What can you get out of your old phone? What can be made from an old mobile phone: a couple of original ideas

Today I will show you a cool idea on how to make an alarm out of an old push-button telephone! #idea#how to do#phone#alarm 00:26 Setting up the phone 00:42 To make an alarm you need 01:00 Disassembling the phone 02:27 Checking the alarm 02:43 Installing the alarm Dear friends! I think each of you has asked questions about how to earn more money from your YouTube channel. If you want to earn good money from your videos, join the AIR affiliate program! Here's the link: https://goo.gl/Mirj0k http://ali.pub/7w0nx http://ali.pub/l9y0b Magnets: http://ali.pub/oq1u9 Soldering irons: http://ali.pub/bt9hp Group: http://vk.com/experimentshow Author VKontakte: http://vk.com/elvind My Google+: ... My Instagram: ... Aliexpress: https://ali.epn.bz/?id=c0b68- a convenient way to monetize traffic for website owners and communities on social networks. Earn money online by recommending quality products to your users from one of the best trading platforms in the world! Dear friends! I think each of you has asked questions about how to earn more money from your YouTube channel. If you want to earn good money from your videos, join the AIR affiliate program! Here's the link: https://goo.gl/Mirj0k. If anything is not clear to you, contact me, I will be happy to help. Reed switches: http://ali.pub/7w0nx The cheapest push-button phones: http://ali.pub/l9y0b Magnets: http://ali.pub/oq1u9 Soldering irons: http://ali.pub/bt9hp Group: http://vk.com/experimentshow Author VKontakte: http://vk.com/elvind My Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+PASLKARU... My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elvindzhebr...Aliexpress: https://ali.epn.bz/?id=c0b68- a convenient way to monetize traffic for website owners and communities on social networks. Earn money online by recommending quality products to your users from one of the best trading platforms in the world! To shoot this video we used: Sony camera, Samson C01UPRo microphone, ipnone7 phone, Sony Vegas13 video editor. Text: Today I will show you how to make a home alarm from an old telephone! With the help of our alarm system, you will immediately know that someone is in your home without your knowledge. A simple security system will inform you by calling your mobile phone. By answering the call, you can even hear what is happening in the room. In most push-button phones, pressing button one for a long time will dial the voicemail number. First you need to set up your phone, go to settings and change the number. In order to make our alarm you will need an old telephone, a reed switch, some wires and a magnet. A normally closed or switching reed switch is suitable for signaling; it is quite difficult to find such a reed switch in the city, so under the video there is a link where you can buy such a reed switch. First you need to disassemble the phone and solder two wires, one to the button contact, after which you need to solder a reed switch to the other end of the wire. Then put the phone back together, and our alarm is almost ready. This alarm can be installed in a closet on a door anywhere. Now I have installed our system on the door, so that the magnet is on the door, and the reed switch on the door opening, the distance between them should be as small as possible. If someone opens the door, then the reed switch will close and dial the mobile phone. Let’s say, if this video gets 300 likes, then I’ll completely redo it and make it so that the charge lasts for at least 3 months. If you liked this video, then share this video with your friends so that everyone can see this video! Tags: UNUSUAL IDEA, alarm, do it yourself, how to make, iphone7. Music: Tobu - Hope

No matter how good and high-quality any thing is, over time it inevitably breaks, and often in such a way that it is impossible to restore it. And sometimes it happens that in honor of a birthday (or just for no reason) you receive a new item as a gift, and then you rack your brains over what use to find for an old, but quite useful thing. It’s a shame to just throw it away, and storing it without use is no fun. In this article we will tell you what can be done from it. Perhaps some of our ideas will seem quite interesting to you.

If everything is fine with the phone, you can use it for a second SIM card or sell it. In the latter case, it makes sense to look for a store that accepts old mobile phones for spare parts. The prices for admission there are low, but if they offer too little, you can try placing an ad on a forum or in a newspaper. In the latter case, you will have to wait until a willing person is found (if one is still found), but you will get more money.

What can be done from an old mobile phone if the case is damaged?

In this case, it would be very original to come up with an exclusive design for the device using improvised means. A new body can, for example, be knitted or made from an ordinary pack of cigarettes. Here, as they say, whoever has enough imagination for something. As a result, no one will have such a device. You can try to make a USB camera from it for online communication or a car alarm.

What can be done from an old mobile phone if the display is damaged?

Oddly enough, this part of the cell phone breaks down very often. Either manufacturers specifically limit the service life of their products in this way, or it doesn’t occur to them to improve the durability of their devices. If the phone falls to the ground one or more times, at best there will be an unsightly scratch, and at worst, the display will stop showing anything at all. If this is exactly your situation, do not rush to get upset. Firstly, the display can be replaced with another one, and for older models the cost of such repairs is relatively low. Secondly, such a device can be used as an independent mobile device for listening to uplifting music.

The only thing you will need to take care of is the speakers and, perhaps, if the model is old, an adapter from the headphone jack on the old phone to a regular one with a diameter of 3.5 mm.

What can you do if it doesn't even turn on?

The first thing that comes to mind is a mobile phone throwing competition! Surely you have several friends who also don’t know what can be done from an old mobile phone when nothing works in it at all. In this way, you can not only have fun, but also meet friends you haven’t seen for a long time. So, place an empty box in an open area at a distance of 5-7 meters - and you can begin the accuracy competition! Or you can simply bet on who will throw their device further. Creative and fun!

Just recently, some 5-6 years ago, a smart phone was available only to a small number of technically advanced and, importantly, wealthy users. Then the prices of smartphones began to decline rapidly, and the capabilities began to increase, so that today they can be seen in the hands of both pioneers and pensioners. And many of us have managed to change several models during this time, so the issue of recycling old devices is becoming more and more pressing. Previously, it was easy to sell a used model or give it away to relatives in need. Today, more and more often, fully working devices find their final refuge somewhere in the far corner of a desk drawer.

In this article you will find some tips on how to give these devices a second life and put them to good use. So, let's take out our favorites, blow off the dust and go back to battle!

Room alarm clock

Are people still buying alarm clocks? Yes!

And some of them - with flexible settings, weather forecasting functions, task scheduling and so on - cost a fair amount of money. However, any smartphone can handle this without any effort. And if you install one of the programs described in on your device, then not a single ordinary alarm clock can compare with yours. Or maybe you don’t need additional functionality, but just need unearthly beauty? Then Timely is your choice.

MP3 player

If you are a serious music lover and spend most of your day wearing headphones, then, undoubtedly, you should have already thought about purchasing a special device for this. After all, if you use your main phone, then by the evening you can be left without communication.

Therefore, take out your old smartphone, install a larger memory card there and use it as a specialized music player. There is plenty of software for this, for example, try the programs from this one. And if you are a fan of online radio, then you definitely won’t find anything better.

Tracking station

The need to monitor what is happening in the house in your absence may arise for several reasons. Perhaps you're wary of thieves, or maybe you want to know what your cat does when he's sure no one is watching. Well, let’s not forget about small children, for whom a whole class of special devices called “baby monitors” were invented. In the latter case, pay attention to the application.

In addition, you can use your old smartphone or tablet not only to capture and transmit images, but also as a receiving device. IP Cam Viewer Lite will help you collect information from several web cameras located around the house or in different rooms.

Experimental gadget

The Android operating system offers endless possibilities for customization. Moreover, you can go as deep into the system as your knowledge and courage allow. Moreover, you can even change Android to something more original, for example or . The only problem is that not all experiences can be equally safe for your device. If you don't want to take risks or want to maintain the warranty of your new device, then your old Android will serve as a great testing ground.


What should a smart gadget do in the kitchen?

Of course, help cook! In the app store you will find more than one or two collections of culinary recipes. There are some that present dishes of a certain cuisine, some with a selection of recipes by product, some with pictures and videos. In general, for every taste in the literal sense of the word.

And if you go to YouTube, you will find many step-by-step instructions that clearly demonstrate the preparation of dishes. You will find the best of them in, and even better, subscribe to our channel- so you definitely won’t miss anything interesting. Here, for example, from the last one.

So feel free to place your old smartphone or tablet in the kitchen if you want to eat tasty and healthy. Moreover, it is better to keep your new expensive gadget away from boiling oil and greasy hands.

Digital frame

Yes, I agree with you that paying money for digital frames is one of the signs of insanity. But why not use an old gadget for this, which is still lying around idle. Let it stand on your nightstand and delight the eye with your photographs or the works of the best professionals. There are many special programs for this application, at least the one we described or, for example, Photo Slides.

Game console

Most likely, your old Android will no longer be able to handle modern games with cool graphics. But it can be used to emulate old gaming devices and run classic games. Many of them, as we know, can give odds to modern blockbusters. Preparing your device for such an application is not at all difficult, especially if you use.

Car gadget

Your Android can be just as useful in a car. A device specifically dedicated for travel will allow you to avoid wasting the charge of your main phone and not having to worry about mounting it in the car every time. Such an Android car can serve as a device, or even, when connected to an audio system, as a media center. This use of smartphones can even bring certain bonuses in the form of new interesting functions that are not typical for conventional devices. For example, the Sygic program can display your route directly on the windshield without interfering with your view of the road.

Of course, these are not all the ways to use outdated smart gadgets. You can use them to control a quadcopter and other technological toys, as a media server, to control and manage home automation systems - the list goes on. In a word, a real geek will definitely come up with a worthy use for his favorite gadget. And be sure to share your experience with us!

With the cost of cell phones constantly falling and new models being introduced regularly, almost everyone can find several unused cell phones in varying degrees of obsolescence. If the phone, although outdated, is in good working order, then you can use it to make some kind of remote notification system, for example a GSM alarm or GSM microphone. It’s another matter if you received the device incompletely or completely in the form of debris.

It seems that nothing useful can be extracted from such a device, but this is not so. Naturally, removing SMD elements for reuse is completely irrational. But any cell phone has a vibration motor.

Vibration motor

A vibration motor can be used in different ways; in the simplest case, it can become the main part of a simple vibration robot. The basis of such a robot is a board made of foil fiberglass, approximately 40 x 10 mm in size.

Two holes are made in the board, one for installing the battery, the other for the eccentric of the vibration motor. In essence, the board consists of two supply conductors from the power source to the vibration motor terminals.

On the bottom side, “legs” made of some elastic material, for example, foamed polymer (polyurethane foam, microporous rubber, etc.), are glued to the “body” of the robot.

The vibration motor is fixed using epoxy plasticine.

The contacts for the battery are made of brass foil.

Thus, we obtain the simplest design, which, due to the unequal height of its supports, unevenness and slope of the surface, will draw intricate trajectories. However, the vibration robot can be made more complex, for example, made to follow a line.

LCD screen

In addition to the vibration motor, you can use a liquid crystal screen. Finding technical documentation for this particular screen can be difficult. But due to the peculiarities of the physics of operation, any liquid crystal screen has films that polarize light.

Polarization of light is a phenomenon that proves that electromagnetic (and, as a special case, light) waves are transverse, i.e., the vectors characterizing the electric and magnetic components of an electromagnetic wave are always directed perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave. An example of mechanical transverse waves are waves on the surface of water, where the liquid oscillates up and down, while the wave propagates horizontally. Without going into the physics of wave phenomena, I will simply note that in addition to transverse waves, there are longitudinal waves, an example of which is sound waves. In longitudinal waves, particles oscillate along the direction of propagation of the wave. However, you can read about all this in a good physics textbook, or at least here.

Now it is important for us that the coating of the liquid crystal screen can polarize light, i.e. From all possible electromagnetic oscillations, select only waves oriented in a certain way. Thus, the polarizer immediately weakens natural light by half.

After passing through the polarizer, only waves oscillating in a certain plane remained in the light beam. Now, if you place another polarizing film on the path of the light beam (it is called an analyzer), then by changing the mutual orientation of the polarizer and analyzer, you can smoothly change the brightness of the light beam. In the last photo, the light source is not completely extinguished, which indicates incomplete polarization of the light. The laser beam is initially fully polarized, so no analyzer is needed to change its brightness. As for the practical applications of this phenomenon, they are quite diverse. For example, reflected light is almost always partially polarized, so wearing polarized glasses or a polarizing filter on a camera lens greatly reduces glare.


  1. http://radiokot.ru/articles/68/
  2. http://elwo.ru/publ/skhemy_okhrannykh_ustrojstv/okhrannaja_signalizacija_gsm_svoimi_rukami/18-1-0-427
  3. http://site/publ/mobilniki/okhrannaja_signalizacija_s_mobilnym_telefonom/19-1-0-437
  4. http://elwo.ru/publ/skhemy_okhrannykh_ustrojstv/okhranno_pozharnaja_signalizacija/18-1-0-455
  5. http://site/publ/mobilniki/gsm_proslushka/19-1-0-177
  6. http://site/publ/mobilniki/mobilnyj_zhuchek/19-1-0-322
  7. Mamichev D. Vibrohod. Radio Magazine No. 6 2013 p.49
  8. Mamichev D. The vibratory walker goes along the line. Radio Magazine No. 11 2013 p.49-50
  9. Dmitriev A. S. Laws of physics in everyday life. M.: Book house "LIBROKOM", 2013. - 244 p.
  10. Elementary physics course: Textbook. Benefit. In 3 volumes / Ed. acad. G. S. Landsberg: T. 3. Oscillations and waves. Optics. Atomic and nuclear physics. - 13th ed. - M.: FIZMATLIT, 2006. - P. 367 - 372.
  11. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wave_polarization

The material was prepared specifically for the site. If you have any additions, write to the conference. Denev


For the Galaxy S4 and S4 mini, Samsung developers came up with a special feature: these phones are equipped with an infrared port.

Using the included WatchOn app (or the next-gen Peel Smart Remote app), your Galaxy smartphone can be turned into a powerful remote control system, even if the phone has already been replaced by a next-gen model. Additionally, older phones that are capable of controlling other devices via infrared also include the HTC One, LG G2, and LG G Flex.

Labor intensity: small; costs: no

2 The second life of a smartphone as a webcam

Thanks to CCTV cameras with remote access capabilities, it is no longer a problem to see what is happening at home, even when you are away.

However, it is not at all necessary to rely on expensive special solutions: an old smartphone that can be used as a network-controlled camera is enough. To do this, you only need the appropriate application, a large number of which are available on the market. Using the example of a free IP WebCam for Android, we will show how it works.

1. Download the application from Google Play Market and launch it on your smartphone. In the Video Settings section, first enable medium resolution and quality settings. Additionally, you can choose front or rear camera, and landscape or portrait aspect ratio. It is also possible to control power consumption, smartphone microphones and enable camera sensors that detect movement and noise.

2. In the “Connection Settings” item, you can optionally set a login and password, and also change the data transfer port. 3. Data transfer begins with the “Start” command. The phone now displays the IP address, using which you can monitor the data flow in the browser and control the camera. If you want to use your webcam outside your home network, you will need a free account on the Ivideon cloud storage service.

Labor intensity: average; costs: no

3 Smartphone as an access point

The smartphone can transmit its 4G or 3G connection wirelessly to a tablet or laptop.

The relatively inexpensive tariffs offered by providers are exceptionally suitable for organizing a backup Internet connection.

Even abroad, you can enjoy inexpensive Internet using the services of local providers. Just activate the “Modem mode”, “Access point” or “Internet sharing” item in your smartphone settings.

4 More security in banking transactions

Online banking through mobile applications can be insecure under certain circumstances, especially when using older Android smartphones and using one-time passwords in SMS messages (mTAN codes).

Thus, it is highly undesirable to receive SMS with transaction numbers on the same device on which the banking application is running. To do this, you don’t even need a smartphone, since even a used mobile phone can provide the necessary services. To do this, simply install a prepaid SIM card in your phone and use it exclusively to receive mTAN codes.

Labor intensity: small; costs: only payment for activating the prepaid card

5 Free AirPlay upgrade

AirPlay technology provides the ability to wirelessly transmit audio and video signals on a home network and is built into many devices in the Apple world. Even a decommissioned Android smartphone instantly turns into an AirPlay receiver to which you can send music from compatible devices.

Any stereo device can be made AirPlay-compatible by simply connecting your smartphone to it with a Mini-Jack plug and selecting the AUX or Line-in input. For software you will need the AirBubble application, available in the Play Store (60 rubles).

If you want to stream music wirelessly via iTunes or an iOS smartphone to your stereo, simply select your Android smartphone from the list of devices.

Labor intensity: average; costs: 60 rub.

6 The first iPad as a media player

The first iPad, released in 2010, was a product that Apple's inflexible update policy rendered useless. Due to the small amount of RAM, the latest version of iOS for the tablet was version 5.1.1.

However, you can still use the "vintage" iPad as a media player. To do this, download images, music and video files to your tablet using iTunes. Standard Apple applications are sufficient to play these files.

Labor intensity: low, costs: no

7 Proper phone storage for emergency calls

Those who want to be on the safe side keep a spare phone just in case. A very unpleasant surprise in such a case would be a discharged battery of the backup device. After all, as you know, batteries “age” not only with each charge - they also lose charge when idle.

Our advice: charge your mobile phone battery to about 80% and store it separately from the smartphone in the refrigerator, protected from condensation. At a temperature of 4–10 °C, self-discharge slows down. Infrequently used batteries, such as those for a digital camera or AA or AAA batteries, can also be stored in this way.

Labor intensity: low, costs: no

8 The tablet becomes a second TV

Even if your old tablet can't match the performance or storage capacity of the new devices, you can still use it as a second TV. To do this, you will need to install one of the free applications on it that plays TV programs.

However, such applications show short advertisements from time to time. Without advertising and even without an Internet connection, you can enjoy watching TV programs using a DVB-T2 TV tuner (about 2,500 rubles), which connects to the USB port of the tablet. Of course, the choice of programs via a DVB-T2 tuner is much smaller and universal reception is not guaranteed.

Labor intensity: average; costs: no

9 New tasks for a mobile phone in a car

With a securely mounted second smartphone, you can bring useful features into your car and purposefully add efficiency to your main gadget. Universal mounts for installation in the windshield area are available at a price starting from 400 rubles. The best models allow you to use the phone in horizontal and vertical formats.

> Navigation: Online navigation apps such as Google Maps only make sense if the mobile flat rate includes sufficient data. Microsoft and Nokia smartphones already offer functional and detailed navigation apps out of the box (for example, Here), and offline alternatives are also available for Android and iOS. For example, the free applications Yandex.Navigator, Yandex.Maps and 2GIS offer excellent maps of Russia.

> Free applications, such as DailyRoads Voyager, record traffic data and save it to the smartphone's memory.

Photo: manufacturing companies