Win 7 how to remove a program from startup. Why are applications added to Startup? Disabling via the system registry

U Windows platforms there is a feature - simultaneously with the launch directly operating system, programs autoload, without which it is not able to function properly. These include various system services and programs. However, often this set compulsory programs autoloads, third-party ones are added.

This is due to developers who include a default startup option in their programs. And it’s clear when an antivirus is equipped with such an option - this program should really always work in background. But there are a lot of other programs that launch simultaneously with the PC boot, at a time when there is no urgent need for this. Over time they accumulate a large number of, which negatively affects the speed of the PC. In this article we will tell you how to remove startup programs in Windows 7.

How to remove autoloading in the program itself?

First of all, it’s worth saying that you can get rid of the program’s autoloading directly through the settings of the program itself. Let's look at this feature using the example of the µTorrent program - an application for downloading various content from the Internet, which is probably installed for every user and which by default, as a rule, is launched along with loading Windows. I think everyone will agree that this program should not hang in the background; when you want to download, for example, a movie, you just quickly open it.

So, how to disable auto-downloading in µTorrent? Follow these instructions:

1. Launch µTorrent.

3. Now click on the “General” tab and in the “Windows Integration” section, uncheck the “Run µTorrent with Windows” box and click “OK”.

4. That's it! µTorrent should now stop downloading at the same time as Windows.

Of course, we understand that µTorrent is only special case, and if you want to disable startup for another program, you this instruction won’t help, so let’s look at how you can get rid of startup in Windows in other ways.

How to remove startup from the Start menu?

The easiest general way to get rid of startup programs is through the Start menu. To perform this procedure:

3. Open the “Startup” folder by left-clicking on it once, and you will see which programs start with the system.

4. Right-click on each of the programs one by one and select “Uninstall”.

5. Done!

This is a very simple way to remove startup programs in Windows, however, it does not work for all programs; for some reason, not every application that starts on the PC automatically when the system boots is “registered” in this folder, and therefore, to carry out complete cleaning, success should be consolidated through other tools.

How to remove startup via MSCONFIG?

Windows 7 has a special “System Configuration” tool, through which you can configure, in particular, startup. How to do it? Follow the instructions below:

1. Click Windows keys(usually the key with windows logo) + R, a window will appear in which you need to write MSCONFIG and click OK.

2. In the “System Configuration” window that opens, click the “Startup” section and you will see all the programs that start simultaneously with the system boot.

3. To remove a particular program from startup, you just need to uncheck the box opposite the program.

4. After making changes, do not forget to click OK (screenshot above).

Unfortunately, many users claim that this utility also does not always allow you to eliminate everything once and for all unnecessary programs startup. If this method did not help, there is still one more way to get rid of programs that launch without permission - deleting startup programs through the registry. This method, in turn, can be divided into two - manual removal through the registry and through Autorun programs, let's consider both:

— removing startup programs manually through the registry:

1. Press the Windows + R keys, a window will open, in it you need to write regedit, then click OK.

2. The “Registry Editor” window will open, you need to find two Run folders. First, open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder, then go to Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion/Run. Delete all contents from the Run folder.

3. Now you need to remember to find the second Run folder, to do this, first open HKEY_CURRENT_USER, and then follow the path similar to that specified in paragraph 2 of these instructions - Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion/Run and also delete all contents from this Run folder.

4. Done!

— removing startup programs via Autoruns:

To remove startup programs from the registry using Autoruns:

1. Download the program Autoruns, install and run.

The program will download as an archive, it will contain four files, you need to run autorunsc.exe and wait until the installation takes place in automatic mode.

2. To open the program, double-click on the file from the Autoruns.exe archive (or right-click and select “Run as administrator”). When the program opens, click the Everything tab, in it you will see all the startup programs.

3. To remove a particular program, you just need to uncheck the box next to it.

To delete or not to delete – that is the question?

At the beginning of the article we said that without autoloading in Windows series special programs, the system will not function properly. This means that when you remove programs from startup, don’t overdo it. If you are sure that this program is unnecessary, delete it; if you have even the slightest doubt about the program - you don’t know what it is responsible for and what consequences its removal may lead to, you should not delete it.


So, we have studied a lot of ways to remove startup in Windows 7, we hope that one of them will certainly help you cope with your problem!

  1. 1. Remove shortcuts from the Startup folder (suitable for XP and Windows 7, but does not always help);
  2. 2. Disable autorun in Windows 7 using the built-in msconfig utility;
  3. 3. Disable startup programs for Windows 8;
  4. 4. Disable startup using CCleaner programs (universal method for all OS).
1. Regular way for Windows 7

Opening "Start" - "All Programs" where we are looking for the folder (Startup - in English). The shortcuts placed here automatically launch the corresponding programs when Windows starts, right-click on the unnecessary ones and click "Delete".

The method is simple, but this does not include all programs that start when the PC starts.

2. Disable autorun programs for Windows 7 using msconfig

Besides previous folder, there is also a registry in which startup programs are located. Most easy way remove tasks from it, press "Win"+"R" and enter in the line "msconfig" and press "OK".

In the window that opens, go to the tab. By unchecking the boxes next to programs we don’t need, we remove them from autorun.

Then press the button "OK", a window will appear asking you to restart your PC, but you don’t have to do this.

Using this method, you can disable any program from startup, but you need to know all their names because there are no shortcut icons, and you can inadvertently disable something you need.

3. Disable startup programs for Windows 8

Right-click on the taskbar, in the appeared context menu press "Task Manager".

In the window that opens, go to the tab, select the program we need and click the button below "Disable".

A very simple way that can be done even inexperienced user PC.

4. Disabling startup using CCleaner

One of the reasons slow work OS are programs that are present in startup. As a rule, not all of them are needed for correct Windows operation, so some can be removed, which will improve the performance of the computer, it will boot faster and respond to your commands.

How to disable autoloading Windows programs 7, you will find out further. However, remember that there are utility applications, the deactivation of which can lead to malfunctions of the operating system. By clearing the list of automatically included programs, you will notice that it will take significantly less time to load the OS.

Why from autorun?

Many applications found in “Startup” affect the loading speed of the operating system. You've probably noticed that a computer that was purchased relatively recently begins to load less quickly after a few months, and even slows down during operation.

After installation various applications they are added to Autorun without your permission. This is why it is necessary to disable startup of programs in Windows 7 that you very rarely use, or you don’t need them at all. During operation, all these applications use computer resources, for example, RAM, which affects its performance.

Of course, not all programs in Autorun need to be removed, since some of them are really needed, and there are some that must be loaded with the OS. So before you clean out your Startup list, make sure you're not disabling anything important.

Why are applications added to Startup?

As mentioned above, many programs are added to “Startup” independently. For example, you download an application, and they offer you another one, which is placed in Autorun without your permission. It’s one thing when it’s a really necessary program, for example, to control a video adapter. But if you don’t need the application, then you need to know how to disable startup programs in Windows 7.

Often, users add programs that they most often need to Startup. For example, if you constantly need to be on Skype, you can include it in the startup list. But there are also mandatory applications, such as an antivirus or firewall.

If you are not satisfied with the startup speed, regular “brakes”, and you cannot find where to disable startup programs in Windows 7, then read about it further.

How to programs

So, you decided to get rid of some applications in Startup, but you don’t know how to do it. In fact, everything is very simple. To see what programs you have there, go to the “Start” menu, open “All Programs” and find the corresponding section, which is called “Startup”. By clicking on it, you will open a list of all applications located in “Startup”.

If you want to remove a program from Startup, you can do this using command line. Call it by pressing the “WIN + R” buttons, and then enter the “msconfig” command there. Click “Enter”, “System Configuration” will open, where you will need to go to the “Startup” section.

Now you can independently disable startup of Windows 7 programs. Uncheck the boxes next to those applications that you do not use. By the way, if you don’t need them, then remove them through Programs and Features.

How to disable startup programs in Windows 7 using Autoruns and CCleaner

You can't remember which keys to press to call it up. Or perhaps you want to open a list of Startup programs in just a few clicks. Then you can install one of the following on your computer free applications that allow you to do this.

The first program is called Autoruns. It is recommended to download it from the official website. On this moment there is only English version, but you shouldn’t be scared, because the interface is designed in such a way that even a novice user can figure it out.

Another popular app- CCleaner. You can also download it from the official website. In order to disable startup programs in Windows 7, you will need to launch CCleaner and go to the “Tools” section. Now select “Startup” and single-click on the application that you want to remove from “Startup”. There are corresponding buttons on the right.

Before deleting something or, conversely, adding something to Startup, you need to familiarize yourself with a few tips from experienced users:

  • It is not recommended to remove it from Autorun antivirus program, because after loading the OS, you may forget to turn it on, which means there will be a threat of virus penetration.
  • If you don’t know whether you can disable a program, then look for information about it on the Internet, and then make a decision, because some applications are service applications.
  • In addition to cleaning Startup from unnecessary programs, it is recommended to disable some services that can be found on the tab of the same name in the System Configuration window.
  • When you learn how to disable startup programs in Windows 7, do this operation with all unnecessary applications to ensure minimal load on the system during startup.


As you can see, it’s not at all difficult to open “Startup” and remove all the “garbage” from there. You just need to remember one thing and the “msconfig” command. After doing these steps, you will notice that the next time your computer will boot much faster, especially if there were a large number of applications in Startup.

Often, users, having downloaded a movie from a torrent, forget to close the client itself and remain on the distribution. As a result, Internet pages open much more slowly. However, if you remove this application from Startup, the problem will be solved. That is, when you need to download something, you manually launch the client and close it as well.

So, now you know how to disable startup programs in Windows 7. It is recommended that you regularly check what you have there. By the way, some applications themselves ask whether to add them to Startup or not.

Why is this happening? The answer is simple. Because when installing programs on a computer, the average user presses Further without unchecking the items "Add this program to startup" or « Fast start along with Windows". Sometimes patience reaches its limit and you need to do something about it. Let's figure out how to remove unnecessary things from startup on your own and without problems in Windows 7, 8 or 10 operating systems.

How to determine: what to remove and what to leave?

Autoload - such a list in the operating room Windows system, which allows any program placed in it to launch when the computer starts. It would seem that, convenient thing, but when a lot accumulates there necessary programs and every computer startup turns into a ritual of clearing the control panel of them, it’s no laughing matter. Before you start cleaning, select the programs you want to keep. It is recommended to leave the firewall and antivirus, as well as programs related to the video card, in startup. In addition, you should keep the programs that are necessary for you. You can safely remove other programs; read how to do this below.

Removing unnecessary programs from Windows startup

It is worth noting that there are three main ways to remove unnecessary programs from startup. The first method is through the Windows menu itself, the second is through special software, the third - using the system registry. There is no fundamental difference in performing this operation on Win 7, 8, 8.1 or 10. Everything is done according to approximately the same scenario. We will consider all options.

Disabling using Windows

If you are not eager to download special software or go into the registry to disable unnecessary programs, everything can be done as standard, that is, through the OS. We do the following:

You can also disable some unnecessary services to speed up the system. To do this, in step 4, you need to select the “Services” tab and do the following manipulations:

  1. In the window that opens, check the “Do not display Microsoft services” checkbox.
  2. Then uncheck all unnecessary services.
  3. Click “OK” and restart the computer.

Important! Remove only those programs and services in which you are sure that they do not affect the operation of the OS. If you are not sure about any of them, it is better not to touch them.

Disabling with special programs

Exists great amount programs that help get rid of unnecessary programs in startup. One of the most convenient and widespread is CCleaner. In addition to cleaning startup programs, it allows you to clean the registry, delete broken files, thereby freeing up disk space, remove any computer software and many other useful things. Specifically, to clean startup we do the following:

  1. Download and install CCleaner.
  2. Go to the program and go to the “Service” tab, and there to “Startup”;
  3. A list appeared in front of us, which presented all the programs from startup. By clicking on the unnecessary one, an active blue “Turn off” button will appear on the left, click it.
  4. After turning off all unnecessary programs from startup, close CCleaner. Ready.

Disabling via the system registry

This method is probably suitable for advanced users who understand what they are doing. Since incorrect changes in the system registry can lead to a non-working operating system.

To use the method of disabling unnecessary programs from startup using the registry, you should do everything according to the instructions below.

  1. Press the familiar key combination “Win+X” and select “Run” from the list.
  2. Enter the command “regedit” in the window that appears.
  3. You will have a registry structure. In the tabs on the left, follow one of the following paths:



  4. Select the unnecessary program, right-click, select “Delete”, and get rid of them in autorun.
  5. Ready. Close the registry.

Important! For fun, don’t just touch anything in the system registry, otherwise the OS may crash.

To summarize what was written above, it should be noted that it is very easy to get rid of unnecessary programs in startup, thereby speeding up your computer. The main thing is to follow our recommendations and you will succeed.

Have you noticed that the operating system you just installed on your computer allows it to work much faster? This is also due to the fact that they have not yet installed various programs, which are launched at startup. Moreover, it is often not at all clear why they are launched, since they have to be used once every few months. To prevent this from happening, you need to remove programs from startup.

There are several ways to do this. It’s up to you to decide which one to use, but I’ll start with, perhaps, the easiest method.

First way

Click on the “Start” button, in the “Search programs and files” (Windows 7) or “Run” (Windows XP) line, write the simple word msconfig and press OK or Enter.

A system configuration window will open, consisting of several tabs. We are only interested in one of them, namely “Startup”.

Once in this subsection of the menu, you will see programs that start when the operating system starts. There is a check mark to the left of the element name. Remove it from the programs you need and click OK. In order for the changes to take effect, you must restart your computer, but you can choose not to do this for now. In any case, the next time you start the computer, the program’s autorun will be disabled and it will start only at your request.

Be careful when editing this subsection because randomly You can disable the wrong programs and this can cause problems.

Second way

Can be used third party utilities, of which there are simply a huge number at the moment. Personally, I use an excellent program, main task which is cleaning your computer from obsolete and simply unnecessary files. However, she has a number additional functions, among which there is the ability to edit startup. Moreover, through CCleaner you can even control the launch of plugins built into your Internet browsers. Using the utility is very simple, as you can see for yourself. Simply select a program, highlight it, and click Turn Off.

Third way

Editing startup is possible using the registry. True, this method is more suitable for “hardcore” users, since it is much more complex and takes more time, although for professionals, editing the registry probably takes no more than a couple of minutes.

So. Startup information is located in two branches: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. In the first case we're talking about about autoloading programs for all users, and in the second - exclusively for the current one. To remove a program, you need to find the corresponding key and delete it by right-clicking on it and selecting “Delete”.

When working with the registry, you need to be extremely careful, since deleting some keys can negatively affect the operation of the entire system. Therefore, it is recommended in advance just in case.

By the way, to edit the registry you need to click on the “Start” button and enter the word regedit in the dialog box.

Well, finally, I would like to remind you once again that you should be as careful as possible when editing autoload, since you can delete from it important programs. For example, people often turn off their antivirus, thereby remaining without protection. Fortunately, most modern antiviruses it is simply impossible to turn it off in this way - this is a kind of protection against such errors.

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