Is it possible to create a folder? How to create a new folder on your computer desktop

Hello, dear visitors! In this article, I will explain what a folder is and how to create a folder in Windows. It's very simple! Go to full version articles and read.

What is a folder?

A folder is a storage area for other folders and files that has unique name within the folder in which it is located. In other words, one folder cannot have two folders with same name. Folders are designed to organize information on a hard drive or flash drive.

An empty folder takes up no disk space at all; its volume is 0. If you place some files in the folder, its volume will be equal to the total volume of files.

How to create a folder on the Desktop?

In all OS versions Windows creation folders on the Desktop is performed using the same algorithm. And now we will look at it:

  1. Click right key mouse anywhere on the Desktop, free from shortcuts, files and folders. Hover your cursor over " Create».

Desktop context menu

  1. An additional drop-down menu will appear. Move the cursor to it and click on the item " Folder».

Dropdown menu Create

  1. A folder named “New Folder” will appear on the Desktop. Give it a clear name by simply entering a new name. I named the folder "Music".

Folder on the Desktop

  1. To apply the new name, simply left-click anywhere on the Desktop. You can also click on the button Enter on keyboard.

Folder on the Desktop

How to create a folder in another folder (Explorer)?

There are already two options for creating a new folder: using the context menu and using the button on the panel. The first option is similar to creating a folder on the Desktop. The only difference is that you need to right-click in an empty area of ​​the folder window - it is shown in the figure below:

Main area

To create a folder using the button on the panel (1), simply click it and a new folder will appear in the active area of ​​the window, which you need to give a name (2):

Create a new folder using the button on the toolbar

After that, click anywhere in the window or click on Enter key on the keyboard to rename the folder.

It's so easy to create folders in operating system Windows. I hope everything worked out for you. If you have any questions while creating a new folder, write them in the comments.

We are all on at different levels computer ownership. And that's quite normal. The most important thing is to never stop developing. In this article we will discuss one of the key capabilities working on a computer - creating folders.

What is a folder?

You probably understand that a computer is a device for storing information. But this is abstruse, but in reality our photos, music, games and many other useful things are stored on the computer. So: this is information.

Unit of measurement information for ordinary users- file. A photo is a file, usually a song is one file, a movie is often one file. Now imagine that you went to the supermarket to buy groceries. Let's say you need to buy a stick of sausage, cheese, beef, onions and kefir. Let's compare each of these items with the file.

How comfortable will it be for you to carry all this in your hands, even to the cash register? That's right, you take a basket or cart. In turn, for example, you will put the onion in a bag at the very beginning, and only after that in the cart so that it does not fall apart. Roughly speaking, the same thing happens on the hard drive (your computer's memory). So that files (music, photos, videos and other files) do not look like one big pile, they are combined into “carts” or folders. (They are also called directories).

Enough theory, how do you create a folder on your computer?

From the operating room Windows system, for example, this can be done via "Conductor". This is a built-in program that is designed to work with files.

First you need to decide where your folder should be. For example, you decide to create a folder on your desktop. For this right-click on an empty part of the desktop, select left click "Create" and in the opened additional list select “Folder”.

After that, we need to name the folder or leave what is written by default - "New folder". Press the button "Enter". Our entire folder or “cart” has been created and we can now place any files in it.

Below images show you how to create a folder in C drive step by step.

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In almost all versions of the operating system Android systems The ability to create a folder on the desktop has been implemented. Using this feature, you can group application shortcuts by necessary parameters. However, not everyone knows how to do this. This is what will be discussed in this article.

There are three main options for creating a folder on Android: on the home screen, in the application menu and on the device’s storage. Each of them has an individual algorithm of actions and involves structuring data in different areas smartphone.

Method 1: Folder on Desktop

Overall nothing complicated this process No. You can create a folder in just a couple of seconds. This is done in the following way:

1. Select applications that will be combined into a folder. In our case, this is YouTube and VKontakte.

2. Drag the first shortcut over the second and release your finger from the screen. The folder is automatically created. To add new applications to the folder, you must follow the same procedure.

To open a folder, just click on its shortcut once.

3. To change the name of a folder, you need to open it and click on the inscription “ Untitled folder».

4. Will appear system keyboard, on which you need to print the future name of the folder.

Its name appears below the shortcut, just like with regular apps.

5. In most launchers (desktop shells), you can create a folder not only on the main part of the desktop, but also on its bottom panel. This is done in exactly the same way.

After completing the steps described above, you will have a folder with the necessary applications and name. It can be moved around the desktop like regular shortcut. To move an item from a folder back to working space, you need to open it and drag the application where you need it.

Method 2: Folder in Applications Menu

In addition to the smartphone’s desktop, folder creation is also implemented in the application menu. To open this section you need to press the center button in the bottom panel of the phone's main screen.

Please note that not all devices have the application menu that looks this way. However, at least appearance and will be different, the essence of the actions does not change.

1. Click on the settings button, which is located above the application menu.

2. In the menu that appears, select the item “ Create a folder».

3. After this, the window “ Selecting Applications" Here you need to select the applications that will be placed in the future folder and click on “ Save».

4. The folder has been created. All that remains is to give it a name. This is done in exactly the same way as in the first case.

As you can see, creating a folder in the applications menu is quite simple. However, not all modern smartphones This option is available by default. This is due to non-standard pre-installed shell operating system. If your device meets this criterion, you can use one of the many special launchers in which this feature is implemented.

Creating a folder on the drive

In addition to the desktop and launcher, the smartphone user has access to a drive on which all device data is stored. It may be necessary to create a folder here. As a rule, smartphones have a “native” file manager installed and you can use it. However, sometimes you have to install additional software.

In almost all conductors and file managers The process of creating a folder is somehow identical. Let's look at it using an example program Solid Explorer File Manager.

When working on a computer, you will often need to create and rename your folders and files. As you already know, everything on your desktop is either . The folder can be created on the desktop or in another folder.

How to create a folder

Let's try to create our own folder on the desktop. If you have any windows open, minimize them and right-click on an empty space on the desktop. You will see a drop-down context menu in which you need to select “ Create" As soon as you hover over this item, the following context menu will open, in which we need the item “ Folder».

We left-click on this item, and a folder called “ new folder" If we create another folder, it will already have the name “New Folder (2)”. The next folder will have exactly the same name, only with the number 3.

Create a folder in another folder

possible in three ways:

  1. Way. Open double click left-click on the newly created folder, and when it opens, right-click on the empty field of this folder. Select " Create" and the item " Folder».

  1. Way. Open the folder, go to the “tab” at the very top of it home", find the block " Create", and left-click on the icon " Create a folder».

  1. Way. Open a folder in which we need to create another folder and press three keys on the keyboard at the same time: Ctrl +Shift +N

In all three cases, a new folder will appear in our folder.

But leaving folders with such names is not convenient. It is better to rename them immediately.

How to rename a folder and files

Once we have created a folder, its name is highlighted in blue and the cursor blinks. At this time, you can immediately enter your name from the keyboard. After finishing the input, you need to press the key on the keyboard Enter or left-click on free space desktop or empty work area in a folder (this is if you created your folder in another folder.).

If, after creating a new folder, you accidentally managed to click the mouse and the blue highlight disappeared, then you can move the cursor over the folder and right-click on it. A window will appear again, in which this time we select the item “ Rename" The folder name will again be highlighted in blue. You can now enter your name using the keyboard.

The file is renamed in the same way.

You can rename the folder or file differently. To do this, select a folder or file with one click of the mouse. Once again, left-click on the folder or file. After a second, the old name will be highlighted in blue and you can change the name.

If you want to rename a file or folder to English language, then first change the keyboard layout. To do this, you can use hotkeys. To do this, simultaneously press the keys on the keyboard Alt+Shift

Or find the icon on the taskbar language bar and left-click on it. When the name of the layouts appears, select the one you need.

Practice creating and renaming folders and files.

A variety of items are stored on computer disks. And you have to know them. A folder is, one might say, something without which work in the operating system cannot proceed comfortably. But not every user is really familiar with this object. Let's try to correct the situation and find out about him as much as possible. So, let's begin! After all, interesting and useful information there is a lot on this topic.


A folder is, as was said, one of the elements of a computer that is known to everyone. Perhaps in real life and it’s clear what this kind of document storage is. Oddly enough, the situation is similar with a computer.

A folder is a storage area for documents and other folders. Serves for organized storage of information on the hard drive, as well as for ease of searching necessary files user. So if you need to hide something, or sort data into categories, this object will turn out to be very useful. Most often, folders are placed on the desktop along with shortcuts, and are also nested inside each other like a nesting doll.


Second interesting point Something worth considering is the process of creating an object. Even a novice user can cope with the task. Of course, if you are seeing a computer for the first time in your life, the question of how to create a folder may seem difficult. But that's not true.

First, decide where you want to place this object. For example, inside an existing folder. Or the second option will be used to visually describe the process. So, in order to answer how to create a folder, just right-click on a free area of ​​the desktop.

You will have a small list with actions. Find the “Create” item there and hover your cursor over it. Now you should select "Folder". An icon with an image and its name (standard name) will appear on the desktop. While the area is selected blue, you can type any name. If necessary, you can change it at any time without damaging the files stored inside. Ready? All you have to do is press Enter or left-click on the free space. That's it - creation is complete.


A folder is not just an object that can contain documents. Quite often it represents a storage facility with confidential information. Most the best option protection in in this case- setting a password. A password-protected folder in Windows can be created in several ways. Some techniques are only suitable for experienced users.

But the simplest scenario is to restrict access. Especially if you have a variety of Accounts. Access to Windows folders is shown in the object properties in the "Security" section. Check the box next to "Cancel" general access to the folder."

Now confirm your intentions. You will be presented with a window where you can type the password and also enter it again to complete the process. Save the changes - and the password-protected folder is ready. From now on, when you try to open it, the computer will ask you for an access password. If you fail, you can try again and again.

In addition, anyone can set a password for a folder using additional content. For example, Instant Lock. Download, install, mark the desired folder, create a password and save the changes - nothing complicated. But it's better not to resort to help third party content in such a simple matter. There are no guarantees that the software used will not infect the operating system.


Did you know that folders on your computer have visibility settings? For example, this object can be ordinary and hidden. However, the contents of the folder remain in the operating system and do not go anywhere. It will just be hidden from prying eyes.

In order to implement the idea of ​​creating hidden folders, you will have to access the properties of the object. Press right button mouse when the cursor is on the required object, and select “Properties”. You will see a window with several tabs. We need the "General" section.

Pay attention to "Attributes". If you check the "Hidden" option and then save the changes, the folder will become hidden. To complete the steps, configure the display of these objects in the operating system.

Control panel to help

These actions are carried out using the computer control panel. Enough to visit this service(it's located in the Start menu) and select the "Folder Options" line there.

After this, you will see a window with several tabs appear on the screen. Go to "View" and take a close look at "Advanced Options". This is where the display settings come in. hidden documents. If you have installed initial parameters, then that's it hidden objects They will simply become translucent. And folders too. But the user will still be able to see them.

But the situation can be improved. Find the section " Hidden files" Additional options" control panel (Folder Options service). As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. Practice a few times and everything will become clear and memorable to you.


On a computer, a folder is an object that can be configured in how it appears in the operating system. In other words, change standard icon to the one you want. Initially, all folders on the computer are created with the image of a folder for papers.

In order to change the display shortcut, go to the folder properties, and then go to the "Settings" section. At the very bottom of the window there will be an “Icons” item. Click "Customize". Next - select suitable image from those suggested and save the changes. If required picture stored in a specific location, then find it, specify the path using select it in the “Settings” menu and save the changes.

Look at the result. The folder icon has changed. Nothing complicated, right? This way you can decorate your desktop and give special folders your own style.