Viber download programs for Nokia. Viber for Symbian OS

Do you have a Nokia that runs on Symbian OS? Despite the fact that this operating system is far from the most popular and its official store closed, we will tell you how to find it installation file Viber for Symbian.

Where to look?

Since there is no version of Viber on Symbian or “Belle” on the official website of the application, you can use these search methods the desired file third party developers(usually the extension of the installation file for the case in question will look like this: “.SYS”):

Go to the OVI store - special resource, online electronic store (like Google Market or Apple Store). It is located as a built-in resource in the main menu of the phone, which has Symbian OS. It's worth looking there. To search the Ovi store more precisely, after entering, select your phone model. Only after this enter the query into the search line.

To achieve the most useful and correct search in worldwide network Internet, you need:

  1. In your browser, go to your favorite search engine (Yandex, Google or some other - it’s not very important).
  2. Drive into search bar one of the requests: “Viber for Symbian.” Be sure to include the word “download” in your request; If desired, you can add “in Russian”. To search only free programs, maybe at the very end search query add "free". Press the “Enter” key.
  3. After the search results appear, look through the most popular ones: read user comments, download sites that are not known on the Internet and are not known among your friends.
  4. By selecting the desired program, download it in the usual way(click right click mouse and select “Save as...”).

If the distribution cannot be found using these criteria or the file is not installed subsequently, try to find the so-called java version of the Viber program or try to translate the request to English language: "Symbian OS Viber".

How to install?

So, you have in your hands the Viber installation file. Now you need to try whether the program works on your phone.

For this:

  1. Transfer it to your phone using a cord or any other method.
  2. Find the folder where this file is located.
  3. Click on it and the installation will begin.
  4. If one of the most important elements of this program - the QT library - is already built into the application assembly you downloaded, it will install successfully.
  5. When windows appear asking you to allow certain types of access, click “Accept” (“Allow”). In addition, agree to track your location when necessary for the operation of the messenger.
  6. You will see a field to enter a phone number. Enter your mobile phone and select your country from the drop-down list.
  7. Wait for the message to arrive at specified number.
  8. Enter the code sent to you via SMS in the next window of the installation program.
  9. Click "Ok" ("Done").

If the assembly is special, installation may not be as easy. In this case, instructions are always attached to each such program. Try looking for it in some file like “ReadMe”.

What can the program do after installation?

For the Symbian platform, which is considered obsolete in terms of the lack of official free software, there is a certain set of functions. They will become available to you after successful installation of the Viber for Symbian file. However, you will not be able to do some actions in your Viber account. For example, video calling will not be available.

Having working version the most popular messenger Viber for your phone and having successfully installed it, you get the opportunity to send text messages with emoticons and other interesting inserts that reflect your personal mood, send photos and other files to participants in the same system.

It is multi-platform, that is, it can be launched with equal success on the most different systems and platforms. There is also a version of Viber for Symbian. How can you download this application for this operating system?

  • First of all, it is recommended to search on the official website of the developers. There you can briefly familiarize yourself with the purpose and find answers to the most FAQ or contact service specialists technical support users;
  • Unfortunately, the official store for this operating system has long been closed, but many applications, including Viber for Symbian Belle in Russian, can be downloaded from one of the many third-party sites. It may be unnecessary to remind you that you should download only from verified and trustworthy sites.

The very same Viber installation The installation process is the same as installing any other Symbian application. It usually goes smoothly and does not require third-party user intervention. However, in some cases for full-fledged work messenger, you may need to download additional Qt libraries.

First start Viber on Symbian system

After downloading and installing Viber for Symbian 3 or any other supported OS version, a corresponding icon will appear on the device screen, clicking on which will launch the messenger. The program will ask you to enter your mobile phone number. This is necessary in order to link your account to it. Bypass this stage, unfortunately or fortunately, it is impossible.

After this, an SMS will be sent to the specified number special code access. It will need to be entered into the appropriate Viber field. If the code is entered correctly, the messenger will begin its work and first of all import all contacts from the device’s phone book.

Features and capabilities of Viber for Symbian

In general, the functionality of Viber for Symbian is no different from the functionality for others mobile versions this messenger. Can:

  • exchange text messages;
  • create both individual and group text chats;
  • exchange all kinds of files;
  • and many many others.

However, there is one important difference: you cannot make video calls using Viber on Symbian. However, to some this may seem like a minor limitation. To summarize, we can say that Viber for Symbian download is recommended for all users of this OS who need to be in touch all the time.

The era of the first operating systems for mobile devices developed by Nokia, has already passed. However, many owners of Symbian platforms still successfully use it in everyday life. Of course, in terms of functionality, this OS is seriously inferior to modern analogues, and finding software for it is becoming more and more difficult every year. And yet, some developers make every effort to ensure that quite modern and practical programs were also available for older phones running this OS. For example, you can now download Viber for Symbian for free (Viber for Symbian Viber) from our website without registration or any costs.

Existing Viber restrictions for Symbian

So, you are the owner of a fairly old phone on this platform and want to seriously save on calls and messages. Well then this version programs especially for you. However, it is worth remembering that even Symbian had several generations, each of which had its own capabilities. If we are talking about version 3, then from the Viber functions you will only be able to send messages. If we are talking about more modern axles such as 9.0, 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4, then things are much more pleasant here. On such platforms, the user can count on voice calls, which is very convenient if you have free Internet at hand.

Viber program (Viber)

Test results

Let us note one more limitation - none of the versions of Viber for Symbian supports video communication. What can you do about the costs of outdated software? There are a few other minor issues. For example, you cannot use voice calls while roaming, as this will instantly “eat up” your traffic, driving mobile account to serious disadvantages. Everything else this program fully optimized for older smartphones and can save you a lot of money if used correctly.

Viber support

On this moment It has already been announced that the developers of the Viber application have officially abandoned technical support for Symbian. However, various third-party modifications and applications are still being released, as well as updates that can improve the operation of the program on older smartphones. If you follow events closely, you will always be in the know. latest news and useful events. Our site is ready to help every visitor with this.

Viber for Symbian is, first of all, messaging. The application will automatically determine who from your contact list is already using Viber. All you need to do is select the right interlocutor and start a conversation. Invitations are not required, the creators of the program made sure that Viber for Symbian was not problematic to use, and you could simply communicate with friends.

The application allows you to send free text messages, media files, as well as messages that will tell the other person your location. You will receive high-quality communication in 3G, 4G, as well as in WiFi networks. Call to numbers function available mobile phones , with help Viber Out . They will need to be paid by special rates

programs. You can communicate with 100 friends by combining them into one chat. But it is worth remembering the nuance that when using mobile data during communication, you will also need to pay. Tariffs are calculated by your mobile operator.

Despite the fact that the release of such an OS has long been discontinued, there are still many of its users left in the world. Of course, you can officially download Viber for Symbian. Those who use mobile devices Nokia with Symbian OS can download the program through the official website in the Ovi application store. Having visited the page, you need to select your phone model, go to your Ovi profile and download the application for yourself remotely. You can also accept a store's counteroffer on your mobile device.

If you are the owner of another brand of phone with the same OS, you will need to choose one Viber version, which will be suitable for the operating system parameters and screen resolution. The functionality is unfortunately limited. The program can work in chat mode, allows you to exchange files, and also send your location coordinates. But reception and implementation voice calls remains impossible. The application supports Push messages, which will make it possible to receive notifications from the application even if you are not online.

TO Viber capabilities for the Symbian operating system include the following:

  • exchange of text messages and SMS with photos;
  • free indication of location coordinates;
  • there is no registration, passwords or registrations;
  • creating group correspondence.

Main advantages

First of all, to useful functions This includes the fact that you don’t need to waste time registering or creating a user profile and password. To get started you need to write your phone number in a special window, and then confirm that the number is really yours. To do this, you will need to enter a code in the next window that will be sent to the specified number. After everything - you Viber user. One more positive thing there is that there is no need to create a contact list to send SMS. When you launch the application for the first time, it is integrated into phone book and scan the numbers, determining who is using Viber. Then it will be created ready list, where program users are collected into one separate group.

The more friends from your contact list use Viber, the cheaper the connection will be. Don't worry if your interlocutor uses a different phone, the application supports more than one operating system.