OGE assignments in computer science online. GIA online tests in computer science

The educational portal for preparing for exams according to Dmitry Gushchin’s system was originally created as a means of self-control and a way for students to self-prepare for the state final certification. However, the creators of this most useful resource included mechanisms for interaction with teachers.

In these notes, I share my experience of using resource materials offline - without using computers connected to the Internet. For convenience, the material is presented in the form of a text document and in PDF format.



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I WILL TAKE THE GIA: I WILL SOLVE the OGE and the Unified State Exam educational portal of Dmitry Gushchin. Experience of use

The tools offered to the user of the portal I will SOLVE the OGE and the Unified State Exam are very wide, and allow you to pass testing both on individual topics and on a complex task. The function of randomly selecting tasks from the catalog is extremely useful. It is implemented using buttonsHomework template And Test template.

When so-called homework is assigned, the advantages of a randomized choice of task are offset by the fact that each task contains its number. Students open the catalog on another tab and, having found the answer there using this identifier, enter it into the text of the work.

When assigning a test, a number is not entered, but in some types of problems you can very quickly find the correct answer from the text. Thus, the resource can now only be used as a means of preparing students for testing in the classroom.

To obtain objective results of assessing the quality of training, the following application options are possible: testing on the Gushchin website PASS GIA: I WILL SOLVE the OGE and the Unified State Exam, testing using other systems or paper media. Experience shows that the only way to conduct objective testing on the described resource is to disable access to the Internet after students receive the assignment, and turn it on to send the results. If there is no such technical possibility, then tasks have to be copied into another testing system. I use MyTestX from A. Bashlakova (http://mytest.klyaksa.net ).

I’ll move on to the algorithm for using the resource I’ll pass the GIA: I’ll SOLVE the OGE and the Unified State Exam to create a multi-choice test paper. The OGE is a standardized exam, that is, each type of task corresponds to a specific topic, and all you need to do is learn the theory and solve, solve, solve tasks sequentially on each topic, gradually improving your hand until it becomes automatic. There cannot be any unexpected or unrelated tasks on the exam. Experience shows that a good method of preparation is to solve a large number of similar tasks, and this is exactly the test we will create.

Go to the “Teacher” tab

Let's set the test parameters , available from this tabprint version.

Increasingly, ninth-graders are taking computer science tests as part of the OGE. This subject is considered extremely simple for some students, while others do not even try to pass it, because there is a high risk of remaining in the ninth grade next year.

Each examinee needs to know that even before completing the second part of the work, namely writing code, it is necessary to indicate what software the student is familiar with and with the help of what programming language the child will perform this task. What is the best way to prepare for the OGE in computer science?

How will the exam be conducted?

To complete this task, the student is given a computer. The following programming languages ​​can be used:

  • Basic;
  • Pascal.

The last task number “20” from the OGE in computer science is divided into two options. The student is asked to choose one of them.

The first part of the work contains tasks not only of a basic level, but also of an increased level of complexity. Some of them require you to indicate only a number. In others, you will need to write consecutive characters.

Check your level of knowledge on the OGE in computer science

How are assignments graded?

Assignments, depending on their level of complexity, have different degrees and criteria for assessment. In the first part, you can get only one point for each task in the OGE tests in computer science.

For all tasks in the exam paper, you can get 22, and five of them will be enough to get a “3” for the work in a five-point system. In order to write the exam, the student is given a total of 150 minutes of time.

Mark conversion scale

Where is the best place to prepare?

To successfully prepare for exams, each student uses different methods that will be most convenient to use. Some people find it more convenient to use the services of a tutor, or to use extracurricular literature in preparation.

Sites with tests and answers to them

To successfully solve the OGE in computer science, you can use such resources as “Yandex OGE”, “Dunno”, “Solve”. There is a large selection of tasks and tests that can be taken online. If you solve at least half of them, the likelihood of passing your work with an excellent grade will increase significantly.

Yandex OGE website in computer science

The well-known portal “Dunno” will allow you to download any options in PDF format. After that, you can print them out and try to solve them in writing, as will be the case in the exam itself, because there won’t be a second attempt. And if there are strikethroughs when answering a question, the result will not be counted.

Dunno website

It’s worth using the “Solve OGE” website.

Website I will solve the OGE

There you can not only solve an unlimited number of tasks in computer science, but also transfer your statistics to the teacher so that he can assess the level of preparation of his student.

OGE in computer science is one of the exams that is taken at the student’s choice. To enter the 10th grade after the 9th grade, you need to choose 2 subjects of your choice and 2 disciplines are mandatory. Computer science is chosen by those who enter a class with a certain specialization or plan to enter a college or technical school where this subject is needed. Also, many people choose computer science because it seems like the easiest option. If you know a computer and have not chosen a subject to take, computer science is worth paying attention to.

The exam is divided into two parts - written and practical, which is performed on a computer.

  • The first part includes 18 tasks (the number may change every year), the difficulty level is basic. The goal is to test students’ theoretical knowledge for compliance with the norms and standards of the program. Main topics and focus of assignments: converting numbers from one number system to another, converting units of measurement, theoretical knowledge on all topics of the course. If you learn how to perform such tasks, remember the features and solution algorithm, there will be no problems in the exam. Also in this part there are programming tasks - this does not require specific knowledge and special abilities, it is enough to learn the algorithm.
  • The second part requires you to complete two tasks on the computer. Moreover, you need to cope without the help of the Internet. The tasks are aimed at testing work, for example, in an Office suite or programming environment. The first task, most often, is on Excel skills: find the sum, use formulas and graphs to demonstrate any values. Programming is performed in the Kumir, Python, Pascal environment. The student receives a task and completes it - the result should be a working, simple algorithm.

It is quite possible to complete the course and prepare for the exam with basic skills. The main thing is to practice writing algorithms, study theory, and learn how to perform tests. The online resource “I will solve the OGE in computer science” will help with the latter - it contains many tasks of different difficulty levels, after completing which the student can easily pass the exam with a high score.
It is recommended that you begin your preparation by familiarizing yourself with , which outlines all the topics worth paying attention to. This will help create a schedule and preparation plan. Clearly set goals and an action plan, a little self-discipline and you can master the material even in six months. To master programming, you can use the help of a teacher, study textbooks on your own, study with a tutor - it’s a matter of choice.
Programming is considered the most difficult topic - spend more time on it. But classes using a special website resource will allow you to gain experience solving tasks of varying complexity online. Only by knowing how to use the information you have learned can you pass the OGE in computer science with a high score.

This section provides you with information on the 9th grade exam "Informatics" in the OGE format. Demo versions, theory guides, exam specifications and practice tests are available. You can find information about the exam format below.

Exam Information

The computer science exam consists of two parts and 20 tasks.

First part contains 18 tasks of basic and advanced difficulty levels

  • 6 tasks with selection and recording of the answer in the form of one digit
  • 12 tasks, implying that the examinee independently formulates and writes down the answer in the form of a sequence of characters

Second part contains 2 tasks of high difficulty level.

The tasks of the second part involve practical work by students on a computer using special software. The result of each task is a separate file. Task 20 is given in two versions: 20.1 and 20.2; The examinee must choose one of the options for the task.

Among tasks 1–6, tasks from all thematic blocks are presented, except for tasks on the topic “Organization of the information environment, information search”; among tasks 7–18 there are tasks on all topics except the topic “Design and Modeling”.

The tasks in Part 2 are aimed at testing practical skills in working with information in text and tabular forms, as well as the ability to implement a complex algorithm. In this case, task 20 is given in two versions: task 20.1 involves developing an algorithm for a formal executor, task 20.2 is to develop and write an algorithm in a programming language. The examinee independently chooses one of two options for the task, depending on whether he has studied any programming language.

Distribution of tasks by parts of the examination paper