings without the use of pesticides, herbicides, pesticides and mineral fertilizers, only in organic farming conditions. Employees of Timiryazevskoye LLC, together with leading scientists from Ukraine, Germany and Japan, have developed and implemented a modern EM technology for planting and caring for walnut orchards, which makes it possible to improve the immune system of trees, increase frost resistance, productivity and accelerate the onset of full fruiting. To each separate area walnut garden requires an individual approach with mandatory complete chemical analysis of the soil. The presence of active carbonates at a depth of up to 1 m increases the frost resistance of walnut orchards. We are developing an agrotechnological scheme for planting and caring for the garden. The selection of grafted walnut seedlings and the issue of zoning are very important. Currently Timiryazevskoye LLC conducts great job on the zoning of Bukovinian walnut varieties in the Chernigov region in order to provide the northern regions of Ukraine, Belarus and a number of regions of Russia with high-quality planting material.

More specific information information on the developed methods for selecting rootstock material and caring for zoned seedlings can be obtained by phone.

A.V. Chernyakov
Director of Timiryazevskoe LLC

Timiryazevskoye LLC
Tel.: (067) 480–41–97; (048) 740–60–24
Email: [email protected]

In winter, the number of street injuries increases significantly. Either above-zero air temperatures or frosts cause the formation of ice and frost on sidewalks and roads. According to statistics, the number of street injuries doubles in winter. Traumatologists are especially in demand on so-called “ice days,” when the number of requests for medical help reaches a maximum. In general, according to statistics, “winter injuries” account for up to 15% of morbidity with temporary disability.

The main enemies during icy conditions are our haste, inattention to the road surface and ignorance of basic “winter” rules and useful tips. Many people simply do not notice ice covered with snow. The most dangerous places for injuries are icy paving slabs and entrance steps. In addition, a significant proportion of injuries are associated with public transport. They slip and fall both when entering and exiting public transport.

Quite often, people get ice fractures while intoxicated. This is due to weakening of their muscle tone. Moreover, being “under the influence”, a person can ignore pain for some time, even with a serious injury. Thus, he misses the opportunity to see a doctor in a timely manner.

To prevent winter injuries The following rules must be observed:

  • try to leave with plenty of time, in advance, so as not to rush anywhere;
  • When going outside, choose only comfortable and stable shoes, preferably with soft grooved soles. It’s better to forget about stilettos and high heels for a while;
  • When hiking, avoid icy areas whenever possible. It is best to walk slowly, on half-bent legs, slightly relaxing them at the knees and resting on the entire foot;
  • never keep your hands in your pockets if it’s icy outside - this will make you less stable and easier to fall;
  • stay away from the roadway, at a stop do not come close tothe edge of the road so as not to slip and get run over;
  • The main thing when falling is to quickly group and relax. If, some time after the fall, you feel pain in the head or joints, nausea, or swelling, you should definitely consult a doctor. This could be a concussion or an underlying injury.

You should follow safety precautions when engaging in extreme sports and use the necessary protective accessories (elbow pads, knee pads, helmets, etc.).

Never walk on the edge of the sidewalk next to the roadway. Waiting public transport, do not stand at the edge of the stop. Losing balance in this position threatens not just a fall, but also the danger of getting run over by wheels.

Do not under any circumstances cross the roadway. It is better to lose a few minutes and calmly cross the street in the absence of cars than to find yourself helplessly lying in the middle of the road. Remember the drivers too. Stop the car in icy conditions even when low speed not easy. Therefore, when approaching a pedestrian crossing, do not rush to enter the roadway, wait until the cars stop moving.

Attention and caution are the main means for preventing injuries, and not only winter ones. Therefore, when going out into the street, especially on those days when the “plus” on the street changes to “minus” or vice versa, you need to evaluate every step you take!

Remember, the best prevention of winter injuries is caution and caution!

Svetlana MELYUK, hygienist of the Smorgon Zonal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology.

Photo from the Svetly Shlyakh archive.