How to copy drivers and reinstall windows. Is it possible not to make a copy? What is better to use as a medium?

Question manual installation Drivers for Windows 8.1 and 10 are less relevant than for system versions 7 and lower. In the evolved operating system this process is automated, and drivers for the main computer devices are installed themselves during the Windows installation process. The exception may be the latest or rare components. And, of course, various devices connected to the computer peripherals. There are also emergency cases. Thus, certain computer devices (even if they are common components) may be without drivers after installing modified Windows builds. Another example: with missing drivers for some devices, we can get a system after it failed update. Store discs with drivers for laptops and PC components – good tradition, but even if they are lost, an alternative to looking for drivers on manufacturers’ websites can be to create backup copies of them in advance and restore them on a reinstalled system.

Backing up drivers, of course, cannot be considered a panacea, since this method of introducing them into the system may be limited by version and Windows bit depth. But this quick way solutions to the problem if the same version of Windows (with the same bit depth) is reinstalled and suddenly ends up without a driver for some device. Below we will look at 3 ways to create backups Windows drivers and, accordingly, their restoration.

1. DISM (for Windows 8.1 and 10)

Backing up drivers in Windows 8.1 and 10 can be done without third-party software, using the standard functionality - command line and the DISM tool. First you need to create a folder where backup copies of drivers will be stored. Naturally, this folder should be located on a non-system partition of the disk or external storage. Its name can be anything, but it must not contain spaces.

Press the Win+X keys and use the menu that opens to launch the command line.

Enter a command like this:

dism /online /export-driver /destination:D:\Drivers_backup

Part of the command “D:\Drivers_backup” is an individual path to a previously created folder where backup copies will be placed. After entering the command, press Enter. About completion Reserve copy drivers will be notified by a notification “Operation completed successfully.”

If on the pen installed Windows there are no drivers for some components, you need to go to the device manager (link quick access available in the same menu by pressing the Win+X keys). On a device with a missing driver, click right key mouse and select “Update drivers”.

We register the path of the previously created folder where the backup copies of the drivers were placed, or specify this path using the browse button. And click “Next” to restore the driver of the selected device.

The ability to create a backup can often be found among the functionality of programs for automatic installation drivers. These are programs such as: DriverPack Solution Driver Easy Driver Booster Pro, Advanced Driver Updater, Slim Drivers DriverMax Auslogics Driver Updater and others. Next, let's look at how driver backups are created, how the recovery process occurs using two latest programs.


The driver backup feature is available free of charge. Free versions one of best managers drivers - DriverMax programs. Go to the “Backup” section of the program. DriverMax provides two types of backup: the first is the creation of a regular point Windows recovery, the second is exporting drivers to an archive file. For cases of reinstalling Windows, of course, you must choose the second option. Select “Create driver backup archive” and click “Next”.

To restore drivers on a reinstalled Windows, install DriverMax program, launch and go to the “Restore” section of the program. Select the second item, as shown in the screenshot, and click “Next”.

Click the “Load” button and in the Explorer window specify the path to the folder with the exported drivers.

3. Auslogics Driver Updater

Like DriverMax, the Auslogics Driver Updater driver manager includes a paid and free version programs. Among the possibilities of the latter - driver backup Windows. Go to the “Backup” section of the program, select all or only some individual devices. And click the “Copy” button.

After reinstalling Windows, install Auslogics Driver Updater, move to the “Restore” section and click the “Import archives” link. Specify the path to the previously exported program file.

After that, in the program window, open the list of devices for which drivers were saved. By checking the box, select all or some of them and click the “Restore” button.

Have a great day!

Today, any driver for any device can be found and downloaded from the Internet, either individually or in entire collections, presented in the form of disk images. They are available for various models computers and laptops.

But it often turns out that after reinstalling the OS, in order to access the Internet, in order to subsequently search and download all necessary drivers, we first need to make it work network adapter. But an untrained user may not have the necessary driver files for it.

In this case, it helps to have another computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone, with which you can download and then transfer, using the driver, to the target PC. What should users who do not have a second device to access the Internet do, run to their friends? The answer is simple - of course not, you need to make a backup copy of all driver files installed on your personal computer in advance.

It's no secret that for these purposes the developers software there are many worthy solutions. Most of them work without any problems. But why, tell me, use third party programs, when it is possible to cope with the task using a popular system tool.

Perhaps you already guessed that we will talk about PowerShell of the Windows 10 operating system? So, we can safely use it and it will be effective. Let's proceed directly to the reservation process.


Launch PowerShell with administrator rights. To do this, click right click mouse on the “Start” button and select the desired menu item.

In the utility window, issue the following command:

Export-WindowsDriver -Online -Destination C:\BackupDriver

where “C:\BackupDriver” is the name of the drive and an arbitrary name of the folder where all the files we need will be placed.

That's all! Wait for the backup to complete, which may take several minutes. Now after reinstalling the operating system, you will know that all your drivers are up to date backup copy.

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If you decide to reinstall the operating system on your computer yourself, then do not forget about very important point, driver backup! Installing Windows must be preceded by some preparation, firstly, this is saving the drivers installed in the system, and the obligatory subsequent transfer of the backup copy with the drivers to a CD or flash drive, or to another partition of your hard drive, which will not be affected by reinstalling Windows. Otherwise, if the driver package remains on the hard drive with the operating system that you are going to reinstall, it will be overwritten along with the files of your old Windows when formatting the disk! This is necessary, first of all, if you have lost or had no installation disks to your components and you don’t have the time to search on the Internet for all the drivers that are necessary for the computer to work. In this regard, I present to you instructions for a program specially created for backing up drivers, called.

Download this program you can follow this link -download .

The installation process will not be difficult for you, let's get straight to the point. Open the program and click on the “Reservation” item.

Driver Genius starts scanning all devices for which drivers have been installed.

In the next window we see all the drivers available in your operating system. I recommend checking all the boxes in this box for your reservation.

Saving drivers

The next step is to select the type of archive you want with your drivers. The program gives us the opportunity to archive in four ways. I will not describe each one in order to save your time. Let's consider a method that involves creating auto-installer archive I’ll write why below. At the same stage, select the location where the archive will be placed, do not forget that you should save the backup copy on a disk that will not be formatted when reinstalling the OS or immediately after creating the archive, you should burn it to a CD or throw it onto a flash drive. After all, it will be very difficult to restore data after formatting a disk or flash drive and get your archive with drivers from there.

And finally we see the message, Reservation completed! The path to the backup copy is also indicated here.

This completes work with the Driver Genius program.
The next action that I will describe, you will have to perform already at reinstalled operating system. It is worth noting that if, for example, you saved drivers on a system with Windows XP installed, and in the future you plan to install Windows 7, then some of the drivers may not be compatible with the new operating system and you will still have to scour the Internet. And one more observation, if I may, when switching to Windows7 it is often impossible to install the system due to the fact that a lot of bad sectors and here a tool for checking and fixing errors on your hard drive will help you.
So let's continue. Since you and I have created an auto-installer archive, after we have reinstalled the system, you will not have to install the Driver Genius program. You simply find the Driver Backup file you created earlier and run it.

This is how it is decided problem with drivers on your computer. I advise you to do backup copy drivers without waiting for problems with your operating system to begin.

Usually, when reinstalling Windows, situations arise when you need to restore the most necessary things - this. It's good if you have installation disks with them. This is for the motherboard, video card, sound card, And so on. What to do if they are not there, but drivers are needed? You can, of course, resort to the Internet and download what you need from there, but there are situations when you are not in automatic mode or you need to search the sites yourself at the risk of getting . Therefore, I will describe to you a method where you can restore old drivers quickly and surely.

I will not describe what drivers are; I will only briefly write that a driver is a kind of utility that “explains” to the operating system what kind of devices are connected to it and how to work with them. There will be no drivers - there will be no normal operation with devices.
Often in Windows already minimum and standard drivers, even to a video card, but they won’t give it full-fledged work with a computer, so you need to install your own (original) drivers for each device.

How to install "firewood" in a standard way I already wrote above (via the disks that were included with the devices and the “computer”), but now I’ll explain how to make this process easier and more convenient.

Of course, to solve such a common problem, many methods and programs have already been invented. I will write about one of these programs in this article. The program is called Double driver and you can download it from the tab Downloads by selecting the program itself and one of the download sites

And yet, you don’t have to wait until you need to reinstall the system. You can make this copy of the drivers at any time or once every 2-3 months (whichever is more convenient for you) and save it somewhere on a flash drive or HDD. Just in case, but it might also come in handy later.

How to do it quickly copy of drivers For further recovery. Usually creation driver backup, is done when reinstalling Windows, or when copying drivers for the same hardware.

[Backup Windows Xp Drivers] [Backup Windows 7, 8, 10 Drivers]

Copy of Windows Xp drivers

Backup of drivers in the operating room Windows system Xp, we will do using Double programs driver. Therefore, first of all we need to download Double driver [Download Double driver]
After you have downloaded, extract everything from the archive and run the file dd.exe

Select an item Backup

Click Scan Current System for scanning drivers on your system

Now we choose those drivers which we need for backup copy. To do this, check the boxes. If you want to make a backup of all drivers, then go to Select All

All you have to do is press the magic button Backupnow and choose where exactly we will save our drivers (For example, drive D:)

Now all you have to do is wait 2-7 minutes, after which a success message will pop up. creating a driver backup

If we look at drive D:, we will see that the name of the driver folder is the name of our motherboard with today's date and time

Restoring drivers from a Windows Xp backup

In order to restore drivers from backup copy, open dd.exe

Select an item Restore

Click LocateBackup-> select the item Otherlocation and indicate the path to our drivers -> OK

Click Restore Now –> OK-> We wait 5-7 minutes until the recovery is successful, reboot the computer and that’s it! Recovery drivers from backup copy successfully completed!

Copy of Windows 7, 8.1, 10 drivers

For creating driver backup we will need Driver program Magician Lite – you can download it
After you have downloaded the program, unzip it and run it using Driver Magician Lite administrator

Now check the boxes for those drivers that you want to backup. If you are afraid of missing something, you can mark everything. I usually mark it either by date (the older the better, since some drivers are installed with Windows itself) or by the color red. After you have marked them (if you want to mark them all, click Select All), click Start Backup and specify the location where to save them)

Now wait 5-15 minutes while it is created driver backup
After the message Driver backup finishes successfully we can close the program

How to restore drivers in Windows 7, 8, 9

So, on the computer where you need to restore the drivers, press Winkey + R and enter devmgmt.msc - Ok.

The drivers that need to be installed will be located in the subsection Other devices. Also look at the video adapter. If it says “Standard video adapter” then it also needs to be installed or updated (from a backup copy of the driver). In the picture, drivers that were automatically installed are marked in green and drivers that are not are marked in red.

To restore the drivers, click on to the desired device right mouse button -> Select “Update drivers” - Search for drivers on this computer - Browse - Specify the folder where we backed up the drivers, then click Ok and Next. After some time, the system will install the selected driver automatically. You will need to do this with each unknown device.

Do this procedure for each device in the other devices list!