What is a tube stream? What does a “tube” stream mean, and how does it reflect on the channel? Friendly atmosphere on the channel

The growth of channels today is incalculable; thousands of channels are created and closed every day. Initially, the streamer, without knowing it, believes that live broadcasting is fun and easy. But only a few understand that running your own channel is a very labor-intensive process. This is especially related to attracting a viewing audience that knows what a “tube” stream means.

Friendly atmosphere on the channel

What does “tube” stream mean? Everything is very simple - this is a stream where you feel as comfortable as at home. This is such an environment on the channel where everyone knows each other even by name! Such channels happily welcome every new viewer, and their atmosphere does not even allow you to leave without saying goodbye. As a rule, once a viewer gets there once, he becomes a permanent visitor forever.

Channels that are just gaining popularity have the highest “lampiness” indicator. On such channels, the streamer pays attention to each viewer, answers questions and simply chats on abstract topics.

But channels with a multimillion-dollar audience love to misinform and indicate in the broadcast description that their supposed stream is “tube”, which means and indicates that the channel has a friendly atmosphere and is as comfortable as home. No matter how it is! Channels with a large audience a priori cannot create a “lampiness” on the broadcast, since it is impossible for one person to track the huge flow of messages.

Search for a “tube” channel

If you want comfort and also want to be heard, you don’t need to look at the top positions. There you will be heard with a probability of 0.1%. Try to look at the positions of channels lower down, where the viewership is not so large. Such a channel will be many times more pleasant for you. After all, on small channels the streamer understands what a “tube” stream means. He tries in every way to create an atmosphere that will truly attract.

On channels where there is a small flow of viewers, everyone quickly gets to know each other and makes real friends. The same cannot be said about large channels, where any sent message loses its meaning within three seconds, since it is no longer visible in the chat.

We hope that it is now clear what a “tube” stream means. Good luck in finding good and interesting streamers and enjoy watching their broadcasts!

0 Now there is a craze on the Internet for broadcasting your games to an audience. Most popular YouTubers regularly stream to get donations. What does Stream mean?? Let's look at this issue in more detail. The term Stream comes from the English word " Stream", which can be translated as “stream”. This is a special type of earnings that is just gaining popularity on the Internet. However, Streams appeared long before the emergence of the World Wide Web, because back in the 60s there were live broadcasts of football matches, this is in essence, the same eggs only in profile. What does Stonik mean?

Stream- this is a streaming of what is happening in real life or on a computer screen to the computers of users connected to your broadcast

What is Stream?

There are several options for this entertaining and sometimes profitable process.

First option. A stream is when one or several people play a game and at the same time comment on it, sometimes quite funny. They often play what their subscribers ask them to play (subscribers are those people who subscribe to the streamer’s channel and follow what’s happening on it). The most popular platforms for broadcasting are Periscope and Twitch.

Second option. A stream is when a person comments on an event or other pressing issues and also communicates with the audience.

What is Creative Stream?

This stream is not very common on the Internet; a similar process is carried out by people who want show how certain masterpieces are born coming out of their hands. Perhaps it will be a sculpture made of wood or plaster, an acrylic painting. Not everyone is capable of creating beautiful things, which is why such streams are popular among some creative people. Some people are wondering what tube Stream is? Since "lamp" means something homely, pleasant, then tube stream- this is a video broadcast that creates a good positive atmosphere.

Why do people stream?

For the majority of people Streaming is a way to make money from donations(donations). Why do people watch streams? The fact is that some people just want to kill time, others drink tea with buns and watch an interesting Stream, while others are interested in how interesting it is to do this business, because until you see it, you won’t understand. If you feel talent in yourself, you have a loose tongue, have a luxurious baritone, then gaining subscribers will not be difficult, the main thing is not to mumble, but to pronounce the words clearly and clearly, and you will succeed.

How to create a live broadcast on Steam - Stream? - So what's this...

The growth of channels today is incalculable; thousands of channels are created and closed every day. Initially, the streamer, without knowing it, believes that live broadcasting is fun and easy. But only a few understand that running your own channel is a very labor-intensive process. This is especially related to attracting a viewing audience that knows what a “tube” stream means.

Friendly atmosphere on the channel

What does “tube” stream mean? Everything is very simple - this is a stream where you feel as comfortable as at home. This is such an environment on the channel where everyone knows each other even by name! Such channels happily welcome every new viewer, and their atmosphere does not even allow you to leave without saying goodbye. As a rule, once a viewer gets there once, he becomes a permanent visitor forever.

Channels that are just gaining popularity have the highest “lampiness” indicator. On such channels, the streamer pays attention to each viewer, answers questions and simply chats on abstract topics.

But channels with a multimillion-dollar audience love to misinform and indicate in the broadcast description that their supposed stream is “tube”, which means and indicates that the channel has a friendly atmosphere and is as comfortable as home. No matter how it is! Channels with a large audience a priori cannot create a “lampiness” on the broadcast, since it is impossible for one person to track the huge flow of messages.

Search for a “tube” channel

If you want comfort and also want to be heard, you don’t need to look at the top positions. There you will be heard with a probability of 0.1%. Try to look at the positions of channels lower down, where the viewership is not so large. Such a channel will be many times more pleasant for you. After all, on small channels the streamer understands what a “tube” stream means. He tries in every way to create an atmosphere that will truly attract.

On channels where there is a small flow of viewers, everyone quickly gets to know each other and makes real friends. The same cannot be said about large channels, where any sent message loses its meaning within three seconds, since it is no longer visible in the chat.