Hiding the wine volume. How to hide a hard drive partition in Windows. How to hide a disk partition in Windows using Disk Management

If in the “My Computer” window we see several partitions, and one of them stores important data that should not be accessed strangers, we can hide it in the system.

The hidden drive will not be visible in Windows Explorer, but can be accessed through the command line or by entering the drive letter in address bar conductor.

Hide a drive via Disk Management

If you want to hide drive in Windows using the panel Disk Management, → right click My computer(or This computer– depends on the system version) and select Control.

In the console Computer management go to section Storage devices.

Now double click on Disk Management.

Will open disk management console and you will be able to view all the disks of your PC.

Select the drive you want to hide and right-click. Select and click on the Delete button.

If the system asks for confirmation, click OK. Now specified the disk will be hidden.

Hide a drive using Group Policy

First, call the start menu or sidebar search (or press Win + R) and enter the command: gpedit.msc

The Local Group Policy Editor window will open, in which we can configure many useful functions Windows - including what letters should be hidden in the system.

In the window Group Policy, you need to expand the branch User ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesWindows components Windows Explorer.

In the right Options window, find a function called Hide selected drives from My Computer window and double-click.

A window will appear in which we can configure which drive should be hidden in the My Computer window. We need to select the Enabled item and select the required combination of disks, for example: limit only drive D:

After applying the changes, the selected disk will not be visible in the “My Computer” window; to restore it, you must select the option in the same window Turned off. This way, all drives will be visible on the Windows system by default.

Hide a drive using the Windows Registry

Another way hide drive in Windowschange the list of registry keys.

Press the Win + R key combination → enter the command regedit and press Enter. The system will ask for confirmation, click Yes. The Registry Editor will open.

Follow the path below:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → Software → Microsoft → Windows → CurrentVersion → Explorer

Here you need to create new parameter DWORD, to do this, right-click in the Explorer window and select CreateDWORD value (32 bits).

Name it NoDrives and double click on it to change properties. Now a console will open where you need to enter the values. In the Value field, select the drive you want to hide. Each letter has a unique meaning as shown below:

A: 1, B: 2, C: 4, D: 8, E: 16, F: 32, G: 64, H: 128, I: 256, J: 512, K: 1024, L: 2048, M: 4096, N: 8192, O: 16384, P: 32768, Q: 65536, R: 131072, S: 262144, T: 524288, U: 1048576, V: 2097152, W: 4194304, X: 8388608, Y: 16777 216, Z: 33554432, All: 67108863

Select the appropriate value for the drive and enter that number in the Value line. Also select the Decimal system for the base section. For example, if you want to hide the G drive, then enter 64:

If you want to hide two drives, for example, E and G, then you can enter the value one value → 80 (E = 16) + (G = 64).

Restart your computer and the drives will be hidden. If you want to return the disks, change the key value to zero, or you can delete the registry key NoDrives.

Hide Drive Using Command Line

  1. Open a command prompt (Win + R → cmd → Enter), type the command diskpart and press Enter.
  2. Type List Volume and press Enter.
  3. Now select the type and number of the drive letter you want to hide (for example, drive G). For example it could be Select Volume 6. Press Enter.
  4. Enter Remove Letter G and press Enter.

You will see a message - Diskpart successfully removed the drive letter or mount point.

To return hidden drive, follow steps 1-2-3 mentioned above.

Use the command Assign Letter G and press Enter. This will show the drive in Explorer.

You can also use free programs, like HideCalc, so that hide drive in Windows. Or read the comments below.

If you purchased Microsoft Office 2010 Starter together with a laptop (or purchased it on torrents and run it on a flash drive), you are probably already quite tired of the non-opening Q: drive looming in Explorer. There are other applications that add supposedly unreadable media in this way, and an installed card reader sometimes brings with it an abundance of disks in the “Computer” folder. I suggest checking out the possibilities operating system Windows that allows you to hide a drive in Explorer.

By the way, the technique described here works not only in Windows 7, but in all Windows systems NT starting from Windows 2000.

The easiest way is Group Policy

This method, unfortunately, may not be available to all owners of Windows 7. The Group Policy Editor is available in the Professional and higher editions, so if you are the owner of Starter, Home Basic or Home Advanced Windows editions 7 - you can skip this part of the article and go straight to the second method.

So, to solve the problem using Group Policy you need to:

Method two - hide the disk in Windows 7 Explorer using the system registry

As I wrote above, this method is suitable for those who, due to restrictions in the system edition, do not have access to the Group Policy Editor. The problem in this case can be solved by directly editing the registry. Like this:

Now that we know the technique, let's consolidate the material. Let's hide all drives my card reader, except for the L drive, which I use to read SD cards. The remaining slots are not in demand for me and somewhat strain my eyes with the abundance of removable media.
So I have to hide wheels J,K and M. Binary number media should look like this:

Which in the decimal system is equal to the number 5632. I set it in the parameters NoDrives and restart Explorer.

I want to point out that drives are only hidden in Explorer. In other file managers they will still be displayed:

Some file managers carriers know how to hide, for example, popular Total Commander allows you to specify a list of allowed drives in the INI file through the Allowed parameter of the Settings section, but that's another story.

I also note that Disk Management will still display all hidden drives and carriers. So the setting described in the article is purely cosmetic.

Hello friends. After the update, or Windows installations 7 you have has a partition (disk) called “System Reserved” appeared? It's okay, now let's try to solve this problem.

I somehow downloaded a new one and installed it on my laptop, not even for myself. After installation, I went to “My Computer” and saw that, along with the usual drives C, D, etc., a disk called “Reserved by the system” appeared. It is approximately 100 MB in size. I didn’t want to leave it, especially since the laptop is not mine and there was little they could do with this partition, for example, delete files from it. Therefore, I had to hide it manually.

This partition is created during the Windows 7 installation process, when we . The system warns you about the creation of this backup partition. But it should be hidden, but for some reason in my case it received the letter, if I’m not mistaken, then also E, and was displayed along with all local drives.

How to hide the “System Reserved” section?

Let's now proceed to actions that will help us remove the “Reserved by the system” section; it won’t disappear anywhere, we just won’t see it.

Click “Start”, then right-click on “Computer” and select “Management”.

A window will open in which we click on the right “Disk Management”, wait a little while the system loads the information, and look for our section in the list, which is called "Reserved by the system". Right-click on it and select “Change drive letter or drive path...”.

A window will appear in which we delete our letter by clicking on “Delete”. We answer “Yes” to all questions.

There can be many reasons for hiding a specific partition on your hard drive in Windows. One of the most commonplace is to prevent other users from viewing or editing files on a particular partition or digging into the system drive. In addition, users often wonder how to hide or Recovery, which may suddenly appear in Explorer after any version. They cannot be used to store files, and editing their content can have bad consequences. Such discs should be hidden out of sight. Windows offers several scenarios for such a procedure, and in this instruction we will tell you how to do it.

Note: Account must have administrator rights to perform all procedures.

How to hide a drive in Windows using Disk Management

How can I get everything back?

  1. Click Win + R and enter diskmgmt.msc.
  2. Select the section you have hidden, click on it right button mouse and select Change drive letter or drive path.
  3. If you simply deleted a letter to hide the drive, click Add and select the letter you need. Save the changes and the disk will appear in Explorer again.
  4. If you made a secret link, then you must first remove it. Select the created path and click Delete.
  5. Then click Add, select the desired letter and save.

Everything returned to its place.

How to hide a hard drive partition using Group Policy Editor

This is a more serious method that allows you to restrict access to the system disk. It is useful if particularly curious people have access to your computer and may accidentally or intentionally damage something in the device.

To return everything back, follow all the same steps, just specify the parameter Disabled in the Group Policy Editor window, hide selected drives.

Note: Using the Group Policy Editor, you can hide only some drives, like A, B, C and D. This limited set motivated by the fact that this function was developed for corporate needs, which have their own rules. If you need to hide another drive, use the first method. And don't forget that the user can still access the disk using a specific file address.

Why, in principle, might you need to hide hard drive partitions? Most often, this need appears after Explorer, in addition to the usual C and D drives, displays several more partitions that, in theory, should be hidden.

Typically, such partitions include disks where files are stored to restore the computer to its factory state or the system partition responsible for loading the OS, which is created when installing Windows.

So, these sections are usually hidden not only because they will interfere with users, but also because, in fact, they are not intended for everyday use, and accidental or intentional changes to them can lead to problems in the operation of the operating system. Also, sometimes sections are hidden in order to hide some important data so that guests of your computer do not accidentally discover them.

So, here are instructions on how to remove or hide hard drive partitions from the “My Computer” window.

Hiding a regular partition in disk settings

Hiding partitions using the disk management utility is one of the easiest and fastest methods.

To get to this utility, you should go to “Management” and open the “Disk Management” section.

In the properties that appear, click the “Delete” button.

After this, the drive will no longer be accessible in Explorer. But, minus this method is that regular disks you will be able to hide without special problems, but with system ones it’s like that It does not always work.

How to hide system drives in the command line

Ok, let's consider another option that will help us hide not only ordinary, but also system partitions hard drive.

To begin with, we first open a command prompt window with administrator rights.

Now we execute the commands in order, which I will give below, while confirming the execution of each line with the “Enter” key.

  1. Diskpart – launches the utility for editing hard disk properties;
  2. list volume shows a list of available partitions on the computer;
  3. select volume (specify the partition number) – for example, for me it will be volume 2;
  4. remove letter=D – the command hides the section. By the way, in order to return everything back, you will need to write instead of this command assign letter=e ;
  5. exit

Having finished working with command line, the hidden disk should disappear and no longer appear.

How to hide drives in the registry

As usual, in this article, we will not do without a registry. Editing registry settings and values ​​is also one of the ways to hide unnecessary hard drive partitions. Moreover, I want to say that this method works on all versions of Windows OS, and will help hide not only regular partitions, but also system ones.

Using Win+R and regedit commands, .

Using the navigation buttons we get to the section:

Create a new DWORD parameter and give it a name .

In the parameter we created, we indicate the digital value of the letter of the drive to be hidden.

In general, the trick is that if you specify a drive letter as a value, you won’t succeed. It’s just that each letter has its own digital value, which should be entered in the appropriate field.

For example, I want to hide the “D” drive. To do this, I open the “NoDrives” option and note that we will use decimal system notation and indicate the number “8” in the value field. If you need to hide several drives, then add up their values ​​and enter the resulting result in the “NoDrives” parameter

After this, the disk should disappear from the explorer. If nothing happens, then to apply the settings you should simply restart the computer.

Hidden hard drive partition using group policies

Editor group policies, another place where we can hide our disks or partitions.

In order to get there, launch the “Run” window, let me remind you, this is done using the “Win ​​+ R” keys, and copy or enter the command there .

In the “User Configurations” section, go to the following folders “Administrative Templates”, then to “Windows Components” and finally “Windows Explorer”.

Double click to open the parameter:

Having confirmed the new parameters by clicking on the “OK” button, the disks or partitions you selected should disappear until you decide to return them back.