The computer turns off while playing games. The computer turns off when starting games: possible causes and solutions to the problem

If your computer turned off or rebooted while you were playing some modern demanding game, then most often the problem is with the video card, power supply, or processor.

We don’t think that you are dabbling in overclocking your video card and processor, otherwise you wouldn’t be asking this question.
Let's try to figure out what exactly is going on and what steps to take.

  • 1. The first reason is a lack of power from the power supply for your video card.

You can say that before everything was fine and there was enough power. And the key word here is “before”. Firstly, you used to have a newer power supply. And secondly, games have become more demanding and place more load on the video card, which in turn consumes more power.

Of course, it cannot exceed the power consumption higher than indicated in its characteristics, but perhaps the power supply is not able to provide the maximum that the video card requires and it causes the problem of the computer turning off during the game.

Our recommendation: do not rush to change the power supply. Try to disassemble it and clean the fan and the unit itself from dust. Perhaps it's due to overheating. And even if the problem remains, do not rush to throw it away, read this article further.

  • 2. The second reason is processor overheating.

Install the AIDA64 program. In addition to a lot of information about the components of your computer, it can also show the temperature of the processor. If the temperature is more than 90 degrees, then this is already bad. Some processors can run at higher temperatures, but not all.

Often, due to overheating, the corresponding protection is triggered and the computer may turn off or a “blue screen of death” may appear.

  • 3. Well, the third banal reason is overheating of the video card itself. Everything is simple here - clean all the dust from the cooler.

If none of the above helped, then you will not be able to solve the problem on your own. Here you need to contact a “computer repair” to find out the reason. There they will conduct a stress test and find out exactly which of the components “cannot withstand”. There may be something wrong with the motherboard, for example, one of the capacitors needs to be replaced, etc.

Of course, if you have a friend who has a computer with suitable components, then you can “at random”, replacing parts one by one, to identify the “weak link”. But this is also not a very good option, because... Not everyone I know will agree to such experiments with his hardware. An easier option is to bring it into the workshop.

Many people are interested in computer games. But not every computer can easily handle any modern games. One of the most common problems that can occur when running demanding games is sudden reboots. The computer simply turns off during the game. This happens unexpectedly and the user loses unsaved gameplay. In this article, we will talk about why the computer turns off during the game, and also give some tips to help fix this problem.

Insufficient or faulty power supply

If the computer turns off while playing, then in most cases the problem is in the power supply. Most likely it cannot cope with the load, which leads to a sudden reboot of the computer.

If everything worked fine before, but after installing new components (for example, a video card), the computer began to reboot, then the reason is definitely in the power supply. In this situation, this can be stated with almost one hundred percent certainty.

If no new components were installed, but the computer began to turn off during games, then problems with the power supply also cannot be ruled out. But, in such a situation, you must first prevent overheating of the processor and video card.

In order to test the stability of the computer in general and the power supply in particular, you can use the S&M program. This program contains a number of tests that create a heavy load on the computer. Thus, a test called “Power” is designed specifically for testing the power supply. If your computer turns off during this test, then most likely the problem is in the power supply.

CPU overheating

Another fairly common reason for your computer turning off during a game is the processor overheating. during the game is quite simple. To do this, download and install the HWmonitor program.

After starting the program, launch the game and play for a while. After that, switch to the HWmonitor program and check the processor temperature.

The HWmonitor program displays three temperature values: Value (current temperature), Min (minimum temperature recorded during the program's operation), Max (maximum temperature recorded during the program's operation). Naturally, we are interested in the maximum temperature.

If your processor heats up to 65 degrees Celsius under load, then you have overheating problems. It’s not a fact that this is why the computer is overloaded, but the processor temperature needs to be lowered. To do this, you can install an additional fan in the system unit.

There are situations when the computer turns off so quickly that it is simply not possible to measure the temperature using programs. In such a situation, you need to immediately reboot your computer immediately after. In BIOS you can see the current temperature of your processor.

The game starts but immediately crashes? Below we will look at why games crash on startup and how to deal with it.

What is departure?

There can be a huge number of reasons why the game crashes at startup, and here we will give only the most common examples of errors. Unlike the situation when, which is usually caused by the lack of necessary files, crashes can be caused by both hardware and software failures.

If the game responds upon startup, but after a short time crashes to the desktop again, you should first of all look for a way to solve your specific error. Some of the answers can be found in.

But what if the game crashes without any error messages that can help you identify the problem? In such cases, it is difficult to immediately determine why this is happening.

Why does the game crash and what to do about it?

  1. Lack of RAM/video card memory.

Game crashes often occur due to insufficient RAM on the computer, this is especially true when trying to run demanding modern games on older PCs.

In that case, try:

  1. Increase the amount of system memory your video card can use using ATI Catalist Control Center, a useful utility for managing your video card, by setting the UMA Frame Buffer field to the maximum number.

These actions may slightly improve your computer's performance, which may solve the problem with the game crashing.

  1. Conflict with antivirus, firewall, Firewall.

This error often occurs when pirated games are installed incorrectly. Your computer's security software may recognize the game as malware and disable it when you try to launch it. If you are sure that the installed game will not harm the system, try disabling program data.

  1. Problems with Microsoft Visual C++, DirectX, PhysX libraries

Sometimes, if the required files of the specified packages are not found, the game may crash without an error message. Most often this happens when the required version of PhysX is missing. If this is your problem, then the solution is very simple. Try the following:

  1. Check which package versions are installed on your computer and whether they are compatible with the system. This can be done in the “Add or Remove Programs” tab of the Control Panel menu. You can read about version compatibility both on our website () and on the official websites of manufacturers.
  2. Download distributions from official websites and install the missing versions.
  3. If this does not help, reinstall all previously installed versions of packages.

When installing an older version of Nvidia PhysX – Nvidia PhysX Legacy, You must first uninstall the newer version, then install the old one, and then reinstall the new one! Doing everything in strict sequence is important to eliminate the error.

  1. Problems with video card drivers
  1. Viruses

The presence of viruses on a computer often causes the game to be unable to launch or games and programs to crash when trying to launch. Before trying to solve the problem differently, It is recommended to check the system using an antivirus and, if possible, remove all malware.

  1. Computer overheating

If your computer or laptop overheats, games and programs may also crash, and the system will begin to work much more slowly. This is less likely to cause a crash at startup, however, if you try to launch the game on an already overheated PC, it may crash. What to do, if your computer often overheats?

If you have a laptop, then the problem can be easily solved by purchasing a cooling pad.

In any case, to avoid overheating, it is not recommended to keep your computer or laptop under high load (active use of programs, games, long-term downloading of torrents) for too long.

If all else fails

If the above methods did not help fix the game crashing at startup, you should try to look for a solution to the specific error. Even if the game crashes without messages, you should at least try to find solutions to the problem for this game.

If the game freezes with the standard Windows message, click "Show Problem Details" and try to find a solution that matches the value of the "Exception Code" line.

Although games crashing on startup is a fairly common problem, the steps listed in this article help in half the cases. Have you done everything according to the instructions, but the game keeps crashing? Check out other articles on our website and you will be able to launch the game without crashes.

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If the monitor turns off during a game, but the PC itself is working, the essence of the problem does not always lie in the monitor.

The problem may be a connection error, a malfunction of the video card or other components, or for other reasons. Below we will look at the reasons why such a popular nuisance may arise.

If your monitor's display goes blank during a game, but your computer is still running, you need to start by checking the most obvious cause of the problem.

First, you should turn off the PC, and then turn it on and watch the monitor.

  1. When you turn on the computer, does the monitor clear up and immediately go dark? Perhaps this is due to the backlight lamps that are installed in LCD monitors. They could very well burn out.
  2. Is your monitor display dark, but when illuminated under a backlight, it appears very faded? Surely, the problem here is a malfunction of the voltage inverter.

To understand the cause of the problem, disconnect the monitor from the system unit. If the message “No signal” or something similar does not appear on the display, then you cannot do it yourself.

Repair can solve the problem. In the worst case scenario, you will have to purchase a new monitor.

Turn off the display

Your monitor turns on, works great, but after 15 or 30 minutes it immediately goes out. What's the problem?

By default, Windows OS has a special function “turn off the screen after a certain amount of time.” It's all about her. “This simply cannot be!” – many will say. Maybe. But this should definitely be checked.

It would be stupid if, because of such a trifle, you spend a lot of nerves and time trying to find out why the monitor goes out during the game. In addition, the verification itself will take no more than 2 minutes.

Instructions for Windows 7 OS

  • Select the following item: Start - Control Panel - Power Options.
  • Select the Power Plan Settings tab.
  • In the “Turn off screen” tab, select the “Never” field.

On Windows 8 and 10, the procedure is almost the same.

Instructions for Windows XP OS users

  • Right-click on the desktop and select “Properties”.
  • Go to the “Screensaver” item.
  • Press the “Power” button (bottom right).
  • See the “Turn off the display” field, select “Never”.


Another very popular reason why a monitor turns off during a game is humidity. You may not believe it, but if a laptop or PC is left in a room with humid air for a long time, this causes certain malfunctions in its operation.

As a result, the monitor turns on and turns off quickly. This is because condensation accumulates in it, which, of course, will not do anything good.

What to do in such a situation? Do not turn on the computer for a while and let the water evaporate. This way you will solve the problem (if, of course, that is the problem).

Have you cleaned your laptop or system recently?

The problem is as old as the world, but still. How long has it been since you cleaned your own personal computer? If it's been a long time, then that might be the problem. And now you are trying to understand why the monitor goes dark immediately after loading the game.

Dust can interfere with the operation of the RAM or video card, so it is advisable to clean the system unit as soon as possible. Or take it to the nearest service center and let them clean it there. Do not start your computer in this state in the future.

Poorly connected wires

Another reason why a PC monitor turns off during a game is poorly connected wires. We are talking here about the cord from your monitor to the system unit (more precisely, to the video card).

  1. Perhaps you accidentally caught it or pulled it.
  2. Maybe one of your family members did this, or maybe your beloved dog or cat.

In any case, this must be checked first. For this:

  • Disconnect the wire on both sides.
  • Blow and wipe.
  • Then plug it in again.

It may well help. First, it is advisable to disconnect the cord only from the monitor side. If the message “No signal” appears on it, then there are two news for you. Good - everything is fine with it, it is not broken, bad - you still don’t know why the monitor turns off during the game.

Another popular problem is cable damage. In order to check this, you need to find the same cord and connect it.

RAM problem

Quite a rare situation, but it still happens. If the monitor turns off while playing, it is possible that your RAM has simply failed, or you have installed new RAM that is not compatible with your processor or motherboard.

In the first case, it is advisable to diagnose the RAM using a special program called MemTest. If it is not compatible, only a complete replacement will help you.

Video card

Often the monitor goes dark due to a broken video card. After all, this element is responsible for displaying the image on the display. And the cord from the monitor is connected to it.

  1. The most reliable method to make sure that the monitor goes out because of the video card is to connect another one and try to turn on the PC. You can take it from acquaintances or friends.
  2. Another option is to connect someone else's monitor (again, borrow one from friends). If this option is not available, then simply skip this step and move on to the next one.

Perhaps the monitor or display on your laptop turns off due to severe overheating of the video card. The cooler (special fan) is broken and the cooling system is not doing its job.

To make sure of this, turn off your personal computer and wait half an hour or more. If the problem was precisely overheating, it should turn on in standard mode. In this case, you will need to resolve the issue of cooling the video card or replacing it.

Video card driver conflict

Another common reason why the monitor turns off during your favorite game is a conflict with the video card drivers. In order to check this, you must perform the following steps:

  • Start - Control Panel - Device Manager (for greater convenience, you can select the viewing mode called “Large icons” in the upper right corner).
  • In the new window, click on “Video adapters”, after which the name of your video card will be displayed.
  • Right-click on it, select “Properties” and see the status. If the video card is working normally, it will be written in a new window.
  • Select “Resources” and read if there are any conflicting devices there.
  • If everything is fine, close all windows. Right-click on the desktop, select “Display Resolution” and select the minimum - for example, 800x600 pixels. Click “Apply” and restart your personal computer. If it turns on, the problem is completely eliminated.

The video card driver is not working correctly

If the device does not work normally, conflicts were found, or the previous method did not help you, then we will act more aggressively:

  • Boot your computer again in safe mode and go to Device Manager.
  • Open the Video Adapters tab and find your video card.
  • Right-click on it and select “Delete” (this is the standard procedure for removing the selected driver).
  • Confirm deletion and restart your computer. It should start normally.
  • Install the driver on the video card from the disk that comes with the kit, or download it from the official website.
  • Reboot your PC again to make sure your monitor no longer goes blank.

It is advisable to install drivers exclusively from the disk.

Problem with processor or motherboard

This is probably the worst possible option. It is a breakdown of the processor or a short circuit in the motherboard that often leads to the screen quickly going dark while the computer continues to function.

The system engineer can still work. In particular, the coolers will spin as usual, creating the illusion that everything is fine. But in such situations, you may need to replace the motherboard or processor, and this will cost you money.

However, problems with the monitor could have started for other reasons, but in this particular case it is advisable to entrust the computer diagnostics to experienced specialists.

Monitor resolution

In 90% of cases, a similar problem begins to bother users due to the fact that they have set their monitor settings to very high levels.

Each individual model only supports a specific resolution, as well as refresh rate. If you select settings that exceed its capabilities, the screen goes blank when the game starts.

  • A special message “Out of range” appears.
  • The display just turns black.

For owners of old monitors

However, there is one more important point. And it usually occurs among owners of older monitors with a resolution of 1024x768 or 1280x1024 pixels.

The thing is that game developers, by default, specify a specific resolution in their creations. Usually it is much higher than 1280x1024 pixels. This is why the monitor turns off in the game. It just doesn't support very high resolutions (or refresh rates).

This problem was observed in S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Far Cry 3, and other games. Then many gamers complained that the screen went blank while playing.

Solving this problem is quite simple:

  • You need to find the configuration file. It may have a different name, but it is always in .ini format. It is located in the game folder or in “My Documents”. More precisely, you can find out on Google by the name of the game.
  • In the configuration file, you should find the line that specifies the permission, and then change it to your own and save.
  • That's it, you can play.

Thus, the problem when the computer monitor goes blank while playing games will no longer bother you.


We really hope that one of the above methods helped you solve the problem. If the monitor display still goes dark, then it may be due to faulty hardware. In this case, it is better to look for other solutions to the problem, or go straight to the service center.

If you are faced with a problem such as an involuntary computer shutdown, then you need to know the reasons for what is happening, which will tell you what to do next in order to get rid of such sudden PC shutdowns. We would like to immediately note that both a computer and a laptop can turn off on their own, and most importantly, this does not always mean some serious problems with the hardware; perhaps it is simply the effect of a virus. But let's talk about everything in order.

6 reasons why your computer turns off on its own

  1. Virus. One of the most common causes is a virus that causes the computer to shut down on its own without your instructions. To do this, you should scan your entire PC for viruses.

  2. Overheating of computer components. Carry this out, as a layer of dust can cause overheating, and also pay attention to the coolers, they should all spin quickly.

  3. There is a fault in the power supply. Another common cause is a breakdown of the power supply; it can burn out due to voltage surges and excessive load from components.

  4. Malfunction in RAM. This type of malfunction is characterized by the fact that before turning off the computer begins to freeze and all functions slow down. To exclude RAM from the list of reasons for turning off the computer, we recommend inserting another one in its place, and also contacting specialists at a service center.

  5. Motherboard failure. Spontaneous shutdown of the PC will be caused either by a crack or chip on the motherboard, or by a burnt-out capacitor. In general, this happens due to impacts on the system unit or its fall, or because the motherboard has already “outlived its useful life.” Of course, we cannot rule out marriage, but it is quite rare. Again, you won’t be able to independently determine whether the motherboard is to blame for this without using special equipment.

  6. Poor contact. It is quite simple to identify and correct this breakdown - check the tightness of all cords, starting with the outlet, because there may be a problem with the surge protector. All plugs must be tightly inserted, both outside the system unit and inside it.