What is VIP status in Odnoklassniki. How to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki? What does this subscription provide?

"Mamba" is a dating site whose services can be used for free. There are enough tools to find your soulmate. This is evidenced by experience large quantity couples who appeared thanks to a resource called Mamba and their reviews.

For those who want to speed up the search process, additional services are offered for money. All of them are combined into a package called VIP status. We will talk about it in this article.

What does VIP give?

If they offer to get something for a fee, then the potential buyer needs to understand the value of the product and decide for himself whether to buy it or not. Let's start with this.

To find out what is included in VIP status, you need to find a link on a dating site called “Mamba” with text about the service offer, click on the question mark or the “Find out more” button.

That's roughly what it's called. This can be done at home page resource, or by logging into your profile, for example.

As a result, the user will see a window with a list of services and their description. They are:

    1. Stealth mode. Those who, for example, have used a similar service from Odnoklassniki should have a rough idea of ​​what it’s about. we're talking about. VIP status on Mamba makes it possible to hide the fact of your presence on the site and disable the collection of information about when you were present on the Internet resource. Who might benefit from this? Firstly, for those who are not pleased with the initiatives from other users. At first glance, the desire to hide while on a dating site may seem strange. But it more often occurs among a popular user who has no end to candidates for lovers or spouses. As soon as a person visits the site, dozens of users immediately write to him. It's annoying. Secondly, you can view the profiles of other users without advertising yourself. For some this will be a serious advantage.
    2. Advanced Search. Without purchasing services, you can search for people only by age, gender and place of residence. Paid status allows you to remove this restriction. Filters can be installed according to the most different parameters: from height and weight to sexual preferences. Obviously, this is very convenient and saves a lot of time. Let's say a man is not interested in model-looking girls. Please! Specifying weight limits potential partner– and the system weeds out everything unnecessary.
    3. Highlighting a profile in search results. Here we take into account a point that is characteristic of the physiology and psychology of people. The fact is that profiles highlighted in color in the search are more noticeable to both the eye and the brain. This is an indisputable fact. It’s another matter when such profiles, on the contrary, repel. Some people believe that VIP status is acquired by rich people or scammers who want to attract attention, or by those who want to get acquainted, but not for Serious relationships. However, this is not at all true.
    4. Filter incoming messages. This type services allows you to communicate only with those you like. Other users simply will not be able to send their message. This function is also very convenient for people who do not like unnecessary attention from others.
    5. No restrictions on sending messages. For users with free accounts There is a message forwarding limit. It was introduced deliberately so that site owners could make money. VIP users can easily remove this ban.
    6. Possibility of choosing an individual design. The function is more of an additional function than a main one. It’s probably not worth buying VIP just for her sake. What is written on the application form is more important, not how it is formatted. However, the same principle applies as with highlighting a page in the search: interesting design will attract other users, and this will increase the chances of a successful acquaintance.
    7. Sets of stickers for messages. VIP users can send funny pictures. How important this is in dating is difficult to say. Most likely, it does not really affect the success of establishing relationships. Stickers just make correspondence more interesting. By the way, they are actively used on social networks. For example, on Vkontakte there are paid and free kits. On Mamba, you have to pay for the opportunity to write by adding stickers.
    8. Return to scrolled photos. Same useful service. Sometimes it is important to dwell on what at first seemed uninteresting or irrelevant.

    Thus, VIP status has a number of advantages. Many, having familiarized themselves with the list of services and read their descriptions, will want to use all of the above. The question naturally arises about the cost of the subscription. It’s one thing to activate the stealth mode for 20 rubles, another thing for a thousand. In the second case, most will prefer to have only basic capabilities.

    Let's look at the cost of the listed services.

    VIP in monetary terms

    After clicking the “Get VIP” button on the site, a window opens with a slider. With its help, you can set the number of days for which you want to turn on special status. The minimum is a decade. The activation cost will be 200 rubles. For a month – 300. General rule is: the longer the period chosen, the cheaper the price of one day. For those interested in purchasing additional services on long term, they also give special discounts. Both sides win: the client connects VIP via favorable price, and the site owners have a more serious amount than for 1-2 months or 10 days.

    Unfortunately, there is no information on the site about trial period use of status. It is either impossible to enable demo mode, or they are simply silent about this option.

    Subscription procedure

    Something has already been said about it: you just need to find the “Get VIP” button on any page of the site. Naturally, first you need to log in to Mamba using a password and address Email or through an account on social networks. If you have not created a profile on the site, you will need to go through a simple registration procedure.

    All this can be done either in a browser on a computer or through official application for iPhone, Android or simply mobile version resource. Download special client available in manufacturers' stores operating systems for phones. Everything is clear there, in Russian.

    Then, using the slider, you need to select what it will be paid period. The tariff and price for the service for a specific period of time will be set accordingly.

    It's very nice that you can choose the most convenient way payment from several of the most popular:

    • bank card;
    • a number of electronic wallets;
    • global payment systems.

    Once the method by which you are going to pay for VIP has been selected - for example, the card number, its expiration date and other details have been entered - you must click the button indicating your consent to write off the funds.

    Particular attention should be paid to the placement of various checkboxes.

    For example, there is this one: “Remember the card.” Automatic function is enabled. But not everyone wants data about their payment instrument to be stored somewhere on the network. There is a small risk that scammers will receive this information and try to withdraw funds.

    More more problems For inattentive users, the “Autopayment” checkbox causes trouble. If it is not removed, this will mean that the person agrees to have money written off by default, once in a certain period.

    Auto-renewal, of course, can be cancelled, but you will have to spend some time corresponding with the support service. It is easier to turn off a function immediately, before activating it, than to try to cancel it later.

If you like to live an interesting and active life both in reality and on social networks, this article is intended just for you! In it we will tell you what VIP status is in Odnoklassniki and why it is needed. Also, you will learn about the privileges that a user who has it can receive, as well as where and how it can be purchased. Our article will be of interest to both experienced users, and for beginners just starting their journey on social networks.

What does VIP status mean in Odnoklassniki and what privileges can you get with it?

The abbreviation VIP itself is probably familiar to everyone - it denotes something that belongs to the highest, privileged class. IN English language it stands for Very Important Person and is translated as “a very important person.” The developers of the site “Odnoklassniki.ru” also decided to give some users the opportunity to feel like a “very important person” and a certain amount provide them with a specially selected package of privileges.

This is what VIP status in Odnoklassniki gives you:

  • Free gifts

Now special gifts are available to you, which you can send to your acquaintances and friends on their pages absolutely free of charge.

  • Special stickers and emoticons

For lovers of emojis (and other ways of expressing emotions in writing), this is a real paradise - you can use absolutely any stickers and emoticons from standard set free of charge, as well as take advantage of those that are invented personally for privileged participants.

  • Refund of funds spent in games back to the participant's account

If you are an avid gamer and spend not only your time in games on the site, but also “Oki” (the site’s special currency), you will undoubtedly be pleased with the cashback provided - now almost all the money spent will return back to your account!

  • “Invisible” function

If you want to visit the pages of other users without leaving any traces of your presence there, this is the function that will help you remain invisible.

  • Quick support response to your requests

Unfortunately, the site support service does not always respond promptly to your requests. This is understandable - after all, the number of OK.RU users has long exceeded 10,000,000,000. But, for those marked with VIP status, an exception is made - their requests are always processed among the first.

  • Exclusive photo frames

Now you can not only edit your photo beautifully in Photoshop, but also decorate it with a special beautiful frame. You can change them depending on your mood.

  • “Closed profile” function

Thanks to this service, you won’t have to worry about the fact that there will be strangers or simply unpleasant people on your page. They will not be able to leave comments or ratings.

  • Unusual background themes

Not everyone knows that the background or theme of your page can be easily changed by delving into the settings. Meanwhile, for VIPs, so-called “live” or moving topics will become available, which will make your profile much more interesting.

  • VIP badge on your page

And, of course, for those who want to show their position and solvency, it will be a pleasant bonus special icon, which will be added to your profile.

So, now that you have learned all the possibilities of VIP status in Odnoklassniki, many are probably wondering how you can get this wonderful status. This is exactly what is written in the next part of our article.

How to get VIP on Odnoklassniki, how much does it cost and can you get it for free?

Of course, first of all you need to keep in mind that this service is paid. But how much does VIP cost? On this moment The cost of this function is two hundred and forty-nine fetters. If there is no such amount in your account at the time the payment is written off, then two hundred and forty-nine rubles will be debited from your bank card, which will first need to be linked to the page (at the rate of one ruble - one approx).

Now we will give detailed instructions, from which you can understand how to acquire VIP status for your page.


Enter all the necessary data in the appropriate lines and click on “Buy subscription”.

  • Congratulations! VIP is now installed on your page! You can already begin to enjoy the benefits that have opened up.

You can find out how to disable VIP in ok if you read our other article, also posted on this site.

What is VIP status?

Pitfalls of VIP status

As soon as such a VIP service appeared on the site, many users rushed to try it out. After some time, some of them discovered that about 500 rubles had been written off from their bank cards. Many accused OK administrators of fraud, but still, in essence, users lost money due to their own carelessness.

VIP status is provided free of charge for only three days. After this period, it is automatically renewed, but in a paid version. And if the user has linked to his profile bank card, then the payment for VIP for the next month will be debited from her. If there are OKs on his account, then the cost of the VIP will be repaid by them. Today, such status for a month costs 249 OKs (currently 1 OK = 1 ruble).

Getting rid of monthly auto-renewal means moving on to how to disable your subscription to VIP status in Odnoklassniki. We will tell you how to do this from a computer and phone below.

How to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki from a computer

It’s easy to save yourself from objectively meaningless write-offs:

  1. Go to your profile and click under your avatar on the inscription “Buy OKi”.
  2. Pay attention to the list on the left side of the screen - select "My paid features."
  3. How to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki? On the list paid options find him.
  4. Check the box next to "Unsubscribe". Ready!

Please note that even after this operation you will still have this status until the day on which you paid for it.

How to disable the renewal of VIP status in Odnoklassniki from your phone

Through the official Odnoklassniki application, you can disable this status as follows:

  1. Go to the pop-up menu, select " Paid features".
  2. Opposite the “VIP status” line, set the slider to the inactive position (it will turn from green to gray).

Another method that tells you how to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki:

  1. From your smartphone browser, open your profile in OK.
  2. From the menu select " Full version site".
  3. Follow the path described in detail in the previous subheading: “Buy OKi” - “Paid functions” - check the “Unsubscribe” box next to the VIP status.

VIP status is an option that gives only virtual benefits in Odnoklassniki. To avoid paying real money for it, do not forget to deactivate it after the free three-day subscription.

“” there is great news for users. The admins of the official OK.RU community, called “Everything is OK,” spoke about it in detail.

Experts in the “News” section will tell you what the news is and how the site users reacted to it. social network"Odnoklassniki" online publication for traders and investors "Stock Leader".

In "" you can purchase VIP status.

“I want to be the best. I want to be “not like everyone else.” I want everything at once,” if you agreed with at least one of these statements, then this news is for you. After all, now OK has appeared unique opportunity stand out and become a VIP user.

Administrators can only imagine that within a month VIP users will be able to:

  • give 100 free gifts;
  • send unlimited emoticons to your friends;
  • be invisible from prying eyes;
  • rate friends' photos exclusively with a rating of 5+;
  • and all friends will see and know this, because the corresponding icon will be attached to the avatar of the VIP status owner for the entire month.

To plug VIP service To feel like a very important person in OK, you can follow this link: www.ok.ru/payment/service_33.

Analysts from the “Stock Leader” analyzed the news and determined the mood of site users in relation to it by studying the “classes” and comments left.

As shown in the picture, users greeted this news very well, leaving 648 “classes” and 1,396 comments under it. This suggests that they liked the news about receiving VIP status.

Analysts also selected a number of interesting reviews for the BL publication:

Thanks for the new product, I think many will like it!

The service is, of course, good, but I don’t have that kind of money. VIP COSTS 1000 rubles.

This service is for rich users if they have 1000 rubles.

I have an Oki, but in my opinion the service is very expensive! All this can be won at auctions for free.

I buy regular glasses, but I don’t buy this service. It's too expensive for me. Auctions are much better than expensive paid services.

Odnoklassniki, like many other free social networks, is famous for providing its users with certain options “for selected ones” for an additional payment in real money. One of them is VIP status, which at one time caused a lot of noise and caused a lot of discontent. Let's figure out what it is and how to turn it off.

What is VIP status

VIP status in Odnoklassniki is a set of additional functions that are not available to mere mortal users. In addition, it is one of the ways to emphasize one’s special position and, to some extent, financial viability - a crown and the inscription VIP appear on the user’s profile.

This paid status includes the following features:

  • "invisible" mode - none of the users will know that you visited their page and will not see that you are online - unless, of course, you yourself want it;
  • return (cashback) of OKs (site currency purchased for real money) that the user spent in games - up to 10%;
  • free use of all emoticons and stickers that are on the site, access to special stickers for VIPs;
  • changing the design of your page by installing exclusive “live” (animated) themes;
  • the ability to decorate your avatar with a variety of frames;
  • the ability to hide information in your profile from strangers;
  • an exclusive set of gifts that you can send to your friends for free;
  • priority when contacting the support service - an application from a VIP is considered one of the first.

Despite all this diversity, many still think about how to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki. Why - read on.

Pitfalls of VIP status

As soon as such a VIP service appeared on the site, many users rushed to try it out. After some time, some of them discovered that about 500 rubles had been written off from their bank card. Many accused OK administrators of fraud, but still, in essence, users lost money due to their own carelessness.

VIP status is provided free of charge for only three days. After this period, it is automatically renewed, but in a paid version. And if the user has linked a bank card to his profile, then the VIP payment for the next month will be debited from it. If there are OKs on his account, then the cost of the VIP will be repaid by them. Today, such status for a month costs 249 OKs (currently 1 OK = 1 ruble).

To get rid of monthly auto-renewal, go to how to disable your subscription to VIP status in Odnoklassniki. We will tell you further how to do this from a computer and phone.

How to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki from a computer

It’s easy to save yourself from objectively meaningless write-offs:

  • Go to your profile and click under your avatar on the inscription “Buy OKi”.
  • Pay attention to the list on the left side of the screen - select "My paid features."
  • How to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki? Find it in the list of paid options.
  • Check the box next to "Unsubscribe". Ready!
  • Please note that even after this operation, you will retain this status until the day on which you paid for it.

    How to disable the renewal of VIP status in Odnoklassniki from your phone

    Through the official Odnoklassniki application, you can disable this status as follows:

  • Go to the pop-up menu, select "Paid features".
  • Opposite the “VIP status” line, set the slider to the inactive position (it will turn from green to gray).
  • Another method that tells you how to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki:

  • From your smartphone browser, open your profile in OK.
  • In the menu, select "Full version of the site."
  • Follow the path described in detail in the previous subheading: “Buy OK” - “Paid functions” - check the “Unsubscribe” box next to the VIP status.
  • VIP status is an option that provides only virtual advantages in Odnoklassniki. In order not to pay real money for it, do not forget to deactivate it after a free three-day subscription.