Tag for the new jquery library. Introduction to jQuery

jQuery is a JavaScript library that focuses on JavaScript interaction, HTML and CSS.

What jQuery can do

  • Access any DOM element ( object model document) and not only handle, but also manipulate them.
  • Work with events.
  • It is easy to implement various visual effects.
  • Work with AJAX (very useful technology, which allows you to communicate with the server without reloading the page, but for now we will not touch it).
  • It has great amount plugins designed to create user interface elements.

How it works

First, you need to download the library itself from the developers’ website or, if necessary, unzip it and move it (the library) to the same folder where our html pages are located (this is optional, but the addresses for all subsequent examples will be written based on this structure).

Now we need to connect jQuery to the html page. For this, as you remember, there is a tag in html , which is responsible for connecting external script files (). Let's add this tag to the html page (we also connected the script.js page with js functions): * Pay attention to the file name. The jquery-1.2.6 library is used here, but you can download a more recent version, so your numbers may differ.*

So, in our folder we have an html page, a page with styles (style.css), a page with js functions (script.js) and (jquery-1.2.6.js). Let's do this example (click on the buttons):

jQuery Effects Show() Effect SlideDown() Effect Animate() Effect Let's see how this is done. On the html page we should have three rectangles (divs) and three buttons: jQuery effects Show() effect SlideDown() effect Animate() effect

We will issue appearance and make the rectangles invisible using . style.css code:

#kv1, #kv2, #kv3( width:80px; height:100px; float:left; background:red; margin:5px; color:white; display:none; )

Now the most interesting thing is that on the script.js page we write the code of the functions that will be triggered when the buttons are clicked:

function addEffect1())( $("#kv1:hidden").show(); ) function addEffect2())( $("#kv2:hidden").slideDown("slow"); ) function addEffect3())( $( "#kv3:hidden").show().animate(( fontSize:"36px" ) , 3000);

What do these functions do?

Function addEffect1() sees $ ("#kv1:hidden") and understands that she needs to find an element with id="kv1" that has the hidden property. Next she sees .show() and understands that the found element must be made visible.

Function addEffect2() sees $ (dollar sign) and realizes it's jQuery, then she sees ("#kv2:hidden") and understands that she needs to find an element with id="kv2" that has the hidden property. Next she sees .slideDown("slow") and understands that the found element must be displayed slowly ("slow") from top to bottom (slideDown).

Function addEffect3() sees $ (dollar sign) and realizes it's jQuery, then she sees ("#kv3:hidden") and understands that she needs to find an element with id="kv3" that has the hidden property. Next she sees .show() and understands that the found element must be made visible. Then she sees .animate((fontSize:"36px") , 3000) and understands that the font size needs to be increased to 36 pixels in 3 seconds (3000) (fontSize:"36px")

This is how jQuery actually works. Look at how short our functions are and imagine what they would be like if we decided to write them in pure javascript. Isn't jQuery amazing? About how to do graphic effects, animation, dragging and sorting objects and generally working with this library will be discussed in subsequent lessons.

At the end of this lesson I would like to talk about the basic concepts of jQuery. The jQuery operator syntax can be roughly represented as follows:

Where selector- an element or elements with which we will do something.

action- what exactly we will do with the selected elements. We can add any effect, css style, change the html code, etc. Any events may be listed here.

action properties- if they are provided for by the action.

That's all for today, in the next lesson we will study selectors.

This will install jQuery in the node_modules directory. Within node_modules/jquery/dist/ you will find an uncompressed release, a compressed release, and a map file.

link Downloading jQuery using Bower

The second version helps you update code to run on jQuery 3.0 or higher, once you have used Migrate 1.x and upgraded to jQuery 1.9 or higher:

link Cross-Browser Testing with jQuery

Be sure to test web pages that use jQuery in all the browsers you want to support. The site makes available virtual machines for testing many different versions of Internet Explorer. Older versions of other browsers can be found at oldversion.com.

link jQuery Pre-Release Builds

The jQuery team is constantly working to improve the code. Each commit to the Github repo generates a work-in-progress version of the code that we update on the jQuery CDN. These versions are sometimes unstable and never suitable for production sites. We recommend they be used to determine whether a bug has already been fixed when reporting bugs against released versions, or to see if new bugs have been introduced.

link Using jQuery with a CDN link Other CDNs

The following CDNs also host compressed and uncompressed versions of jQuery releases. Starting with jQuery 1.9 they may also host ; check the site's documentation.

Note that there may be delays between a jQuery release and its availability there. Please be patient, they receive the files at the same time the blog post is made public. Beta and release candidates are not hosted by these CDNs.

JQuery libraries are familiar to designers and developers firsthand. It is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries you will find on the web.

Every self-respecting designer and developer is familiar with the functions and capabilities of this library:

  • jQuery is designed to solve almost any task on a website;
  • jQuery can take the hassle out of creating a beautiful and functional website;
  • If you need to solve cross-browser problems, add JavaScript libraries to the collection of tools you use.

JQuery Libraries - great tool for web developers. There are a huge number of free plugins on the Internet.

You can spend a lot of time searching for the ones you need, because you will have to work with each site in order to find the latest versions of the JQuery libraries that suit you.

Therefore, to save your time, we have collected the most useful jQuery libraries in this article. You can use them on your website to add interesting and useful effects.

1. Tree:

The Tree plugin provides you with the ability to create a tree structure for your website. It is extensible, customizable, powerful and very easy to use.

2. jQuery Vibrate:

This is a plugin specially created for use on mobile devices. It allows the developer to make any device vibrate according to a customized pattern in certain period time.

3. Flight Indicators:

Very easy to use plugin. You will be able to display high quality flight indicators with using HTML, CSS3, JQuery and SVG images.

4. jQuery LightSlider:

jQuery LightSlider is a highly customizable touch slider for displaying the content of your website. Slide and fade effects are available. It is compatible with all major browsers.

5. jQuery GoUp!

Very easy to use. Allows your site visitors to move to the very top of the page in one click.

6. Image Cropper:

This jQuery plugin allows you to crop images on your website. There are settings options and preview. You will also be able to set the height and width.

7. Devrama Slider:

Devrama completely adaptive slider images from unique opportunities. Supports both images and HTML content. There are several options for picture changing effects.


jQFader is a simple plugin for applying a fade out effect to elements on your site. Easy to use. Easy to use on any website.


Forkit.js is an animated jQuery plugin that acts like a curtain behind which you can hide additional content. Usually located in the upper right corner.

10.Vertical News Slider:

As the name suggests, it is a vertical slider based on jQuery and CSS 3 that displays news headlines. There is a preview function and brief overview news.

11. Looking For:

This jQuery plugin allows you to search for text in lists available on a page. Hides elements that do not match the search query.

12. Browser Swipe:

This plugin creates a touchpad effect for scrolling through pages when scrolling is disabled on the site. The event occurs when the mouse wheel is scrolled.

13. Chicken Dinner:

ChickenDinner is a unique jQuery plugin. Allows you to load images from an image array created on the client side, through img tags or background images.

14. Flicker Plate:

Fully responsive and very easy to use plugin. Allows you to create a semblance of page-by-page scrolling through content on the site.

15. SVGMagic:

How to convert SVG images to PNG format? Take advantage of this simple jQuery library. It searches for images in SVG format on the site, and if the browser does not support SVG, converts them to PNG.

16. lazyYT:

This plugin can be used for quick addition video from YouTube. When loaded for the first time, the layer will contain a preview image of the video, and when clicked, the video will play.


With this plugin, you can pin a page element in a certain place, turn on animation, and at the moment when the user scrolls the page to a certain place.

18. RowGrid:

RowGrid is a jQuery plugin designed to present page elements as a table. Small and easy to use tool.

19. Remodal:

This jQuery plugin is used to create modal windows with hash tracking. Fully responsive design flat style and very easy to set up.

20. Panorama Viewer:

This jQuery plugin can be very useful for your website. It allows you to add panoramic images, which will undoubtedly make the page even more unique.

21. Floatlabels:

This plugin, built on jQuery, is familiar to many developers. Its job is to display some default text in the input field and change it when the user starts typing.

22. Fluidbox:

Very useful jQuery plugin. Expands and improves the capabilities of the fluid light box module. Works as a link to a larger image.

23. Headroom:

Headroom.js will help you hide navigation (or other content from the header) on the site. When a visitor scrolls down the page, the navigation disappears and appears when the user returns to the top of the page.

24. A-Slider:

A-Slider is an adaptive and simple slider that also supports audio content. Very easy to use and quite flexibly customizable using HTML.

25. CoverflowJS:

This is a coverflow project that will recreate the 'CoverFlow' effect using jQuery UI components and CSS3 transformations.

26. jQuery URLive:

The capabilities of this jQuery plugin are very similar to the functionality of the attachment in the Facebook post creation window. Allows you to create quick previews of any URL based on properties

The plugin allows web applications to load images for different screen resolutions.

28. jQuery Collapser:

This jQuery plugin allows you to hide text by words, letters, or lines using a fairly flexible API. There are many options for hiding paragraphs.

29. Parallax ImageScroll:

A plugin that creates an image displacement effect. Easy to use. Heap additional options for modification. The animation is done in CSS3.

30. Block Scroll:

JQuery plugin that breaks website content into pages for better performance and then displays them in blocks.

31. Full Page Image Slideshow:

A full-page jQuery plugin that makes a slideshow that automatically fills the entire screen space with an image. Image sizes are automatically adjusted to fit the viewing area.

32. EasyTree

The EasyTree jQuery plugin is designed to convert UL or JSON lists into a tree menu for your site. Easy to use and absolutely free.

33. Mapped:

Mapsed simplifies the process of marking places on a map. You can also add and edit places if they are not in Google Places API.

34. Radiant Scroller:

This jQuery plugin allows you to create responsive scrollers (carousels) with grid and simple horizontal layouts. Radiant Scroller supports a number of customization options and also provides an API for management.

35. Image Lightbox:

Minimalistic lightbox for pictures. The plugin, by default, does not have labels and navigation buttons, which makes it simple but ascetic. Responsive and supportive touch devices, runs on most mobile operating systems.

36. Mr.JsonTable:

This plugin is very easy to use. With its help, you can arrange JSON data in the form of an HTML table, with the ability to paginate and sort. You can also hide columns.


ImageFit can be very useful for developers. Made simply. Has a small size. It will help you fit any image anywhere on your site.

38. Bootstrap Validator:

This plugin will be very useful when you want to add validation capabilities to your site. Has many built-in options and is very easy to use.

39. Resize End Plugin:

This plugin is used to display messages after resizing the browser window.

40. Adaptive Backgrounds:

The plugin uses the dominant color in the background image and adds this color to the background of the parent element.


The jQuery plugin, which is a fully customizable Mailchimp Ajax form, allows the user to easily log in to Mailchimp.

42. Password Peekaboo:

The plugin will allow you to temporarily show the entered password to the user if he wants it.

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How to include the JQuery library


Pros of CDN


Cons of CDN


From jquery.com/download

1. Open code.jquery.com in your browser.

jQuery is JavaScript library, which allows interaction between JavaScript and HTML. Thanks to JQuery, you can access and manipulate any DOM element. The developers provide several versions of this library:

  • for release (a compressed version in which all comments and spaces are removed - has less weight);
  • for development (uncompressed version for developers with preserved structure and spaces - has more weight)

There are two ways to connect JQuery to a site, which differ significantly from each other and have their pros and cons. Let's look at the simplest method first, and then move on to the more complex one.

Connecting JQuery using CDN

CDN (Content Delivery Network) - geographically distributed network infrastructure to deliver content to users. CDN allows you to speed up the delivery of content to the end user.

Pros of CDN

  • improves the performance of your site by loading the library from the Internet and not from local storage.

Note: if the user visited another site that also uses a CDN, then by going to our site the JQuery library will be loaded from the browser cache.

Cons of CDN

  • if the CDN server is not available for some reason, the JQuery library will not be connected to your site.

Note: there is a very minimal percentage that CDN infrastructure servers are unavailable.

On the jquery.com/download page we are offered several CDN servers (Google CDN, Microsoft CDN, CDNJS CDN and JsDelivr CDN) from which we can download and connect the library. We will use the standard JQuery CDN. To connect JQuery, follow a few simple steps:

1. Open code.jquery.com in your browser.

2. Select the required version and library style.

3. Add the following code to include the library in an area of ​​your site.

The integrity and crossorigin attributes are used to check the integrity of a file. This allows browsers to ensure that files hosted on third party resources were not tampered with.

4. The library is successfully connected to your site.

Connecting the local JQuery library

Local library is a library that you downloaded from the official website and then connected it from the root directory of your site.

Pros of a local library

  • The JQuery library will always be available to your site visitors as it will be loaded from the root directory.

Cons of a local library

  • When a visitor visits the site, the browser will automatically load the JQuery library into the cache. This in turn will affect the performance of the site.

To connect the library in this way, follow several steps according to the following instructions:

1. Open jquery.com/download in your browser.

2. Find the JQuery header and select the version you want.

3. Place the downloaded library file in the root directory of your site.

4. Add the following code to include the library in an area of ​​your site.

The first question that arises when starting to work with the jQuery library is how to connect it? It’s strange that I didn’t write about this earlier and now I decided to fill this gap.

In this article I will tell you how to correctly add jQuery on a regular html website and on popular engines.

Connecting jQuery from your website page

The most common way to connect a library. First, you need to download the latest version from the developer’s website. The download page presents several library options, for example, it now offers to download “Compressed, production jQuery 3.1.1” and “Uncompressed, development jQuery 3.1.1”. The first option is a compressed version of the library, all comments have been removed from it, in this case the library takes up much less space, therefore the page on which it will be connected will load faster. The second option is, roughly speaking, source library, it is structured in an easy-to-read form with comments, and is intended primarily for developers. Therefore, I recommend using the compressed version of the library.

After the library is downloaded, you need to place it on the server where the site files are located. I usually create a “js” folder in the root of the site which I copy into required libraries and I also place a file with my functions there.

Now you can go directly to the jQuery connection. The structure of the web page you connect jQuery to may vary. But it definitely contains HTML tags, HEAD and BODY. So, to connect jQuery you need to add a SCRIPT tag with a link to the library inside HEAD tag.

Site title

In some cases, the library is included before the closing body tag, which is related to the processing order html pages browser. Since the browser reads lines sequentially, when connecting jQuery at the end of the file, the browser will first display the site, and then connect the dynamics. With a slow connection, this approach ensures an increase in the site loading speed, and only then the work of sliders and the rest. The code for this connection looks like this:

Site title

Attention! It is advisable not to change the name of the jQuery library file (often changed to jquery.js), since in the future saving official name file will help you see which version of the library you are using (in my example, version 3.1.1 is used).

Connecting jQuery to your website pages from external sources

This method is good because the library is connected from the website and is not lying around on your hard drive. This is especially true when large quantities small projects and for learning.

This connection method is called “Connecting with CDN”. A content delivery network, or as it is more commonly called CDN (Content Delivery Network), is a network of servers around the world. They help improve the performance of your web server and reduce the load on your traffic.

The most popular CDNs for connecting jQuery:

I usually use the connection from Google Developers. Several snippets have already been prepared for us on the project page; just copy the line of the one we need and include it in the file. With this connection method, the code will look like this:

Site title

< ! DOCTYPE html >

< html >

< head >

< meta charset = "utf-8" >

< title >Site title< / title >

< / head >

< body >

< / body >

< / html >

Advantage this method, is that many sites connect jQuery via Google API, which means that with a high degree of probability this library is already present in the user’s browser cache, and it will not be loaded a second time at all.

Connecting jQuery to WordPress

jQuery is included automatically in WordPress, so there is no need to manually include libraries from other versions. This happens in the template with using php code:

This will result in a jQuery connection string inside the HEAD tag.

At the time of writing, jQuery v1.12.4 comes with WordPress. But, as you can see, the version of the library is very different from the one included in the examples above. It is possible to connect the latest version of the library, but there is a chance of a conflict.

To avoid conflict, but still use the version of the library that is needed, you need to use the right way jQuery connections in functions.php file: