The phone does not see the headphones. Android doesn't recognize wired headphones. How to choose good headphones for your phone

You are not immune from such a case when the headphones suddenly refuse to work together with mobile gadget. It must be said that the way out of this situation is not always associated with buying a new headset. There is a fairly substantial list of reasons why a device stops recognizing an audio headset or Bluetooth headphones.

Incorrectly selected bluetooth protocol, a technical malfunction of the connector, glitches in the smartphone’s firmware - this is just a small list of what can lead to this problem. Fixing a synchronization problem will not be difficult without qualified assistance, but first of all you need to carry out basic diagnostics and identify the real reason breakdowns.

Device diagnostics

Faced with similar problem, the first thought that comes to mind is to decide what steps to take in connection with the fact that the smartphone does not see. You need to understand which device caused the failure: headphones or phone. It is best to clarify this point before contacting service center.

Simple steps, which will help to carry out initial diagnostics:

  1. Check the serviceability of the headphones by connecting them to some device that has the appropriate connector, for example, to a laptop or player. If heard sound signal, which means the problem lies in the smartphone.
  2. Another headset is connected to the mobile phone. If the headphones function smoothly, we can say with confidence that there is no damage to the socket or contacts of the phone connector.
  3. If problems arise with a Bluetooth headset, it makes sense to try connecting it to another Bluetooth device and check whether pairing or detection occurs.

Checking devices for compatibility

Audio plugs differ in the wiring standard. The two main types are OMTP And CTIA. All of them, without exception, are equipped with three main contacts. The headset has four contacts. Statistics show that most often a four-pin headset breaks. This is because the GND pin on the outdated pinout was closest to the wire. After it came the microphone, the right earphone and the left channel.

New type pinout (CTIA) implies that the microphone is in front of GND. Therefore, if you are using an old headset on a new gadget, then it will definitely not work. Eg, Sony Xperia The Z1 will not detect headphones made using the old OMTP standard. The smartphone is only compatible with latest models headphones, preferably Sony brands.

Identifying technical problems with headphones

The ranking of the most common causes of headset malfunctions is headed by wire damage, leading to either the right or left earbud. A broken wire creates a sort of protective barrier and the phone refuses to detect the headphones or transmit audio.

An obvious wire break is visible naked eye, but a hidden problem can only be determined using a special multimeter.

Violation of the integrity of the wire is indicated by:

  • Hissing and wheezing in one or two headphones at once.
  • Systematic interruption of sound.

Sometimes, by moving the wire along its entire length, you can find that sound has appeared. In this way, the area of ​​possible fracture is determined. The repair procedure in this case will be quite simple: open the insulating layer, restore the wiring, secure it with electrical tape or heat shrink. An equally common problem is dirt getting on the plug. It is inspected and cleaned, after which the headset is reconnected to the mobile device.

Troubleshooting technical problems with your phone

If, as a result of diagnostics, it was determined that the headset is working, but is not detected by the gadget, you should look for a problem in the phone itself. The most weak point is the connector where the plug is inserted. Over time, he usually gets dirty. Get rid of excess garbage and dust is easy, but to restore contacts, you will need to open the phone.

Before checking the wires, turn off the device, remove the SIM card, battery and memory card. After this, you can begin to unscrew the screws on the back panel. A broken socket should be replaced with a new one.

The owner of an expensive smartphone must be extremely careful not to damage the fragile electronics with a screwdriver. Without confidence in own strength You should not try to fix the problem, because often due to the mistakes of an inexperienced technician, the cost of repairs increases significantly.

Why doesn't my phone connect to my Bluetooth headset?

What should I do if the headset doesn't work? In such a situation, it does not matter what brand of manufacturer the Bluetooth device or smartphone is. The standard of this wireless personal network is universal, therefore, if the gadget does not want to see the headset, you can get it working by checking three things. This is the main thing to do in this situation.

What could be easier than connecting a headset to your smartphone? Most of the time everything goes smoothly and you get to enjoy the music. But in some cases difficulties arise in which there is simply no sound. I will try to consider the most common malfunctions and answer the question: “What to do if the phone does not see the headphones?”

There is no sound from wired “Ears”

If difficulties arise with wired solutions, you need to check the functionality of the headphones themselves; to do this, you should connect them to another mobile phone or computer. Did everything work? Then there is a problem with the smartphone connector and it may need to be repaired.

Otherwise, the headset itself, cable or connector may be broken. To check it, just connect the headset to your smartphone, turn on the music and move the wire with the connector. If sound appears even for a moment, there is a problem with the cable and you should try replacing it. Going to the store for new purchase won’t hit your pocket hard, especially if it’s either in Lately very popular

"Hemorrhoids" with wireless devices

They may also not work correctly. The reasons may lie in the following: bluetooth is disabled on the smartphone, there is no synchronization between devices, the headset is discharged or uses a standard not supported by the mobile phone.

First, you should open the system settings, and then check if bluetooth is turned on. If necessary, you need to enable it.

To synchronize between devices, it is better to use the instructions that come with the headset. It will be written in detail how to properly connect the device. If you lose the instructions, this information can be found on the device manufacturer's website.

The greatest difficulty will arise when using wireless communication, not supported by the mobile phone. Then it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to listen to music, even if you really want to. To avoid such a situation, when choosing in a store, you should familiarize yourself with as much information as possible on the device’s box and ask consultants about the chosen model.

I have listed the most common difficulties, I hope you can decide what to do if the phone does not see the headphones. Unsolvable situations are quite rare.

Modern tablet through various peripheral devices can turn into a multimedia center. For this, wired or wired headphones can be used. wireless types. However, many users may experience that the headset does not work correctly. If the tablet does not see the headphones, you can try to solve the problem yourself using tips and good advice specialists and advanced users.

The tablet does not see the headphones: the main reasons

Most often, this problem is encountered by owners whose tablet computers:

  • They do not support the device you are using, and therefore there is no way to synchronize. This means that the user has no chance to listen to music or a video clip or watch a movie in silence.
  • The headphone jack is faulty or the socket being used is damaged. Latest from frequent use It might just get loose.

How to find out the reason?

To complete the task, you must perform a number of actions:

  • Connect the headset to another device. It could be another tablet, laptop, cell phone, player. If sound appears, the reason lies in the tablet itself.
  • It is recommended to connect other headphones to check the functionality of the tablet itself. If they do not work, then the cause may be a loose socket.

Checking the serviceability of the connector

This procedure is only suitable for those tablet computers, which have already been removed from warranty service. To check the quality of the connector, you should arm yourself with a screwdriver and:

  • Carefully remove the device cover by unscrewing all nuts and screws.
  • The battery and SIM card, if any, are removed.
  • The search for damage is carried out at the connector itself. It could be mechanical damage, as a result of which the contact came loose.

If all contacts are intact and the connector is loose in the socket, you need to reinstall the battery and SIM card, and then replace the case cover. It is quite possible that the reason lies in the settings being lost. To fix this, you should reset them to the factory state and perform a software update. If the above actions do not have any result, you must take the device to a service technician for inspection.

Before you study the question of why headphones don’t work on your phone, you need to know some of the features of connecting a Bluetooth headset. First, you need to pair the two devices and add your headphones to the list of trusted Bluetooth devices on your smartphone.

It is important to remember that after pairing with one device, the headset will no longer connect to another, so remember if anyone has used it before you and restart the device.

Reasons why the phone does not see the headphones

If you just purchased headphones in a store and printed them, then do not rush to return them. First, let's figure out why the smartphone does not recognize them.

Headphone problems:

  • They simply may not be included. Perhaps you did not study the instructions for their use enough and did something incorrectly.
  • The synchronization function is not activated.
  • Dead battery. And even low charge may affect the correct connection, provided that the headphones are working properly.

As you can see, there are not so many mistakes on the headset side and they are all obvious. Therefore, you should not neglect to study the instructions. If new headphones show signs of life, then there should be no defects in them.

Problems with technical condition smartphone:

  1. Firmware. The situation with firmware for Android devices is especially relevant. Due to the open nature of this OS, some system files which contributed incorrect operation devices.
  2. Incompatibility Bluetooth versions, old phone. More on this a little later.

Since on mobile devices bluetooth settings as such are absent, then the problem may only lie in their hardware.

On a note: If previously demon wired headphones worked without problems on this smartphone, but now the headset connection icon does not appear on the phone screen - there is definitely a problem in the firmware, and to solve it it is recommended to reflash the smartphone.

Compatibility check

Modern wireless headphones work in one frequency range, however, the Bluetooth versions they support may differ. Today, the gold standard for connectivity is Bluetooth versions 4.1 and 4.2, and recently version 5.0 has been patented. The difference in supported versions for some models of headsets and headphones can be fundamental important factor when choosing them, so before purchasing them you should compare the characteristics of your smartphone and the product you want to purchase.

Need to take into account: For effective use Any Bluetooth device for listening to music must have an energy-efficient Bluetooth module version 3.0 and higher, since they can provide clear communication between devices and the clearest sound possible for a long time.

How do different versions of Bluetooth differ and how does this affect the quality of the connection?

When different versions are paired bluetooth smartphone still can detect the device as wireless headset, but you may notice that the headphones do not reproduce sound and the music does not play. Optionally, before purchasing, consult with the seller about the supported wireless communication standards and he will help you choose suitable model for your phone.

To explain the differences in a nutshell different versions modules: the higher the blue tooth version, the better the power consumption (both of the smartphone and headphones) and the higher the data transfer speed. For example, up to version 3.0, the file transfer speed was limited to 2.1 Mbit/s, and with subsequent versions it was increased to 24 Mbit/s. That is current version Bluetooth will be able to stream tracks with a high bitrate, without delays, and two paired devices will consume less battery power. Therefore, if your smartphone does not find new headphones, the problem may be precisely its outdated technologies and support earlier versions wireless modules communications with very low data transfer rates.

Restoring the Bluetooth headset

So, what to do if your smartphone still doesn’t accept headphones?

First we need to synchronize and connect these two devices. Typically, most headset models instantly enable the discovery function when they are first connected, but if they were previously paired with another device, this function is disabled to avoid connection conflicts and your device will not recognize them.

In any case, it will be useful to do the following procedure:

  1. Press and hold the Power button for about 15 seconds. At this time, the headphones will signal that detection is back on.
  2. You will see a special indicator on the case that should blink or be constantly lit, depending on the manufacturer’s preferences.
  3. If the connection is successful, a pairing request will appear on the phone screen and you may be required to enter a password.
  4. Standard passwords that manufacturers can set are 0000 or 1111.

The above steps will help even if the new headset’s preset software settings do not allow you to immediately search for new devices and this problem can only be resolved by restarting it.

Articles and Lifehacks

Modern mobile phone With the help of a headset, you can easily transform from just a means of communication into a multimedia center, for the operation of which it is convenient to use headphones. Many users encounter difficulties in the operation of this functionality and wonder whether what to do if the phone does not see the headphones? Some even doubt whether this leads to strengthening (of course, in vain).

Most often this problem occurs for two reasons:

1. Mobile phone does not support this device, which means complete absence synchronization capabilities. Accordingly, there will be no chance to listen to music or radio. You cannot use your headset to answer calls. phone calls. But if the headphones were previously connected and used, then this option disappears.

2. Either the phone socket is damaged or the headphone jack is faulty.

Finding out the reason that led to the fact that the phone does not see the headphones

You can determine what led to the breakdown as follows:

1. Connect the headset to another device, for example, to a computer or another cell phone. If it works, then this means that the cause of the problem is the mobile phone itself. But don’t think that the problem with the phone was caused by the device that was equipped on the motorcycle.

2. If it does not work, then the next stage of testing is to connect other “ears” to the cell phone. If they work, then they are the ones that require replacement to restore normal operation.

User actions to restore headphones operation

At home, the user can perform a number of actions that can help the cell phone recognize the headphones. To do this, the connector itself is cleaned of dirt and dust that could get there.

If these actions do not restore operation, then the cause of the breakdown should be looked for using a screwdriver.

For this they remove back cover phone, take out the SIM card and battery, unscrew the case. The search for damage is carried out directly at the connector itself. This could be loose contacts or any other damage.

Then perform a factory reset. Next action– synchronize the device with the PC and perform software updates.
If the above actions do not lead to the desired result, the user of the device must contact a service center for repairs.