Permanent registration number of the topographic survey of the territory and Information system for supporting urban planning activities

Course work

discipline: "Urban planning cadastre"

“Information systems for supporting urban planning activities”


Chapter 1. Information systems for supporting urban planning activities

1 General provisions and terms

2 Information system for supporting urban planning activities (ISOGD)

3 The procedure for maintaining information systems for supporting urban planning activities and providing information about information systems for supporting urban planning activities

4 Purpose of information systems for supporting urban planning activities (ISOGD)

5 Structure of the information system for supporting urban planning activities (ISOGD)

6 Level of creation and operation of ISOGD

7 Methodology for constructing ISOGD

Chapter 2. Project for creating a GIS “Historical and cultural basic plan of the city of Moscow”

1 User interface

Chapter 3. Assessment of the tourist and recreational potential of the territory

1 Materials and research methods

2 Results and discussion

3 The development of tourism and recreational activities should be carried out on the basis of the tourism and recreational cadastre




Despite the development of Western and Russian theory and practice of assessing settlements, there is an objective need for further study and research on the issue of mass cadastral assessment of urban lands.

The purpose of the study is to develop methodological recommendations for creating an information support system for urban planning activities, focused on the principles of public entrepreneurship. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set and consistently solved:

reveal the socio-economic essence and problems of the development of state entrepreneurship in urban planning activities in modern economic conditions;

characterize the possibilities and prospects for the introduction of electronic public entrepreneurship in the urban planning sector;

develop theoretical and methodological provisions for the use of entrepreneurial initiatives in state regulation of urban planning activities;

explore the features of the processes of organizational and information support of the General Plan as a fundamental document of urban planning activities;

formulate the principles and methods of constructing geographic information systems that create the conditions for information support of inter-industry and intra-industry interactions;

The object of the study is regional urban planning systems developing on the principles of state entrepreneurship.

Chapter 1. Information systems for supporting urban planning activities

.1 General provisions and terms

Information system for supporting urban planning activities (ISOGD) is a systematized set of documented information on the development of territories, their construction, land plots and other information necessary to provide state authorities, local governments, individuals and legal entities, organized in accordance with the requirements of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation reliable information necessary for the implementation of urban planning, investment and other economic activities. Includes materials in text form and in map form.

Land cadastre is a systematized collection of documented information about the natural, economic and legal status of lands.

Town planning regulations - preferences and restrictions (including encumbrances, prohibitions and easements) on changes in the condition and use of the territory, including real estate.

The state of a territory is a set of properties of its constituent components: natural landscapes, buildings, transport and engineering infrastructure, and other types of development.

Use of the territory is the implementation of certain types of activities (functions) on it.

The urban planning value of a territory is a measure of the territory’s ability to satisfy certain social requirements for its condition and use.

Urban planning is a basic industry that ensures (according to the classification of the UN Economic Commission for Europe) the sustainable development of human settlements and is the most powerful consumer of systemic and sporadic information flows.

.2 Information system for supporting urban planning activities (ISOGD)

Information system for supporting urban planning activities (ISOGD)- a systematized set of documented information on the development of territories, their construction, land plots and other information necessary to provide state authorities, local governments, individuals and legal entities with reliable information necessary for the implementation of urban planning, organized in accordance with the requirements of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation investment and other economic activities. Includes materials in text form and in map form.

1. Information systems for supporting urban planning activities - a systematized set of documented information on the development of territories, their development, land plots, capital construction projects and other information necessary for the implementation of urban planning activities, organized in accordance with the requirements of this Code.

Information systems for supporting urban planning activities include materials in text form and in the form of maps (diagrams).

The purpose of maintaining information systems for supporting urban planning activities is to provide state authorities, local governments, individuals and legal entities with reliable information necessary for the implementation of urban planning, investment and other economic activities, and land management.

Information systems for supporting urban planning activities include:

) information:

a) on territorial planning documents of the Russian Federation as they relate to the territories of municipalities;

b) on territorial planning documents of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as they relate to the territories of municipalities;

c) on documents of territorial planning of municipalities, materials on their justification;

d) on the rules of land use and development, amendments to them;

e) on documentation on territory planning;

f) on the knowledge of natural and man-made conditions based on the results of engineering surveys;

g) on ​​the reservation of lands and on the seizure of land plots for state or municipal needs;

h) about geodetic and cartographic materials;

) cases of developed and subject to development of land plots;

) other documents and materials.

Cases on land plots built up or subject to development are opened for each land plot. Copies of the following documents and maps (diagrams) developed and accepted during the preparation of documentation on territory planning, construction, reconstruction, major repairs of a capital construction project are placed in the file on a built-up or subject to development of land plot:

) urban planning plan of the land plot;

) results of engineering surveys;

) information on the area, height and number of floors of a capital construction project, on engineering and technical support networks, sections of project documentation provided for in paragraphs 2, 8-10 of part 12 of Article 48 of this Code, or a diagram of the planning organization of a land plot indicating the location of the facility individual housing construction;

) documents confirming the compliance of project documentation with the requirements of technical regulations and the results of engineering surveys;

) conclusion of the state examination of design documentation;

) building permit;

) decision of a local government body to grant permission to deviate from the maximum parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects;

) decision of the local government to grant permission for a conditionally permitted type of use;

) documents confirming the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction facility with the design documentation;

) act of acceptance of a capital construction project;

) permission to put the facility into operation;

) a diagram showing the location of the constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction facility, the location of engineering and technical support networks within the boundaries of the land plot and the planning organization of the land plot;

) other documents and materials.

The file on a built-up or subject to development land plot contains information about the land plot and technical passports issued before the entry into force of this Code for capital construction projects located on this land plot.

Information from information systems for supporting urban planning activities is systematized in accordance with the cadastral division of the territory.

Information from information systems for supporting urban planning activities is open and publicly available, with the exception of information classified by federal laws as restricted access.

3 The procedure for maintaining information systems for supporting urban planning activities and providing information about information systems for supporting urban planning activities

Maintaining information systems for supporting urban planning activities is carried out by local self-government bodies of urban districts, local self-government bodies of municipal districts by collecting, documenting, updating, processing, systematizing, recording and storing information necessary for the implementation of urban planning activities.

State authorities or local government bodies, which respectively accepted, approved, issued documents, the information contained in which is subject to placement in information systems for urban planning activities in accordance with this Code, within seven days from the date of acceptance, approval, and issuance of these documents, send appropriate copies to the local government body of a city district, the local government body of a municipal district, in relation to the territories of which the specified documents are accepted, approved, and issued. The local government body of a city district, the local government body of a municipal district, within fourteen days from the date of receipt of the relevant copies, place them in information systems for supporting urban planning activities.

Documents accepted, approved or issued by the local government body of a city district, local government body of a municipal district and subject to placement in information systems for supporting urban planning activities in accordance with this Code are posted in the said systems within fourteen days from the date of their acceptance, approval or issue.

Documentation of information from information systems supporting urban planning activities is carried out on paper and electronic media. If there is a discrepancy between the records on paper and electronic media, the records on paper take precedence.

The procedure for maintaining information systems for supporting urban planning activities, requirements for technologies and software, linguistic, legal and organizational means for providing automated information systems for supporting urban planning activities are established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Local government bodies of urban districts, local government bodies of municipal districts are required to provide information from information systems for supporting urban planning activities at the request of government bodies, local government bodies, individuals and legal entities.

Providing information from the information system for supporting urban planning activities is carried out free of charge or for a fee. The maximum fee for providing the specified information and the procedure for collecting such fees are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The local government body of a city district, the local government body of a municipal district provide free information from the information system for supporting urban planning activities about capital construction projects to the organization (body) for recording real estate objects and the body for recording state and municipal property to the required extent.

Local government bodies of urban districts, local government bodies of municipal districts provide free information from the information system for supporting urban planning activities upon request:

) government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies;

) individuals and legal entities in cases provided for by federal laws.

The procedure for providing information from the information system for supporting urban planning activities at the request of state authorities, local governments, individuals and legal entities is established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

.4 Purpose of information systems for supporting urban planning activities (ISOGD)

Urban planning is a basic industry that ensures (according to the classification of the UN Economic Commission for Europe) the sustainable development of human settlements and is the most powerful consumer of systemic and sporadic information flows. Urban planners analyze the demographic situation, population migration; prospects and directions for the development of agglomerations and settlements; development of recreation and service networks; existing and new transport systems and modes of transport; need for housing, quality of living environment; development of urban centers, city-forming base and, first of all, industry; the state of the air and water basins, soil pollution, the state of vegetation, its ability to reproduce, etc.

Effective regulation of urban planning activities is practically impossible without a unified information support system that allows for the coordination of urban planning decisions taken at the federal, subject of the Federation and municipal levels. Naturally, it is practically impossible to effectively use territories without an information support system for urban planning activities.

In accordance with Article 56 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, information systems for supporting town planning activities are a systematized collection of documented information on the development of territories, their development, land plots, capital construction projects and other information necessary for the implementation of town planning activities, organized in accordance with the requirements of the Code. . The purpose of maintaining ISOGD is to provide state authorities, local governments, individuals and legal entities with reliable information necessary for the implementation of urban planning, investment and other economic activities, and land management. The current level of information basis for managing the development of the territory sharply reduces the potential for making (not uncommon now) management decisions that lead to urban planning errors and associated emergency situations and social conflicts. And vice versa, the possibilities for making decisions that ensure the most efficient use of the territory increase.

.5 Structure of the information system for supporting urban planning activities (ISOGD)

Information systems for supporting urban planning activities (IS OGD) are created at the municipal level and therefore, by legal status, are not state, but municipal IS.

IS OGD is closer to the cadastre of built-up areas both in terms of information capacity and the nature of the tasks being solved, including those of the second level of complexity. At its core, this system is a “successor” to the previously existing state urban planning cadastre. In organizational terms, this system is more flexible than the GKON, since, along with the federal legal framework, it must be guided by regional and municipal legal acts that take into account local conditions.

Structurally, the OGD IS should consist of 7 mandatory sections (databases) and an additional number of sections established by the municipality itself (see figure).

The first database contains all geodetic and cartographic information and materials related to the territory of a given municipality: catalogs of coordinates and heights of geodetic points, topographic maps and plans of all scales, space and aerial photographs of the territory, Earth remote sensing materials (ERS), etc. . It also contains information about the administrative-territorial structure of this municipality.

The second database contains information and materials of all types of engineering surveys for construction carried out on the territory of the municipality. In other words, this database contains information about the knowledge of natural and man-made conditions, based on completed engineering surveys, including a graphical display of the information received.

The third database contains territorial planning documents for a given municipality: master plans (for urban districts, urban and rural settlements), or territorial planning schemes for municipal districts. Information from the territorial planning scheme of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation as it relates to this municipal entity is also stored here.

The fourth database contains materials on urban zoning of this municipality: land use and development rules and urban planning regulations.

The fifth database contains information about land relations in the territory of a given municipality, i.e. complete information about developed and subject to development of land plots (including their size, area, encumbrances and actual value), as well as information about land plots provided to citizens and legal entities for purposes not related to construction. Information on the reservation of land plots for state and municipal needs, and information on the seizure of land plots from citizens and legal entities is also stored here.

The sixth database contains all documents on the planning of the territory of a given municipality: planning projects, land surveying projects and urban planning plans for land plots.

The seventh database contains information about all capital construction projects for which construction permits and permits to put these objects into operation were issued. Separately, this database stores information about objects of unfinished and unauthorized construction.

Thus, IS OGD databases contain in full the information necessary for the planned urban development of a particular municipality, for the socio-economic development of the territory and the management of all processes occurring on it.

The given structure of the OGD IS is basic, i.e. common to all IS. At the same time, specific municipalities can supplement the basic structure with additional sections (databases), the need for which is established by the local government. The only requirement is that they should not duplicate the information contained in the main sections of the OGD IS.

Thus, ISOGD is more informatively detailed than GKON, which allows it to be used both for solving technical problems of the first level and for making management decisions in a given territory, although as a cadastral system IS OGD does not fully meet the requirements for solving problems of the second level .

Screenshot of the information system for supporting urban planning activities

This project began to be developed in 2004. According to Andrey Sharov, the portal is currently preparing to begin test operation. If the experience turns out to be successful, then in the future the project should be projected across the entire territory of the country. Currently, the portal contains electronic maps for seven constituent entities of Russia, but their information content has not yet begun. For full-fledged work, it is necessary to obtain data from 2323 municipal districts and urban districts of the Russian Federation.

Let us note that in Moscow the urban planning cadastre system was created several years earlier by specialists from the city government. The system is recognized by the UN-HABITAT program as one of the best in the world. “We visited the Finns. They don't have such a system. But while working on urban informatization, they first of all invested in a city electronic map and filled it with information.

Place of ISOGD in the range of information systems

Before formulating the principles and methods of creating and functioning of ISOGD, it makes sense to determine the place and purpose of these systems in the context of relations with a system that is outwardly close to them - the Unified State Real Estate Cadastre (USCR), designed to replace the previously created databases of the State Land Cadastre (GLC) ) and technical accounting of objects of urban planning activities.

It is clear that urban planning activity, as it is defined by the Urban Planning Code, does not exist on its own, in isolation from other activities, but, on the contrary, is closely connected with this other activity.

In the context of the stated topic, we are talking, first of all, about land management work, which is defined by Article 1 of the Federal Law “On Land Management” as “measures for studying the condition of land, planning and organizing the rational use of land and their protection, the formation of new and streamlining existing land management objects and establishing their boundaries on the ground (territorial land management), organizing the rational use of land plots by citizens and legal entities for agricultural production, as well as organizing territories used by communities of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation and persons belonging to the indigenous small peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation, to ensure their traditional way of life (on-farm land management).” Indeed, what kind of territorial development planning can we talk about if land inventory, land surveying and much more have not been carried out?

It logically follows from this premise that the primary information source (“predecessor” of ISOGD in the life cycle) is the state land cadastre, which is, according to Article 1 of the Federal Law “On State Land Cadastre”, “a systematic set of documented information obtained as a result of state cadastral registration of land plots, the location, intended purpose and legal status of the lands of the Russian Federation and information about territorial zones and the presence of objects located on land plots and firmly connected with these land plots.”

At the same time, the development of urban planning solutions does not become the “final chord”. Obviously, one of the results of urban planning activities is the creation of real estate objects, information about which ultimately ends up in technical accounting databases (BDTU). Thus, we can assume that ISOGDs are located between the land cadastre and technical accounting databases.

Due to the fact that the “surrounding” ISOGD bases are supposed to be combined into a single cadastre, it seems quite natural to include ISOGD in this cadastre (and such attempts are being made). Arguments against this approach are presented below. It should also be noted that the very idea of ​​​​creating a unified state real estate cadastre in the form in which it is being promoted now does not seem flawless, but a discussion of this topic does not fit into the scope of this article.

.6 Level of creation and operation of ISOGD

The lack of understanding by some representatives of public authorities of the importance of the transition to modern technologies for information support for managing the development of the territory is perhaps the main problem. A striking example of incompetence is the content of Chapter 7 of the Town Planning Code, where the composition and procedure for information support (for the municipal level!) are spelled out in such detail that there is no room left for legal regulation of these issues in the regions. But information support at the federal level and at the level of the subject of the Federation is not provided at all. Accordingly, there are no requirements for ISOGD at the federal and subject levels, not to mention their interaction.

At the same time, there is a threat of loss of accumulated data from the state urban planning cadastre; at the municipal level, the ability to obtain the required information at the regional and federal levels (the formation of which may be suspended) will become much more difficult.

It is also important to understand that the nature of the information required at the federal, regional and municipal levels is different. At each higher level, it cannot represent only the sum of information coming from the lower level. Each level of territorial government needs its own set of data.

Further, based on the requirements of the Town Planning Code, each municipality is obliged to form an ISOGD service, provide it with premises, personnel, equipment, and documentation. The costs of creating these services alone are enormous (and in the future, operating costs must also be taken into account), but the necessary funds are not available, and this despite the fact that local authorities already do not have enough money to maintain housing and communal services, transport infrastructure, etc. In other words, in real conditions the budgets of the vast majority of municipalities will not allow the implementation of even minimal measures to create and maintain the system. In addition, the problem of providing urban planners on such a scale with knowledge of modern computer technologies is practically insoluble. Taking into account the above, we have to admit that in the foreseeable future, the majority of municipalities will not be able to create their own system of information support for urban planning activities.

Thus, under the guise of creating the preconditions for “civil society” by transferring maximum powers to municipalities, they pushed through the adoption of provisions that actually remove the state from regulating the use of territory in its country. Since, due to the lack of necessary financial and labor resources, the effective use of powers delegated to municipalities is practically impossible for the vast majority of them, it will become easier for a corrupt bureaucracy to impose its conditions for the use of natural and other local resources on local governments.

Some constituent entities of the Russian Federation are trying to solve the problem of information support for urban planning activities on the basis of their services, which, in addition to providing information to the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Federation, organize work for municipalities. But we must take into account that this completely reasonable path formally contradicts the provisions of Chapter 7 of the current Town Planning Code, which implies a focus on creating a single-level information support system for town planning activities and transferring all functions for its creation and maintenance to the level of municipalities.

Another possible solution is the creation of ISOGD at the level of a subject of the Federation, without regard to the lack of mention of this in the Town Planning Code. This approach is reflected in articles 15 and 16 of the law “On the regulation of urban planning activities in the Tyumen region.” It is characteristic that the maintenance of an information bank of data on urban planning activities can be carried out by the authorized executive body of the Tyumen region or a state institution of the Tyumen region, or (note!) another organization on the basis of an agreement (part 3 of article 15). The Urban Planning Code of the Arkhangelsk Region includes among the powers of the regional administration in the field of urban planning activities the provision of financing for the creation and maintenance of an information system for supporting urban planning activities of the Arkhangelsk Region (subparagraph 8 of Article 8) and the powers of the body of architecture and urban planning of the region - maintaining this ISOGD (subparagraph 7 of paragraph 2 of Article 9 ). It is quite logical that funds from the regional budget for urban planning activities can be used, among other things, to finance the creation and maintenance of a state information system for urban planning activities in the Arkhangelsk region (subparagraph 3 of Article 12).

While this article was being prepared for publication, the provision of the Urban Planning Code of the Arkhangelsk Region regarding the authority of the regional body of architecture and urban planning to conduct ISOGD of the region, at the request of the regional prosecutor's office, was declared illegal by a decision of the regional court. Let's see whether this decision will be appealed to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

ISOGD tasks

The purpose of information support for urban planning activities is the timely provision of state authorities, local self-government bodies, interested individuals and legal entities with complete and reliable information necessary for the regulation of urban planning activities and the protection of rights associated with its implementation. The creation of an information support system for regulating urban planning activities is necessary to solve the following problems:

· formation of data banks on the state, use and conditions of use of the territory necessary for state authorities and local self-government when fulfilling their responsibilities for organizing territorial planning and regulating the development of the territory (in particular, to ensure the development of territorial planning documents and territorial planning projects with initial data);

· providing organizations that solve the problems of planning and regulating the development of the territory with the necessary initial information;

· providing organizations that solve problems of sectoral planning and regulation with the necessary urban planning information;

· providing potential investors with the information necessary to select investment objects and draw up business plans;

· monitoring the implementation of urban planning decisions; compliance with urban planning restrictions and regulations; changes in the condition, use and conditions of use of the territory;

· accounting and registration of urban planning decisions and urban planning restrictions contained in territorial planning documents;

· accounting and registration of urban planning decisions and urban planning regulations contained in documents regulating the development of the territory (planning and land surveying projects, land use and development rules, development projects, urban plans);

· accounting for cases of non-execution of urban planning decisions and non-compliance with urban planning restrictions (or regulations);

· providing individuals and legal entities with access to information stored in the system.

· As can be seen from this list, purely accounting tasks make up a small part of the required functionality of the systems and are, rather, a by-product of the implementation of solutions that provide the main functional focus of the ISOGD.

1.7 Methodology for constructing ISOGD

The construction of an ISOGD model, like any research, implies the presence of an object and a subject. The Town Planning Code clearly outlines the object: information itself. But the subjects dropped out of consideration. From a functional point of view, three types of subjects can be distinguished:

An entity that creates information of one type or another.

Subject consuming information.

An auxiliary entity whose tasks include ensuring the delivery of information from the producer entity to the consumer entity.

It is advisable to construct a study based on its object. This choice is determined by the fact that the certainty of the qualities of the object is higher than the certainty of the qualities of the subjects. Subjects of different types can combine qualities of different types, for example, a subject-producer of information is simultaneously its consumer, and also, to some extent, an information provider.

It is necessary to begin the study by determining an exhaustive (if possible) list of data and constructing a hierarchy of their types. It is advisable to build a hierarchy of types based on the importance of a particular type of information for the consumer.

For each type of information, the following characteristics and life cycle parameters must be described:

a brief description of this type of information, defining its place in the hierarchy;

legal framework for creating such information;

document format;

necessary additional characteristics;

quantitative characteristics: total quantity, dynamics by year, etc.;

the range of potential consumers of such information, the degree of satisfaction of access to this type of information;

existing methods of bringing this type of information to its consumers;

established procedures and existing storage arrangements;

creation technologies used, etc.

The approach to the study of ISOGD, from the point of view of studying the life cycles of individual types of information, makes it possible to naturally identify all the necessary subjects (types of subjects), the legal basis for their activities related to the circulation of information, as well as the technologies used.

Thus, it remains to summarize the information received to recreate the overall picture and assess the general problems:

legislative nature;

collecting and storing information;

ensuring access to information.

A separate important issue is the classification of information consumers. There are various possible reasons for this classification. The following can be suggested as an initial one:

State authorities (both federal and regional levels), local governments. Constant access to a variety of urban planning information is a necessary condition for the activities of users in this category; the workload on the system on their part is expected to be very high.

Commercial users, including:

1. Commercial end consumers (we especially note investors, developers, realtors). Their operating model will most likely differ in the regular access to the system and the complexity of requests.

2. Commercial information providers.

Non-commercial users, including:

1. Citizens, who should be considered casual customers rather than true users. Their behavior model is characterized by unpredictable access to the system. These users are typically untrained and will require assistance from trained personnel to log into the system, formulate a query, and interpret the results.

2. Education system.

3. Scientific organizations.

When conducting a life cycle study of urban planning data, the following should be clarified and detailed:

what information is for a particular type of user (for example, a professionally necessary means of production, a product, an object of research, etc.);

how certain types of users obtain this or that information;

what is the estimated numerical composition of certain categories of users and methods for assessing it;

degree of existing satisfaction with access.

In fact, upon completion of the described studies, a system model with all functional relationships, the basis of these connections, information flows, etc. will be built. Next, you should analyze this model in order to identify its reliability and main shortcomings and formulate proposals for its improvement, and then select the most effective ways of implementation, focusing on the current level of development of information technology.

Rice. 1. - Areas of application of GIS

Thus, information obtained using GIS can be used not only by geographers and design engineers, but also by specialists in other fields - businessmen, doctors, lawyers, marketers, builders, firefighters, ecologists, police officers in their work and just ordinary people in Everyday life.

In addition, GIS technology is also focused on creating and managing infrastructure. And here another advantage of using technology has emerged - with its help, it has become possible to preserve the immovable cultural heritage of cities, ensuring constant monitoring of the condition of historical monuments, protected areas, urban planning elements and structures of historical and cultural value. And it is precisely the implementation of this opportunity for the city of Moscow that will be discussed in this article.

Chapter 2. Project for creating a GIS “Historical and cultural basic plan of the city of Moscow”

informational urban planning recreational

In order to increase the efficiency of use and disposal of cultural heritage objects of the peoples of the Russian Federation, as well as to ensure their safety, by order of the Moscow City Government and the Committee for Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow (Moskomansledie) by specialists from the company “Real Geo Project”, which is a system integrator in the field of GIS , a project was implemented to create a unified information system for immovable objects of historical and cultural heritage, adjacent territories, protection zones, urban planning elements and structures of historical and cultural value, called the “Historical and Cultural Basic Plan of the City of Moscow” (hereinafter referred to as IKOP MSK) .

In addition, the goals of creating the IKOP MSC were:

prompt display on the map of current information about the boundaries, modes of maintenance and use of objects subject to registration or registration in the City Register of Immovable Cultural Heritage;

display on the map of current analytical, informational and reference information necessary for information support of state protection, preservation, use and popularization of immovable cultural heritage in the city of Moscow;

informing participants in urban planning, investment, land management and other economic activities about the restrictions associated with immovable cultural heritage, its territories and objects, which include museum-reserves and their territories, historical territories of the city of Moscow, land plots of special historical and cultural significance and etc.

The following documents served as the basis for the work on this project:

Decree of the Moscow Government dated May 3, 2005 No. 278-PP “On approval of the regulations on the Committee for Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow”;

Decree of the Moscow Government dated July 18, 2006 No. 510-PP “On approval of the provisions on the City Register of Immovable Cultural Heritage and on the Historical and Cultural Basic Plan of the City of Moscow”;

Program of activities to be financed from the Trust Budget Fund for state protection, preservation and popularization of immovable cultural heritage in 2007 (approved by the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government V.I. Resin);

Information system (IS) IKOP MSK solves the following main tasks:

storage and display of spatial and attribute information about IKOP MSC objects;

organizing the search for information about IKOP MSC objects;

organizing the storage of history of changes to IKOP MSC objects;

preparation of reports on IKOP MSC objects, etc.

The basic functionality of the system includes:

· prompt determination of the location of IKOP MSC objects;

· generation of coordinate sheets in XML format for IKOP MSC objects;

· dynamic display of the situational plan of an object based on information about the coordinates of the object;

· converting layers between dwg and sdf formats based on information about the current coordinates of the object;

· building custom layers and objects;

· flexible display of GIS symbology, including a variety of styles for each object;

· visual display of graphic cards and output of graphic and text information; generation and output of various reports.

Rice. 2. - Register of immovable cultural heritage and the Unified State Cartographic Basis of the City of Moscow

In order to ensure full methodological, informational and technical compatibility of the developed subsystems, the MapGuide Server package from Autodesk, which is the world's largest supplier of software in the field of geoinformatics, was chosen as the main software tool. To equip automated workstations for developers and users on a mass scale, GIS tools Autodesk MapGuide Author, Autodesk MapGuide View and Autodesk Map, fully compatible with Autodesk technologies, were used.

The user interface of the IS IKOP MSK (Fig. 3) is quite simple and intuitive, since it is developed on the basis of a standard that involves presenting information in the form of windows, using standard and special toolbars, calling functions through the menu and activating events using the mouse and/or or keyboard.

Rice. 3. - Main window of the IS IKOP MSC user interface

.1 User interface

The user interface allows you to:

creation, editing and deletion of graphic objects by the user;

map navigation;

working with map layers;

searching for objects by attributes;

dynamically setting the map scale;

generation of various reports (Fig. 4);

transition to the object information card (Fig. 5), which contains attribute information on the object;

formation of analytical layers based on the results of selections and searches;

filtering the display of historical objects on the map based on monitoring data

and other operations.

Rice. 4. - Official cartographic report generated using IS IKOP MSK

Rice. 5. - Information card of the object

In addition to the basic set of functionality, the IKOP MSC implements the following additional functionality:

Update of information and reference layers of IKOP MSC, including the ability to convert information from other formats;

Publishing data on the Internet in the form of an interactive document with cartographic information;

Displaying the results of monitoring of immovable cultural heritage, including the formation of analytical layers based on current data from tables of monitoring results and linking factual data to objects with the possibility of their subsequent viewing.

Preparation of official documentation on the historical and cultural assessment of the territory of protected zones and land plots, on objects of the historical necropolis, etc.

Thus, as a result of the project implementation, the following tasks were solved:

· all available information on the historical and cultural basic plan of the city of Moscow was systematized;

· a mechanism for entering, editing and analyzing this information has been created;

· a unified information environment has been created on immovable objects of historical and cultural heritage, adjacent territories, protection zones, urban planning elements and structures of historical and cultural value;

· a tool for monitoring and controlling the condition of objects of immovable historical and cultural heritage of the city of Moscow has been created;

· multi-user access to information about objects of immovable historical and cultural heritage of the city of Moscow was obtained.

In June 2007, IS IKOP MSK was put into commercial operation. Real Geo Project specialists provide technical support and maintenance. In the near future, it is planned to create and add three-dimensional models of cultural heritage objects to the system, thereby complementing the functionality of the IS IKOP MSC with a mechanism for adding 3D models of historical places. According to the company’s specialists, the implementation of this mechanism will make it possible to obtain a real understanding of cultural heritage objects and assess their current condition, which will be of great practical importance for monitoring the condition, timely reconstruction and preservation of these objects.

Chapter 3. Assessment of the tourist and recreational potential of the territory

Currently, the share of tourism in the gross domestic product of the Russian economy, according to the Federal Agency for Tourism, is 6.5%, in investments in fixed assets - 10.7%, in employment - 6.0%. The need for tourism services is steadily increasing as the material well-being of various social groups of the population increases, which has led over the past ten years to an increase in the share of tourist and excursion services in household spending on paid services from 2.3% to 5.2%. At the same time, this figure in the Russian Federation still remains relatively low, for example, in the UK, travel expenses account for 19% of the average annual family budget, in Germany - 16%, in France and the USA -12%. Russia's share in global tourism indicators is insignificant, and the gap between the leading countries in the tourism market and Russia is growing.

The current state of the material and technical base and resource support in the tourism sector lags behind modern requirements. Thus, the indicator of provision of tourist accommodation facilities in Russia is more than 80% lower than the European average. The average occupancy factor for hotel rooms does not exceed 0.35, while the global figure is twice as high; the level of quality of services provided by most travel companies is low; There is no unified approach to the issues of classification, standardization and certification of accommodation services.

There has been a significant territorial differentiation in the provision of the tourism sector with social and industrial infrastructure. The regional features of the formation of the resource base of the tourism sector and the possibility of attracting additional investments for the development of its infrastructure are poorly taken into account. In the new economic conditions, the center of gravity in decision-making on tourism development is increasingly shifting to the regional and municipal level, which requires clarification of the methods and functions of managing tourism enterprises locally. Program methods of state regulation of the tourism sector at the regional level are insufficiently used. Consequently, identifying the structure for assessing the tourist and recreational potential of the territory, taking into account the presence and development of historical, cultural and sports and recreational resources of the region, is relevant and timely.

.1 Materials and research methods

Foreign experience shows that the development of the tourism sector largely depends on the joint efforts of the state, business and public organizations in the field of resource support for the activities of tourism firms.

In our opinion, the tourist and recreational potential (TRP) of the territory includes two components:

Natural (landscape), historical, cultural and sports resources ( ? Res) of a particular region (subject of the federation, municipal entity within it);

Possibilities of involving these resources in the sphere of economic use in terms of their transport accessibility (TD), environmental burdens (EO) and infrastructure development (AND ABOUT).

Territory TRP = ? Res [TD + EO + IO] (1)

3.2 Results and discussion

Analysis of the factors in the formation of the territory's TRP infrastructure allows us to determine the optimal directions of development, highlight key elements and competencies within each group, distribute powers and tasks, mobilize resources for their implementation, which will lead to expanded reproduction of the region's economy and will bring the tourist and recreational complex to a qualitatively new level of development .

Research program for TRP of the Chelyabinsk region

Stage Essence Result

1. Creation of a cadastre of tourism resources in the region

1. Inventory of natural, historical and cultural objects in municipalities and their groups

2. Development of GIS cadastre, Identification of the most promising objects:

· Assessment of tourism and recreational potential

· Assessment of transport accessibility of objects

· tourism and recreation

· Assessment of environmental burdens

· Infrastructure assessment

· Possibility of visiting sites within the daily allowance

· and weekly life cycles

· Possibility of tourist and recreational activities

· taking into account environmental standards and requirements

· Level of development of service functions

Assessing the attractiveness of the most promising objects

1. Selection of indicators for scoring “growth points”.

2. Obtaining an integral assessment of “growth points” Ranking of “growth points”

Calculation of the multiplier effect of investment projects

1. Development of a methodology for calculating the multiplier effect (“jobs + taxes”).

2. Assessing the effectiveness of investment projects

3 The development of tourism and recreational activities should be carried out on the basis of the tourism and recreational cadastre

It is advisable to carry out the tourist and recreational cadastre of the territory according to blocks of parameters that reflect the characteristics of the most significant components of the territory’s landscapes.

The tourism and recreational cadastre is currently understood as: 1) a systematic collection of data, including a quantitative inventory of natural objects and phenomena for recreational purposes. It must contain geographical characteristics, data on the dynamics, degree of research of an object or phenomenon, recommendations for use, necessary protection measures; 2) a set of data on territories intended for recreation and restoration of human health.

The tourism and recreational cadastre serves as the basis for developing a plan for the development of tourism and recreational activities and achieving the greatest possible efficiency. Local authorities should coordinate the development and functioning of the territorial recreational system (TRS), so it is advisable to conduct a cadastral assessment within a specific administrative-territorial unit.

When assessing the resource potential of a territory (regardless of the nature of the resource being assessed), as a rule, two main approaches are proposed:

· private assessment of potential, based on the construction of a system of indicators, each of which reflects individual aspects of sustainable development (economic, environmental, social, etc.);

· an integral approach to assessing potential, based on the construction of a generalized indicator, on the basis of which one can judge the degree of sustainability of the natural, socio-economic development of an object.

In order to simplify the use of the results of the recreational cadastre at the level of the regional administration, it is proposed to use an integral approach to the assessment of tourism and recreational resources. In contrast to the approach of a private assessment of tourism and recreational potential, summing up in the form of a complex system of private assessments, an integral assessment is based on the construction of a generalized indicator, on the basis of which one can judge the quality and quantity of the region’s resources and their suitability for exploitation.

For each assessment parameter, each assessed area of ​​the district (in our case, the landscape) receives a certain number of points. The individual parameters of the territory being assessed are combined into blocks of parameters (for example, a block of parameters of a hydrographic network or biological resources of the territory). Then, based on the results of comparing the sum of points received for each parameter in a given block, each landscape receives its own rank. The higher the characteristics of the landscape for the development of tourist and recreational activities according to the evaluated parameters, the greater the sum of points and, accordingly, the higher the rank of the landscape. To obtain an integral assessment of the recreational value of landscapes, the ranks of landscapes obtained for each block of parameters are summed up and the final, integral rank of each landscape is determined - from the first rank - the highest, in descending order (Table 1).

The following blocks of parameters were used in this work:

Assessment of the morpholithogenic basis;

Assessment of the hydrographic network;

Aesthetic features of landscape landscapes (based on the results of assessing key points);

Assessment of biological resources of the territory for the development of tourism and recreation;

Historical and cultural heritage of the territory;

Level of infrastructure development;

Environmental restrictions for the development of tourism and recreation.

Conclusion.In the structure of assessing the tourist and recreational potential of the territory, taking into account the presence and development of historical, cultural and sports and recreational resources of the region, it is necessary to include the calculation of the multiplier effect of investment projects. To do this, it is necessary to develop a methodology for calculating the multiplier effect (“jobs + taxes”), assess the effectiveness of investment projects and develop recommendations for private and public investors.


The information stored in ISOGD is the basis for city development planning, allows for control over the use of urban territory, and timely reservation of land plots in accordance with development plans. When determining the possibility or impossibility of starting new construction, the existing situation, territory development plans, urban planning regulations, regional and local urban planning standards, and established restrictions on the use of the territory are taken into account.

Based on data on the current state of affairs for all components of the urban planning process, the system allows you to monitor the timeliness of issuing urban planning documents and predict the implementation of the main activities of the master plan.

The system information can be used to prepare tenders for the sale of land plots or the right to lease them, and to draw up urban planning plans for land plots.

The presence of information cards on any documents and objects of the system allows you to generate all the necessary reports according to specified parameters (for example, a report on the number of square meters of housing construction delivered in a selected area for a specified time interval, etc.). Automation of document flow allows you to quickly prepare reports on working with requests from legal entities and individuals and make the necessary management decisions based on such reports.

The system ensures the generation of reports according to established forms, for example:

list of issued permits for putting objects into operation;

list of issued construction permits.


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Types of urban developments

Information system for supporting urban planning activities (ISOGD)- a systematized set of documented information on the development of territories, their construction, land plots and other information necessary to provide individuals and legal entities with reliable information necessary for the implementation of urban planning, investment and other economic activities, organized in accordance with the requirements of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. Includes materials in text form and in map form. Maintaining ISOGD can be automated.

Approaches to Understanding

Currently, there are two main approaches to understanding the term ISOGD.

In the narrow sense, ISOGD is a system containing information about urban planning documents, i.e. “card file” in which such information is stored. The narrow approach is based on a literal interpretation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 9, 2006 No. 363 “On information support for urban planning activities,” which defined ISOGD as a systematized set of approved urban planning documents, and established requirements for the composition of information resources of ISOGD. Such card index systems, intended exclusively for ensuring accounting and registration of urban planning documentation, are called “ISOGD - 363”. Such systems can be implemented in the form of automated information systems or information systems maintained using paper books of accounting and registration of information.

At the same time, the list of actual functional requirements for ISOGD, imposed by employees of state authorities and local governments authorized in the field of architecture and urban planning, is much wider than the list of requirements provided for by the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation.

In a broad sense, ISOGD is a metasystem (system of systems) that provides information support for many different processes of life support and development of the city. Such a comprehensive system includes several classes of software: GIS (geographic information system), EDMS (electronic document management system), DBMS (database management system), EAR (electronic administrative regulations management system), SKK (information classification and coding system) , web portal, and also organizes access to SMEV (system of interdepartmental electronic interaction).

Legal basis for maintaining ISOGD

Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 56, 57 City Code of the Russian Federation);

Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation”;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/09/2006 No. 363 “On information support for urban planning activities”;

Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2007 No. 85 “On approval of documents for maintaining an information system for supporting urban planning activities”;

Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2007 No. 86 “On approval of the procedure for inventory and transfer to information systems for supporting urban planning activities of local governments of information on documents and materials for the development of territories and other information necessary for urban planning activities contained in documents adopted by state authorities or bodies local government";

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development dated February 26, 2007 No. 57 “On approval of the methodology for determining the amount of fees for providing information contained in the information system for supporting urban planning activities.”

Three-level ISOGD

Until 2011, the Town Planning Code provided for the possibility of creating ISOGD only at the municipal level. Almost immediately it became clear that in order to effectively manage the development of urban and regional territories, regional and federal information systems in the field of urban planning are needed.

In 2005, the GIS Association proposed a Concept for the formation of a three-level information system for supporting urban planning activities. However, this concept was not implemented.

The new edition of the Town Planning Code (dated March 20, 2011) provides for the possibility of creating town planning information systems at the regional level (Part 3 of Article 57.1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation) and the creation of the Federal State Information System for Territorial Planning (FSIS TP).

Today the task is to ensure the integration of multi-level systems into a single three-level information system for supporting urban planning activities and organizing the interaction of ISOGD with SMEV.

Purpose of ISOGD

The purpose of maintaining ISOGD is to provide state authorities, local governments, individuals and legal entities with relevant and reliable information necessary for the implementation of urban planning, investment and other economic activities, and land management.

Composition of ISOGD information

Main sections of ISOGD

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/09/2006 No. 363, the ISOGD includes the following main sections:

1. Documents of territorial planning of the Russian Federation as they relate to the territory of municipalities;

2. Documents of territorial planning of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in terms of the territory of municipalities;

3. Documents of territorial planning of municipalities and materials on their justification;

4. Land use and development rules, amendments to them;

5. Documentation on the planning of the territory of the municipality;

6. Knowledge of natural and man-made conditions;

Maintaining ISOGD

Information systems for supporting urban planning activities are maintained by local governments of urban districts and municipal districts by collecting, documenting, updating, processing, systematizing, recording and storing information necessary for carrying out urban planning activities.

ISOGD can be carried out in the form of “manual” processing of paper documents, as well as using computer tools - automated ISOGD (AISOGD). The scope of automation depends on the specific development and implementation and can be represented by both automation of accounting and registration of information stored in a paper archive, and storage of electronic databases of documents, spatial data (maps) in electronic form in a database and their display using geographic information systems ( GIS).

Providing information to ISOGD

ISOGD information is open and publicly available, with the exception of information classified by federal laws as restricted access. The body maintaining the ISOGD is obliged to provide information from the system at the request of state authorities, local governments, individuals and legal entities. The provision of information to ISOGD is free of charge or for a fee. The maximum fee for providing information is established by the Government of the Russian Federation and is:

For providing information contained in one section of the ISOGD - 1,000 rubles;

For providing a copy of one document contained in the ISOGD - 100 rubles.

Users of ISOGD information

The main users of ISOGD information are:
Government departments ;

2. Beregovskikh A.N. Proposals for amendments to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. The goal is to create a three-level information system for supporting urban planning activities -

3. Beregovskikh A.N. Information support for urban planning activities in Russia. Proposals for bringing ISOGD to a three-level form -

4. Beregovskikh A.N. Information and analytical systems for managing urban development of the territory

7. Information resources of Russia - About ISOGD

9. Zaleshina M.V. Information technologies in urban planning: yesterday, today, tomorrow -


Wikimedia Foundation.


    See what “Information systems for supporting urban planning activities” are in other dictionaries: Information systems for supporting urban planning activities

    - a systematized set of documented information about the development of territories, about their construction, about land plots, about capital construction projects and other information necessary for the implementation of urban planning activities; the purpose of conducting I... Information systems in urban planning - 1. Information systems for supporting urban planning activities, a systematized set of documented information on the development of territories, their construction, land plots, organized in accordance with the requirements of this Code...

    Official terminology- a system of observations of the state and changes in objects of urban planning activities, which are carried out according to a unified methodology by studying the state of the living environment; information M.o. subject to inclusion in the state urban planning... ... Environmental law of Russia: dictionary of legal terms

    - (FGIS TP) information and analytical system that provides access to information contained in state information resources, state and municipal information systems, including information systems... ... Wikipedia

The automated information system “Monitoring - InGEO” is designed to automate the tasks of ensuring urban planning activities in the architecture and urban planning authorities at the municipal level. AIS OGD "Monitoring - InGEO" allows you to organize accounting and registration of information on urban planning documentation, accounting for the provision of information to IS OGD in accordance with the provisions of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Government Decree of the Russian Federation No. 363 of June 9, 2006. “On information support for urban planning activities”; Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation No. 85 of August 30, 2007 “On approval of documents for maintaining IS OGD.”

Main functions of AISOGD "Monitoring - InGEO"

    accounting and registration of information on urban planning documentation, search and provision of information to IS OGD. Automated generation of books, questionnaires, files; accounting of incoming and outgoing correspondence, resolutions of higher organizations. Monitoring the passage of documents to contractors, monitoring the processing time of applications. Automated preparation of standard letters, requests, appeals. Maintaining statistics on registered requests; maintaining an address plan of a settlement, a register of streets, a register of addressable objects. Automated generation, accounting and search of documents confirming the fact of assignment and confirmation of the object’s address; accounting for the production of engineering surveys (topographic-geodetic, geological) on the territory of a populated area. Automated generation and recording of permits for engineering surveys. Accounting for issued source map materials for engineering surveys. Automated accounting and registration of engineering survey reports; maintaining zonal regulations of the settlement. Accounting for the content of Land Use and Development Rules, automation of the processes of maintaining zonal regulations of a settlement. Automatic substitution of zonal regulations information into city planning permits generated by the system; accounting for information about urban development changes in the territory, registration and search of register and spatial data about urban development changes;
    • taking into account technical conditions for connecting construction projects to utility networks, automatically generating requests for obtaining opinions on the possibility of connecting to utility networks and taking into account technical conditions issued by the relevant engineering enterprises; automated generation, accounting and search of permitting urban planning documents:
    • Urban planning conclusion on the conditions for locating the facility;
    • act of choosing a land plot;

A collection in the system of documented information that is necessary to provide local governments, legal entities and individuals with the most reliable information for carrying out investment, economic and urban planning activities - this is the answer to the question: ISOGD - what is it. This information system is organized in accordance with the principles of the Urban Planning Code of Russia and has all the information about land plots, territory development, and others. Now interested parties can apply for any information and find out how ISOGD works, what it is, and always get what they want, since the materials here are contained both in the form of maps and in text form.


The information system was created in December 2004 on the basis of the State Urban Cadastre (State Urban Planning Cadastre). For this purpose, the required amount of information from the City State Committee was transferred to city districts and local self-government bodies until July 2006. It was then that it became known about ISOGD, what it is, and whether the innovation is more functional in comparison with the old GGC system.

To introduce the information of the State Civil Code, the following regulations were used: Chapter 11 of the Town Planning Code of 1998, Government Decree of July 29, 1998, set of rules SP of 1996, SNiP (resolution of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 1996, Instructions on the approval procedure, development, approval and examination of urban planning documentation (order of the State Construction Committee of 2002).

Legal approach

Today there are still several interpretations of the understanding of ISOGD, what it is. First of all, this is a system only for municipal districts and urban districts, carried out with a minimum set of functions in the amount of information taken into account by the system prescribed by the Urban Planning Code. The semantic content - without the legal component - of this term is understood as an information system for any person participating in urban planning activities, providing all the information for its implementation.

ISOGD of the Moscow region, for example, is a unified database on the construction and development of its entire territory, on land plots and engineering structures and communications located within their boundaries, on each capital construction project, as well as many other necessary information. Any government services are provided there in the form of information related to urban planning. The purpose of registration and placement of information in the ISOGD of the Moscow region is to systematize and update information about the development of territories and their development.


In 2006, a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was issued, according to which the Information System for supporting urban planning activities took a user-friendly form. The ISOGD sections should be as follows.

1. Documents relating to the municipality - territorial planning.

2. Documents for planning territories of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in a municipal formation.

3. Documents and materials to substantiate them regarding territorial planning in the municipality.

4. Rules for development and land use with amendments to them.

5. Territory planning documents.

6. Documents on the state of natural and man-made conditions.

7. Documents on the withdrawal and reservation of plots for municipal or state needs.

8. Documents on developed and subject to development land plots.

9. Cartographic and geodetic materials.

In addition, new sections are constantly being created and maintained by decision of local governments so that any ISOGD certificate is available to those who need it.

Functions and procedures

To approve documents for maintaining ISOGD, an Order of the Ministry of Regional Development was issued in 2007, according to which books and documents were approved for performing the following procedures.

1. Accounting for documentation that is received for placement in ISOGD; design documentation is also included here.

2. Registration of documentation that will be placed in the information fund.

3. Placing documentation in the information fund.

The organization's business processes are supported by BPMS or EAR (electronic administrative regulations management) and project management programs. For databases there is a DBMS (database management) and MDM - Master Data Management (master data management), NSI (regulatory reference information) or SKK (information coding and classification system).


In addition to the above software, there are in the system, for example, ISOGD areas of electronic data storage. GIS (geographic information system) and CAD (with the help of which computer-aided design is done) work with spatial data.

Analytical data processing requires business intelligence tools. The user interface is provided by a corporate portal, geoportal, and web portal on the Internet. Programs also interact with each other automatically, for which a service-oriented architecture (SOA) and SMEV - interdepartmental electronic interaction are provided.


Currently, the Urban Planning Code of Russia requires the maintenance of information systems to support urban planning activities at two management levels. This is the federal level - FSIS TP (Federal State Information System for Territorial Planning) and the level of municipal districts and urban districts, which are also required to maintain their own ISOGD in accordance with the Urban Planning Code and the Federal Law.

In information support, urban planning activities are carried out, in addition to the two above, also at the following levels: regional, at the level of rural and urban settlements and at the level of individuals and legal entities. Each level has its own laws and regulations, all of these options will be discussed below.

Federal and regional levels

Many changes were made to the Town Planning Code in 2011, including the introduction of Article 57.1, which defines the FSIS TP, that is, the Federal State Information System for Territorial Planning. The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation has been operating this system since 2014. Previously, this function was performed by the Ministry of Regional Development.

Today, regions do not conduct ISOGD everywhere, which, however, does not limit any subject of the Russian Federation in making independent decisions regarding the adoption of regulations that regulate both the creation and maintenance of ISOGD in their own region. The Ministry of Economic Development has already been instructed to consider and create a unified software and hardware solution for informatization in the regions.

Central Federal District

According to the action plan of the Strategy for Social and Economic Development of the Central Administrative District until 2020, executive authorities need to report quarterly to the ministry on the implementation of information systems to support activities in the field of urban planning.

Regions in which regional ISOGD is already underway: Volgograd region, Kaluga region, Kaliningrad region, Moscow region, Orenburg region, Yaroslavl region, Tyumen region and some others. A bill is being prepared on new amendments to the Russian Town Planning Code, which includes clauses regarding the creation of ISOGD.

City district and municipal district level

All municipal districts and urban districts are required to maintain ISOGD in accordance with the Federal Law and the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation. This is carried out by local government bodies through independent collection, processing, documentation, updating, systematization, subsequent recording and then storing the received information, which is necessary for urban planning activities.

Townships prepare and issue and perform a variety of other functions in the urban planning field. However, neither the Law nor the Code directly indicate the need to maintain ISOGD. In January 2015, the Law was amended, and powers for ISOGD were transferred to municipal districts from rural settlements. A number of cases demonstrate reverse transfer on the basis of direct contracts, therefore, rural settlements now require appropriate information support to maintain their own ISOGD. The work schedule is approximately the same everywhere with regard to providing the population with information, certificates and documents related to urban planning activities.

Level of legal entities and individuals

Scientific, commercial, design, public, survey, construction and other organizations, as well as individuals, are also participants in urban planning. The Urban Planning Code in its current edition does not regulate in any way, but also does not limit the creation and maintenance of ISOGD by legal entities and individuals, since this helps them conduct necessary and useful activities in the field of urban planning.

Information systems that help individuals and legal entities conduct such activities may be different. The most commonly used are modern Building Information Modeling or Building Information Model systems. ISOGD information remains publicly available and open, except for those classified by federal laws as restricted access categories. The body that is authorized to maintain the system complies with the ISOGD regulations and must provide system information upon any request from state authorities, local governments, as well as legal entities and individuals.

“The service for providing information contained in the State Information System for Supporting Urban Development Activities of the Moscow Region (ISOGD of the Moscow Region) is carried out in electronic form. We are talking about providing individuals and legal entities, through the portal of state and municipal services of the Moscow region, with a public service for issuing information from the bank of urban planning documentation of the region,” said Vladislav Gordienko, head of the Head of Architecture of the Moscow Region. The authority responsible for the provision of public services is the Head of Architecture of the Moscow Region.

The service allows you to obtain information contained in the ISOGD of the Moscow Region, in accordance with the provided sections, as well as copies of urban planning documents developed for the territory of the Moscow Region.

To receive the service, the Applicant (his representative) can contact the Head of Architecture of the Moscow Region in electronic form through the portal of state and municipal services of the Moscow Region (RPGU MO)

The service is intended for individual entrepreneurs, individuals and legal entities. Also, their interests may be represented by another person acting in the interests of the Applicant on the basis of a power of attorney confirming his authority. The Applicant can track the current status of service provision in his personal account at the RPGU MO.

The service is provided within 5 working days from the date of registration of the application and is carried out on a paid basis. Price provision of information contained in one section of the ISOGD of the Moscow Region - 1000 rubles. The cost of a copy of one document, for example, a GPZU, a construction permit or an input permit, contained in the ISOGD of the Moscow Region is 100 rubles. You can pay for obtaining information and documents at the RPGU MO.

The result of the provision of the service is a certificate of information contained in one section of the ISOGD of the Moscow Region, copies of documents contained in the ISOGD of the Moscow Region, or a refusal to provide a public service.

The applicant can receive the result of the provision of public services at the RPGU MO in his personal account in the form of an electronic document. If necessary, the result can be obtained at the MFC.

If it is not possible to submit an application from a personal computer, the MFC will provide the applicant with free access to the RPGU MO, and MFC employees will also be able to provide consulting support on the procedure for providing the service.

“Maintaining ISOGD of the Moscow Region ensures the formation of a unified information space of the Moscow Region and allows for more effective management of the development of the territory of the Moscow Region. In addition, we have optimized the decision-making process in the urban planning sector for all stakeholders - from state authorities, local governments to developers and residents of the Moscow region,” noted Vladislav Gordienko.

The transition to the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form increases their accessibility and quality, and ensures information transparency of urban planning activities.

The applicant can receive methodological and advisory support on the provision of public services by calling 8 498 602 84 70, ext. 55115

For information.

Names of sections of ISOGD of the Moscow region:
1. Section I “Documents of territorial planning of the Russian Federation as they relate to the Moscow region”
2. Section II “Documents of territorial planning of the Moscow region”
3. Section III “Documents of territorial planning of municipalities of the Moscow region, materials on their justification”
4. Section IV “Rules of land use and development, amendments to them”
5. Section V “Documentation on territory planning”
6. Section VI “Study of natural and man-made conditions based on the results of engineering surveys”
7. Section VII “Confiscation of land plots and reservation of lands for state and municipal needs”
8. Section VIII “Developed and subject to development land plots”
9. Section IX “Geodetic and cartographic materials”