Cut to fit the speaker using universal film. What is a protective film? Any napkins will not work

01.10.2017 16:00:00

Types of protective films

The main task of the film is to preserve its presentation for a long time. cell phone. In addition to this task, protective film used to matt the screen, or vice versa, to create a glossy effect, protects the screen from fingerprints. Accordingly, you can purchase a variety of films depending on the purpose of their use: matte, glossy, anti-reflective. Each person chooses a film based on personal tastes and preferences. Thick films are easier to stick than thin ones. They don't stretch. However, it is worth considering one fact: a thick film reduces the color rendition of the screen and its sensitivity.

Glossy films of medium thickness are considered universal. You can find them in communication stores or online stores. They will suit any user. If you don’t know how to stick a film on your phone, we will help you. Everything is done as simple as shelling pears.

Sticking a film on a phone: Necessary conditions and available means

We will need a soft napkin. You can take one of those used for wiping monitors.

Where to stick the film on the phone? It is better to carry out such a procedure in a room where there is no large quantity dust. You can use the bathroom. To create high humidity, which is an indispensable condition for proper film gluing, turn on the water for a couple of minutes. Use a plastic spatula or credit card as a smoothing tool.

How to stick a film on a phone

Sticking film on your mobile device occurs in three stages. We will describe them to you below.

1. How to cut a film for a phone that matches its size?

In order not to be mistaken with the dimensions, use as a sample the film that the phone was equipped with during packaging at the factory. It matches the screen exactly and will serve as an excellent example.

Remove the original film and place it on the protective film, carefully aligning it.

Take a special knife and scissors. Using them, cut the film of the required size according to the existing sample. In a couple of minutes, the result is ready - a new film for your irreplaceable and favorite gadget.

2. Applying a protective film to the phone: preparing the device

Your first step in this procedure is to thoroughly wipe the screen with a microfiber cloth. Then we prepare a solution based on soap or shampoo in the following proportions: add one drop of soap to twenty grams of water. We take a brush and use it to cover the screen with a thin layer of the prepared solution. This procedure will help the material not stick haphazardly, and will make it possible to easily fix it in the correct position.


The material we will have to work with has two different protective coatings. On the front side it is colored, and on the side of the adhesive layer it is transparent.

You should remove the transparent coating, and then place the film with the adhesive layer to the screen. Carefully align the film. The previously prepared solution helps us with this.

Now feel free to remove the second coating. It's time to take advantage plastic card. Use it to expel the air formed under the film. Do this from the center of the screen to the edge. Wipe off any remaining soapy liquid with a swab. Avoid getting the solution on the device buttons.

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That's all. The hard work is done! Your mobile phone is like new.

Leave the device alone for a while to allow the film to dry. After an hour or a little more, you can safely use it.

  • To properly stick the protective film on your phone around the edges, cut it with a gap of a millimeter from the edge of the screen.
  • Avoid touching the adhesive side of the material, otherwise there is a risk of dust being deposited on it, which may cause bubbles to form.

Now you know how to stick a protective film on your phone yourself. The next lesson will be devoted to how to resuscitate a phone that has fallen into water. Do not miss!

Buying new gadget, we all hope that the purchased item will remain in its original presentable form for as long as possible, especially for phones with touch screens.
A protective film for your phone can protect your display from all kinds of scratches or other damage. Such a cunning move will prolong the state of novelty of your phone for a long time. We will look at how to stick a film on a phone in this article.

Fragile gadget part

To the centers service owners regularly contact mobile phones with requests to replace the display. Most often, it is this part of the gadget that causes breakdowns. This happens because the phone's display is its most fragile part. Also, the gadget’s screen is not protected from external influences (regardless of the strength of the material from which it is made). Of course, impact-resistant materials help protect the phone from cracks, however, despite this, the display replacement service is always in the lead. The problem of scratches can be prevented - you just need to stick a protective film on your phone.

What types of films are there?

Fortunately, today manufacturers of the communications industry and accessories in this industry have tried to ensure that the user mobile device there was a choice of accessories for it. Today there are several types of films with different properties.

    With a glossy finish. The phone looks more beautiful with a glossy film, but in bright sunlight it will catch glare, making it difficult to view the screen.

    Film with mirror coating. Made of glass, which significantly adds chic and shine touch phone. There are also mirror films on sale for the back panel of the phone, so they can act as a case, covering all panels of the device. But such an accessory also has disadvantages, these are the same glare in bright lighting.

    Film with matte finish- when choosing this type, you will be able to use your phone perfectly even in bright light conditions, unlike the two previous protective films.

There are also some that come off easily. But you need to take into account the fact that there should be no glue left on the display. Some companies produce films with the thinnest silicone coating that adhere perfectly to the display without leaving marks on it. Such protective accessory can be used many times.

When purchasing film

It is recommended to purchase a screen protector specifically for your phone model. Basically she's always a little smaller size screen, but this nuance should not confuse you, since this was done for better adhesion of the film along the edges of the display. When purchasing such a protective accessory, many are guided by their own preferences and tastes.

It should be noted that it is easier to properly stick the film on the phone if it has a thick base; thinner ones tend to stretch. But thick ones reduce color transmission and the sensitivity of the device. If you can't decide on a choice, a universal phone film will suit you. Glossy ones of medium thickness are considered universal; they are suitable for any user. You can purchase protection for your phone in online stores or in specialized communications stores.

Basically, when buying a phone, sellers immediately offer to buy a film and use the services of gluing it. For absolutely small fee store or service center specialists can stick it on your gadget; it won’t take much time. However, if you do not want to contact service center, you can do these simple steps yourself.

Step-by-step instruction

First you need to prepare workplace. It is advisable that there is no dust in the room, since it will definitely get on the sticky part of the film, and then you will not be able to do anything. It is advisable to do this in the bathtub so that the room is saturated with moist air, which can be artificially created by turning on the water in the bathroom for a couple of minutes.

To work you will need:

    phone screen film;

  • wet wipe;

    dry cloth;

    a plastic spatula (often included with the film); if not, an ordinary plastic card will do.

It is recommended to glue it to a new, not yet dirty or dusty phone. In order not to make mistakes when gluing the film and not to be subsequently disappointed with the work performed, you must follow the instructions step by step.

Usually, along with the protective film, manufacturers include a special napkin and a plastic spatula, which are useful for gluing the film. If the phone is new, then it already contains factory protection, but in most cases it contains brand inscriptions or descriptions of the resources contained in the phone.

These inscriptions interfere with the effective use of the screen, so the factory film must be removed, but do not rush to throw it away, we will need it later.

Screen processing

The next step: you need to carefully inspect your gadget; there should be no specks, dust or fingerprints on the surface of the screen. If there are any, you need to clean the surface of the display from such imperfections by wiping it thoroughly with a special napkin. You can use a microfiber cloth and cleaner for LSD and TFT monitors. However, it is very important to know that you should never wipe the display with alcohol, because alcohol can cause clouding of the plastic of the display itself.

Any napkins will not work

You can also use fabric napkins that do not contain lint. You will have to refuse both fat-containing wipes and those containing cream. These types of wipes will leave unwanted marks and streaks on the surface of the screen.

You need to carefully rub the surface of the screen in order to remove all the debris, because all these defects can no longer be corrected after gluing. If your phone is not new, even after very intensive cleaning it may still contain dust fluff on its surface. Then it is recommended to use masking tape to remove them - just blot the display with it.

Film size

If you use a protective film that is matched directly to the model of your mobile device, it will perfectly match the parameters, and additional procedures no need to produce. However, it happens that it is not possible to purchase original protection. In this case, the factory one will come in handy. It should be adjusted to required sizes using scissors or a sharp knife. But it should be noted that the original accessories already have all the holes for the various instrument panels of your device, and you will have to tinker with the rest and cut them yourself.

Determining the bottom of the film

Before you stick the film on your phone, you need to find where the bottom is, to get a general idea of ​​which side to mount where. Some manufacturers produce film that itself is coated in two additional layers. There is protection on the top and bottom, and inside there is a base for gluing to the surface of the phone screen. This kind of accessories is produced with numbered paper petals around the edges. In this case, the first to be removed is the protective surface number 1.

Gluing process

Having previously marked the upper point of contact of the film with the screen, you need to very carefully bend the edge of the film with the number 1 and attach the film to the screen with the adhesive side. It is necessary to accurately calculate the movement of the hand and align the protection parallel to the top edge of the screen. It is not advisable to bend it long distance, this may complicate the process due to the stickiness of the film, and air will get under it. Also, it is necessary to glue it onto the phone not flush to the edges; it is recommended to retreat a few millimeters.

Gradually continue to peel back the film and at the same time stick it to the surface of the display, applying slight pressure. If air bubbles appear during gluing, you need to use a plastic card and smooth them out, expelling them on both sides of the screen. It is better to leave tiny bubbles as they are; they will disappear on their own in a couple of days. Now you can remove film number 2.

Final stage

Now you know how to stick a film on your phone, and you can do this procedure yourself. It remains to give one more piece of advice: if for some reason you were unable to properly stick the film, you can repeat it again by peeling it off and gluing it again.

Even if you handle the tablet very carefully, after a month or two small scratches will appear on it. A protective film is an important accessory that protects your device from mechanical damage. A new tablet must have a film on it, which must subsequently be replaced.

Many people fail to stick the film onto the device correctly. In most cases, air bubbles form there, and then dust particles enter. As a result of repeated unsuccessful attempts the purchased film turns into shreds. If you follow some rules, you will be able to avoid such defects. If possible, try to give preference to higher quality films. They cost a little more, but they stick much better than cheap analogues. In addition, if necessary, you can peel them off, wash them and stick them back on. It is recommended to choose a film that is created specifically for your tablet model. But if you haven’t found this option, buy a universal one. At home, cut the film along the contour of the screen. It is recommended to carry out the gluing process in the bathroom. If you open hot water , dust in the air will be attracted to the water and will not fall on the tablet display. Wash your hands and prepare the device well. Clean it from any greasy marks that may have remained after touching., which can be found in hardware stores. Apply a little spray to a viscose cloth (often sold complete with spray) and wipe the surface of the tablet. Perform the operation again. Make sure that no marks are left on the surface. It must be perfectly clean. To remove small dust particles from the screen, use paper tape. It leaves no residue and removes dust well. Stick it on the screen and tear it off immediately. Make sure that there is not a single speck of dust left on the display - they are the reason for the formation of the hated bubbles. Place the device on a flat and clean surface.

Remove the protective film from the packaging. In addition to the main one, there should be two more coatings. Tear off the first one (step1) and turn the film over. It is the adhesive side that needs to be glued to the tablet. Try not to touch this side too much with your fingers and make sure that no particles of dust or lint get there. Adhere the corners of the film to the longer side of the display first. Hold the remaining part with your left hand to prevent it from sticking incorrectly. Take a plastic card in your right hand. Use it to gently smooth out the already glued part.

If dust particles land on the surface during work, put the card aside and use paper tape again. Glue it to the desired area. Make sure that there are no air bubbles - the film should lie very tightly. Continue the process until you reach the very bottom. Then look at the resulting result. If the film lays unevenly or you notice defects, you will have to remove it, rinse it well and repeat the process from the very beginning.

If you are completely satisfied with the result, peel off the second layer of the main film (step2). Start from any corner and carefully remove it so as not to tear off the main layer. If you handle your device very carefully, it will be in perfect condition for a long time

. A device with a high-quality protective film immediately identifies a careful owner. Don't be upset if you can't stick it properly the first time. A few tries and the problem will be solved. If the screen of your smartphone is not protected with a special protective film, then its surface will become covered over time. with the smallest scratches

What is a protective film?

Protective film is a thin, durable and high-quality polymer material. The structure of the film has several layers, each of which allows you to reliably protect your phone screen from sun glare, scratches, abrasions and light mechanical stress due to the use of the device.

Rice. 1. Multi-layer polymer protective film (universal)

A little earlier, protective films were a new product, they were produced in limited quantities, they could only be bought for popular phone models, buyers had to be content with what was on sale. Today's market mobile accessories ready to offer films “for every taste and color”, the most popular of them:

  • Mirror protective films - when the backlight is off, the effect of a real mirror,
  • Glossy is one of the most durable and high quality transparent films available.
  • Matte protective films have an additional anti-reflective layer.

All films are thin and, when glued, are practically invisible on the device. They are suitable for capacitive and resistive screens. But even with all the wide assortment, it’s difficult for manufacturers to keep up with new models, and if you still go to a store, you may not find a protective film for your phone model. In this case, a universal protective film of a suitable size can help out.

Universal films come in 5”, 7”, 8”, 10” and more inches. For ease of marking, graph paper is applied to one side, which is removed after cutting to the required size.

Rice. 2. Universal film with graph paper can be of different sizes, from 4" to 15"

Don’t be afraid to cut out the required shape correctly, it’s not at all difficult. You just need to know how to do it correctly. Let's prepare the tools for work, you will need:

Rice. 3. Tools for work:

  • Metal ruler of the required length,
  • Stationery cutter,
  • A fine marker for marking dots and trim lines.

You also need to build a place where you can sit and cut out the film. A flat working surface can be, for example, an old unnecessary magazine with a smooth cover lying on the surface of the table.

Metal coins can be used as auxiliary elements different sizes, they will help cope with curves.

How to cut protective film to size

In order to cut the film to size, it must be marked correctly. First of all, decide where the layer that will stick to the screen is so that you can cut it accordingly.

Rice. 4. Protective film, layers to determine the side to be glued. It should be understood this way:

On the film, the manufacturer marked only the sides “1” and “2” with stickers, and the middle main layer is clean.

    The “sticker 1” side is removed to expose the layer for sticking to the screen.
    The “middle” side, from the “1” side, is glued directly to the grease-free screen.
    Side “sticker 2” is the outer shipping sticker, after smoothing the adhesive film, carefully remove and remove.

Rice. 5. Position the film on top of the smartphone

  • Place the protective film on top of the phone, starting from the upper left corner, taking into account future rounding, if any. Step back 0.5 mm from the edge of the screen.
  • Carefully mark on the film with a marker the points where the edge will pass so that you can draw contour lines through them.
  • Using a ruler, connect the dots with a marker to create a cutting line.
  • Place the film on the prepared work surface (magazine) and use a metal ruler to trim the edge using a cutter.

Rice. 6. Cut out part on film

  • After the film is cut to size, all that remains is to give it a finished look - cut out the missing curves. In the required places, place a prepared coin of suitable size, press with your finger and cut the arc line. In the same way, cut the rounded oblong area for the navigation button and earphone.

Rice. 7. Selecting the appropriate coin diameter to create rounded cuts

Rice. 8. Completely finished cut out surface of the protective film for subsequent sticker

  • Pre-clean the surface of small debris, lint and various types of greasy stains, for this use pharmaceutical alcohol for injection. Moisten the corner of the cotton pad moderately and walk without pressing over the surface of the screen. A degreased screen will have reliable adhesion to the surface of the film.
  • After degreasing the surface, do not touch the prepared surface with your fingers; a completely clean screen is the key to a high-quality sticker.

When releasing new smartphones, manufacturers equip each model touch display responsive to finger touches. Screen Control convenient, but contributes to the appearance of scratches, abrasions and dirt on the glass. A protective film is a transparent coating that protects the phone’s display from microcracks and dust. Read our article about how to stick it correctly.

Types of screen films and their purpose

If the film is selected in accordance with the owner's preferences and is properly applied, it will not interfere with viewing images, videos or text documents. Therefore, when choosing a coating for your smartphone display, focus on your needs. Films vary in parameters: transparency, size, thickness.

Depending on surface type

Types common on the market screen films:

  • glossy;
  • matte.

The glossy finish does not affect image quality, but reflects sunlight with glare. Dust particles settle on the surface, greasy fingerprints remain, and girls have traces of foundation after talking on the phone. Choose gloss as a screen protector only if you use your smartphone indoors more often than outdoors.

A type of glossy film is a film with a mirror coating, thanks to which the image on the screen can only be viewed at a right angle. If you want to protect your private mobile life from prying eyes, choose a mirror surface.

A phone with reflective film can be used instead of a mirror

Matte film makes the image grainy and slightly blurry, but it is stronger than glossy film and less easily soiled. There are no fingerprints or traces of dust left on it. The film, despite its thickness, does not make it difficult to control the smartphone - the display easily responds to touch.

Matte surface does not glare in the sun

Other types of films:

  • ultraviolet – protects the display from fading;
  • antibacterial – prevents the accumulation of microbes;
  • antistatic – does not allow dust to settle on the display.

Features of use

Depending on the application, screen coatings are:

  • original;
  • universal.

The original film is cut to the size and shape of the screen at the manufacturer's factory and fits one smartphone model. The universal one is marked with a grid. It is selected based on the diagonal of the screen, and before gluing it is applied to the display and cut with a stationery knife.

By marking universal film easy to cut

Based on the frequency of use, a distinction is made between reusable screen coverings with a magnetic fastening method and disposable ones with an adhesive base.

Required Tools

To stick the film at home, prepare the following tools:

  • a damp cloth for cleaning LCD monitors;
  • dry microfiber cloth;
  • scissors or knife (for universal film);
  • cardboard spatula from the kit or plastic card.

You can purchase a ready-made set from the manufacturer or save money by purchasing the film separately and using available tools for the job.

Microfiber, marked film and cardboard spatula from the kit

Screen processing and gluing technology

The technology of gluing film to the screen consists of six stages.

Table: stages of film gluing



1. Preparation of the workplace and tools.

It is necessary to clean the workplace, wipe off dust, and wash hands. Prepare and arrange materials and tools in order of use.

2. Cleaning the display.

Cleaning the screen from smudges, stains and dust.

3. Preparation of the protective coating.

You need to cut the film to the shape of the screen. The film must be clean.

4. Pasting the film.

Remove the lower protective layer film, stick it to the screen.

5. Level the coating using a mini-trowel or plastic card.

Remove all bubbles.

6. Removing the top protective layer.

The phone screen is protected, nothing interferes with viewing images.

Installation of protective coating

If, when gluing the film, a small particle of dust gets onto the screen or adhesive layer, it will form air bubble, which cannot be kicked out. Therefore, before attaching the covering, prepare your work area. Wipe the table from dust and arrange the tools in convenient order: scissors, napkins, film and spatula.

Prepare the universal film in advance - attach it to the screen and cut off the protruding edges with a stationery knife. If you are careful and are not afraid of scratching the glass, you can run the knife directly along the film, focusing on the border of the display, and if you are not confident in your abilities, trace the glass with a pencil, remove the coating and cut it out on the table.

You can use scissors or a utility knife for cutting.

Cut the film on each side 1mm smaller than the phone display to make gluing easier.

Remove the used film and degrease the display wet wipe. Do not use alcohol-based cleaners as they will affect the image brightness and leave streaks. A worthy alternative on a napkin - a soap solution prepared in the ratio of 1 drop of shampoo per 20 g of water. After removing streaks and dust, use a dry microfiber cloth to polish the display.

Wipe the screen with a smooth, lint-free microfiber

Take the film and remove the protective layer from it. If there are two of them, remove the one marked with the number “1”. Proceed carefully - separate part of the protective layer to the middle and apply the film to the screen without pressing, and then align it along the top side. Continue to push back the protection, gradually pressing the rest of the film.

Apply the protective coating to the phone screen gradually

The secret to aligning the borders: before peeling off the protective layer, place the film on the screen, align it and secure it with a strip of tape along the side.

Remove large air bubbles formed between the screen and the film during gluing with a cardboard mini-spatula or plastic card. Press the end of the card to the screen and swipe from top to bottom. Do not try to remove small bubbles - they will disappear on their own within a day. If there is a protective covering numbered “2” left on the film, carefully remove it with tweezers.