How to disable windows updates on your computer. Through the "Local Group Policy Editor". Disabling the Update Service

For all update operations, open Windows Update. To do this, click the Start button, select the “Computer” tab and click right click mice. A menu should appear where you need to select “Properties” and click on it. All that remains is to look in the lower left corner, where the second sub-item will be “Windows Update”.

If you were unable to get to the update center using this method, then you can try the second option: go to the “Start” menu, go to “Control Panel”, change the icon display to “ Large icons", and then go to the "System" tab. If this algorithm did not help you, then you can use the simplest option: click on the “Start” button and enter “Update Center” in the search bar and press “Enter”. After a couple of seconds, the search will give you a direct link to the “Update Center”, where you can enter all the necessary edits and settings.

For example, if you want to know how to disable updating Windows 7, the easiest way is to go to the “Settings” tab in the update center, select “Do not check for updates (not recommended)” and click “OK”.

As a result, we turned off automatic updates, but for the system this event is, first of all, negative. The first message from the Action Center informs us that changes have been made to the settings Windows updates 7: The flag in the lower right corner begins to loom with a red cross. Now, so that this flag does not annoy our attention, we need to disable this information. To do this, the easiest way is to single-click on the flag icon in the tray and click “Open Support Center”. In the window that appears, look for the sub-item “Support Center Settings” and click. Then all that remains is to uncheck the box next to “Windows Update”.

How to remove Windows 7 update

Many users after failed update Windows 7, which, they believe, has led to unstable operation of the system, they are trying to remove it as soon as possible. Indeed, if the cause of unstable operation or freezes is related to the update, then it is best to remove it. By the way, there is an opinion that in the new Windows 9 operating system there will no longer be such problems. To remove updates, you can use the universal algorithm, which will be given below.

Before disabling the Windows 7 update, call the “Start” menu, find the “Computer” tab and right-click. A pop-up menu should appear, where you need to select “Properties” and click on it. Then all that remains is to look in the lower left corner, where the second sub-item will be “Windows Update”.

Also pay attention to the left tab of the Update Center panel. There should be a "View Update Log" tab. Click on this tab. We will then be able to see all the updates that have ever been installed on the computer, and we will also see their status, importance and installation date.

It is by these parameters that you can identify which update has led to unstable operation and may entail the need to restore the Windows 7 system. And you can directly remove Windows 7 updates by clicking on the “ tab installed updates" You can also manage updates through the control panel. To do this, we will do the following:

  • call the “Start” menu;
  • then click on the “Control Panel” tab;
  • set the viewing mode to “Categories”;
  • select the “Programs” item;
  • Find the “System and Security” item in the left menu;
  • select the sub-item “View installed updates”.
  • All that remains is to select the update and click “Delete”.

    Starting with version XP, Microsoft developers introduced into the operating system special service updates, which is designed to solve problems of vulnerability, getting rid of all kinds of bugs and shortcomings. At the same time, many users wonder how to disable updatesWindows 7 . We will describe the algorithm for such a procedure, as well as the reasons why people get rid of such useful service, which by definition should improve the performance of the OS.

    According to the developers, such measures have a positive effect on the performance and performance of the operating system as a whole. Thanks to user feedback and testing, they identify mistakes and can eliminate them in a timely manner. This service will also help solve such problems as:

    • improving the operation of other services, as well as introducing new ones, within the same OS version;
    • installation of patches aimed at improving security;
    • replacement of certain system files, which are responsible for the performance peripheral devices connected to the computer.

    Why users disable Windows 7 updates

    Many experts and people say that why improve something if the operating system already works quickly and stably? In addition, certain packages can cause more harm than good. This can sometimes be indicated by the installation latest version drivers for component devices that are unstable and the user has to roll back to previous versions so that the equipment begins to function normally - this can also happen with the installation of OS updates. Among other things, it is also worth highlighting several more factors that directly indicate positive points disabling this function:

    • if the user is using a non-licensed operating system, then when installing some updates, this fact may come up, which will lead to the disabling of certain functionality, and in the case of disabling updates, this actually cannot happen;
    • “raw” update packages can lead to critical errors, after which only restoring or reinstalling the operating system will help solve the problem of OS performance;
    • all downloaded packages take up a fairly large amount of physical space, and if system partition quite small - this will lead to a lack of space, which will have a very negative impact on the performance of the computer as a whole;
    • some updates take a long time to install, and this happens when you reboot or turn off the equipment (a corresponding message appears on the screen that under no circumstances should you turn off the power until the updates are being processed), which also causes a lot of trouble if necessary turn off your laptop or computer immediately;
    • For people who have a limited Internet connection, this service will lead to additional costs, because everything necessary files downloaded directly from global network;
    • with a low connection speed, when downloading updates, opening sites will take a long time and actually visiting a particular page will take a painfully long time.

    If any of the above reasons may occur, it is recommended to disable this service. This can be done either partially (it will not work only in automatic mode, while the user, at his own discretion, can do this procedure at a time convenient for him) or completely, prohibiting updating even if the person decides to do so someday upgrade the OS. Let's consider each of these methods separately.

    Completely blocking installation of Windows 7 updates


    As a result, updates will not be installed, either independently or at the user’s request. In order to resume work, you must perform the same steps and enable this service.

    Disabling automatic OS updates

    Some upgrades are really useful. If desired, you can install them yourself, while other updates can be excluded and not installed. To activate this mode:

    After that auto mode will be disabled, the user will be able to update himself if he completes the above operations up to point 2, and then clicks on the “Check for updates” button.

    By default, in operating Windows systems 7 and Window 8 update system included. The so-called “Windows Update” is responsible for this; it is responsible for regularly receiving and installing updates.

    In some situations there is a need. For example, in order to save traffic. In addition, users disable the update pirated versions Windows. In this material we will talk about how to disable updating Windows 7 and Window 8.

    Disabling Windows 7 and Window 8 updates via Control Panel

    Open Control Panel. If you are using Windows 7, then you can open Control Panel from the Start menu, if you are using Window 8, then open start screen and search for “Control Panel”.

    In Control Panel, open System and Security.

    After this, the “Windows Update” window will open in front of you. In this window you need to click on the “Settings” link. This link is in the left side menu.

    The default method is “Install updates automatically”. In order to completely disable Windows updates, you need to set the method to “Don’t check for updates.”

    After you have changed the method for installing updates, you need to save the settings by clicking on the “OK” button. After these simple manipulations, Windows update will be disabled.

    Disabling Windows 7 and Window 8 Update Service

    Disabling it through the Control Panel is quite enough. But if necessary, you can also disable the service that is responsible for Windows Update.

    Open the Computer Management window. The easiest way to do this is by searching. Open the Start menu or Start screen (if you have Windows 8) and type “Computer management.” In the Computer Management window, go to the Services section.

    In the list of services that opens, find “Windows Update.”

    Open the properties of the Windows Update service, this can be done from the context menu or simply double click. After this, a window with the properties of this service will open in front of you. Here you need to change the “Startup Type” of the service from “Automatic” to “Disabled” and then click on the “Stop” button.

    After completing all the steps, close the properties window by clicking on the “OK” button. These actions will lead to complete shutdown services.

    Updates Windows sometimes are of dubious value. In the case of the tenth version, all updates except the first one after installing the system are very specific and controversial. Moreover, they always start unexpectedly, without notifying the user, and their sudden use causes a long reboot of the computer. However, you can interrupt updates at absolutely any stage.

    How to quickly abort an update

    If you want to quickly abort a Windows 10 update, depending on its stage, the first thing you need to do is the following:

    • if the update has just started downloading, disconnect from the Internet;
    • if the update has downloaded and the system asks to restart to apply it, do not do this under any circumstances;
    • If installation or application of updates begins when you turn on/off/restart the system, turn off the computer by holding down the power button on the case.

    Regardless of the option you are faced with, everything further actions will look almost the same. Now you need to start canceling the update that has started. For the last variant of the problem, start the system in safe mode.

    Starting the system in safe mode

    Starting the system in safe mode is guaranteed to help start the computer without installing downloaded updates.

    If you skipped downloading updates and turned off your computer, canceling them will pose some difficulties: every time you try to log in, an attempt will be made to apply the updates. At later times Windows versions 10 this problem has been fixed, but just in case it is better to start the computer in safe mode.

    How to cancel an update

    The described method is suitable for quickly interrupting an ongoing update. Now the update needs to be canceled so that you can safely turn on the Internet or restart your computer.

    There are several ways to cancel an update that has started. For example, enable metered connection or airplane mode. However, such methods will only interrupt the downloading of new packages and will not prevent the installation of already downloaded ones. The only way to guarantee that an update has started is through the command line.

    To resume the update, you need to repeat the above commands, replacing stop with start.

    How to permanently disable downloading updates

    The method mentioned in canceling the update also includes prohibiting further system updates. But there are others that will be more convenient and reliable in the long term.

    Via Group Policy Editor

    This method is not suitable for home version Windows and some unlicensed versions of the system, but by using it you will retain the ability to manual start system updates.

    Through services

    This method is available on all versions of Windows, but it completely prohibits system updates: you will not be able to download updates even by running the scan manually (the scan will run, but will not be able to find anything).

    Via Registry Editor

    This method can be considered the most correct, but also the least safe: it makes changes directly to the system configuration, and you can cancel it only after making similar actions again. If you intend to use this method, save the path to the parameter you are changing somewhere so that you can roll back the changes.

    Via Windows Update

    Blocking updates through Windows Update is official, but it is also the least reliable. In this way you will mark own connection to the Internet as a metered connection: updates are not downloaded through such connections in order to save traffic.

    Operating Room Updates Windows systems 7 play a very important role. Microsoft Company regularly releases new security packages operating systems users. They close system vulnerabilities, thereby protecting personal information user.

    But owners of unlicensed operating systems may encounter problems when downloading and installing patches from Microsoft. In such assemblies, they most often cannot be installed correctly. Or some kind of critical error, or one of the updates creates a conflict software. It may also happen that the system will be completely or partially blocked by one of the security updates for OS authentication. Such security packages arrive on your computer every six months to a year. For example, this is KB971033 or this is KB915597. By installing this or another similar security package, the system will be partially blocked until it is activated via the Internet or by entering license key in the system settings. In such cases, the question arises of how to disable Windows 7 updates to avoid all these problems.

    This is only a small fraction possible problems, which may appear in the system when installing the next batch of computer protection products. Therefore, when using a pirated build on your computer, searching for new patches on the network, automatic downloading and installation, it is better to completely disable it.

    Disabling security updates in Windows 7

    In Windows 7, disable updates - how is this done? Very simple.

    • Click on the menu button “ Start».

    • Next, click “ Control Panel».

    • Then " system and safety».

    • Windows Update.

    • In the left column of the window, select “ Settings».

    In the subparagraph " Important updates ", switch the settings to the last line where it says - " Don't check for updates" There will be a warning next to it in parentheses that this action Not recommended.

    IN licensing systems such packages do not create any problems or conflicts, in most cases. But developers can also make mistakes, and very rarely, but it still happens that some kind of unfinished program appears. In such cases, the problem is usually eliminated very quickly by the release of a new, decisive previous problem updates. Everything happens automatically without user intervention. The system itself finds, downloads and installs packages, if, of course, it is configured automatic download and installation by the user initially.

    Should I disable Windows 7 updates?

    You must remember that when you disable the search and installation of important system libraries files to protect you are putting your computer at risk. Attacks are more likely to occur on unprotected systems hacker attacks. This may result in at least freezes or unstable work OS, at most, loss of important data at the next virus attack. Also use pirated assemblies, with which updates are not friendly, without taking into account the ethical side of the issue, threatens with serious problems with the system.