How to remove voicemail on mts. How to turn off voicemail on Megafon? Step-by-step instruction. Video “Managing voicemail on MTS”

Lack of information about the card balance can put you in an awkward position. Few people want to find out about the impossibility of paying for an already selected purchase directly from the cashier. Sberbank clients have the opportunity to quickly obtain data on the amount of money on the card account using cell phone and check the information with it.

How to find out how much money is on a Sberbank card via SMS?

Operators issuing the card inform the client about ways to control the client’s balance. They are also obliged to introduce the functionality of the personal account, and offer services that make life easier for the user, and provide assistance in familiarizing themselves with the functionality. One of these conveniences is SMS notification of all transactions.

The user will be informed about replenishment of the account or expenses when the “SMS notification” service is activated by a small text from the service number. But this service is paid: 30-60 rubles are debited from the account monthly for the service and the opportunity to find out information. From the notification you can find out the transfer, its purpose, the exact amount and balance: all the data that may be required to account for expenses.

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See how much money?

To see how much money is in your account when the SMS notification service is activated, just find the correspondence with the technical support service from number 900 and read last message. Not a single transaction will be hidden from the service: the same package will allow you to be safe from unauthorized actions with a plastic card or online bank.

If the correspondence is deleted, you can request your balance at any time: you can do this regardless of the connected services:

  • call the call center;
  • send an SMS request from the mobile number specified during connection;
  • contact the bank in person;
  • look through an ATM issuing funds, including from another organization;
  • use a self-service terminal;
  • get all the information in your Sberbank personal account.

For each of these methods, there are client identification methods that prevent receiving confidential information third parties:

  • To contact a Sberbank branch you will need a passport;
  • for SMS notification - assigned phone number;
  • to call from another number - code word and card details;
  • for operations with terminals and ATMs - card and its PIN code.

Free from another number

Today you can check the balance of a Sberbank of Russia card account from any phone number, if the connected one is unreachable. To call the call center you need to dial one of the toll-free service numbers:

  • 8495 788 92 72;
  • 8 495 500 00 05;
  • 8 800 200 37 47.

After answering questions about identity, card details and code word identification, the operator will report the account status.

How to check an account on a Sberbank card via phone via SMS

It’s not difficult to remember how to check the balance on a Sberbank card via SMS. Short service number 900. The command recommended for sending a request is “BALANCE + the last four digits of the card number of interest.” The answer will come with any version of the word “balance”: Latin, Cyrillic, capital and lowercase letters. If the user has only one card account, it is not necessary to enter its number. The system also reacts to the text “RESIDUE”, which is similar in meaning, or the corresponding encoding “01”.

How to find out the balance, how to check?

The account balance will be shown by the corresponding function of any ATM. It is worth considering that this information from third-party terminals may be paid, so it is recommended to use only visible ATMs with the Sberbank logo, which provide information for free.

Availability of necessary funds

SMS notification provides only basic figures about the account status. Full information will be given by the bank branch operator or electronic Internet account. In it, you can slowly view all transactions and find out the balance for all types of accounts:

  • debit;
  • credit;
  • bonus under the “Thank you from Sberbank” program.

How to find out the balance of a Sberbank card via SMS 900

To find out your account balance via SMS, you need to send a corresponding request to special number 900. The message will arrive within a few seconds. If this does not happen, a number of measures can be taken:

  • make sure that the phone is within network access and the request status is “sent”;
  • check that the phone's memory is not overloaded.

Difficulties with SMS notifications from Sberbank arise among users of “gray” phones. According to reviews from technicians, resetting the settings to factory settings solves the problem.

Account information

The reply message from number 900 will contain all required by the user information:

  • debit the card without taking into account the credit limit, if one was provided;
  • total card balance;
  • available funds if the payment instrument has a transaction limit.

Is it possible to make multiple requests?

Bank cards are very practical and easy to use, but they have a small disadvantage - unlike a wallet, you cannot view the balance of a bank card directly. Initially, banks had the opportunity to check available funds only at ATMs and operating cash desks, but this was not very convenient. With development banking technologies, it has become possible to check the balance of a Sberbank card via the Internet, via an SMS request or a phone call. This can be done in your Sberbank Online personal account, through the service Mobile bank or by calling the Call Center.

Ways to check balance

Total available 5 ways how to find out the balance of money on the card (arranged in descending order of convenience and information content):

  1. To Sberbank Online
  2. Via Mobile Bank
  3. By phone hotline
  4. At an ATM
  5. At a bank branch

To Sberbank Online

If you have access to the Internet, how much money is in your account can be checked in Sberbank Online - this is the most convenient and informative way, because you can see not only the “hard numbers” of the balance of money, but also detailed information: who, when and where. Also, you can request changes to the card account for the desired period of time, and not just for this moment, plus do graphic extract movement Money On account.

The big advantage of this method is its mobility, information content and the absence of financial costs for obtaining information.

  1. Internet required
  2. Lots of additional information
  3. You can request an account balance not only for today, but also for any period of time
  4. For free

Via SMS service

To do this, you must first connect to Mobile Banking. To find out the balance of money on your Sberbank card via phone, just send to number 900 SMS message: BALANCE (possible options- BALANS, 01). If several bank cards are attached to the Mobile Bank, then you need to add the last 4 digits of the number of the desired one.

A very convenient way when there is no Internet access, because... to check the balance of funds, just send an SMS message to number 900 from your phone. The disadvantage of this method is its limitations (it will only show the available funds at the time of the request) and cost 3 rubles per request For economical package Mobile bank + SMS fee mobile operator.


  1. Any Mobile Bank tariff is suitable
  2. No internet required
  3. Just send SMS message BALANCE to number 900
  4. Paid (for economy tariff)
  5. Payment for SMS to telecom operator

By phone call center


  1. Free and remote method
  2. Identification or customer code required
  3. The time spent responding is on average 3-5 minutes.
  4. Option to check balance without Mobile Banking
  5. For free


Any ATM or payment terminal of Sberbank has a function for checking the card balance. Just insert it into the ATM, enter the PIN code and select the “Request Balance” section in the information menu. This method convenient only when the required ATM is within walking distance, or when you need to print a receipt with the relevant information.

At a bank branch

You need to contact your bank operator. It is enough to have a passport with you and know.

Today, almost everyone has a plastic means of payment from Visa. It is important to monitor the status of credit and debit cards. There are several methods for finding out the balance of a Sberbank card. For this they use mobile app, official website or quick service terminals.

How to find out the balance of a Sberbank card via SMS

All clients who have opened a bank account should attach their mobile number to it. All expense transactions can be controlled from using USSD-commands and messages. How to find out the balance of a Sberbank card via SMS:

  1. You need to generate an SMS with the text: ostatok/balance (choose any, Russian-language is allowed) and the last 4 digits of the number on the plastic.
  2. Send a message to a special short number: 900.
  3. Receive a response SMS.

You can send such messages only if your phone balance allows you to pay for them at the operator’s rate. In response to the sent request, a message will be sent with the following information:

  • quantity available funds;
  • the amount that can be spent on purchases;
  • amount for cash withdrawal.

How to find out the balance on a Sberbank card from your phone

In addition to checking your bank account balance using messages, you can call the bank's customer support number. To do this, you need to write down the phone number 88002003747 and use it to control your balance. This number is also available to clients to resolve many issues (emergency card blocking, confirmation of transactions, consultations on the services provided).

How to find out your balance using this method:

  • dial the hotline number;
  • after the answering machine works, you need to press pound on the keyboard;
  • dial the number plastic card;
  • press the hash mark again;
  • enter the first letters of the code word in numbers;
  • if all the data was entered correctly, you will be taken to the main menu where you can find out the balance amount.

How to find out the balance on a Sberbank card at an ATM

The most popular way to view your balance is to use a bank terminal. As a rule, they are installed in all major shopping centers. To check your balance, you need a plastic card and a PIN code for it. The instructions are very simple:

  • insert the tool into the terminal;
  • enter the PIN code;
  • select the desired section;
  • receive data by check.

How to find out the balance of a Sberbank card via the Internet

The most modern option to check your accounts is to do it online. To do this, you will need to register in the remote customer service system, a computer, and an Internet connection. How can I find out the balance on a Sberbank card online? First, connect to the remote service system at the bank branch. After ordering the service, you need to register on the website. In his personal account, the client can view any information, top up his account, and make a transfer.

Instructions on how to check your balance:

  1. Log in to the online service system.
  2. Enter the code (will be sent as a message to your phone).
  3. After authorization, you can immediately view all your accounts opened with a given financial institution.

How to find out the balance on a Sberbank card through a mobile application

An ideal option for attentive clients who are accustomed to monitoring the balance of funds on their own card accounts is a mobile application. To use it you need to connect to the system remote access and register on the site. You can download the application on any smartphone. After authorization in it, install security code access of five digits, after entering which you can enter the program.

How to find out the balance on a Sberbank card:

  1. Connect to the Mobile Bank remote access system at a branch of a financial institution.
  2. Register on the official website.
  3. Download the application to your phone.
  4. Log in to the program.
  5. See all your accounts at once.

Video: how to find out your Sbercard balance

Hello, dear readers of Ruslan Miftakhov’s blog! Often you urgently need to find out the amount remaining on your plastic card, and a mobile application or ATM is not always available.

How to check your bank card balance in similar situation? You will find the answer in today's article. Let's look at all the ways to check the amount in an account.

Modern financial institutions offer several ways to assess the current balance of funds on plastic for cardholders. There are generally five options available:

  1. Through an ATM.
  2. Via smartphone app or Personal Area Online.
  3. By calling customer support.
  4. Using the bank's SMS service.
  5. When visiting the branch in person.

Let's consider each of the methods in more detail.

Checking via ATM

The oldest and almost always accessible way is to use an ATM. To find out your balance, you need to insert the card, enter the PIN code and go to the appropriate section.

After which the ATM will offer you to display your account balance on the screen or print it on a paper check. Choose what you are comfortable with.

It is worth mentioning that it is better to use the machines of your bank for this purpose, since others may charge a commission for this operation. The disadvantage of this method, as mentioned above, is that there is not always an ATM within walking distance.

The Internet is our everything

Checking your balance via the Internet is the most accessible and quick method to date.

This is especially true for smartphone owners: today any self-respecting bank has a mobile application, which allows you to check the amount of money, as well as perform other actions (from transfers to blocking) anywhere where there is Internet.

You just need to enter the application by entering personal password, and you will see the amount of your money, automatically updated when you connect to the network. Would you like to have such a balance on the card as in the picture below? You could say, who wouldn’t want to :)

Computer owners can find out their account balance in their personal account on their bank’s portal. However, in some banks it is necessary to activate the online banking function in advance.

The verification procedure is simple: open the site and log in to your account using your username and password. Current balance, both card account and other accounts of this client, will be displayed prominently.

SMS notification

Another simple verification method is the SMS service offered by any bank. True, this method is only available if the function is available mobile banking, connected during registration.

If it is connected, you will need to send short message to the information center number. The message may vary from bank to bank:

  • For example, for Sberbank you need to send an SMS of the form “BALANCE XXXXX” to number 900, where XXXXX is the last five digits of the number on the front side. The word “Balance” can be replaced with Balans, Balance, Remaining or Ostatok.
  • If you use Megafon, then you need to send an SMS with the text “BALANCE” to the number 5555. The system will provide information on the card assigned to the phone number from which the request was sent.

Sberbank, as a leader in Russian market among financial institutions serving individuals and legal entities, made sure that any owner of plastic cards, of which he is the issuer, can always be aware of the status of the account linked to the card.

To check the balance on your Sberbank card, you can use one of the methods described below. It is worth emphasizing that bank clients can at any time, upon the first request, find out about the amount of funds on a plastic card, using specially developed services.

Remote access services for checking card balances

You can check the availability of funds on your card while at home or in any other place, without going to a branch or the nearest ATM. For the convenience of the client, several convenient ways do it.

Request via SMS to Sberbank short number

For holders of a plastic card linked to a phone number, Sberbank offers convenient system manage your account. By sending a short SMS with a corresponding request to number 900, the client can carry out one or another operation, including checking the account balance.


  1. In your phone, in the “To” field, enter the Sberbank number – 900.
  2. In the field with the message text, write the word “balance” in capital or lowercase letters, Latin or Cyrillic.
  3. Press the “send” button and wait for a response SMS with the status of the account linked to the phone number.

Important! So in a simple way You can find out the account balance of only the card that is associated with a given phone number.

If the card is not linked to the phone, type the word “balance” in the text of the message followed by a space, the last 4 digits of the card for which you need information. For example: BALANCE 9104.

This free way checking the card balance, but your mobile operator may charge for outgoing SMS, depending on the tariff plan.

Balance request via USSD command

You can request your balance using USSD commands, which needs to be “called”. In other words, you need to make a call using a short number.

  1. Dial the phone number - *900*01#
  2. Click “Call”
  3. We are waiting for a message indicating that the request was successfully accepted.
  4. The card balance will be sent to you via SMS.

This method, like others, is free.

Through your personal account “Sberbank Online”

When opening a card, each client is offered to connect to the Sberbank Online service. If the client has not done this, then at any convenient time, if desired, he can carry out this simple operation at the nearest branch. This service is free and makes it possible to carry out almost any operation with your account remotely.

Checking the balance in this case will not be difficult.

To do this, you need to enter your username and password in the fields on the login page to your personal account. Then a confirmation window will open, where you will need to enter the code from the SMS that will be sent to your phone.

After this, a page opens with the client’s personal data, where cards, accounts and loans are indicated, if available. Here you can view the balance of any card the client has. Moreover, this service allows you to receive a detailed or mini-statement of card transactions: credits, debits and their dates.

Contacting support

This option also allows you to easily find out your balance anywhere and at any time of the day, since the support service is available seven days a week and 24 hours a day. To do this, you can call a short number or call 8-800-555-55-50.

Attention! Call to technical support Sberbank is absolutely free.

To obtain information about the card balance, you will have to enter the client number, which can be obtained by contacting a bank branch. This is a four-digit number that identifies a specific client and allows you to remotely receive any information on the account from the operator.

If you do not have such a number yet, then following the instructions from the answering machine you need to press the following key combination: bank cards - 2; card balance – 1. Next, the system will ask you to enter the last 4 digits of the card and press pound. After this, the answering machine will dictate: “(amount on the card) rubles is available to you” or will announce the debt, if any.

All listed methods accessible and simple. They can be used anytime, anywhere. But there is another proven and equally reliable method.

Find out the balance of a Sberbank card through an ATM or terminal (self-service device)

ATMs or terminals from Sberbank can be located not only in branches, but also isolated throughout the city in large stores, centers, at bus stops. Through these devices you can obtain information of interest. What is the sequence of actions at an ATM to find out the balance:

  1. Paste bank card to the receiving device.
  2. Enter your PIN carefully and accurately.
  3. Select the "Request Balance" option.

You will be offered 2 options (choose the one that suits you):

  1. Print on receipt
  2. Display

Important! Before starting service, make sure that the ATM belongs to Sberbank. Any operation in devices of third-party banks will write off a service fee, according to the tariffs of the organization that owns the ATM.

You can also find out the balance of a Sberbank card at the operator’s branch upon presentation of your passport, but to do this you will need to stand in line. That is why so many convenient and safe ways specifically for this operation. All of the above methods are free. There is no commission charged for them from Sberbank clients.