Teacher works in excel. Free Excel tutorial

Microsoft Office OpenOffice AbiWord

The knowledge offered is relevant for all versions of the program (2003, 2007, 2010).
The principle of working with the application will not change fundamentally.
That is why these lessons are universal!

Lessons are accompanied by pictures!
Test exercises at the end of each lesson!

Excel tutorial is a free manual for those who want to learn how to work with this program.

The Excel tutorial includes about 50 lessons, divided into sections.

Textbook chapters

The lessons are relevant for versions 2003, 2007, 2010.
The Excel eTextbook includes the following.

You are introduced to the program's capabilities and terminology.

Formatting an Excel sheet.
You are taught to work with cells and columns, taught how to create, fill, change and fix them.

Integration of formulas and functions.
You are taught to work with formulas and functions. You will learn to apply them in practice. With this knowledge, you will speed up your work productivity.

Working with graphs and diagrams.
Includes lessons on creating, editing various types graphs, charts and diagrams. Very useful thing when preparing statistical reports and presentations.

Preparing the created sheets for printing.
Includes lessons on cleaning the sheet, checking data, working with headers and footers and fields. This knowledge will help you bring the created document into proper form.

This manual is distributed freely! You can download Excel tutorial free from our website. With knowledge, you will be able to solve problems much faster than others. The tutorial will help you become the most effective employee in the office. In addition, you can save your time thanks to prompt decision work problems.

Which allow you to optimize work in MS Excel. And today we want to bring to your attention a new portion of tips for speeding up actions in this program. Nikolai Pavlov, the author of the “Planet Excel” project, will talk about them, changing people’s understanding of what can actually be done using this wonderful program and everything Office package. Nikolay is an IT trainer, developer and product expert Microsoft Office, Microsoft Office Master, Microsoft Most Valuable Professional. Here are the techniques he personally tested for accelerated work in Excel. ↓

Quickly add new data to a chart

If for your already constructed chart there is new data on the sheet that needs to be added, then you can simply select the range with new information, copy it (Ctrl + C) and then paste it directly into the diagram (Ctrl + V).

This feature only appeared in latest version Excel 2013, but worth upgrading to new version ahead of schedule. Let's assume that you have a list of full names (Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich), which you need to turn into abbreviated names (Ivanov I.I.). To perform such a conversion, you just need to start writing the desired text in the adjacent column manually. On the second or third Excel line will try to predict our actions and perform further processing automatically. All you have to do is click Enter key to confirm and all names will be converted instantly.

In a similar way, you can extract names from emails, merge full names from fragments, etc.

Copying without breaking formats

You most likely know about the “magic” autofill marker - a thin black cross in the lower right corner of a cell, by pulling which you can copy the contents of the cell or a formula to several cells at once. However, there is one unpleasant nuance: such copying often violates the design of the table, since not only the formula is copied, but also the cell format. This can be avoided if, immediately after drawing a black cross, click on the smart tag - special icon appears in the lower right corner of the copied area.

If you select the option “Copy values ​​only” (Fill Without Formatting), then Microsoft Excel will copy your formula without format and will not spoil the design.

In the last Excel versions 2013 it became possible to quickly display on interactive map your geodata, for example sales by city, etc. To do this, go to the “App Store” (Office Store) on the “Insert” tab and install the plugin from there Bing Maps. This can also be done via a direct link from the site by clicking the Add button. After adding a module, you can select it from the My Apps drop-down list on the Insert tab and place it on your worksheet. All you have to do is select your data cells and click on the Show Locations button in the map module to see our data on it.

If desired, in the plugin settings you can select the type of chart and colors to display.

If the number of worksheets in your book exceeds 10, then it becomes difficult to navigate through them. Click right click mouse on any of the buttons for scrolling the sheet shortcuts in the lower left corner of the screen.

Have you ever matched the input values ​​in your Excel calculation to get the output desired result? At such moments you feel like a seasoned artilleryman, right? Just a couple of dozen iterations of “undershooting - overshooting”, and here it is, the long-awaited “hit”!

Microsoft Excel can do this adjustment for you, faster and more accurately. To do this, click the “What If Analysis” button on the “Insert” tab and select the “Parameter Selection” command (Insert - What If Analysis - Goal Seek). In the window that appears, specify the cell where you want to select the desired value, the desired result and the input cell that should change. After clicking “OK,” Excel will perform up to 100 “shots” to find the total you require with an accuracy of 0.001.

If this detailed review not covered everything useful tips MS Excel that you know about, share them in the comments!

The Excel 2010 tutorial is an interactive tutorial with which you can learn how to use all the functions and capabilities of this program.

Microsoft tutorial Office Excel 2010

Installation Features

  • Excel 2010 tutorial with examples has a Russian interface.
  • Excel tutorial works on any operating system Windows.
  • There is no need to install Excel, the tutorial is launched from the file start.

Features of the program

  • This tutorial will help you quickly learn how to work in Excel.
  • In the tutorial, Excel lessons for beginners can be watched as a video or read as text with pictures.
  • It’s very easy to learn how to work in Excel with the help of a tutorial because it shows a video that tells you about all the actions that need to be performed.
  • Working in an Excel tutorial is simplified by the presence of content in which you can select and undergo training on a specific topic.
  • There is a “Repeat” button with which you can repeat the lesson.

Excel training for beginners by topic

These themes make working with Excel easier for dummies
  • Tab-menu "File"
  • Data types
  • Illustration material
  • Inserting and formatting images
  • Panel quick access and scale
  • Sorting and filters
  • Books and sheets
  • Cells, Columns and Rows
  • Inserting cells, rows, and columns
  • Formatting Rows and Columns
  • Data editing
  • Data Alignment
  • Formatting data
  • Data input
  • Find and replace data
  • Copying and pasting formulas
  • Working with formulas
  • Entering formulas
  • How to calculate the amount in Excel
  • Function Wizard
  • Font, borders, fill
  • Creating Charts
  • Pre-printing and preview
  • Reviewing and printing documents
  • Electronic document publication

V. Volkov “A clear tutorial for Excel 2010” Peter, 2010, 256 pages (7.71 mb. pdf)

Microsoft Excel is one of the most popular programs in the MS Office 2010 package. Its demand is determined by its popularity as one of the most best editors spreadsheets, which has a rich arsenal of work automation tools, tools for document preparation and extensive computing capabilities.

The capabilities of Microsoft Excel are so great that most users use only a small set of functions table processor of all that can be used when editing documents. The range of program capabilities is not limited to creating and editing spreadsheet documents, part Excel package 2010 includes full-featured environment VBA development (Visual Basic) allows you to automate work in the program environment, carry out statistical and economic calculations, perform complex computational operations, build diagrams, and simulate various processes.

The tutorial is written in simple language, in an accessible form of presentation. The author tried to simply and clearly talk about complex issues and methods of working in the application for a novice user. The presentation starts from the simplest - a description of the interface, toolbar, quick access panel. More complex issues are discussed below. And so gradually the author explains and describes all the tools and functionality of the program, reinforcing the material being studied with exercises for independent work. All material in the book is accompanied by tips, hints, recommendations and drawings.

ISBN 978-5-49807-771-0

Introduction 9

Chapter 1. Excel interface 2010 11
Excel 12 window
Tool Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar 15
File tab 20
Create 21
Open 23
Save 23
Save as 23
Print 24
Information 25
Access 27
Close 28
Managing window layout 29
Columns, rows and movement within a table 34
Book and sheets 35
Book viewing modes 37
Scaling 39

Chapter 2. Excel Options 40
Page 40 Options
Document Properties 46
Setting the status bar 49
Program parameters 51
Basic parameters 51
Formula Options 53
Spelling Options 57
Save options 58
Additional options 59
Setting 60
Add-ons 64
Trust Center 64
Resources 66

Chapter 3: Basic Tools 67
Excel 67 Ribbon Home Tab
Clipboard 68
Editing 75
Font 81
Alignment 82
File Tools 83
Methods for selecting table objects 84
Using Formatting Tools 86
Methods for editing tables 89

Chapter 4: Cell Formats and Creating Tables 91
Cell Format 92
Number 92
Alignment 100
Font 104
Border 104
View 106
Defense 106
Adding and removing table elements 107
Row, Column, and Sheet Formats 108
Formatting a Range in Table Style 109
Conditional Formatting 110
Using Style 113
Creating a list 114

Chapter 5. Calculations in tables 117
Inserting formulas into a table 118
Arithmetic operators 118
Comparison operators 120
Text operator 122
Reference operators 122
Links and names 122
Relative and absolute links 123
Cell Ranges and Reference Operators 125
A1 and R1C1 link styles 126
Names 127
Referencing cells on other sheets and in other workbooks 128
Functions 129
Arrays 133
Complex formulas 135

Chapter 6. Diagrams 137
Simple diagram 137
Inserting charts 139
Chart type 140
Data source for chart 143
Chart placement 147
Editing and customizing a chart 147
Formatting Chart and Plot Areas 148
Formatting Walls, Bases, Gridlines, and Axes 151

Chapter 7.Drawing Tools 153
Inserting and adjusting a picture 153
Implementation of objects 157
AutoShapes and Mouse Drawing 159
Curly text 177

Chapter 8.Working with external data 180
Getting data from Access 181
Retrieving data from web pages 186
Retrieving data from text files 190
Receiving data from the server Microsoft Server 193
Retrieving data from XML files 196
Using Microsoft Query 196