What does left clicking do? Single, double click, hover and roll


If your computer is running Windows 7 or Vista, click in any window Windows Explorer Organize menu and select Folder and Search Options. The Folder Options dialog box opens.

Now all commands that previously required double-clicking to activate will now be activated with a single mouse click. For example, to open any file or run a program, you only need to click once on the icon.

If you are the owner of a mouse model that has additional buttons, you can configure one of them to activate commands with one click. To do this, you should use a special software from the mouse manufacturer, with which you can configure additional buttons.

How will they open on a computer? folders, in what form they themselves and the files they contain will be displayed - all this depends on what settings are selected for the folders. All required parameters can be configured in the dialog box Properties folders" To do this, you need to perform several steps.


Open the window " Properties folders" There are several ways to do this. Open any folder from any directory on your computer. IN top line menu, select “Service”. In the drop-down menu, left-click on the line “ Properties folders", - the required dialog box will open. Another way: Open Control Panel through the Start button. In the Appearance and Themes category, select the icon Properties folders" If the Control Panel is in classic view, the icon you're looking for is immediately available.

In the window that opens, on the “General” tab, set the settings for the display and methods of opening folders on the computer. If in the “Tasks” section you have a marker set in the “Display a list of common tasks in folders” field, the area of ​​your open folders will be visually divided in two. On the right side there will be icons of the files contained in the folders, on the left side there will be tasks that can be performed for these files (rename, copy, delete, and so on). Marker in the “Use regular” field folders Windows" means that the task field will be absent.

  • Tutorial
  • Recovery Mode

Once upon a time there was a mouse, and its name was Defender MM-525. She steadfastly pulled her mouse strap - clicked on links, scrolled through pages, moved the cursor. But one day a problem happened - instead of one click, she began making two, or even more. Sometimes you want to pause a video on YouTube, but instead it opens in full screen. Or you select text, but at the last moment the selection is reset. It is clear that this could not continue like this.

What to do? The Internet offers the following options:

At the top is the power supply, at the bottom is the ground, to the right is the wire to the processor input. And at the entrance it has a shutter field effect transistor. In our case, we can assume that this is simply an ideal voltage meter. The voltage is greater than the specified one, which means the output is output by the processor, the input is one, and if it is less, then it is zero.

But if the input to the processor is ideal, then with all due respect the switch cannot be considered as such. When a switch closes, it means that one piece of metal is in contact with another piece of metal. But between the states “off” and “on” there is that awkward moment when these two pieces barely touch. And if there is contact now, then in a microsecond it may disappear, and then be restored again. And sometimes one contact hits another and, according to Newton’s laws, bounces off it, or even several times. What will mother processor think? That's right - he will think that the switch was turned on, off, on, off, on, off, etc. Although “in fact” it was turned on only once. This phenomenon even has its own name - contact bounce.

Wait, doesn’t it remind you of anything? Oh yes, a similar incident just happened to our mouse! This means that our working hypothesis will be that the mouse developers either did not remember the possibility of rattling at all, or their efforts to combat it were in vain. And we will have to fight this enemy for them.

Let's note two things. Firstly, our click speed is limited. It is unlikely that we will click on the mouse more than ten times per second. Secondly, the switches try to make the moment of rattling pass as quickly as possible, and certainly in one tenth of a second the mouse button will have time to calm down. Thus, our task comes down to separating high-frequency clicks from low-frequency ones, that is, we need a filter low frequencies. The simplest way to do this - solder the capacitor:

This is exactly what we will do.

Here it is - our button:

And this is the same thing, but without the lid:

Let's sign the contact numbers for convenience:

The principle of operation is obvious - at rest, contacts 1 and 3 are closed, when you press the button for a while, all contacts open, and then contacts 1 and 2 close. When pressed, the same thing happens in reverse order.

We opened the button not to bend anything, but to see with our own eyes how it works, and if we’re lucky, to look at the rattling. And the Samsung WB2000 camera and I96U lens will help us with this. The mentioned device can shoot video at a frequency of 1000 frames per second. True, not so great, but, as they say, what are they rich in?

The most complex setup for high-speed shooting:

And, actually, the movie:

As you can see, the contact manages to fly the entire required distance in five frames (that is, 5 milliseconds), and no visible chatter is observed. Perhaps the bounce could be seen on the oscillogram, but, unfortunately, I only remembered that I had an oscilloscope when the mouse was already assembled. But one way or another it is clear that the characteristic chatter time is clearly less than minimum time clique, and that the boundary between them is approximately five milliseconds.

Lyrical digression. How would I make a mouse if I had a switch like the one above? And like this:

Cheap and cheerful. The processor input is not only an ideal voltmeter, it is also a capacitor of several picofarads. So in those milliseconds while one contact flies from the second to the third, the voltage will not have time to change noticeably, and when it arrives, the capacitor will charge, and even if the contact jumps, it will still not be able to discharge, so there will be no chatter. Well, unless he jumps right up to the opposite contact, but this, as we have seen, is an extremely unlikely situation.

But the valiant mouse developers, as we will now see, are not looking for easy ways.

Let's measure our switch with a multimeter. First, we find that none of the contacts are shorted to power. Anyway. At rest there is 2.5 volts of power on the second contact, zero on the others. When pressed, all contacts are zero. This suggests that the developers did not follow my path, and the processor input, apparently, is the second contact, and the third contact is not used at all. But the funny thing is that after pressing the zero button, the zero on the second contact remains for another five seconds! Unfortunately, the mechanism of operation and the advantages of this solution and the motivation of the developers remain a mystery to me. I hope someone in the know can enlighten me.

Thus, our entire harmonious scheme for combating chatter is broken against a blank wall of misunderstanding of modern circuit solutions. But, in fact, don’t stop when the job is almost done. So we will solder without understanding.

We will solder the capacitor between pins 1 and 2. And to measure the effect we will use a script like

Today I will tell you how to remove double mouse click. As I've already noted, computer mice can double-click for two main reasons:

1. Becausemechanical faults . I described such cases in the article .
2. Because
Windows settings or drivers the mouse itself.

In this article I consider the second option.

1. Configure mouse settings

Now I'll tell you how to remove double mouse click. Often the problem is solved through Windows settings or the mouse driver itself. Therefore, first you need to look at Mouse Properties. You can find them in the Control Panel: Start -> Control Panel -> Mouse Properties. In the “Mouse Buttons” tab, check if it is enabled mouse sticking. If yes, feel free to turn it off. We also look at "Execution speed double click» . By default, the speed is set slightly above average. Let's try to customize this parameter for ourselves.

This is what the mouse properties look like in Windows 7. The picture shows standard settings.

2. Setting Set up papo parameters To

If setting the mouse parameters did not help, go to Start -> Control Panel -> Folder Options. We look at the “Mouse clicks” parameter. Check the box next to “Open with double click and select with one click.”

This is what the folder properties should look like.

3. Reinstall the mouse driver

How else is it possible remove double click? Let's move on to the most radical method. Let's go toStart -> Control Panel -> Device Manager . We look for our mouse there (usually in the “Mice and other pointing devices” section). Right click mouse open context menu, where we select “Properties”. Next, find the “Driver” tab, where we select driver removal. We agree with all Windows warnings.

The easiest way to remove the mouse driver is here.

If everything is fine, then the driver will be completely removed, after which the mouse will no longer work. Now you can remove it and then restart the computer (this is not at all necessary, but it still won’t hurt). Since the mouse is disabled, you can use the keyboard to restart your computer. Click the Start button, then use the arrows and Tab keys select “Shut down”, then press Enter. Alternatively, you can simply press the corresponding button on system unit or keyboard.

After the reboot, plug the mouse back into the connector. Windows will automatically detect it and reinstall all drivers.

After this, the problem should disappear. If you are still concerned about the question "how to remove double click" , then the problem is still mechanical wear. More details about this in the article.

Related materials:

Left Mouse Button Fix is a software tool which can be used to correct the actions taken when your left mouse button is broken. If this aforementioned device double clicks when you are trying to click only once, you might need this app.

Use it on any machine

This utility is portable, which means that you are not required to install it on your computer. You can copy the program files to any location on the hard drive, and simply double-click the EXE in order to launch it. Aside from that, you can place the last mentioned files on a USB flash drive and run Left Mouse Button Fix on any PC you can connect to.

Even though modern Windows iterations come with in the default feature package, it"s best to check if it"s installed because it"s a mandatory requirement.

Another important aspect is that the Windows registry and Start menu will not suffer any changes, and it will leave no trace after its removal.

Clear-cut interface

The UI you are greeted by sports a pretty minimal and straightforward design. To be more accurate, it is only comprised of two buttons which enable you to start and stop the fixing process. Moreover, you can view the number of double clicks fixed. This software tool is also unobtrusive, as it goes in the system tray from the first launch and can be sent there at any point.


CPU and memory usage remains low at all times, which means that your computer’s performance will not be affected, and you can run it alongside other apps without encountering issues.

To sum up, Left Mouse Button Fix is ​​a tiny, yet handy piece of software for people with a broken mouse. It has a good response time and it is accessible to both power and novice users.

Many PC users notice some oddities in the operation of their computer mouse. For example, the mouse strives to double-click instead of single-click. There is little pleasant in this, so willy-nilly you wonder: how to remove the double click of a computer mouse?

Generally speaking, there may be two main reasons for the mouse to double-click, namely:

  1. Purely mechanical wear of the buttons that occurs over time.
  2. Problems with drivers or settings operating system Windows.

So let's see what we can do in in this case, how to fix and repair a mouse that has begun to behave in an undesirable manner.

What is the reason for the double click? How to fix? Let's try to disassemble the mouse

In the most difficult advanced cases, only “surgical” intervention can help. To do this you will need to disassemble the mouse. One of the screws may be located under the sticker, another may be visible, and in addition, several may be under the legs.

Don't be surprised if you see a decent layer of dust, debris and dirt inside the mouse. This is quite natural and should not scare you. To clean the inside of the mouse, take a piece of lint-free cloth soaked in alcohol or vodka. It is better to remove the mouse wheel so that it does not interfere with the workflow.

How to fix button play

In most cases, the problem of double clicking is associated with button play or, in other words, with a gap due to poor connection of parts. In order to get rid of the double click, you need to take electrical tape and, with pieces cut to the size of the buttons, carefully stick it on the top inside mouse, covering all gaps as shown in the figure. It is very effective to use unnecessary protective film from a PDA or smartphone in good condition, as it is durable and durable.

When the glue is completely dry, the mouse can be assembled. Then just check if its parts are functioning normally. If the button is pressed extremely tightly, or does not want to give in at all, remove the excess layer of electrical tape.

The reason for the double click may be in the button sensors

If the device produces a double click even after the manipulations have been carried out, then most likely the problem of the double click is in the button sensors. First of all, find the sensors for the right and left buttons on the board. This is easy to do, since the sensors are rectangles small size with a button on top. This is the button you need to press. If everything goes well, we will hear the usual click of a computer mouse. If after all these manipulations your computer mouse continues to double-click, you have two options:

  1. Majority computer mice has 3 sensors: left, middle (under the wheel) and right. They are all exactly the same. However, the middle mouse button is often not needed by users. Therefore, its sensor can be re-soldered instead of the damaged one. If you have an old unnecessary mouse, then a working sensor for resoldering can be taken from there.
  2. But if you don’t have another computer mouse or don’t want to bother with the middle button, or don’t have the skills to work with a soldering iron, or simply don’t have the time and desire to repair the mouse, there is an easier way out of this situation - go and buy a new computer mouse.