How to install a deserter on a group in VK. Useful VKontakte applications for working with communities

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For several years now, many VKontakte users have been tracking members of groups and communities who have joined and left using the Deserter application. It has its advantages - it has essentially become the de facto standard in this area. But there are also disadvantages - the system has become a hostage to itself.

At the end of 2017 there was alternative system- VKPatrol. What are its advantages:

First of all, it monitors VKontakte groups as quickly and often as the user needs. Apparently, the progenitor became a victim of those who need to “try.” When registering with VKpatrul, 3000 checks are issued - this is enough for many months test mode, then, when exhausted, users in the free mode are disconnected. Rather, this model is more honest - no, no. But at the same time, it frees up server capacity for those who want better service.

At the same time, you can get even more for free than in Deserter - monitoring of up to 10 groups, every 6 hours. IN original application the average interval is a day. In addition to the list of those who joined/left, which, by the way, can be displayed for any time interval and the results are stored almost indefinitely, the user also receives a graph of changes in the size of the observed group for free. If he needs it.

Any, most minimum payment makes the user of the VkPatrol group monitoring service privileged: the restriction on the number of monitored groups is immediately removed, in addition, the minimum interval between community “slices” is now 1 hour. Moreover, this preferential treatment is not limited in time. Even if the money on your balance runs out, it is saved. Such gratitude to everyone who supported new project from its creator.

By the way, about money. Although they are present in the system, as mentioned above, for a long time you don't have to think about them at all. The system is built on the principles of “no monthly fee” - that is, everything that is paid is spent only for business.

If, for example, you need to monitor who has joined and left 5 VKontakte groups and it is enough to check the lists every 12 hours, and the number of participants in the groups does not exceed 20 thousand, then a gift balance of 3000 checks will be enough for almost 5 months!

Example of a VC group size chart

There are also standard features— export id for use in targeting advertising campaigns, links to the pages of those who came and went. At the same time, VkPatrol in fact turns out to be more law-abiding than its great-grandfather Deserter and many other applications for working with Vkontakte. It does not download, store or process personal data of network clients. Thus, it does not violate their rights.

There are additional ones, including free Services:

1. Monitoring suggested posts - for those who run several groups at once or one group that is rarely updated, it may be convenient to upload them all to the system, which will monitor with specified frequency— is there anything in the “suggested” ones? As soon as something appears, a message will be sent to email, containing the number of new posts, a link to the community in which they appeared, and even the proposed post itself. You can evaluate whether there is something new and not miss anything.

2. Graphs of the number of VKontakte groups - without the need to receive each time those who came and left the groups, you can monitor any interesting groups. It doesn’t matter how many participants there are. The service is conditionally free - for 1 check, 1 unit is debited from the balance.

3. Comparison Vkontakte groups by participants - will answer the question - who is in someone else’s group, but who is not in mine? Who is in group A and B, but not in C. Or vice versa. Allows you to compare and find differences between VK communities and communities and the id list. Including those obtained as a result of monitoring groups on those who came and left.

In a word, there will always be an alternative to the VK Deserter. There is absolutely no need to buy points, watch ads every time you log in, and put up with the fact that your results are lost over time. There are options without advertising, without monthly payments, but with much more advanced features. The VKPatrol service is one such excellent option.

As they say, not even 2 years have passed. Oh no, it's already passed
Attention! All applications are described at the time of publication of the post. The author is not responsible for changes/termination of functionality.

I continue to pay off my 2013 debts. You can follow all parts of the review saga using the hashtag. During the time I was accumulating material, many applications ended their life, so they were not included in the review. Some instances are truly a pity. C'est la vie. By the way, from now on you can be guided not only by my smart reviews, but also go to the application of all applications - Application catalog. In it, the programs are sorted more or less logically - as it was before the global redesign of this section of VK. If this is not enough, then welcome to a special group by catching interesting applications. There is somewhere to dig.

I again divided the applications into several categories:

Friends and subscribers

Search for “dead” members and subscribers
Does the same thing as Blocked Friends, but better and bigger. In addition to friends, it allows you to take measurements for any user and any group. At the same time, it allows you to export the id of blocked accounts for later comparison and does not show advertising. Evaluate the greed of developers and make a choice

Black Mark

Adding to the emergency situation is a smart way to avoid things getting too hot and to protect your comfort zone from encroachment. How many zones have you crossed? Manually checking even a list of a couple dozen friends is tedious. After launching the application, it immediately begins scanning friends and friends of friends for the presence of an emergency situation (they say, what to pull is clear from the name). In general, it’s logical: the list includes people from the closest social circle and the category “friends of friends” is quite enough for analysis.

Search for those who care
Does the same thing as the neighbor above, with an emphasis on communities. Indeed, it happens that blood enemies are united not by a former friendship, but by belonging to the same group. Restrictions:
1) does not work for any group, but only in those that you have joined
2) it is impossible to analyze all groups in one pass. Although it would be terribly long and hard for the browser.

Who has more

Interesting data about your page
The application with a curious name is quite primitive: it counts likes on the wall and in photographs. There is no other information or details (who liked what and when). Minimalism

Laikomer 2
Popular app with advertisements and details. Likes are measured on several fronts: photographs, videos, walls. In addition to the total number of likes/reposts, statistics are kept for each person noted and for each object of analysis. Thus, you can see who liked this or that image, video, or wall post and how many times. A competitive aspect has been added - comparison by likes with friends. There is motivation to invite more friends, because the statistics are in open access, and you can see the data of each friend who took the measurement.

Analysis of posts from the wall of any user/community. The rating is based on the number of likes, reposts or comments. Measuring the popularity of materials is a fascinating thing. For example, the most liked post by Pavel Durov at the moment is his current avatar, posted in August 2012, more than 800 thousand “likes”. And the message most widely spread by reposts is a refutation old rumors about the imminent closure of VK.

Rating Photo
A twin of the wall recording analyzer for photos. There are also no restrictions, any id will be researched. Sorting is carried out only by likes, but the rating looks clear and beautiful. Thanks to the filter, the minimum number of likes for selection into the rating is set (default - 1), so as not to waste power on counting images that you don’t like very much. Like "Posts", an extremely entertaining time killer. There is nothing better than ranking the most popular photos of your pretty schoolmates over a cup of coffee. Somewhat reminiscent of Zuckerberg's original idea for Facemash. The only thing missing is the comparison between users/communities; you’ll have to write it down in a notepad manually


Online time
Services for monitoring activity on social networks have reached the social networks themselves. Now these are also built-in applications in VK. The topic is fertile, so the level of monetization is consistently high. The "Online Time" application in free mode allows you to follow only one person. Statistics are kept from the moment of registration, entry and exit times are recorded. It looks like an improved “My Time Online”, which, let me remind you, only gave you the opportunity to monitor yourself and be careful. Tariffs for larger number biting slots with a minimum of functions. However, there is a unique thing - a list of friends with the time of last access to the Internet (free).

Spying on friends
A much more advanced observation post. There are no restrictions on the number of people being tracked; they may not be friends at all (don’t let the name confuse you). The report on online activity is more diverse: here and beautiful graph with interest, and the type of device from which the visit was made. True, data older than a month is deleted, unlike previous application. The second function is changes in friends. It may not be enough for some to know who is being removed from their own list or a list of group members. This application reveals to us who friends add and remove. You need to put a person under surveillance and wait a little. The third function is to find out how friends behave on their friends’ walls, what they write, comment and like. Until VK rolls out its Ticker (friends' activity feed), the analysis of other people's walls will be something like spy game. And for this the application asks for money, or rather, three coins for a session of magic with exposure. They are obtained for dedication to the task - systematic visits to the application, and for something else.

Friends Online. Mutual friends.
Consists of two non-overlapping functions. "Friends Online" is almost the same as "Online Time", but for three people instead of one. Paid version No. " Mutual friends" - search for mutual friends. Unlike "People", the search is carried out not between you and friends, but between two arbitrary users with names displayed. Who is friends with Masha and Dasha at the same time? Which of them will lend some money? Who should I go to? spend the night?

Who does my friend like?
If you are too lazy to collect coins in "Surveillance...", welcome here to free cheese. Actually no, surveillance here is based on a different parameter - friends’ likes on photos from the page (yes, not even on all photos). So this is just additional tool, albeit no less entertaining.


Music Friends
A tedious application for detecting shared songs with each of your friends. I don’t know why you have to poke manually instead of quickly analyzing everything at once. Apparently this leads to greater engagement. In my case, this contributed to irritation, because one by one I can already enter the lists of audio friends on my own.

One Wave
That exceptional case is when I provide a link to an external site instead of VK. I have an excuse for this: once upon a time “One Wave” was posted directly on VK, then something went wrong, so eat what they give you. Moreover, it is more automated than the previous one. Perhaps there is not enough analysis of individual songs (how many friends have a playlist, this is not difficult to implement). Unfortunately, another application of this class, “My Musical Friends,” has died completely (thanks to spammers and the captcha on a large number of requests as a response).