How to install windows 7 updates. How to install windows updates. Important process

Updating and installing Windows 7 updates

Updates released for Windows 7 are one of the key foundations of security, reliable operation and best performance operating system.

This article will cover all possible options installations current updates for Windows 7 OS. In conclusion, we will consider possible mistakes and ways to correct them.

Installing the Service Pack for Windows 7

The Windows 7 Service Pack is a critical update that contains components that ensure system stability. Its installation will help keep the operating system up to date for as long a period of time as possible.

Checking for an update package

Click the Start button, click right click mouse Computer, select Properties.

If there is an inscription Service pack 1 (as in the screenshot), it means the update package is already installed on the computer.

Possible ways to install an update package

It is possible to order a disk with an update package from Microsoft. To do this, you will need to indicate the version of the system used on the computer (32-bit or 64-bit). But this method is not preferable, since today a large number of users already have high-speed access to information resources. Therefore, let's move on to the simplest and quick option- downloading an update package using Windows Update.

Disk space requirements

First of all, you need to make sure that you have enough free space on your hard drive, even though most of the downloaded files will be automatically deleted after installation.

Minimum free space:

  • 32-bit system (x86): 0.75 GB
  • 64-bit (x64): 1 GB

Preparing for installation

Before you install the update package, we recommend that you complete the following steps:

  • Create backups everyone important files(for example, on external device such as USB, CD or DVD, or on a network folder).
  • Using mobile device such as a laptop or netbook, connect it to the network alternating current and do not unplug the power cord during installation, and do not perform reboots.
  • Some antivirus software may block the update package installation process or significantly slow it down. You should temporarily disable or remove your antivirus. Don’t forget to resume anti-virus protection after installing the service pack.

If on your workstation Automatic updates have already been configured, Windows Update will prompt you to install the service package.

If you are not prompted to install, you must do the following:

  • Check that your computer is connected to the Internet.
  • Click the Start button, go to the All Programs menu, and then Windows 7 Update.
  • On the left side of the window, select Check for updates.
  • If important updates are found, follow the link to view them in detail. From this list, select Update Package for Microsoft Windows(KB976932), and then click on the OK button.
  • Click Install updates.

Administrator rights are required to install the service package. If you are prompted to enter an administrator password or confirm your rights, enter one or confirm your current administrative rights.

After the installation is complete, log into Windows 7. If the update is successful, an informational message will appear.

If the service pack is not listed, you may need to install other security updates before installing it. First, install all important updates, then return to the Windows 7 Update page, and then click on Check for updates again.

Download and install Service pack from the Microsoft Download Center

If you have problems installing an update package using Windows 7 Update, don’t despair! It is possible to download it from the Microsoft website and install it manually.

  • Go to the Microsoft website to download the Windows 7 update package and click on the Continue button.
  • Select the 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) version of the service pack (depending on which Windows version 7 You installed) and click the Download button.
  • To immediately begin installing the update package, click the Open (or Run) button. If you need to install the update package later, click the Save button and download installation file to the computer. When you are ready to install it, double-click on it.
  • You should read the on-screen instructions during installation. The computer may automatically restart - there is nothing to worry about.
  • After the installation is complete, log into the operating system. A notification message should appear indicating whether the update has been completed.
  • Don't forget to turn on your antivirus software if you deactivated it before updating.

To find out what version of the operating system you have installed on your computer, open the Start menu, click right key Click Computer and select Properties. By going to the System section, next to the System Type you can see the type of operating system.

Installing current updates in Windows 7

In order for Windows 7 to automatically check for and install updates as they become available, you must enable automatic update.

Important updates will be provided to you significant benefits, for example, will increase safety and reliability. It is also possible to configure automatic installation Recommended updates that fix minor problems and improve your computer's performance.

Optional updates will not be downloaded or installed automatically unless you choose to.

Install language packs only for languages ​​used in the system. In order for some updates to complete their installation, they require a restart of the computer. To prevent data loss, close all applications and save them before rebooting.

Installing drivers and optional updates

To install optional updates, you need to view the list of updates that Windows 7 will display for your computer and select the required ones. Optional updates may not be installed automatically.

  • Open Windows 7 Update.
  • On the left side of the window, click Check for updates and wait while the search is performed latest updates for your workstation.
  • If a message appears about the availability or need to check for optional updates, click on it to view and select those optional updates that also need to be installed.
  • To obtain additional information about optional updates, select them from the list by clicking the mouse button. Check the box for the updates you want to install and click OK.
  • The choice has been made. Click Install updates.

If required, please read and accept the terms and conditions. license agreement, click the Finish button. If you are prompted to enter an administrator password or confirm your rights, enter one or confirm your current administrative rights.

Actions taken when problems arise

The most common ways to get updates are manual check updates and automatic updates. There are often cases when checking and installing updates is prevented by problems with the computer, tools antivirus protection or Internet connection. In these cases, you can do the following:

I'll start with the conclusions, and then there will be detailed instructions about how I recommend updating the Windows 7 system, as well as about automatic updates, about checking for updates manually, how to turn off updates and why you shouldn’t turn them off. Go!

Updates need to be installed. A good way to do this is " Look for updates, but the decision to download and install is up to me».

And when messages appear from Windows Update that new updates have been found, you need to take the time to download and install Windows updates.

Periodically, you can manually check for Windows updates using the “Search for updates” option (number 1 in Fig. 1), without waiting for these updates to be detected automatically. And, if updates are found manually, also install them on your PC.

With this approach, the Windows 7 operating system is up to date and will be maximally protected from.

Let's now figure out how to set up updates and how to install them so that they remain useful without being annoying. Windows users 7.

Where is the Windows 7 update program located?

This program is called Windows Update. She can be found

  • through the Search line (the “Start” button – enter the text without quotes in the “Search programs and files” line: “Windows Update”),
  • or through the “Control Panel” (the “Start” button – “Control Panel” – “System and Security” – “Windows Update”).

After this, the Windows Update window will open on the screen, as shown in Fig. 1:

Rice. 1. Windows Update window

In this window we will be interested in two options: “Search for updates” (number 1 in Fig. 1) and “Setting parameters” (number 2 in Fig. 1).

Setting up Windows 7 updates

To configure updates, click on the inscription “Setting parameters” (number 2 in Fig. 1). A window will appear to select how to install Windows updates (Fig. 2):

Rice. 2. Window for setting up Windows 7 updates

Screenshot in fig. 2 was made in the Windows 7 Professional operating system. For others, the update window may look different.

Windows Developers 7 offer users of this operating system 4 ways to install updates (numbers 1 – 4 in Fig. 2).

If you are interested in the question “How to enable Windows 7 update?”, You need to choose one of three methods:

  1. “Install updates automatically (recommended)” (number 1 in Fig. 2).
  2. “Download updates, but decisions about installation are made by me” (solid twos, because in Fig. 2 there is a number 2).
  3. “Look for updates, but the decision to download and install is made by me” (number 3 in Fig. 2).

The question of how to “turn off Windows 7 update” is solved using the fourth method:

Let's look at all four methods in more detail.

I would also recommend this method, if not for one thing. It consists in the fact that searching, downloading and installing Windows updates is a rather complex and time-consuming task for a computer. This process does not go unnoticed by the user. While searching, downloading and installing updates, the computer loads heavily and slows down the execution of other tasks and programs. And at the end of installing the updates, it generally begins to require a system reboot.

And all this happens, as a rule, at the most inopportune moment. When there is no time to stop (pause) work and restart the PC.

For some reason, here I would like to recall Murphy’s law: “Left to themselves, events tend to develop from bad to worse.” That’s why I don’t want to give the operating system the ability to search for, download and install updates on its own.

Let's look at the second method of installing Windows 7 updates.

Method 2 “Download updates, but installation decisions are made by me”

Understanding that installing updates requires additional loading PC and requires a reboot for the final installation of new programs, Windows developers offer us this, more simplified option than the previous one (“Install updates automatically”).

Because the automatic search updates and downloading them also require PC resources and also diverts computer power to these processes.

And this makes it difficult for users, again at the most inopportune moment, as luck would have it. And here I would like to remember Murphy’s Laws: “When things are going well, something is bound to happen in the very near future” and “When things are going badly, in the very near future they will go even worse.”

Therefore, let's leave this method Windows updates alone, and let's move on to the third method.

Method 3 “Search for updates, but the decision to download and install is made by me” or How to disable automatic updates in Windows 7?

Here we see minimal distraction of computer resources. Namely, resources are diverted only to find updates for the Windows 7 operating system via the Internet.

Found updates will not be downloaded to the user's computer until the user decides to do so. This method is especially convenient for those who have Internet with limited traffic. Because downloading updates is extra megabytes downloaded from the Internet

Therefore, despite the fact that this is only the third method on the list for installing Windows updates, this is the one I recommend for PC users.

We will look at how to download and install updates further, but for now let’s move on to consider the fourth last method installing Windows updates.

This is the last, 4th method to update the Windows 7 system.

And here I agree with the Windows developers that this method cannot be recommended for computer users.

Because by using this fourth method, the PC user thus refuses to receive and install any updates. And this can lead to an increase in security threats to the operating system and an increase in its vulnerability.

In addition to selecting the method for downloading and installing Windows updates, in the window for selecting a method for installing Windows updates, check the following boxes (see Fig. 2):

  • "Receive recommended updates the same way you receive important updates"(number 5 in Fig. 2). Windows developers, in order to completely confuse PC users, came up with not only important (or in other words, mandatory) Windows updates, but also so-called recommended updates. It is not possible to distinguish one from the other. Therefore, in order not to get confused, you need to check the box next to this inscription.
  • "Allow all users to install updates on this computer"(number 6 in Fig. 2). Why is this? If there are several accounts on the computer that can be used various users, or even one user under different accounts, then this checkbox gives all of them the right to download and install updates. The checkbox is useful, because otherwise you can forget about updates for a long time if you work under account, where updates will not be allowed. And this can lead to an increased threat of computer vulnerability.
  • "When updating Windows, provide updates for Microsoft products..."(number 7 in Fig. 2). This is also a useful checkbox, since it allows you to receive not only updates for Windows operating system files, but also receive updates for application programs, such as Microsoft Office Word and so on. These application programs They also improve over time, and receiving updates for them allows you to have the latest versions.
  • "Show detailed notifications when new Microsoft software is available"(number 8 in Fig. 2). You don’t have to check this box, since this is a kind of consent to receive advertising information. You can do it, it won't be any worse.

So, let’s set the third method for installing Windows updates: “Search for updates, but the decision to download and install is made by me.” And check all the above boxes (numbers 5-8 in Fig. 2).

Then click the “OK” button (Fig. 2). The window for choosing how to install Windows updates will close.

Let's move on to installing Windows 7 updates

Windows Update is now set to constant search new updates. While there are no updates, the Windows Update window will display the message “Windows does not require an update” on a green background, as shown by number 3 in Fig. 1.

But as soon as new updates appear and they are found, you will see the inscription “Download and install updates” with a yellow stripe (Fig. 6) indicating the volume that is to be downloaded from the Internet. The information is useful because for owners limited internet traffic, it allows you to decide whether updates can be downloaded.

For example, if traffic is limited to 50 Megabytes (for example, when using mobile Internet), and you will have to download 100 Megabytes of updates, then such information will be a warning that this is not necessary.

Checking Windows 7 updates manually

Updates can be checked manually, without waiting for an automatic program to do it for us. To do this, in the “Windows Update” window, click on the inscription “Search for updates” (number 1 in Fig. 1). A running green line “Search for updates” will appear (number 1 in Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Manually check for updates using Windows Update

After some time, the search will end. The search result may be

  • lack of updates,
  • found optional (recommended) updates or
  • Mandatory (important) updates found.

Both required (important) and optional (but recommended) updates can also be searched simultaneously.

Installing Windows 7 updates

In Fig. 4 below shows the Windows Update window after searching for updates, when one optional (recommended) update is found.

Rice. 4. Windows Update window after completing the search for updates, when one optional (recommended) update was found

In the window that opens, check the box (number 1 in Fig. 5) opposite the name of the update (in in this case– this is an update for the program), and then click on the “OK” button (number 2 in Fig. 5):

Rice. 5. Prepare to install the optional update

After this, we will return to the Windows Update window (Fig. 6), where the message “Download and install selected updates” will appear indicating the download size (in this case, it is a small volume, only 417 KB). Here you should click on the “Install updates” button (number 1 in Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Completing preparations for installing the optional update

Immediately after this, the installation of Windows updates will begin. In the window (Fig. 7) the message “Updates are being installed...” will appear (number 1 in Fig. 7). And below it the installation progress will be shown. The installation of updates can be interrupted at any time by clicking on the “Stop installation” button (number 2 in Fig. 7).

But in general, it is not recommended to interrupt the installation of updates. It is better to wait until the installation is completed, although in some cases this may take quite a long time.

Rice. 7. Performing the Windows update installation procedure

Once the installation is complete, the message “Updates installed successfully” may appear, as shown in Fig. 8. But if there are many updates and they are complex, then you may need to restart the operating system. In this case, a Windows Update window will prompt you to reboot. It is advisable to agree to this and reboot the operating system to finally complete the installation of updates.

Rice. 8. Windows update installation completion window

When rebooting the Windows 7 operating system after installing Windows updates, you must not turn off the computer until the complete cycle of unloading (stopping) the system and then booting the system has been completed. This can also take a decent amount of time, but you need to be patient and complete this process in a normal manner without interrupting it halfway.

Also, during a reboot, blue screen messages may appear indicating the progress of installing Windows updates. It will show what percentage of the installation is complete.

As a rule, when unloading the system, updates are installed at 30%, after which the computer turns off for a moment and begins to boot again. During download, updates are already installed 100%, which may also result in messages being displayed on a blue screen.

And yet, why do we need updates?

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Updates are an integral part of any software product. Developers never stand still, constantly improving their work own programs and optimizing their work. It’s no secret that large software products require downloading updates almost every week, but for users this is a waste of time and an “unnecessary” reboot of the computer, so annoying notifications can be easily turned off in the settings and “sleep peacefully.”

However, such a policy in relation to programs and the operating system will not lead to anything good. Updates help optimize the operation of the software, which means it increases the speed of its operation and allows you to forget about annoying errors or incorrectly working functions.

Windows Update

Windows operating system updates are one of the most important, as developers optimize the OS, improve security, and also fix bugs. If you are the lucky owner licensed copy Windows, the Update Center by default checks for updates and notifies the user about their availability, so if you see a dialog box asking you to download and install the update, do not hesitate to agree or put it off for 1-3 hours until you have the opportunity to take a break from work.

Automatic update

If the update center is disabled or you want to check for updates for your operating system manually, you need to open the following window from the menu:


Opening “Windows Update”

Press the button “Checking for updates for your computer” and wait for the search results. If there are updates, we agree to download them and after the download and installation are complete, reboot the computer.

Manual update

Often there is a need to update the operating system of computers that are not connected to the Internet. What to do in such situations? Use third party software.

WSUS Offline Update- This indispensable program for those who need to receive latest updates for Windows for computers not connected to the Internet. The program downloads updates to a computer with an Internet connection, and then offers to save the data in ISO format or just burn it to DVD. Then it will be enough to unpack the files on the selected computer and enjoy the updated operating system.

The program will also help you load the C++ Runtime libraries, Microsoft Security Essentials, Windows database Defender Definition and much more.

Software updates

With programs, as a rule, everything is somewhat more complicated, since not all developers provide an automatic update function via the Internet when releasing updates, so they often have to be downloaded manually.

Automatic update

Agree, almost every computer has several dozen, if not hundreds, installed various programs. Each of them allows users to perform various tasks: From watching movies to editing photos or designing buildings. Large companies, such as Adobe or Sony regularly release updates for current versions software products, which not only expand functionality and fix bugs, but also significantly improve software optimization.

Manually updating each program individually is too time consuming - this process can take a whole day, depending on the amount of software installed. In such cases, update search programs that collect information about current versions come to the rescue. installed software and compare with what the official website of the developers offers.

Appupdater- This small program, which was developed by a group of enthusiasts. The program allows you to check for free software updates from a small list compiled by developers. If there are updates, the program appears in the list indicating the official website of the program.

FileHippo AppManager- it's small and easy program, which is developed based on more old program called FileHippo Update Checker, but unlike its “parent”, it allows you to immediately download and install updates. Allows you to find updates for most popular software products. Distinctive feature program is that it can also find beta versions of your applications.

Ninite Updater Free is a simple solution for finding updates for your software. Before downloading the program, users need to select a list of software on the official website whose updates you are interested in. The developers offer free and paid version programs, the differences between which are in the list of supported software, speed and additional functions.

Manual update

If on your personal computer There are not many programs that need to be updated, so you can search for updates manually.

You can check for updates via SettingsUpdates.

If such a function is missing, then simply go to the developers’ website ( Menu - About the Program) and look up-to-date information O current version programs.

The essence of this article is about updating the Windows operating system.

To this day, almost 85 percent of users, after installing the Windows operating system, disable automatic system updates or do not install them at all.

which leads the system to exhaustion. If you use Windows without updating it, its coefficient will drop useful action And .

Let's look at an example of how any program behaves if you do not install an update. Let's say you were asked to choose a scary, unkempt, dirty girl and a blonde with blue eyes, red lips and divine gifts of nature.

Which of these girls will you choose? Of course, you and any other normal man will choose a blonde with the divine gifts of nature. In our example, the blonde is the operating system update, that scary girl is the outdated update, and you are the software. This is roughly the process that occurs in a computer system. In this article we will look at how to install updates correctly. Nowadays, 9 out of 10 users use pirated operating systems, only one out of 10 uses a licensed one.

Before installing the update, you must follow the rules if you are using a pirated system. In the update folder there is a file that verifies the authenticity of this system.

Microsoft throws this file 1 2 times a maximum of three times a year, a file that verifies the authenticity of the operating system; it must be deleted. Here is the code for this update: KB 905474

If your computer has a genuine operating system installed, we install the update without checking any files.

First, let's set up a schedule for installing the update. Go to Start - Control Panel - System and Security - Center windows updates. Next we go to setting up parameters, in this section we need to configure the update installation mode.

Here we are interested in the installation mode “install updates automatically” and the mode “look for updates, the decision and installation choice is made by me.”

We select the first mode if you have installed licensing system. This will allow us to automatically install updates after the computer is turned off.

After installing the update, the computer will automatically turn off.

We select the second mode if a pirated version is installed on your computer. windows system.

Before installation, we need to check the package against the authenticity file. In the “install updates” section, select daily. We select the time when you turn off the computer and go to bed and click ok, in my case it is 12 o’clock at night. These settings are used to automatically install the update. We return to the “windows update center” section, then look at the picture

In the picture we have two sections: “important updates” and “not” mandatory updates" Go to important updates this list looking for files:

List of updates to remove

  1. KB971033
  2. КB977069
  3. KB977643
  4. KB978000
  5. KB978277
  6. KB979241
  7. KB979533
  8. KB979619

If these files are present, select all files except these files and install updates. According to experts and user discussions last time It is not recommended to install updates on a pirated operating system.

microsoft company created hidden updates verifies the authenticity of the operating system. Based on all this, decide whether you need these updates or not. If you have a licensed system, updates install without any problems.

WITH right side There is a “view update log” section in which we can view the list of installed updates.

There is still an option to delete installed updates. To do this, go to installed updates,

if for some reason you installed the above updates, remove them.


Attention: when deleting an update, be careful; if important files are deleted, the system will stop working or display blue screen of death. It is advisable not to remove installed updates.

That's all friends, let's finish the operating system update article here, use it licensed programs and update your system every day. I hope the post was useful, if you have any questions, write a comment.

You might be interested

Updates are software add-ons that fix problems, improve security, reliability, and performance of your computer. By default, updates are installed automatically, as Microsoft recommends this method for installing updates.

But let's figure it out: is it worth installing updates? automatic mode, or are there other options.


For this we will open Windows Update. There are several ways to open the Update Center

  1. Click Win key+R and enter the command
    control /name Microsoft.WindowsUpdate
  2. Start - All programs - Windows Update
  3. Start - Control Panel - Windows Update

In this window, select the item Settings. By default, updates are set to install automatically. In this case, there is no need to search for updates on the Internet. Windows will automatically check for the latest updates for your computer and install them. If you want to control the update process yourself, then select the item Don't check for updates

Now, to receive updates, you will have to manually search for updates. To do this, in the Windows Update window, just click the button Check for updates. After searching, you will see a list of updates that are currently available.

Note: Updates are divided into important, recommended, optional and major:

  • Important updates provide significant benefits in security, privacy and reliability. They should be installed as soon as they become available and can be installed automatically using Windows Update.
  • Recommended Updates may fix less significant problems or make using the computer more convenient. Although these updates are not intended to correct significant problems with your computer or software, Windows software, their installation can lead to noticeable improvements. They can be installed automatically
  • These are updates, drivers, or new Microsoft software that make your computer easier to use. They can only be installed manually.

Selecting important updates to install

To install the update, select the one you need, or uncheck the box if you think that this update is not needed. (In my case I don't use Windows Defender because I use something else software for protection, so there is no need to install this update). For each update there is brief information, which are presented in the right half of the window.

Selecting optional updates

In this case, we select those updates that we consider necessary for our computer, or we do not select them. If we do not select anything this time, then no updates will be installed.

Warning: If automatic updates are disabled, be sure to check regularly for new updates to be available

If you have problems receiving new updates, follow these steps:

  • If automatic updates are enabled but updates cannot be installed, try updating manually.
  • Run antivirus and antispyware programs before starting Windows Update. Make sure your computer is free of viruses and malware.
  • Close all programs and restart your computer. Another program may be interfering with Windows Update.
  • Check your Internet connection. Before you run Windows Update, check to see if you can connect to other websites.
  • If you know what update you need, such as a service pack or security update, you can find it on the Microsoft website. Most updates have knowledge base (KB) articles that describe the updates and provide instructions for manually downloading and installing them.
  • Check the service mode. Start - Administration - Services. Mode Auto or Manually