Block with scrollbar html. Div with scroll

Hello friends. Today we’ll talk about smooth website scrolling. That is, not about clicking a button or link, but about smooth scrolling when using a wheel or slider.

Just a short note, I just had to implement it on one of the sites, and I decided to write about it on the blog while I was preparing a more serious article (discount widget), at the request of one of the readers. Artem, hello to you. I haven't forgotten!

Of course, many people use browsers that already have smooth scrolling, many use a special browser extension, but not all. Let's achieve smoothness on the majority of devices that will visit your site.

Plugin for smooth scrolling site

To solve this problem, I chose the Malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin plugin, since it has a lot of capabilities:

  • Vertical and/or horizontal stripe scroll.
  • Customizable scroll pulse.
  • Smooth mouse wheel scrolling.
  • Smooth scrolling using the slider.
  • Keyboard support and smooth scrolling using arrows or PgUp/PgDn.
  • Touch screen support.
  • Ready-to-use themes.
  • Manual customization using CSS.
  • Different slider display options.
  • The ability to add smooth scrolling to various elements on the page that have it.

Of course, for many this functionality may be redundant. If you just want to smooth out scrolling with the wheel, then at the end we will look at a very simple solution for these purposes.

“Stop, smooth scrolling in various blocks is good, but where is the smooth scrolling of the site we came for?” - you say. Calm. We'll do this now.

Plugin connections

Since the chosen solution is a jQuery plugin, the first thing we will do is connect jQuery itself to the site if you do not have it connected.

Now download the plugin for smooth scrolling from the link above and connect 2 files to the site.

  • jquery.mCustomScrollbar.concat.min.js
  • jquery.mCustomScrollbar.min.css

You will get the following structure:

Smooth scrolling site

The main thing to remember is that everything depends on jQuery plugins must be connected after jQuery itself.

After everything is connected, you need to initialize the script:

(function ($) ( $(window).on("load", function () ( $("body").mCustomScrollbar(( theme: "dark-thin" )); )); ))(jQuery);

And add some CSS simple rules to apply scrolling to the document. At the very beginning of your stylesheet, add the following markup:

Body, html ( height: 100%; overflow: hidden; )

This will remove the standard browser scrollbar and set a height that the script can understand. Don't be afraid if you connect to an already finished site. In 99% of cases this will not affect your markup in any way.

It connects exactly the same as the first one, has only 3 settings and weighs only 2.6 kilobytes:

$(function() ( jQuery.scrollSpeed(100, 800, "easeOutCubic"); ))

Where the first number is the scroll step, the second number is the speed, and the third is the animation type.

That's all. Bye everyone.


Use a div tag if you need a scroll bar not for the entire page, but only for a limited area of ​​it. IN HTML language(HyperText Markup Language- “hypertext markup language”) “tags” are individual commands for the browser to display a particular page element. In the very in simple form div tag (often called a "layer") like this:
It's inside a layer
Here is the opening tag, and here is the closing tag. Everything that is placed between the opening and closing tags is located in a layer as in a container, and this container can be given dimensions - width and height. This is done using additional parameter("attribute") style, which follows in the opening tag:

This is the text inside the layer

Specify in attribute tag style div and rules for layer scrollbars too:

This is the text inside the layer

Here overflow:auto means that scrollbars will appear automatically, that is, when the content of the layer does not fit into the specified dimensions. If auto is replaced with scroll, then these stripes will always be present, regardless of whether they are needed or not. And the hidden value will have the opposite effect - it will not appear, even if the contents of this container are not visible beyond its edges.

Use the same method to add scroll bars in general. By default, they appear as needed, but if for some reason there is a need for their constant presence on, then the corresponding style rule should be added to the source html code. Find the closing tag of the document header in the page code and enter these style instructions before it:
body (overflow:scroll;)

Nowadays, having your own website is not a luxury, but rather a necessity. Its creation requires certain skills and knowledge of html. Creating a simple website is quite easy. However, its decoration and creation interactive elements that provide additional functionality to the site will cause difficulties for a beginner. One such interactive element that increases the convenience of site visitors is a scroll bar. It is especially useful in the fields of the site that ensure its connection with scripts (interaction of the site with users).

You will need

  • Internet or any html tutorial


The most important thing in any case is convenience. The very idea of ​​using a scroll bar on your site will be appropriate only if it is dictated not by your desire, but by its necessity. Make a layout where you want to place the scrollbar. Choose a place for scrolling (also called scroll bars).

Select a location for the scroll bar on the page you are interested in. It must be rigidly connected to some element (for example, text field or drop-down list). You must calculate this space in pixels or percentages. This is not difficult to do, especially if the site layout has a clear structure.

Between the BODY tags you should add standard code for scrolling. You can find it in any html textbook. There are two options - either add this fragment directly to html code pages, or attach in a table css styles. The second method is more convenient if you are changing not just one, but the entire site. Then you need to enter color options scrollbars, otherwise it will be gray and uninteresting. The figure shows and labels the scroll elements. The parameters must be entered in the same way as shown in the figure, with a semicolon.

Now you definitely need to make your improvements. To ensure that the scrollbar looks the same in all browsers, check it on the main ones - Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera. If she is on one of them, go back to the first step and correct the mistakes.

Helpful advice

There is an easy way to create a scroll bar for a web page. Set the height parameter for your site to 75%, then the scroll will appear on its own. True, his color schemes it's still worth setting up.


  • Website for beginner web developers in 2019


Accept correct solution. A scroll bar should appear on your site only if it is dictated by the need to create additional convenience for the user, and not solely by your desires. Create a layout for the page where you are going to place the scrollbar. Choose a suitable place for it.

Make a rigid binding of the scroll (this can also be called a scroll bar) to a specific element of the page. This could be a text field representing a . Calculate the “parking” location of the lane in pixel and percentage. This will not be difficult at all if the page is clearly structured.

Add the standard scrollbar code between the body tags. If you don't know what we're talking about, download any textbook on html layout. The code will be clearly described there. It is best to have on hand for such cases ready-made templates, so that you can take some individual elements from there program code, which makes life much easier. So, you have found the code. Place it either directly in the page code itself or attach it to css table, which is much simpler, but only if you change not one, but all pages of the site.

Set color parameters for the stripe, otherwise it will be standard gray, which most likely will not fit into the site design. These parameters are set in the same order as for any other graphic element pages. Test in several browsers, for example Mozilla, Opera and Explorer. If it is in any of them, correct the program code errors.

Set the site height parameter to 75%, then the program code for scrolling will be entered automatically. But you still need to change the scrollbar, and specifically its graphic options. This is described in the previous paragraphs.

Scroll bars are vertical and horizontal bars placed along the right (when writing from left to right) and bottom edges of a window or a separate area within a window, designed to move content in vertical or horizontal directions. To manage them appearance and behavior in web pages uses elements of the CSS style description language (Cascading Style Sheets - “Cascading Style Sheets”), built into the HTML language.


Use a div tag if you need to make a scroll bar not for the entire page, but only for a limited area of ​​it. In HTML (HyperText Markup Language), “tags” refer to individual commands for the browser to display a particular page element. In its simplest form, a div tag (often called a “layer”) is written like this:
This is the text inside the layer
Here is the opening tag, and here is the closing tag. Everything that is placed between the opening and closing tags is located in a layer as in a container, and this container can be given dimensions - width and height. This is done using an additional parameter (“attribute”) style, which should be added to the opening tag:

This is the text inside the layer

Please indicate in style attribute div tag and the rules for layer scroll bars too:

This is the text inside the layer

Here overflow:auto means that scroll bars will appear automatically, that is, when the content of the layer does not fit into the specified dimensions. If auto is replaced with scroll, then these stripes will always be present, regardless of whether they are needed or not. A hidden value will have the opposite effect - the scroll will never appear, even if the contents of that container are not visible beyond its edges.

Use the same method to add scroll bars to the page as a whole. By default, they appear as needed, but if for some reason there is a need for their constant presence on the page, then the corresponding style rule should be added to the source html code. Find the closing tag of the document header in the page code and enter these style instructions before it:
body (overflow:scroll;)

Tip 2: How to make a scroll bar

Nowadays, having your own website is not a luxury, but rather a necessity. Its creation requires certain skills and knowledge of html. Creating a simple website is quite easy. However, decorating it and creating interactive elements that provide additional functionality to the site will cause difficulties for a beginner. One such interactive element that increases the convenience of site visitors is the scroll bar. It is especially useful in the fields of the site that ensure its connection with scripts (interaction of the site with users).

You will need

  • Internet or any html tutorial


The most important thing on any website is user convenience. The very idea of ​​using a scroll bar on your site will be appropriate only if its appearance is dictated not by your desire, but by its necessity. Layout the page where you want to place the scrollbar. Choose a place for scrolling (this is also called scroll bars).

Select a location for the scroll bar on the site page you are interested in. It must be tightly bound to some element (for example, a text field or drop-down list). You must calculate this space in pixels or percentages. This is not difficult to do, especially if the site layout has a clear structure.

Between the BODY tags you should add the standard scroll code. You can find it in any html textbook. There are two options - either add this fragment directly to the html code of the page, or attach it to the css style sheet. The second method is more convenient if you are changing not just one page, but the entire site at once. Then you need to enter color parameters for the scrollbar, otherwise it will be gray and uninteresting. The figure shows and labels the scroll elements. The parameters must be entered in the same way as shown in the figure, separated by a semicolon.

Now you should definitely test your modifications. To ensure that the scrollbar looks the same in all browsers, check it on the main ones - Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera. If it doesn't work on one of them, go back to the first step and correct the errors.

Helpful advice

There is an easy way to create a scroll bar for a web page. Set the height parameter for your site to 75%, then the scroll will appear on its own. True, its color schemes are still worth customizing.

Tip 3: How to change the scroll bar


Make the right decision. A scroll bar should appear on your site only if it is dictated by the need to create additional convenience for the user, and not solely by your desires. Create a layout for the page where you are going to place the scrollbar. Choose a suitable place for it.

Make a rigid binding of the scroll (this may also be called a scroll bar) to a specific element of the page. This can be a text field that is a drop-down list. Calculate the “parking” location of the lane in pixel and percentage terms. This will not be difficult at all if the page is clearly structured.

Add the standard scrollbar code between the body tags. If you don’t know what we’re talking about, download any textbook on html layout. It will clearly describe how to write such code. For such cases, it is best to have ready-made templates of similar sites on hand so that you can take some individual elements of the program code from there, which greatly simplifies life. So, you have found the code. Place it either directly in the page code itself or attach it to a css table, which is much simpler, but only if you are changing not one, but all pages of the site.

Set color parameters for the bar, otherwise it will be a standard gray color, which most likely will not fit into the site design. These parameters are set in the same order as for any other graphic element on the page. Test scrolling in several browsers, for example, Mozilla, Opera and Explorer. If it does not work in any of them, correct the errors in the program code.

Hello, friends!
IN Lately Blog readers showed increased interest in creating and expanding functionality. Just recently I tried to tell you in detail how to embed in (text), I hope I succeeded.

Today one of the blog visitors noticed such a feature that if you add to modal window There is too much text, then it stretches out in length and it is impossible to scroll up to see the entire text, and the close button is hidden out of sight, which of course is not good. Of course, the modal window can be closed perfectly by clicking anywhere on the page, but as he correctly noted (from his comment and dance), not all site visitors can cope with this... Accordingly, the reader had a question, how to add a scroll bar to this modal window?

The solution and the entire execution mechanism turned out to be very simple, it doesn’t matter whether you display the text in the main window or in the dialog box. You can even attach a scroll bar to a button! Let us, dear readers, take a closer look at how you can place voluminous text using the scroll bar, thereby maintaining the window's dimensions.

We looked at the example, the most curious first looked at source demo pages and everything immediately became clear, nothing supernatural. It was possible to use textarea, iframe and the page itself - body tag, in which a scroll bar could hypothetically appear, but I used a div container, specifying everything in the style necessary properties. There is a great property in CSS that controls how content is displayed block element, if it completely does not fit and goes beyond the area of ​​​​the given dimensions.

This property has several values, in our case we used overflow: auto , the scrollbar will be added only when necessary, i.e. when the text size exceeds the block size. In order to be displayed constantly, you need to set the overflow property to scroll

It is important to note that if you have chosen a modal window with a width of 500px to place your content, you should set the width of the block with text to be slightly smaller, within 480px. You can set any height, although you shouldn’t set it too low; a narrow window doesn’t look very nice, and the reader will have to constantly scroll. In my example, I set the height of the div container to 300px; no one is stopping you from experimenting with this parameter, in one direction or another.


Ultimately, in html markup, we get a simple and easy-to-remember code, which you can later easily insert into:

Blah blah blah - (text) Blah blah blah - (text) Blah blah blah - (text) Blah blah blah - (text) Blah blah blah - (text) Blah blah blah - (text)

If you do everything correctly, you should have a great pop-up window with a scroll bar; a visual example will always help you with this:

There are other, no less interesting methods for solving this issue; we have considered, perhaps, the simplest method, without unnecessarily cluttering the code and using additional formatting properties of the scrollbar (scrollbar), which have been written about for a long time, a lot and in detail, you just need to use a search engine, and more than one thousand pages with information on the topic will fall out on you.
Well, all I have to do is say: Goodbye!

PS: I am often asked how to get on Google+? Everything is very simple, follow the link below, enter your Google username and password and begin your vigorous activity, and I would like you to add me to your circles, as there will be a lot of useful and interesting things -)))

We have no education, but we have inspiration; if I had received an education, I would have become a fool.

Bob Marley

With all respect, Andrew