Flibusta now. Using the OPDS directory. If an error occurs “error occurred while reading OPDS catalog”

On June 22, 2015, access to the very popular online library flibusta.me was suddenly blocked for all Russian users. But this does not mean that such blocking cannot be easily bypassed. For our compatriots who are accustomed to such a convenient service that allows you to read books online and download them for free - “Flibusta”, alternative entrance to the site will provide the opportunity to continue to take advantage of the content-rich library.

Let's take a closer look at how to access Flibusta using simple ways entry and more complex.

On September 21, 2016, Flibusta’s mirror flibusta.is was blocked in 2015, as we know the site was already blocked.

The easiest way to access a blocked site now is to install a special extension in your browser that bypasses the blocking. Depending on what browser you have, install one of the extensions by following the link.

Once installed in your browser, these extensions will need to be turned on and preferably turned off when you leave a blocked site, since the speed of transmitted traffic may drop and pages will take a long time to load. In all browsers, extensions are included in top panel in the right corner.

Look at the screenshots, I showed how to enable extensions in Opera and Mozilla, for Chrome it is identical. You can enlarge it by clicking on the image.

The point of these extensions is that they replace your location as if you were viewing a blocked site from another country, such as the USA or Singapore. Flibusta was blocked only in Russia, so the blocking does not work from other countries.

Opera Extensions

Extensions for Mozilla

Other ways to bypass flibusta site blocking

1. Go to the website at proxy.flibusta.me.

2. Use the so-called TOR2Web proxy (sites that allow you to access Internet pages in the TOR address zone without TOR installations): flibustahezeous3.onion.nu or flibustahezeous3.onion.cab , On Flibusta, an alternative entrance is also possible using the so-called. I2P2Web proxy (sites that allow you to access Internet pages in the I2P address zone without using I2P): flibusta.i2p.onion.nu.

3. Install TOR and familiarize yourself with its capabilities so that in the future you will not have problems connecting to blocked sites.

4. Use software that works with VPN (for example, Cyber ​​Ghost 5, Tunnel Bear, Hola (browser plugin), Private Tunnel, Hotspot Shield). Such programs allow you to establish an anonymous connection through a virtual private network(VPN) and are completely free.

Alternative login via TOR

Many books in the popular online library "Flibusta" have been removed from common use according to the requirements of “rights traders”.

We do not in any way encourage the use pirated content, and we explain how you can access it.

Often, when trying to download a specific book on the well-known website flibusta.is, the user sees a picture in front of him:

But this limitation can be easily circumvented if you do next algorithm actions:

  1. Launch the TOR browser. If it is not on your computer, then download the program, install it and run it.
  2. Go to the address flibusta.is in the TOR browser. There should be no problems, since the program works the same as other popular browsers.
  3. We switch to the TOR version of the Flibusta online library. It's easy to do. On the main page we find this link and click on it:

To avoid downloading the TOR browser, you can also use TOR2Web services, such as flibustahezeous3.onion.cab or flibustahezeous3.onion.gq.

Hope this helps you.

In Los Angeles, trash is no longer thrown away.
It is being reworked into television shows.
Woody Allen.

Here are collected the largest of free online libraries(Librusek, Flibusta, etc.). In fact, there are many more sites with books on the Internet. But these are the only ones I know. And, in principle, I always had enough of them.

There are traditionally a lot of reading enthusiasts among Russian-speaking people. Therefore, these libraries will come in handy a large number Internet users. I'm not even talking about those who like to get books for free :)

These online libraries contain books from all genres. There is both fiction and scientific works with educational books. Besides, I repeat, all these libraries are free.

  • Flibusta

    On this moment Flibusta is the largest online library on the Runet. If the book is in in electronic format, then it can probably be found on Flibust. True, copyright fighters periodically get here too. But, nevertheless, no one else can boast of such a catalog as Flibusta’s. I recommend.

    Roskomnadzor blocked the Flibusta website
    (alternate entrance)

  • Lib.Ru: Library of Maxim Moshkov

    The oldest online library in Runet. In it in a huge number books on various topics. Fiction and educational literature.

  • BookZ.ru

    Collection free books in electronic version. Other, smaller online libraries get books from here.

  • Aldebaran

    good and free online library With big amount e-books.

  • Librusec

    Librusek was once the largest online library on the Runet. There were a lot of free e-books here. More than anywhere else. But Librusek has changed a lot since then. Downloading a book for free here is now very difficult. In addition, Librusek can now hardly be considered the most complete library. On the same Flibusta, the catalog of books is much more complete. So Librusek remained on my list only for past merits.


Today, while reinstalling the OS on my laptop, I decided to read smart books on my phone running Android OS.

For this purpose, I installed the well-known CoolReader. But bad luck, the book I wanted to read was not on my phone. What to do? Download the right book from an online library, because the reader has a set of online libraries made specifically so that the user does not wander around the Internet looking for a book and does not waste his time on it. Scrolled to the section with online libraries...

The essence of the problem:
Free downloading and reading books directly from the “CoolReader” reader for Android.

At some point, I installed CoolReader and started searching in the menu items for the ability to search and download books for free. After all, it is quite logical that in a popular e-reader on Android, this function is literally vital.

It turned out that until a certain time the Flibusta library was available in the reading room. It was possible to go to this library, download and read a book immediately after installing the reader, but this did not last very long.

After 10 minutes of active button presses, I did it, added Flibusta to CoolReader.

And now point by point and with pictures:

1. Open CoolReader on your Android device. Scroll to the online libraries section ( network libraries) and click on the “Add” button

2. In the form that appears, enter “Flibusta” in the “name” and “http://flibusta.net/opds” in the “URL”
2.1 Click on green tick in the upper right corner.

3. In the “network libraries” section, the “Flibusta for website” item (or your option) has appeared, click on it.

4. That's all, now you can safely search and download books in Russian directly from CoolReader.

When an error occurs
"error occurred while reading OPDS catalog"

1. Checking the presence of the folder " Books" in the root of the SD card.
(exactly so with capital letters). If the folder does not exist, create it.

2. We check that you have entered the URL correctly (OPDS):


You can try the backup directory address:


Update from 12/01/2015

Using a backup address to access the library


and one more


Tested, works via Beeline Internet.

In 2017, the Flibust electronic library was completely blocked in the Russian Federation. In the usual way It is currently not possible to download books from the site flibusta.is. At the same time, there are many alternative ways read the book you want.

Access from other countries

Only domestic providers blocked the library. If you live outside the Russian Federation or are on vacation abroad, you can get to the Flibusty website without any tricks. Separately, it should be noted that it is possible to get “abroad” alternatively, using a proxy server of that country.

Mirrors and library analogues

All alternative mirrors of the Flibusta library are almost immediately blocked. All other analogue libraries are much smaller or are generally quite specific, such as Maxim Moshkov’s library http://lib.ru/. Nevertheless, you can always try your luck in search engines; the probability of finding what you need is quite high.

VKontakte documents

Little known opportunity social network"VKontakte" is a search for documents that users post on general access. Just go to the address https://vk.com/docs and type the author or work you are interested in. With a high degree of probability you will find the book you need:


Which year is steadily gaining popularity this format. This is not surprising, in modern world You don’t always have a minute to read, but everyone can turn on a book on their player, smartphone or car on the way to work or home. Audiobooks also have opponents who believe that in this form the book cannot be correctly understood and absorbed. Supporters have their own arguments - in high-quality voice acting, the reader places accents, makes pauses, female and male characters can be voiced by several people.

There are many sites with audiobooks, but the easiest way to find the right work is on Youtube.

Paper books

Everything new is well forgotten old. If you cannot find the work you need in electronic form, you can turn to the paper version. If the book is not new, then its price should be reasonable. And if you go to several bookstores, you can save money on a sale or a cheap paperback version. Finally, you can buy a book secondhand on Avito or go to the library.

Legal e-books

The most honest option would be to buy an e-book. In this way, you will not only support your favorite author, but also will not waste time searching for and downloading a book. The Internet is slowly but surely replacing pirated content and this is primarily achieved by supplying convenient service. Vivid examples are Steam for downloading games, iTunes, Yandex.Music, VKontakte for listening to music.

At the moment, there are already legal libraries where you can download books, for example https://www.litres.ru/ and https://www.ozon.ru/. However, while the price electronic version may be 70% or more of the cost of the paper version, not everyone will have the desire to buy e-books.

Flibusta is a popular resource that includes hundreds of thousands printed publications. Flibusta is a huge electronic library in which you can find a lot of books. Books can be downloaded to read in free time, and read directly from the site. Flibust users often have difficulty logging into the site.

How to enter Flibusta

The electronic library works around the clock, books are added by any authors or users, because the site administration has no time to do this work. If you are new to this site, then when you log in electronic library You must first read the user rules and read the FAQ section. To use the library resource, you must register.

There is also a “live” correspondence on the site, where users share links to interesting publications, tell and suggest how to download books correctly. Since the electronic library is just “getting on its feet,” users very often have difficulties logging into home page site.

How to get to Flibusta:

  • If you go to the site and see the following message: “The site has changed its address, follow the link provided.” This means that the site name extension has been changed and now needs to be saved new tab on your device. Now you need to access the site using a different address.
  • If this does not help, then you need to use a helper program. These are specially created sites that will help solve the login problem. Such sites work without installing the tor browser.
  • Try using proxy sites, they help you get to the right page right away.
  • If you can’t access the electronic library, then you need to install tor and figure out how to use it.
  • Another way, as an alternative to the previous advice, is to use a tuner bar (vpn), which helps you log in even to blocked sites.
  • If for you the above methods are unclear, enter this link and go through it to your site.

We go to filibuster - how to download a book to which access is limited

If there are now no problems logging into the site, then the user is then faced with the fact that he cannot download the book he needs because the author has restricted access to this publication.

This limitation can be bypassed:

  • launch the tor browser;
  • access the site from this browser;
  • then follow the links: