What is the difference between a wi fi router and a router. Common buyer mistakes. Selecting a Wi-Fi router based on the type of connection to the provider

Modern world high technology quite complicated even for a person who regularly uses a computer and the Internet, sends emails, communicates and finds information on the Internet. In this article, we will look at what is the difference between a router and a router? After all, these devices are actively used to create wireless networks and connect to the Internet, and therefore they are found in almost every home, apartment or office.

In fact, router and router are the names of the same device. This is a kind of mini-computer that provides Internet access to several devices at once. Linguistics also confirms this - the word “router” itself is borrowed from in English(router) and is translated as a router. Therefore, it would be fair to consider these words synonyms.

A router is used to create and manage a local network. The device contains a special built-in software. It includes security elements and settings packages. The secondary functions of the router (router) are to restrict access to specific resources, protect against malware and many more etc.

From a design point of view and appearance the device is a small plastic block with an antenna (or antennas), a power cable and a patch cord (a special patch cord).

Why is there confusion?

Since a router is no different from a router, why do a significant number of people continue to think differently? There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, banal illiteracy in this matter. Users naively think that “router” and “router” mean various devices, because they are called differently. At the same time it gets ridiculous. Some “experts,” for example, say that a router has a lot of advantages over a router, noting the difference in speed and even in the stability of the Internet connection. Naturally, this is absurd.

Secondly, the organizations themselves involved in the sale of such devices also cause confusion. Often in price lists, on price tags or on a sales receipt you can find the same model, which will be called either a router or a router.

Third, many users themselves come up with non-existent differences between these devices:

  • Some people naively believe that a router differs from a router in the number of ports for connecting various peripherals.
  • Others believe that the router has more features and is used as system equipment the provider itself, and the router is something like a home “set-top box”.
  • Pseudo-experts also erroneously claim that a router and a router perform similar functions, and their differences are that the latter is not equipped with an antenna.
  • Another misconception concerns that the router has wireless connection, while a router provides network access only if there are wires.

The truth is that a router and a router are the same device that is used to create and maintain wireless networks. It can be compared to an electric tee or surge protector. Only instead of electricity, the router or router “shares” the Internet with laptops, smartphones, tablets and other devices connected to it.

Could these devices be any different from each other?

Of course, but only at the model level. Like two smartphones from different brands. Does one have any special functions, but in the other they are not. For example, specific model smartphone has powerful processor allowing you to play top games and work with “heavy” applications, while the other can only barely provide Internet surfing. All this applies to our devices, where all differences appear only within the model range.

Therefore, if you need to purchase such a device, be sure to consider the following parameters:

Nowadays, it is increasingly difficult to find a house that does not have a Wi-Fi network, local or with Internet access. Almost everyone knows or has at least once heard about devices such as a router and a router, the difference between which interests many.

Both of these devices perform the same function - creating a home local network with access to the World Wide Web. However, in order to understand the difference between a router and a router, you should take a closer look at what kind of equipment it is.

A router allows you to create a local network between two or more computers. In this case, the connection can be either exclusively local or with Internet access.

Essentially, it is equipment that allows you to send and receive data packets.

It is worth noting that modern devices can work wirelessly, that is, using the Wi-Fi standard, transmitting data over radio channels. This greatly simplifies networking. The router has built-in software to manage the device and network settings. This gives the user a set of tools to secure the network and manage connections.

Now, to understand what is the difference between a router and a router, let's answer the question of what is a router. The name itself suggests that this is a device that creates certain routes. This means that the device forwards data packets.

For this purpose, the router has built-in software - tools for protecting and forwarding packets. In addition, there are functions for managing connections, setting bandwidth and so on.

That is, in other words, this is a device that allows you to create and manage a local network between two or more computers (or other network equipment). From here it becomes clear that essentially a router and a router are one and the same thing, just in different words.

What is better to choose

Quite often the question comes up: what is better – a router or a router? If we take into account all of the above, the answer suggests itself - there is no difference. These are two names for one gadget. Therefore, in essence, there is nothing to choose from. Both names are the definition of one gadget, which can be either exclusively wired or wireless.

Such devices may have 2 or more interfaces for connection network cable(RJ45), which allows you to connect computers. At the same time, there is also a wireless connection for connecting laptops, smartphones and other equipment equipped with Wi-Fi adapters.

If we talk about how a Wi-Fi router differs from a router, it should be noted that while the functions of the devices themselves are identical Wi-Fi standards may be different. That is, when choosing and purchasing a wireless network equipment First of all, you should pay attention to what standards it supports.

There are several basic Wi-Fi versions which are most often used in everyday life:

  • 802.11b is an older but still fairly common standard. Its main difference is that it works in frequency range 2.4GHz. Bandwidth does not exceed 11 Mbits.
  • 802.11g is more a new version compared to the previous one, but is also already outdated. It operates at the same frequency (2.4 GHz), but allows for faster data transfer rates up to 54 Mbps.
  • 802.11n is new standard, which operates at a frequency of 5 GHz and allows data transfer at speeds of up to 300 Mbits. There is an even newer version of AC, but it is rare. IN this moment N is the most common Wi-Fi operating mode.

In addition to all of the above, differences may be at the model level. Routers and routers are manufactured by different manufacturers, each of which produces different models- from budget to expensive flagship ones. The difference between models may lie in stability of operation, the number of interfaces for connecting computers and other equipment (printers, TVs, scanners, faxes, etc.), as well as antenna power.

When you come to a store or examine the products of an online store, you may come across two words: “router” and “router.” Sometimes the same picture can be labeled with both names. Because of this, it is easy to get confused about these devices.

Is there a difference between the two names

Router and router are two names for the same thing. This proves that the word “router” comes from the English router, that is, it is just its translation, adapted to the Russian language.

No matter which of the two names you come across, it will refer to the same device. Each router has its own characteristics, capabilities and, accordingly, price. But there is nothing that distinguishes a router from a router.

What can a router do?

The router redistributes information between devices. This is where the name “router” comes from, as it creates routes for information. Without data distribution, a Wi-Fi network is impossible.

Router and router - different names for the same device

Let's say there are two devices connected to the same Wi-Fi network. Each of them downloads something from the Internet and uploads something to the servers of some sites. Any information is a sequential set of bytes. Bytes are encrypted and transmitted using radio waves certain frequency. The router receives and sends waves, that is, an encoded sequence of bytes, to both devices. And it is he who must understand what information needs to be sent to which device.

False statements

A router and a router are sometimes distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • presence of an antenna;
  • presence of a DSL modem;
  • appearance.

But none of the above properties makes a router or router a different device. These characteristics only affect the price and capabilities of the router.

What can a router be confused with?

But devices that can mistakenly be called a router or router exist:

All of the devices described above work differently, so they cannot be called routers.

Video: how the router works

Router and router are two names for one device. Therefore, you should not look for their differences from each other. However, they should not be confused with machines such as an access point, switch and hub.

Choice technical devices for home organization wi-fi networks can sometimes confuse the buyer. For example, not every user choosing equipment in a store will immediately say how a router differs from a router. Although both devices are presented on the shelves of computer stores in an assortment.

Gemini brothers

Router or router - try to tell the difference

At first glance, it may seem that a router is the same as a router. And indeed it is. The task of each device is to connect several computers, tablets and other devices to the existing network in an apartment or house. mobile devices. Both the router and the router have the same device - one socket for connecting a connector and several ports (most often there are at least four) for devices.

They also work on the same principle - they receive a signal from a computer connected to the network, after which they either allow it access to the Internet (if it is added to the table of signal recipients) or deny it.

The differences are linguistic

In fact, there are no technical differences between a router and a router

What are the differences? They are mostly linguistic, not technical.

You can feel the difference between the two devices by defining the concepts. “Router” is a transliteration of “router”. The word came to us from the English language, and it can be translated into Russian only as “router”. So the first difference between the two concepts is the origin of the names. One is simpler and “ours”, the other is sophisticated and foreign.

The differences do not end there, but only begin. The use of synonymous names varies depending on the context. “Router” is more suitable for documentation, “router” for colloquial speech.

Interestingly, routers in hardware stores most often refer to devices used to organize networks in companies and in production. While sellers refer to devices for the home as household routers.

Paradoxical as it may seem, as a result of all this verbal leapfrog, technical means and by price. Routers in stores are more expensive than routers. Apparently, due to its loud foreign name.