What is a web developer? I know the basics of JavaScript and HTML. What does a web designer do?

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The road is long and difficult, but interesting and useful!

The article was intended as practical guide for those who want to become a professional web developer. I've been writing web code for over 20 years. I work with and help web developers every day. In this article, I'll describe what you need to learn, when you need to learn it, and where you can get the information (usually for free). Then I will give advice on how to get real experience, and most importantly, getting money for writing code.

There are many links to free and important resources. For simplicity, I have collected them in PDF and divided them into categories. I am not paid for mentioning sites to which I have provided links - I just want to recommend you best resources to help you achieve your goal.

Things to remember:

1. You are allowed to scroll through the article

The guide can help you no matter where you are on the road to professional development. Scroll to the title that best describes your current situation and read from there. If you have just started this path, or are still thinking about it, follow the advice of the King from “Alice in Wonderland”:

Start at the beginning, and continue until you reach the end; and stop there already.

2. Try a little of everything, then choose a specialization.

Money is not the most important thing. You need to LOVE what you do! But you won't know what you like until you try it.

Find your passion, then monetize it

The guide will help you become familiar with as many big amount areas of web development as quickly as possible. And then he will help you choose a specialization in the area that you like. You won't become perfect at anything at first - you will learn the basics and then continue learning. Find your passion and I will show you how to move forward.

I decided to write code. I like the web. I don't know where to start

You will succeed!

Congratulations! This is a big first step and the start of something very exciting. But it can also be very difficult. Don't worry, I'll help.

First, you need to quickly become familiar with the basics of all areas of web development (“full cycle”). The training will be varied, but shallow. This is to find a field that you enjoy and also to acquire basic skills in different areas. Then you will be able to understand and work with large set tasks, regardless of what you choose.

Learn the basics of HTML

Hypertext Markup Language Markup Language(HTML), controls the content and layout of what you see in the browser. Once you start there, you have a user interface that you can interact with and see the results of your code. As you learn more complex languages, its importance will increase. You don't have to code blindly.

Here's what you need to learn about HTML:

I already know the basics of HTML

Cool! This is very important step. Now learn the basics of JavaScript.

Learn JavaScript Basics

JavaScript is the language of the web, and all major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE, many others) support it. Every site, every web application you've used, most likely contains great amount JS code. Not to mention the fact that the language is gaining popularity on other platforms - servers, desktop computers, Other devices.

For now, you need the basics, and the following resources are good for that:

I know the basics of JavaScript and HTML

Amazing! Now let's add CSS to your skills

Learn CSS

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets (cascading style sheets). Used for setting appearance HTML elements On the page. Check out Mozilla's free tutorial, then check out CSS-Tricks to solve the most common problems. complex problems(there is a search at the top right).

Let's move on to the backend

So far, we have looked at what is called the “front end” of web development. You have become familiar with the main languages ​​that work in the browser. It's time to move on to the backend - the code running on the server. Don't worry, you won't need a server - your computer will handle it.

There are a ton of backend languages, but since you're familiar with JavaScript, I'd recommend learning to use Node.js. It allows you to run JS code on the server rather than in the browser.

In addition to this, you need to learn Express and MongoDB.

This is a library with which Node.JS can work as a web server (listen to requests from pages and send them responses).
It is a database that allows you to store and retrieve information.

You can study these three topics thanks to the following excellent and free educational material, and its continuation.

I need to choose between frontend, backend and full cycle development

Once you've tried both development options, it's time to make a choice. If you haven’t had time to try them, refer to the previous section of the article to fill in the gaps in your knowledge.

At this point, you've written two types of code. One is for user interaction, the other is for data. What do you prefer?

User interaction? Congratulations, you are a front-end developer!

Interaction with data? Congratulations, you are a backend developer!

Both? Congratulations, you are a full-stack developer!

Didn't like anything? Congratulations, web development is not for you. Be glad that you figured it out now and didn't waste a ton of time and money. Not ready to give up? Maybe you didn't come across a language that you liked? Try learning other languages ​​in the "I want to be a backend developer" section.

I want to be a full-stack developer

Cool. You need to read all the contents of the “I want to be a backend developer” and “I want to be a frontend developer” sections.

I want to be a front-end developer and I know the basics of JavaScript, HTML and CSS

For efficient work As a front-end developer, you need to be proficient in HTML, CSS, and client-side JavaScript. You will also need to have a good understanding of several important frameworks. You'll gain the skills that employers and clients expect to find in front-end developers.

By now you should already know HTML basics. Otherwise, go back to the Learn HTML Basics section.

Learn intermediate and advanced HTML
Check out the intermediate HTML tutorial and then the advanced HTML tutorial.
Learn advanced client-side JavaScript

An excellent series of books on JS, and it's free

To improve your JavaScript proficiency, I recommend the You Don't Know JS book series by Kyle Simpson. The author has posted the entire series online for free:

In addition, your best friend should also become MDN JavaScript.

[An excellent translation of the excellent book “” is also available to you completely free of charge.]

Knowing the “front-end trinity”, HTML, CSS and JavaScript is, of course, great. But to make money, you will have to get acquainted with some frameworks.

Learn jQuery
It is the most popular JS library of all time. Although some new frameworks have made jQuery less important, if you're looking for a job, there's a good chance jQuery will be on job descriptions (and mentioned in interviews) for many years to come.

I recommend learning jQuery using FreeCodeCamp materials - it’s fast and effective method. After that, go to the official training site - there you will find additional instructions.

Learn a popular JS framework
Frameworks make working with a particular language or technology easier because they solve biggest problems existing for the selected technology. JavaScript has had a very beneficial effect on the development and popularization of frameworks.

Almost once a week a new framework appears, which is tipped to take the place of a new development standard. You'll need to scour job sites and do a fair bit of Googling to figure out which framework is popular in your market. I also recommend Hacker News' tool for assessing job market trends.

At the time of writing this article, the following frameworks were popular:

Having chosen the most suitable framework and thoroughly familiarized yourself with it, it is worth studying the CSS framework that comes with it. The two biggest players in this market today are Bootstrap and Material Design.

Bootstrap was made by Twitter developers, and it is already quite mature and popular. Bootstrap versions exist for Angular, Angular 2 and React.
Material is a set of design rules developed at Google. It is gaining popularity and there are versions for Angular and React. Since Angular is also a brainchild of Google, Material fits perfectly with it.

Here are some links for you:

Congratulations! You have key front-end developer skills!

Just look at him!

I want to be a backend developer

Wonderful! The first step is choosing a language. There are many languages ​​available for working with the backend, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Check out the table of programming languages ​​sorted by popularity. All of them have been in the top ten for ten years. Those marked in green are web languages ​​that have been gaining popularity over the years.

TIOBE Index of Programming Languages, www.tiobe.com/tiobe_index?page=index

Concentrate on the languages ​​whose names I have circled in green. If you don't know them, start at the top of the table and work your way down. Stop when you find something you like and dig deep!

If you are familiar with one of the marked green languages, and you like it - concentrate on it.

Improve your interview skills
You need to prepare for more than just writing code. A good article from Life Hacker describes a lot of useful and valuable information.
The main thing is to gain a foothold in the market
Don't worry too much about getting your dream job with your dream employer with your dream salary. First, just get a job where you write code for money. Once you gain more experience, you can plan your next step.
I want to be a freelancer
Being your own boss is a good thing, but it also comes with enormous pressure and great difficulties. Best source information on freelancing from all that I have seen - DoubleYourFreelancing.com. He has a series of articles that will help you become a better freelancer than I ever could. Read.

Another option, if you are confident in yourself, is the Toptal service. They only accept 3% of all applicants, and the process is very complicated, but if you get in, you'll have access to well-paying jobs that you can work on remotely.

I started work but feel like I'm at a dead end
Understand. It's not easy, and if anyone told you otherwise, they either didn't do it or are trying to scam you out of money. If you feel stuck, try these options:
Refresh Your Original Intent
Ask yourself, write down on paper why you decided to follow this path. Is your answer still valid? If yes, then why stop? Forward!

Today we will find out who a web developer is. In general, this profession is familiar to many. At least every computer user has heard of such work. True, not everyone can master it. You will have to have not only some professional skills, but also personal qualities. They, no matter how strange it may sound, play an important role. So pay attention to this. All the most interesting things about the profession called “web developer” are presented to your attention!


Of course, we are talking about information specialty. This means that it requires preliminary training. Yes, a diploma is not enough, but in most cases it should be there. The exception would be if you open your own business. For official employment you will be asked for an appropriate diploma. How can you master the profession of “web developer”? Studying at the institute will help you with this. True, you will have to choose one direction or another. We can say that our profession is a kind of programming.

Some higher education institutions have a separate specialty called “web developer.” So this is what you will have to learn from. However, this situation does not occur everywhere. Most often, students simply choose the following directions: “Programming” or “Web design”. The first option is often preferable, as it will give you an advantage in the future. You can find the required specialty in any university in the country at the Faculty of Mathematics or the one where they study the secrets of computer science.


What's next? It often happens that a person from university becomes a successful web developer. The thing is that this direction has another rather interesting approach. What is it about? Are you interested in the profession called “web developer”? Training in this specialty is possible not only in universities, but also in technical schools. True, specialized courses are more popular. Anyone can use them short term masters the basics of the profession, and then he must engage in self-development in one area or another.

Specialized courses in web development are often organized by training centers and other educational institutions. Moreover, those that are not related to universities. Are you still interested in the field called “web developer”? Studying at university or taking courses is not very interesting? Then there is another way out!


Attention! The next option is not suitable for everyone and not in all cases. If you are planning to do web development exclusively for yourself or work as an acquaintance, you can try it. Otherwise, you will have to either graduate from a university or take specialized courses in order to get at least some confirmation that you can now become a web developer. In principle, self-education can be considered as an option. Often, successful developers first learn everything they need on their own, and then just “for show” they receive a diploma or some other confirmation of their specialty.

Here you can recommend a variety of video tutorials, tutorials and, of course, practice. Without it, you won't be a good web developer. By the way, self-education plays an important role in this case. Without it, as a rule, it will not be possible to achieve success. After all, web development is the same as programming. There are no templates; you have to come up with something special for each case. And self-education will help in this matter.

What does such a person do?

Who is a web developer anyway? Yes, the specialty is already beginning to attract many people. It is clear that the area of ​​employment for such personnel is IT technologies and computers. What is so valued in modern world. But the question is slightly different: what does a web developer do at work? This is far from the narrowest specialty. Therefore, you should not hope that it will be easy to work. Moreover, web development, as we have already found out, is closely related to programming. Which means possible job responsibilities at this kind of the frame will be more than enough.

Web developers, or webmasters as they are also called, usually engage in programming of any kind. In a word, whichever one is ordered by the authorities. But at the same time, an important role is given to the development and creation of websites, Internet resources, and applications for Internet pages. Everything that concerns World Wide Web and the creation of its components is the responsibility of the webmaster. Most often, such a frame additionally combines the skills of an ordinary programmer, designer, system administrator. It is generally accepted that a web developer is a universal specialist who deals with IT technologies.


But how can you get started? After all, programming, administration and other areas are not initially the responsibility of a webmaster! In any case, this is what the professionals themselves think. How to become a web developer?

It all depends on what exactly you want to achieve. You can try to educate yourself, practice and independently engage in developments and activities that interest you. This option is well suited for those who intend to open their own business. Otherwise, your career as a web developer begins with your employment in this field. It doesn’t matter which company.

Of course, it is advisable to initially find a corporation specializing in IT technologies. You just have to pass the interview, write a resume and present it. True, there is one small nuance here: in mandatory must demonstrate their skills and knowledge. This is where a portfolio comes in handy.

Collecting a portfolio

Well, any good webmaster when applying for a job, regardless of experience in our current field, as already mentioned, should have examples of his activities. If there are none, you run the risk of either running into a serious test or even having your candidacy rejected. Do you still need this job? A web developer is a versatile talent who typically develops their skills through experience. All projects that you have ever created will have to be saved and presented upon employment.

Good help here preliminary work as a freelancer. The Internet is full of offers for webmasters. The created projects can be used for your portfolio. In principle, a few examples of work are usually sufficient for successful employment. But the more there are, the better for you. Collect good package Evidence of your skills can be obtained on average in several months.


So, we have already figured out what exactly our current employee does. Only there is one interesting point, which can be traced in practice, but is not written down anywhere in the documents. The thing is that a web developer is a person who will deal not only with IT technologies in the workplace. What else does such an employee have to do?

In addition to programming and even combining several specialties and areas of activity, you will have to communicate with clients. And not only to conduct a dialogue, but to understand what exactly the customer needs. Sometimes webmasters are also given responsibility for In fact, you will be fully responsible for the design and development of a particular project. And also negotiate with customers.


In principle, it is already clear how to become a website developer. You need to either educate yourself in this direction, or finish educational institution, as well as receive an appropriate diploma of education. It doesn't seem to be difficult. Especially if you have a predisposition to IT technologies, as well as perseverance and a desire to work in this field. But every profession has its pros and cons. You will also have to find out about them so that there is no unpleasant surprises after employment. Our current direction, of course, has more advantages.

Firstly, it is in demand. IN Lately Webmasters are needed always and everywhere, but there are very few candidates. This means that we can also hope for low competition. Secondly, this work is a purely creative specialty, although it is involved exclusively in information technology. A great way to express yourself and develop your thinking. In addition, you will not be limited in any way when making certain decisions. You have been given a task, but how exactly to implement it is your only concern.

Thirdly, as already mentioned, a diploma is not always needed. Plus, even a schoolboy or student can become a web developer. Here, as a rule, age is not as important as skills. This work is relatively easy to combine with studies. After all, web development allows you to work remotely. In addition, in such a situation, you will not have anyone with a stick behind your back. You just have to meet the deadline for the delivery of this or that project. You distribute the immediate load yourself. Also, don’t forget that in-demand professions are highly valued and well paid. And this is a compelling argument for choosing a career as a web developer.


The specialty also has disadvantages. But usually they are not as significant as they might seem at first. The disadvantages of the profession often include its versatility. That is, in the workplace you often have to combine several vacancies and positions, and constantly switch from one activity to another. And you will receive wages only for one staff position. This also usually includes irregular working hours. On the one hand, this option seems attractive to many. On the other hand, instability and rush jobs quite often interfere with successful work. In principle, this is where all the shortcomings end.


Now a little about what qualities a web developer should have. It's no secret that any job values ​​certain human skills, not necessarily professional ones. So, for example, a (successful) web developer usually has a quick learning ability, the ability to make decisions (especially non-standard ones), perseverance, resistance to stress, communication skills with people, and organization. Such an employee can not only cope with all tasks independently, but also work in a team. You shouldn’t forget about professional skills in IT technologies and computers in general.

By the way, stress resistance plays a rather serious role in this profession. Web development is a constant mental challenge. And not everyone can cope with it. Therefore, webmasters must be highly resistant to stress, as well as intellectual stress.


So we found out who web developers are. Moreover, it is now clear how you can become such an employee and what to do at work. University studies in this area usually last 5 years. The courses can be completed in 2 years. Not always higher education or diploma are required for employment. In general, you should prepare yourself for the fact that a webmaster is a truly universal person. If you choose this direction as a career, keep in mind that you will have to work a lot. And it’s not necessary to develop something. Web developers will always find something to do.

We released new book“Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get into Your Followers’ Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.”


A web developer is a specialist who develops websites and online applications.

If speak about major projects, then several specialists are involved. Someone is responsible for the design - appearance, someone - for the technical aspects.

Features of the web developer profession

Previously, it was enough to have skills in working with HTML, CSS and knowledge of the basics of working on the web. Now this is not enough.

And the developer must not only be aware of what html tags are, but also know and understand related tools. How to set up API integration, how to write scripts, in what languages, how to properly layout the layout, and ensure the adaptability of the resource.

What does a web developer need?

The client always needs better and faster. And cheaper.

To speed up the process, developers use various libraries. Programming languages ​​are constantly acquiring new frameworks. The developer constantly needs to keep his finger on the pulse of new technologies. To differentiate yourself from your competitors, it is important to be the first and quickly introduce new tools and technologies into your work.

These include, but are not limited to, GitHub, smart IDEs, build tools, and cloud computing storage.

Web developer salary

Salary is determined by several factors. On average, it ranges from 80,000 rubles to 130,000 rubles, depending on the level of proficiency in programming languages ​​and experience in the field of web development. A developer working directly for a company earns less than a freelance developer. This is due to the fact that part of the money earned goes into the company's share. However, working for a company provides you with a stable and continuous flow of projects, which is not the case with working as a freelancer. While the average income of freelancers varies greatly, some claim that you can earn up to $300,000 working as a freelance web developer.

But much more common is a monthly income of 100,000 to 150,000 rubles for new freelancers and from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles for well-established specialists. These figures are based on averages for Russia as a whole.

Of course, not all payments are made in cash. Some developers will refuse a certain amount cash in favor free advertising, referrals or other services. They will accept agreed quantities from their clients free goods or discounted products as an addition to the amount paid. Thanks to clients, you can receive copies of paid programs for free.

How to become a web developer

There are many both paid and free online courses who can teach you programming. Their advantage is accessibility and structure. However, not all courses may suit your needs. The best way to learn programming is to have a professional on hand to guide you through everything. problematic topics training.

7 Must-Have Points to Start a Successful Web Career

  1. Create your own portfolio website. Your portfolio is the first thing potential employers will look at when considering your candidacy, so it should be real reflection all your skills.
  2. Fill out your portfolio with projects. Now that you have your own website, it's time to fill it with your projects. Include in your portfolio any work you have done for companies or your individual clients (with their permission). Don't worry if your portfolio is minimal - over time you will accumulate a sufficient number of worthy works.
  3. Take on non-budget projects. Great way fill out a portfolio - implement simple, often free projects. They can be browser games, social media for a narrow circle of friends, adaptation of various photo editors. This will give you the opportunity to gain experience and improve the credibility of your portfolio.
    Projects do not have to be large-scale. You could, for example, build navigation for a local restaurant's website or create a newsletter for a charity.
  4. Participate in developer conferences. This is the most The best way meet people with similar interests who solve exciting problems. You can test your coding skills, learn from others, and possibly win prizes such as gift cards, software, travel and cash.
  5. Meet technicians online. Continue to network and learn more about the industry by meeting people online. The easiest way to do this is through Tech Meetup groups.
  6. Follow industry news. You don't have to be an expert on every topic. Just stay up to date with the hottest events in the industry. It's easy to do: You can read blogs or tech news sites over breakfast, listen to podcasts, or scroll through Twitter while you walk the dog.
  7. Find out more. In addition to learning the news, you should learn new skills and tools. This will make you much more in demand.

This profession is familiar to many people. It cannot be said that everyone knows and correctly understands the essence of this profession, but at least all computer users have heard about it. I would like to immediately note that this is a very complex and painstaking work that not everyone can master.

A web developer is a programmer who creates websites or web applications. In order to work in this specialty, it is not enough to obtain a higher education, you need to regularly develop yourself and communicate with people of the same profile.

Despite the fact that this profession is involved exclusively in information technology, it is purely creative. A person who wants to work in this profession must have qualities such as perseverance, responsibility, creative thinking, etc.

On this moment, the employment portal Trud.com, has posted on its pages more than 1,000 current vacancies for web developers in Moscow. The salary of such a specialist always depends on the complexity of the work. On the graph we can see the change in average wages over the past 12 months.

This profession is the highest paid in Moscow. Salaries in other cities are not much different.

Finding a job as a web developer in Moscow - only with Trud.com

Even having my own permanent job, people are thinking about changing it. Some are not satisfied with the work schedule or working conditions, others dream of changing their field of activity, etc. It doesn't matter what goal you are pursuing or what prompted you to do it. Trud.com will help you in any situation.

Trud.com is a job site that provides job seekers with the latest vacancies. In addition, on the site you will find interesting articles, instructive tips and recommendations.

The website Trud.com operates search system, which includes side speakers, additional filters and rubricators. Using these functions, you will quickly select and get acquainted with the vacancies that best suit your criteria.

Trud.com regularly works to improve the functioning of the portal, new sections are opened, interesting and helpful information. We are trying for you!

  • Translation
  • Tutorial

The road is long and difficult, but interesting and useful!

The article was intended as a practical guide for those wishing to become a professional web developer. I've been writing web code for over 20 years. I work with and help web developers every day. In this article, I'll describe what you need to learn, when you need to learn it, and where you can get the information (usually for free). Then I'll give advice on getting real-world experience, and most importantly, getting paid to write code.

There are many links to free and important resources scattered throughout the article. For simplicity, I have collected them in PDF and divided them into categories. I am not paid to mention the sites I link to - I just want to recommend the best resources to help you achieve your goal.

Things to remember:

1. You are allowed to scroll through the article

The guide can help you no matter where you are on the road to professional development. Scroll to the title that best describes your current situation and read from there. If you have just started this path, or are still thinking about it, follow the advice of the King from “Alice in Wonderland”:

Start at the beginning, and continue until you reach the end; and stop there already.

2. Try a little of everything, then choose a specialization.

Money is not the most important thing. You need to LOVE what you do! But you won't know what you like until you try it.

Find your passion, then monetize it

The guide will help you become familiar with as many areas of web development as quickly as possible. And then he will help you choose a specialization in the area that you like. You won't become perfect at anything at first - you will learn the basics and then continue learning. Find your passion and I will show you how to move forward.

I decided to write code. I like the web. I don't know where to start

You will succeed!

Congratulations! This is a big first step and the start of something very exciting. But it can also be very difficult. Don't worry, I'll help.

First, you need to quickly become familiar with the basics of all areas of web development (“full cycle”). The training will be varied, but shallow. This is to find a field that you enjoy and also to gain basic skills in different fields. Then you will be able to understand and work with a large set of problems, regardless of what you choose.

Learn the basics of HTML

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) controls the content and layout of what you see in the browser. Once you start there, you have a user interface that you can interact with and see the results of your code. As you learn more complex languages, its importance will increase. You don't have to code blindly.

Here's what you need to learn about HTML:

I already know the basics of HTML

Cool! This is a very important step. Now learn the basics of JavaScript.

Learn JavaScript Basics

JavaScript is the language of the web, and all major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE, many others) support it. Every site, every web application you've used, most likely contains a huge amount of JS code. Not to mention the fact that the language is gaining popularity on other platforms - servers, desktop computers, and other devices.

For now, you need the basics, and the following resources are good for that:

I know the basics of JavaScript and HTML

Amazing! Now let's add CSS to your skills

Learn CSS

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets (cascading style sheets). Used to customize the appearance of HTML elements on the page. Check out Mozilla's free tutorial, then check out CSS-Tricks for your toughest problems (search at top right).

Let's move on to the backend

So far, we have looked at what is called the “front end” of web development. You have become familiar with the main languages ​​that work in the browser. It's time to move on to the backend - the code running on the server. Don't worry, you won't need a server - your computer will handle it.

There are a ton of backend languages, but since you're familiar with JavaScript, I'd recommend learning to use Node.js. It allows you to run JS code on the server rather than in the browser.

In addition to this, you need to learn Express and MongoDB.

This is a library with which Node.JS can work as a web server (listen to requests from pages and send them responses).
It is a database that allows you to store and retrieve information.

You can study these three topics thanks to the following excellent and free educational material, and its continuation.

I need to choose between frontend, backend and full cycle development

Once you've tried both development options, it's time to make a choice. If you haven’t had time to try them, refer to the previous section of the article to fill in the gaps in your knowledge.

At this point, you've written two types of code. One is for user interaction, the other is for data. What do you prefer?

User interaction? Congratulations, you are a front-end developer!

Interaction with data? Congratulations, you are a backend developer!

Both? Congratulations, you are a full-stack developer!

Didn't like anything? Congratulations, web development is not for you. Be glad that you figured it out now and didn't waste a ton of time and money. Not ready to give up? Maybe you didn't come across a language that you liked? Try learning other languages ​​in the "I want to be a backend developer" section.

I want to be a full-stack developer

Cool. You need to read all the contents of the “I want to be a backend developer” and “I want to be a frontend developer” sections.

I want to be a front-end developer and I know the basics of JavaScript, HTML and CSS

To work effectively as a front-end developer, you need to be fluent in HTML, CSS, and client-side JavaScript. You will also need to have a good understanding of several important frameworks. You'll gain the skills that employers and clients expect to find in front-end developers.

By now you should already know the basics of HTML. Otherwise, go back to the Learn HTML Basics section.

Learn intermediate and advanced HTML
Check out the intermediate HTML tutorial and then the advanced HTML tutorial.
Learn advanced client-side JavaScript

An excellent series of books on JS, and it's free

To improve your JavaScript proficiency, I recommend the You Don't Know JS book series by Kyle Simpson. The author has posted the entire series online for free:

Additionally, MDN JavaScript should also be your best friend.

[Also, an excellent translation of the excellent book "Expressive JavaScript" is available to you completely free of charge.]

Knowing the “front-end trinity”, HTML, CSS and JavaScript is, of course, great. But to make money, you will have to get acquainted with some frameworks.

Learn jQuery
It is the most popular JS library of all time. Although some new frameworks have made jQuery less important, if you're looking for a job, there's a good chance jQuery will be on job descriptions (and mentioned in interviews) for many years to come.

I recommend learning jQuery using FreeCodeCamp materials - it is a fast and effective method. After that, go to the official training site - there you will find additional instructions.

Learn a popular JS framework
Frameworks make working with a particular language or technology easier because they solve the biggest problems that the chosen technology has. JavaScript has had a very beneficial effect on the development and popularization of frameworks.

Almost once a week a new framework appears, which is tipped to take the place of a new development standard. You'll need to scour job sites and do a fair bit of Googling to figure out which framework is popular in your market. I also recommend Hacker News' tool for assessing job market trends.

At the time of writing this article, the following frameworks were popular:

Having chosen the most suitable framework and thoroughly familiarized yourself with it, it is worth studying the CSS framework that comes with it. The two biggest players in this market today are Bootstrap and Material Design.

Bootstrap was made by Twitter developers, and it is already quite mature and popular. Bootstrap versions exist for Angular, Angular 2 and React.
Material is a set of design rules developed at Google. It is gaining popularity and there are versions for Angular and React. Since Angular is also a brainchild of Google, Material fits perfectly with it.

Here are some links for you:

Congratulations! You have key front-end developer skills!

Just look at him!

I want to be a backend developer

Wonderful! The first step is choosing a language. There are many languages ​​available for working with the backend, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Check out the table of programming languages ​​sorted by popularity. All of them have been in the top ten for ten years. Those marked in green are web languages ​​that have been gaining popularity over the years.

TIOBE Index of Programming Languages, www.tiobe.com/tiobe_index?page=index

Concentrate on the languages ​​whose names I have circled in green. If you don't know them, start at the top of the table and work your way down. Stop when you find something you like and dig deep!

If you are familiar with one of the languages ​​marked in green and you like it, concentrate on it.

Improve your interview skills
You need to prepare for more than just writing code. A good article from Life Hacker describes a lot of useful and valuable information.
The main thing is to gain a foothold in the market
Don't worry too much about getting your dream job with your dream employer with your dream salary. First, just get a job where you write code for money. Once you gain more experience, you can plan your next step.
I want to be a freelancer
Being your own boss is a good thing, but it also comes with enormous pressure and great difficulties. The best source of freelancing information I've seen is DoubleYourFreelancing.com. He has a series of articles that will help you become a better freelancer than I ever could. Read.

Another option, if you are confident in yourself, is the Toptal service. They only accept 3% of all applicants, and the process is very complicated, but if you get in, you'll have access to well-paying jobs that you can work on remotely.

I started work but feel like I'm at a dead end
Understand. It's not easy, and if anyone told you otherwise, they either didn't do it or are trying to scam you out of money. If you feel stuck, try these options:
Refresh Your Original Intent
Ask yourself, write down on paper why you decided to follow this path. Is your answer still valid? If yes, then why stop? Forward!