“Like” on Facebook does not equal agreement. New “reactions” on Facebook instead of “likes”: why they are needed and how to use them

Today it is no longer possible to imagine a social network without the treasured “Like” button. With its help, users can not only rate published material, but also share it with their friends. Partly this Facebook button made it so popular, because the raised finger has become a kind of symbol of the social network.

Why do we need “Like”?

From the name it is clear that like was introduced to indicate the publications users liked. Moreover, this could be a text post, photo, video, link to third party resource or even Page.

First, let's look at the simplest example of using a button. Let's say your friend posted new photo, and she aroused your genuine interest. To tell a friend about this, you just need to click the “Like” button located under the photo. Your Facebook friend will receive a text notification that you liked the photo you posted. This information will also be reflected in your timeline.

like has a slightly different function when used on Pages. By liking a Page, you automatically become a subscriber. And this, in turn, means that new public publications will be displayed in your News Feed.

Using “likes” on external resources

In the “URL to Like” line, you must indicate the full address of the site page on which the button will subsequently be placed. The “Width” field is intended to indicate the width of the “like” in pixels. Everything here is individual - you need to select it according to the design specific page. Next is the “Layout” option, with which you can define how the button will look. Currently there are four options available: standard, box_count, button_count, button. The final setting of the plugin is the “Action Type” field. You can choose either “Like” or “Recommend”.

Of course, installing a plugin is a task that requires certain skills from developers. However, if you know the basics of coding, you can do everything with ease. Moreover, if you wish, you can use other Facebook plugins, for example, the “Subscribe” button, the ability to comment for visitors, and much, much more.

Let me install the Like button from Facebook. This month I have been absorbed in writing materials about editing my blog template, and in working on it itself. When I got to the file that outputs full texts posts, I thought about the advisability of using some plugins whose widgets are displayed on these pages. Under each article I have a small “Like” button, which is what it’s for, I wrote a long time ago when I covered my work with Facebook.

It would seem nonsense, install WordPress plugin, set the “Like” button and sleep well, but that was not the case.

Get the code for the Like button from Facebook.

To install the Like button on my blog pages, you need to get the code for this button. I follow it at the address - http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/.

Setting up the button itself is done using a rather long panel, it’s bad that everything on it is written in English, I’ll deal with it in parts.

As you can see, to the left of the page the settings panel itself is located, and to the right you can see how the I Like button itself will be displayed. When making changes, I immediately see exactly how they will affect final look her.

In the selected field where you must enter the address of the page, it will be displayed to readers who liked the material. I think it would be wiser to make sure that the link there is to the page you liked. This is implemented by writing the following code:

< ?php the_permalink() ? >

Instead of this code, I can enter the address home page blog, blog map, blog author page, or the address of any other page on my blog. But I choose the first option, for my project this is the best solution.

Send Batton – is responsible for displaying the second button, after which I like Send.

Layout Style – a game of 3 styles, I choose how the button will be reflected

Width - the width of the button, I’ll make it not very large.

I go below but I like the settings of the installed button.

Show faces – this option can load my blog, especially when a lot of people click on the Like button and all their avatars from their Facebook accounts will be loaded when my blog page is opened. I won't use this option.

verb to display – nothing special, it provides the output of the word recommend instead of I like.

Color scheme – depending on the background of the template that is installed on the blog, I can choose light or dark background buttons. The guys from Facebook could expand the ability to set colors.

Font – what font the word Like will be written in.

After a hard time choosing among the many options to customize the Facebook Like button, I can get its code. It turns out that the service returns 2 individual codes in a window like this.

In order to install the button I like, I must carefully copy the top code, the one that is located between the tags. I don't use the bottom one for work.

But before inserting the code into the template file, you need to edit it a little, for which I find in it the part that I highlighted in bold:


I replace it with the code, which is again highlighted in bold


Install a Like button on your blog.

After editing the code, I have to select the location where I want the button to appear. There is one limitation here. I can install it only after the content is displayed, that is, the text of the post. Since I'm thinking of providing the output of this button in a single.php file, I'm looking for the code:

< ?php the_content("");

?> Now in any subsequent line I can insert the received codes from Facebook service

. But even here I have to be careful, since I can disrupt the design of the blog with my insertion.

In total, the “I like” button is installed on each page with notes, it is active, besides, everything is written in Russian, and is no different from the “Like” button, the output of which is provided by the plugin of the same name. I noticed that the button was active for me, so I took it upon myself and decided to check how it worked - I clicked on it.

Yeah, Facebook shows who liked my article, but this is for testing, I won’t press my buttons anymore, because it’s not fair. But I am confident in the functionality of the installed button I like it on my blog. So, dear readers, after reading this note, you can press the button if you liked my work.

To summarize, I added a like button from Facebook. I have displayed it in one place on my blog, you can display it in Sidebare, the main thing is to fulfill the simple condition that I wrote about above when installing its code in the template file. Based on it, I cannot display a button at the top of the post text, but this is not critical for me. Therefore, having dealt with Facebook, I move on, slowly editing my template for the blog, I wonder what will happen in the end.

If you can write about the first two now, then advertising the page still requires some time. We are interested not only in the essence of this process, but in some statistics (what, where, for what, etc.). Therefore, on the advertising page a little later.

And in this post we will add the “I like” block or by “their” “I like” from facebook to our website, then we will add friends to our facebook account and, as a result, we will offer our page to our existing friends.

Adding a “Like” block

The Facebook widget is a block consisting of a “Like” button and photos of those users who actually clicked on this button. Using the example of the block I installed (see below), you can see how it might roughly look on your website.

This widget is only available for pages created on Facebook. If you don’t have a page, then you can install it without such a widget. Also a necessary thing. But I still recommend creating and setting up a page; I wrote about this in .

We have a page, let's move on to setting up the widget. Click on and you are on the widget creation page. Here is a miracle before us:

The points:

You can see what the created block will look like right there, to the right.

This completes the settings offered by Facebook, click the “Get code” button:

A pop-up window will appear. There are two types of code in this window. I installed the first one. I tried to install the second one, it doesn't look very good.

Here is the code for my facebook page:

< iframe src= "http://сайт/www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?href=http%3A%2F %2F www.facebook.com%2F pervushincom&width=681&colorscheme=light&show_faces=true&stream=false&header=true&height=62" scrolling= "no" frameborder= "0" style= "border:none; overflow:hidden; width:681px; height:62px;" allowTransparency= "true" >

Remember above what I talked about height parameter, which we are not asked to configure? So, by default this parameter is given the value 62px, for my blog this turned out to be not enough and I changed it, now it is 165px.

The customized code must be placed in our engine template. If you are like me, then in the folder with the theme (wp-content/themes/your theme) we find the file single.php. This file is responsible for outputting a single record. Open the file and after the tag paste the received code.

Of course, you can install this code anywhere. For example, you can display a widget in the sidebar, then set the widht and height parameters in accordance with the width of your sidebar and write the code in the sidebar.php file.

It seems that everything is not so complicated, but if you have problems, you can of course ask a question in the comments or install the plugin. For example . This plugin has all the necessary settings.

Adding friends

Now let's go through the friends. Our goal is to attract as many as possible facebook users to the page created for the blog. This is a contribution to the future, permanent, targeted traffic to the main blog.

We cannot add friends to the page, but we can offer this very page to our friends, I mean the friends of our Facebook account. But adding friends to your account is welcome, as much as you like. But don’t overdo it, otherwise you might get caught.

Adding friends is easy. You can, of course, call this method masturbation, but it’s simple and free.

Go to your Facebook account page. In the column on the right there is a block “You may know them”, which displays two users. In this block, under each user there is a link “Add as friend”.

In most cases, users willingly agree to our request.

What's next? And then, when you already have a certain number of friends, you can offer them our page. For these purposes, the Facebook page has the “Suggest to friends” option. It is located in the menu on the left, under the logo of your page (site, blog):

By clicking on this option, a window will appear in which all our friends will be. Select them and click the “Submit” button:

Well, that's all in this post. A little later, maybe in a week, I’ll publish a post on advertising on Facebook.

By the way, do you know any methods for promoting pages on Facebook other than recommendations to friends and advertising?

Recently in closed beta official client social network Facebook has released an update for Windows 10 devices. It allows users to publicly express their feelings on posts without having to “like” them. Instead, you can now use “reaction” emoticons.

These reactions were announced back in 2017. Their testing began at the beginning of 2018. Recently, reactions arose in mobile applications Facebook on iOS and Android (they are the highest priorities for Zuckerberg’s company and for himself). The innovation is also expected to be supported on platforms such as:

“Reactions”: what they are and what they are used for

Initially, the only possible reaction to the post was the “Like” button. This did not suit all users, which is not surprising: what to do if the publication “touched a nerve”, but the content in it provokes negative emotions?

Mark Zuckerberg refused to introduce a new, opposite button (“I don’t like it”). Perhaps he didn't want users to be able to express their outrage. If a person wanted to react to a publication, he had to either ignore it or leave negative comments (“Dislike!”, “You can’t like this!” and others).

There are no negative or aggressive options in the list of developed reactions. This is done so that the author who posted content that people did not like does not feel offended by their emotions and similar reactions. But according to some users, people now have much greater opportunities for emotional challenge and provocation on Facebook. For example, you can leave “outrageous” under funny posts, “ha-ha” under stories about people who lost a fortune in a casino, “I sympathize” under typical selfies and photos of modern narrow-minded girls.

Reactions are made in the form of animation. Users have the opportunity to choose a specific emotion:

  • outrage (“Outrageous!”);
  • tears (“I sympathize”);
  • amazement (“Wow!”);
  • laughter (“Ha ha!”);
  • heart (“I like it”).
  • You can only set one reaction – you won’t be able to select two at once. However, it is permissible to change it later if your attitude towards the post has changed.

    To find out the number of reactions certain type, you will need to click on their total number after the post. A window will appear with this information displayed at the top.

    The creators suggest that reactions under high-quality news will appear in the following cases:

    • If a post contains a fair amount of humor, users will start leaving a laugh icon.
    • The heart will be used to express sympathy for the post and its author, just like the standard Like.
    • When a post touches on a sad topic, users will leave a tear icon.
    • Reactions of indignation will begin to appear under an unpleasant post that evokes negative emotions.
    • Under the post, the information in which is difficult to believe, there will be surprise icons.
    What changes did the innovation lead to?

    Likes will remain exclusively in the comments to posts.

    Future plans

    Also, Mark Zuckerberg and his team are focused on the online video streaming service. Its testing has been taking place since 2017 in Facebook application for iOS among Americans. Some other countries were able to try out this innovation. Soon Russian users of the social network will also begin to use it.
    The video broadcast will be available in applications for iOS and Android. On other platforms (Windows 10 Mobile, Windows 10, Windows Phone) in the coming months this function will not appear.
    Maybe, Facebook employees will be implemented in the future this opportunity and on popular Microsoft platforms.

    I like 0

    The Facebook “Like” button allows you to share an article on the most popular social network in the world.

    Installing a “like” button for Facebook

    Go to the “Like Button” section on the Facebook website. Or manually, at the bottom of the page go to the item “ For developers", select the section " Web" On next page go to " Integrate Facebook Into Your Website" Next, on the left side of the menu, select the tab “ Core Concepts", there is a section " Social Plugins" We go to the point “ Like Button ».

    We fill out the following form:


    • URL to Like— the address of the page that will be liked. It’s better to leave it blank, in which case the address of the page on which the button is located will be automatically substituted
    • Send Buttonadditional button, which allows you to send the article to friends. I personally removed it
    • Layout Style— allows you to select the style of the button. Try changing it, the button example will change automatically
    • Width— button width. However, no matter how much I changed, the button remained the same
    • Show Faces— if enabled, avatars of those who pressed the button will be shown
    • Font— allows you to select the font for the button label
    • Color Scheme— choice between light and dark design. For me, dark doesn't look good at all
    • Verb to display— select the inscription on the button: “I like” or “I recommend”

    After filling out all the fields, click on the “Get Code” button. A window with the code appears. We insert the first part into the template after the opening one body tag:




    if (d . getElementById ( id ) ) return ;

    js = d . createElement(s); js. id = id ;

    js. src = "//connect.facebook.net/ru_RU/all.js#xfbml=1" ;