Is Google Play paid or not? Android from A to Z: Purchasing paid applications on Google Play (Google Play) for residents of Russia and Ukraine

As you know, not every inhabitant of our planet is ready and willing to pay for licensed products. Many of us use pirated builds operating systems, rappacks of expensive games and prefer not to overpay for what they can get for free. However, today I will tell you 5 reasons in favor of buying applications and games in Google Play, but some of these reasons can be applied to other stores as well. Go!

1. Google servers

All applications, both free and paid, are located on Google servers. Firstly, due to the recently introduced moderation, all applications are checked for lice, so the likelihood that you download malicious content is minimized. Secondly, Google servers provide high data transfer speeds, for example, the speed of downloading the game cache from the Cloud is 200-300kb/sec, and from Google Play - 1.5Mb/sec. The difference is especially noticeable when downloading large games, so it's worth paying for a much faster download.

2. Guaranteed work

The new TS3 pocket clients have a wide connection to Google Play - it's easier to buy.
Some applications are strongly tied to Google apps, sometimes so much that even LuckyPatcher doesn’t help. There are more and more such applications, and pirates are losing more and more. We have to use old, sometimes buggy and unadapted versions that we managed to hack. But isn't it easier to buy full application? For me, yes, that's why I purchased the TeamSpeak 3 client for Android, because the older versions with a working hack are very inconvenient to use.

3. Developer support

4. Return option

Yes, it happens that some applications are simply not worthy of your money, sometimes you even want to punch the developer for his impudence. However, Google Play has long had the opportunity to return your payment up to two hours after the purchase. So your money won't just disappear.

I returned payments twice: when, after installing GTA: Chinatown Wars, I realized that it was not worth the money, and after the purchased theme for CM11 stupidly did not install.

5. For everything and forever

The purchased applications will always remain with you and you can always install them on another device connected to your account. It turns out that when you buy a program, you get it forever. New device? No problem - just connect it to your account and install the application again.


I hope I have convinced you that buying apps and games on Google Play is really worth it. Remember last step is always yours, and your decision depends primarily on you. In any case, happy shopping and piracy, see you next time!

To purchase an application or game in Play Market from a smartphone (tablet) or website You will need a bank or virtual card(credit or debit). I would like to note right away that Visa Electron and Cirrus Maestro are not suitable for these purposes. Detailed information You can find out from the bank that services your card.

Attention! Refunds for purchased applications can only be made within 15 minutes after the purchase. After this time, the money cannot be returned. Be careful and try to use trial versions of programs, if any, before purchasing.

Data about purchased programs is linked to your Google account and is saved during flashing and any other manipulations with the device, even when changing the device you are using. To link the card to your Google account, follow the link: .

Linking a card to an account in Google Wallet (Google Wallet)

In the window that opens, enter your credentials to authorize the Google account, which you use on your phone.

Please indicate the owner's name according to the stamp on the bank card, as well as the expiration date of the card. Postcode and the address must be the same as when receiving the card from the bank. It is advisable to enter the address in transliteration.

After entering your data, you must agree to the terms of service and privacy terms. If all data is entered correctly, an amount of $1 will be blocked on the card. This procedure necessary to confirm the correctness of the provided data. Within a month the money will be returned to your account.

Purchasing an application in the Play Market from a smartphone or tablet

For example PowerAMP player demonstrated how to buy applications on Play Market from a smartphone.

Click "Buy"

Select a card

Click "Open"

Find the necessary program and click "Buy". Select bank card(you can add several), check the box agreeing to the terms of use of the service and confirm the purchase.

If there are enough funds on your card, the amount is blocked and after a few days it is written off in full. The purchase is authorized and the application is downloaded. Ready!

Google Play isn't just about books, movies, music, and apps. This is also a store of the hottest devices, and if we're talking about about the USA, then at the most affordable prices in the world. But how to buy a brand new Nexus or Moto 360 2nd generation directly from Google, and not from a reseller or in an official store with a retailer’s markup? The answer is in this article.


Many people don’t know that you can buy more than just apps and games for your Android device on Google Play. Play Store- these are also books, films, music, and what is more interesting for us - gadgets collected under the wing of a search engine. That is, all inventions and reference devices that the corporation comes up with are implemented primarily there. But what’s most offensive is that they are implemented first in the USA, and only then, after some time, they reach other countries.

But you don’t want to wait until the devices, officially or not, get to you from the Mountain View region. What to do? How to buy a new Nexus directly from Google, and not from some huckster who added another 100% margin to its price? The answer is in this article.

Why is this relevant now?

At the recently held Google I/O, it became known that Xiaomi, together with Google, will soon release a TV set-top box. You say: “Well, so what? Xiaomi has already released a bunch of them, and Google at one time implemented its Nexus Player.” Yes, the Chinese really produced consoles, but they had one minus that was very sensitive for many - they were for the Chinese market with all that it entails... Xiaomi are famous for managing to create stuffed with software last word device technology at a very attractive price, and the “good corporation” is famous for its software solutions and innovations in the field of software. Now imagine this explosive mixture.

And now, anticipating the numerous questions “Where to buy a new 4K Mi Box on Android TV?” I decided to write this article. After all, it is obvious that the new Xiaomi Mi Box will initially be distributed in the USA, but it will not reach us soon and, naturally, at the margin of resellers.

Pros, cons and main fears of buying in the USA

The advantages are as follows.

You only need to purchase something on Google Play that is only available in the US once, and after that your account becomes American, regardless of your actual location and IP address.

For the Internet giant, you will become something like an American who constantly travels and is therefore far from home. What does it mean? This means that all subsequent purchases can be made easily and naturally, as if you were in America. All G-services that were initially available only in the USA will become available to you. On personal experience, I can tell you that after purchasing the Nexus 4, it was released almost simultaneously with it Play service Music, so very for a long time it was available only in the USA; it appeared in Russia much later, and in my native Kazakhstan, probably two years later. But I got to him full access almost at the start, along with a three-month gift subscription.

The second undoubted advantage is the prices.

In the company store they are always lower. At one time, I bought a Nexus 4 there, at the then exchange rate for 68,000 tenge. (13.6 thousand rubles) When it arrived at our stores, the price tag tended to 100,000 tenge. (20 thousand rubles), and in other places it exceeded this figure.

Well, the most important plus is obvious: you buy from Google itself!

Minuses. There are few of them and for the most part they are far-fetched.

The first thing that repels is the apparent complexity of this process. A natural disadvantage compared to a simple trip to the store, but in fact there is nothing complicated. The entire instruction fits into five points.

The second is waiting, but believe me, it’s not that tedious. And the point is not that delivery is very fast (and it is actually very fast there), but that we are talking about buying scarce devices that you are unlikely to buy anywhere in the near future. And they are bought not for one day, but for a long time. In a couple of weeks, the wait will go unnoticed, and when you open the treasured package, you will completely forget about everything.

The third disadvantage, which is actually a myth, is that if you buy something other than an officially opened store in your country, you won’t have warranty service. It's not like that at all. I have experience returning a faulty gadget and completely replacing it with a new one, without any problems, but we’ll talk about this in a separate article.

So let's get started

The whole process fits into five stages:

1. Registration with an intermediary
2. Preparing a Google account
3. Setting up your computer
4. Purchase
5. Sending a parcel from an intermediary to you

What do you need?

1. Any card suitable for online purchases, of course, with the amount required for the purchase.

2. Program for changing location. Download it from here.

Step 1. Registration with an intermediary

Since the product is sold and delivered only within the United States, we will need to resort to the services of so-called “mail forwarders,” that is, companies that forward parcels received to them and charge a small fee for this.

There are a great many of these companies, I personally chose Banderolka, they have acceptable prices, very responsive and, importantly, Russian-speaking support and even its own delivery service, bypassing the Russian Post. Well, and many more additional services, such as “buying assistance” - this is when you simply give them a link to the product you want, and they will buy it for you, the cost of the service is $10. I haven't used it myself, so I can't say anything.

It is also important that their warehouses are located in tax-free states, that is, you will not have to pay state tax (analogous to our VAT). They also put sweets in the package with a postcard, this is just a decisive factor;)

Of course, you can choose any other intermediary; this will not change the process much. Since I used their services, I will give an example of them.

The registration process on the site is quite simple. Everything is in Russian and will not be difficult for most users. Enter your email address and you will receive an email with a password and further instructions.

The intermediary will provide the most important thing - real address in the USA, to which the parcels will arrive.

  • go to the “My Account” section
  • fill in your first and last name
  • confirm your email address

After which you can see a sign with your address and telephone number in the USA.

Step 2: Set up a Google Account

Many people think that for such feints it is better to use the ears to create new account. Perhaps this will be more convenient for someone, but personally I just slightly changed my main one.

For this:

  • go to
  • “log in” and get to the page with your purchase history on Google Play, if you have one. We are interested in the “Address Book” section

  • add the address received from the intermediary there and make it the main one
  • Next, go to the “Payment Methods” section and enter your card there.

Important! When adding a card, indicate the intermediary's address in the USA in the payment address.

Step 3: Masking

After all these manipulations, close the browser, clear the cache and cookies; for this you can use the well-known Ccleaner utility.

Then install the previously downloaded TunnelBear program.

Personally, I chose this program and did not resort to various sites and browser plugins, because it does not just redirect your browser traffic to a proxy in the USA, as all sorts of plugins do, it creates a VPN tunnel using a virtual network card. Thus, all traffic on the computer is connected virtually local network with servers in the USA, which is much more reliable. That is, not only the browser, but all programs using the Internet will now think that you are in the USA. The service is paid, but 500 MB of traffic is given free of charge every month (and with a tweet 1 GB), this is enough for our affairs.

We register in Tunnelbear, and after launch we set the switch to the USA.

Congratulations, you are now located in the United States for all sites on the Internet. Therefore, you can also say hello to Roskomnadzor with their bans: D

Step 4. Purchase

After all these manipulations, the simplest and most pleasant thing remains:

  • go to Google Play, to the devices section
  • select the product we need
  • we buy it by clicking the treasured “Buy” button, naturally, selecting a delivery address in the USA

Step 5. Receipt

In the shortest possible time, namely about two days, the purchase will arrive at the intermediary’s warehouse, Banderolka will notify you about this by email.

All that remains is to prepare the package, pay for delivery and wait for the gadget at home. The cost of delivery of a particular parcel can always be calculated on the intermediary’s website using their calculator. In any case, as I wrote above, even taking all this into account, it almost always turns out cheaper than buying directly.

More details about parcel formation:

After your parcel arrives at the intermediary's warehouse, top panel website, in the “In stock” section a number will appear with the number of parcels. Yes, yes, you can collect parcels from different stores in the USA, and then send them all together to your address.

So, let's go there and prepare the parcel, but before that, you will need to fill out a declaration, essentially just write what you have in the box and indicate the cost. Nothing complicated, because this process takes less than a minute. If you still have questions, you can watch the video below, in which the cute girl explains everything in more detail explains.

And to generate the parcel itself, you just need to tick the boxes for the services you need, such as:

Delete all invoices. This is done in cases where, for example, you are sending a parcel to someone as a gift. Then all bills, receipt orders and other waste paper will be removed from the parcel, leaving only the gift itself.

Apply security tape - this is blue tape with special paint. Security tape will not protect your package from being opened, but if someone opens the package along the way, it will be immediately noticeable.

The last thing you need to do is request a photo of the package before shipping.

And so on. I’ll say right away that from paid services Personally, I only noted the security tape, the rest was not needed and the parcel arrived safely without damage, without additional packaging, and the photo was not useful.

After all these simple operations, you have finished drinking tea or beer (here, whoever prefers it), the parcel post will issue you an invoice for delivery. You can pay for it immediately, or you can wait for it to be packaged and pay later. Then the parcel will move to the “Packaging” status, and if the invoice is paid, then immediately after that to the “Sent” status. From this moment on, nothing is required of you.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.