Beeline transfer money to another number: different methods. Sending money Motive. Commission and terms

Subscribers of any mobile operator sooner or later face the need to replenish not only their balance, but also the balance of their interlocutor, even regardless of the phone number of Megafon, MTS, Beeline, Tele2.

This is especially true if you have children who need to be constantly monitored. Each mobile operator currently provides a service for transferring money from number to number. Moreover, each service has its own characteristics.

Let's look at how this service works for an operator like Megafon.

How to transfer money from megaphone to megaphone, and other operators

There are, let’s say, three ways to transfer money:

  • via SMS,
  • via USSD command
  • and on the company's official website.

When transferring money, there are also a number of restrictions that you need to know.

The maximum for transfers within your region is 500 rubles per day and 5 thousand rubles for subscribers different regions. In this case, the commission is 5%, regardless of the transfer amount.

If the transfer is made on the website, the commission is 8.5%.

Below we will consider all the options for transferring money to another Megafon subscriber, and everyone is free to choose the one that is convenient for him.

Transfer money using USSD request

It's quite not the hard way money transfer. Moreover, now almost the majority of operations are performed by cellular companies carried out using such requests. The main thing is that in order not to forget them, it is better to make yourself a cheat sheet of USSD commands.

The service by which money is transferred to another phone is called “ Mobile transfer».

To make a payment, you need to type the following command:

*133*transfer amount*number of any subscriber# and press call

It should be noted that the first digit can be dialed differently, either 8, or +7, or just 7, the request will still go through and the subscriber’s number will be determined.

For example, *133*100*89263814227# and call. As soon as this message is sent, you will receive a confirmation request: *109*confirmation code# call. Confirm the request and the money is gone.

I would like to note that this service has restrictions on a one-time transfer of no more than 500 rubles. If you need to send a large amount, use another service: “Money transfers”.

Transfer money via SMS

The “Money Transfers” service makes it possible to transfer up to 15 thousand rubles per day to another subscriber. To make such a translation, it will be necessary to short number 3116 send a message indicating the recipient's phone number and the amount of money being transferred to him.

The telephone number is usually indicated in international format with the number 8. And that’s it, the translation is gone. This is perhaps the shortest and quick way translation.

Is it true, the commission here will be a little higher - 6%. If suddenly your transfer does not go through, you will receive an SMS message indicating the reasons for the error.

How to activate or deactivate the Mobile Transfer service

The Mobile Phone service is usually already activated when purchasing a SIM card. However, if you refused it, then before sending the transfer you need to activate it again. To do this, you need to send the following request: *105*220*0# and required service will be turned on for you. You can also send a request as an SMS message to the short number 3311 by entering the text “1”.

if you this service is not really needed, then you can always disable it by typing the USSD command: *105*220#, or sending an SMS message to the short number 3311 with the text “2”.

How to transfer money via the Internet?

You can transfer money from phone to phone not only using SMS and USSD commands, but also on the official Megafon website. To do this, follow the link, where you immediately get to the payment page. Here the following picture immediately catches our eye.

Here we select the “To another phone” category, click and go to the payment processing option. Here, in principle, everything is clear, we enter all the data: the amount of the required transfer, the subscriber’s phone number and the sender’s phone number. After filling out all the fields, click send.

Service “Balance of loved ones”

Megafon has one interesting service with which you can control the balance of the subscriber you need and, if necessary, transfer money to him on time. This service is called “Balance of Loved Ones”.

To connect it you need to dial *755#. You are taken to a menu where you need to specify the number of the subscriber whose balance you will control.

After this, dial again *755# subscriber number# and call. The subscriber whose number you dialed will receive a notification.

To activate this option, he must give a positive answer. After this you will be able to find out its balance. It should be noted that this service is free.

How to transfer money from Megafon to accounts of other cellular operators (MTS, Beeline, Tele 2)

Unlike other operators cellular communications, Megafon transfers funds to “other people’s” numbers using the same service as to its own numbers - “Mobile Transfer”. Sending funds to MTS, Beeline, etc. numbers occurs in the same way as when transferring to Megafon’s own phones.

  1. We send an SMS to the short number 3116, in which we indicate the subscriber’s number and the amount to be transferred: 9871234567 500. Then everything happens the same as when transferring to Megafon - we wait for a response SMS to confirm the operation.
  2. In addition to the SMS request, you can also transfer money through the USSD command: *133*amount for transfer to another subscriber*phone number of this subscriber in any format# and call.

An example of what it looks like: *133*25*9871234567# call

As you can see, everything is simple here. The commission, depending on the operator to which the subscriber of the number you are recharging is connected, will range from 2% to 7%.

Many subscribers are wondering how to transfer money from their phone to another number. It's actually not that difficult.

The steps depend on which mobile operator you use.

Below we will look at how you can transfer money to your phone from your phone using the most popular operators.

In Beeline you can transfer funds to your account using:

  • special teams;
  • messages like SMS;
  • official website of the operator.

To transfer money from phone to phone using the first method, just send a command like this *145*9062222222*140# . After this, you need to wait until a message with a confirmation code arrives on your phone. When it arrives, send a response from the device in the format *145*XXXX#. In this case, instead of XXXX, you enter the code that came in the message. Funds should arrive on your mobile number within three minutes.

You can also top up your account using messages. To do this, you need to send an SMS to number 7878. In this case, you must indicate “9062222222 140” in the text. In this case, the first set of numbers means the subscriber number, and the second set means the desired transfer amount. You will receive a message shortly - read it and follow the recommendations.

The easiest way to top up your account is from phone to phone using your personal account:

  • To do this, go to the operator’s website and log in.
  • Next, go to the “Payment and Finance” section. Here you will click the “Translate” button - this is what you need. Also indicate here who needs to transfer funds from the account.
  • Next, provide the required information and confirm your actions.

How to put money from phone to phone on Megafon

The methods for transferring money in this case are the same, it’s just that the numbers and combinations required are different. Let's look at each method:

  • Using special teams- With mobile device Dial a command like *133*140*9232222222#. Instead of “140” enter the amount you want to send, and instead of “2222...” — subscriber’s mobile number. After some time, you will receive an SMS with a confirmation code; you will need to send it in response.
  • Using messages – transferring funds via SMS will also not take much time. You need to send a message to number 3116. In the place where you need to specify the text, type “9232222222 140” - instead of the first set of numbers, indicate required numbers, and next to it is the transfer amount.
  • Using the official website - go to the company’s Internet site, find the “Services and Options” section here. Next, select “ Additional services" Look through the list and find “Transfer to another...” and enter the information.

Sending money from a mobile phone is easy; it usually takes about three minutes.

How to transfer money to MTS

To transfer funds from one account to another, you can use special requests, messages and the “ Easy payment».

The first method is considered one of the simplest. You need to enter the following command in your phone *112*9832222222*140# - in this case, instead of “22222...” you indicate the number of the subscriber to whose account you are sending funds, and instead of “140” the amount of transfers. After some time, you will receive a message containing a confirmation code. You need to indicate it: send the request again, this type *112*XXXX# - in place of XXXX - confirmation code.

Transferring amounts via messages is also convenient. To do this you will need:

  • Specify in address bar to whom you want to send funds.
  • In the SMS text, type “#transfer 140” - accordingly, instead of “140” you need to enter the transfer amount.

Then a message will come - it says what to do next.

On the official website of the mobile operator there is an “Easy Payment” service. You need to go to it and continue to follow “ Financial services and payments”, then in the menu you should select “To mobile phone”.

Here you need to indicate which operator’s subscriber number you want to transfer money and other information to. Then you will receive a message with a code - you will need to enter it. The funds will be transferred within a few minutes.

Top up cell phones from other phones on Tele2

In this case, there are fewer ways:

  • using a special command;
  • using the Mobile Commerce service.

In the first case, you only need to specify a command of the form *145*89532222222*140# - instead of “222...” you need to indicate the user number to which you want to “move” the money”, and instead of “140” - how much you want to transfer.

With the second method, you need to go to the official Tele2 website. Here, to make a transfer, you need to click on “Payment for goods and services”, and then “ mobile connection" Next, all that remains is to find the desired operator in the list and provide payment information.

As you can see, everything is simple!

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Balance of your mobile phone this is now not just a virtual balance that can be spent only on cellular services, now it’s yours online wallet from which you can perform sending operations Money, as well as withdrawing cash from your phone balance.

The Mobile Transfer service from Beeline allows you to expand the functionality for managing your phone account.


Mobile transfer expands the possibilities for managing the balance of your personal account Beeline, now you can make transactions, pay and transfer money from your mobile account to other subscribers and to electronic wallets. Previously this possibility mobile operator did not provide.

You will be able to perform the following operations:

  • Sending money from your phone to another Beeline subscriber;
  • Sending funds from Beeline to numbers of other mobile operators, such as MTS, Megafon, Tele2 and others;
  • Withdrawing funds from your phone to a bank card. You can withdraw to any VISA or MasterCard card, regardless of which bank it belongs to: Sberbank, Alfabank, VTB24 and any other bank;
  • You can also make a transfer to the electronic wallet WebMoney, Yandex Money and others;
  • Money transfer to points of issue, such as Russian Post, CONTACT, UNISTREAM and others;
  • Withdrawing cash from your phone balance through an ATM that has a Beeline sticker.

How to use

Let's look at the main options mobile transmission funds, namely to another Beeline subscriber, to subscriber numbers of other networks, and withdrawal of funds to a bank card.

Sending money to another subscriber

You can use the service in two ways:

  1. Send an SMS message to number 7878 with the text “number amount”. Example message "79654440505 100". You will receive a message in response to which you will confirm the transaction.
  2. The second method of sending is via USSD command. To send funds, dial *145*number to which you are sending*amount to be sent# and press call. For example, a request could look like this *145*9033214565*200#. After submitting your request, you will receive a code to confirm the operation. Enter the command *145*code-from-sms#.

You can send money not only to Beeline subscribers, but also to top up the account of users of other networks (MTS, Megafon, Tele2 and others). The only difference will be the amount of the commission for sending funds; for transfers within the network the payment is lower.

The approximate cost for transactions to Beeline numbers will be 15 rubles, provided that the amount sent is in the range from 30 to 200 rubles.
If you send over 200 rubles up to 5 thousand rubles, then 3% of the amount + 10 rubles will be charged for the operation.
When transferring to numbers of subscribers of other networks, 7% + 10 rubles will be charged.

You can find out more about fees for making transfers on the official website, or ask the support service by calling. Conditions and limits may differ for different regions; consult with specialists.

Funds are credited to another subscriber within a few minutes.

Withdrawing money to a bank card

You can withdraw funds from your Beeline balance at following types cards: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro. If money is sent to a card, make sure that the number on the card consists of 16 digits, otherwise the transfer will not be made.

To send money to a card from a mobile phone, send a message to number 7878 in the SMS text, first indicate the type of card, separated by a space, for example Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, then a space and write the number bank card, put a space and write the amount to be transferred. Example: Visa 1234567896543210 2500

It is worth noting that the amount must be an integer in the range from 50 rubles to 14,000 rubles. There are also restrictions on the number of transfers per day and per month.

A fee is charged for using the service. Above the amount of 5662 rubles, 5% of the transfer amount will be withdrawn. Up to this amount, from 50 to 350 rubles can be written off, depending on the sending amount ~8%.

Funds are credited within 5 days from the date of the transaction.

Sending money to an electronic wallet

  1. Webmoney:
    To top up your WebMoney e-wallet from your mobile phone, you need to send an SMS to number 7878 with the text where first comes the wm identifier, followed by a space and the wallet number without R, followed by a space and the amount to top up. Example wm 123456789012 100

    In response, you will receive an SMS, by replying to which you will confirm the transfer.

  2. QIWI wallet:
    To withdraw funds from your phone to a qiwi wallet to the same number 7878, send an SMS with the qiwi identifier space wallet (phone number) followed by a space and the amount to be sent. Example of a qiwi message test 9056557777 1000 in response you will receive an SMS to confirm the transaction. If you want to withdraw to a wallet that is linked to the phone number from which you are sending, then you can simply write qiwi 1000 in the text

You can also withdraw to other electronic wallets, for example Yandex.Money.

In addition to the above transfer options directly from your phone, you can also pay for housing and communal services, traffic police fines, repay a loan, pay for a ticket, home Internet and television. You can find more opportunities on the official website or on official page services

Mobile money transfer from Beeline to Beeline Transfer money from a Beeline account to a bank card

Topping up your account is an easy task. How to transfer money from one Beeline number to another? Sometimes you need to send money from your mobile phone to relatives or friends. There is a translation system that makes the task easier.

There are many advantages of using the system:

  • You can quickly send money to acquaintances, friends and relatives.
  • It is proposed to top up someone else's phone in this way.
  • The operation can be carried out quickly; it will take you no more than 1-2 minutes.
  • You can repay the debt through the transfer system.
  • You don't have to look for a terminal and waste extra time.
  • Several methods are offered so that you can choose the most comfortable one.
  • Enrollment happens quickly.
  • Commissions can be called relatively small.
  • In difficult situations, such a translation will be an ideal solution.

Therefore, the system is popular among subscribers. You won't have to search for a terminal for a long time or suitable way replenishment, when you can carry out a transaction from your account.

List of ways to transfer money from one phone to another

Today, there are a number of ways to complete the transaction, the client will be able to choose the one that suits him:

  1. With the help of the team.
  2. Via message.
  3. On the operator's website.

All three methods can be divided into two categories:

  • Mobile transfer, which is carried out directly from your phone. Money can only be sent via command or SMS within the operator’s network.
  • Money transfers on the website. This method has no restrictions; you can send funds to any account.

Using USSD command

Users actively use commands to send funds. This option has several advantages:

  1. The procedure takes a minimum of time.
  2. You don't need to have access to the World Wide Web.
  3. All you need to do is send a request and confirm.

How to transfer money from Beeline to another operator number? To send funds, use the command *145*number*amount#. The received password must be sent with the same code to carry out the operation. The disadvantage of this option is that to carry out the procedure you need to know the requests and clarify them separately.

Send via SMS

Why should you use SMS to send funds?

  • No internet access required.
  • All you have to do is type a message and send it to complete the operation.
  • The method is comfortable for clients.

How to make a transfer via message?

  1. Enter the number and amount via SMS.
  2. Send to 7878.
  3. You will receive a password.
  4. Send it back for confirmation.
  5. The funds will be transferred.

How to send money through the official website

To send funds to subscribers various operators, you need to use the official website. How to make a translation on it?

  • Go to the portal
  • Go to the "Payment and Finance" section.
  • In it, find the item “Money transfers”.
  • Choose an option. In your case, you will need to send it to a phone number.
  • Decide on the recipient operator.
  • Enter in the form the number of the subscriber to whom the funds are sent, your phone number, the amount, and indicate the verification code.
  • Submit your request.
  • You will receive a password to confirm the operation.
  • After entering it on the site, the money will be sent.

Terms of translation services

The following conditions apply for sending from a mobile phone:

  1. You can send from 30 to 200 rubles at a time.
  2. Daily limit – 400 rub.
  3. You can make 5 requests per day.
  4. You can send funds only after you have spent 150 rubles on payment for communication services.
  5. After completing the transaction, at least 50 rubles must remain in the account.

For money transfers From the site the conditions are slightly different:

  • The amount at a time ranges from 30 to 5000 rubles.
  • You can send money not only within the network, but also to the accounts of other operators.

Commission and restrictions

Fees depend on the method you choose:

  1. For mobile transfer – 15 rubles per operation, regardless of the amount of funds sent.
  2. Mobile account – 3 percent of the amount + 10 rubles.

All transactions are subject to commission. There is no way around it; the operator charges fees on transfers. If some site offers you to send funds for free, do not believe it, this is a way to deceive.

In the application

With Beeline, you can transfer money to another number through official application. To do this you will need:

  1. Download the program from the store on your platform.
  2. Complete the installation.
  3. Log in.
  4. On the main screen you will find a "Mobile Transfer" button.
  5. At the point you can specify all the data and send funds.

Benefits of the program:

  • It is much more convenient to send funds through it.
  • No need to memorize special requests or go to the website.
  • Just fill out the form in the application and send money.
  • A pleasant interface will allow you to quickly navigate.