Customs clearance Vnukovo workshop 1. Sharapovo sorting center – where is it, what does it do?

Why the fright did all the parcels (orders) suddenly begin to be delivered through customs, and the so-called “L/C” to Sharapovo? What kind of Monopoly is this, with discrimination??? Previously, all orders from Singapore (as well as from Asia in general) to the Republic of Belarus mainly went through Orenburg. Because, in terms of delivery, RossPost is much closer and faster. And everything was fine, and without delays. And people received their orders within 14 to 20 days. Now, not only are all orders in Lately For some reason they only go mainly through Sharapovo, and also through some kind of l/c? Which slow down and are in no hurry to release goods (s) to S/C - sorting centers? Why do we even need such a L/C if they don’t (as is done in ALL European and Asian countries) deliver in Russia??? The order arrived at customs, as well as in (Russia), on 07/09/17 (although the order itself left Singapore (as indicated by the link from "Alika") on the Asian website) on 07/06/17), and in the same day, has already been released by customs. For example, it is the central office as a whole that creates problems for many consumers. Since the main number of orders are either lost (stolen) or arrive with mechanical damage, it is the orders that pass “customs” at the central office. through Moscow and Moscow region. This also includes Sharapovo. But despite all these problems with delays and complaints, I still hope that I will receive my order, albeit late, but intact? Like my previous order. Which, for some reason, also ended up in Sharapovo first? Although it came from Hong Kong. It smacks of discrimination with a monopoly. Russia is big, and for some reason all orders from Asia and Southeast Asia deliberately and purposefully go through Moscow, or the Moscow region? Why not Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Vladivostok, Orenburg, Kazan, Ufa, and many others. the nearest cities of Russia? Where do they also exist? International Airports with customs??? They came up with the idea, From Asia to the Moscow Region Central District. then wait until the order from Moscow wanders around the cities of the R/R/D in circles. From here the question; Whose whim is this??? And where is the Russian antimonopoly service looking??? Or are they only formally listed as the “antimonopoly service”??? To all those who complain about Russian Post. Basically, many goods - orders - disappear even before they reach the Sorting Centers of Russian Post. Once I was tracking one of the orders by weight. After I saw that the order, upon receipt at the sorting center (or no matter where), had lost weight, I didn’t bother waiting, I simply refused it on the website where I ordered the goods. And within 6 and 11 days the funds were returned to my card. Although, it was registered within 45 days. By the way, this is a good functionality for returning the entire amount if the argument or reason is justified .I hope that this advice will help some avoid problems with returning their funds. And it is advisable to do this before the order arrives at the final destination. Therefore, you can ask for a photo file(s), or simply message the seller with the weight of the sent order. Early weight of orders for example the same " Alika" was always and everywhere indicated during tracking. The exception is perhaps small and cheap orders. Now, for some reason, the weight cannot always be observed? Apparently this is the “policy” for the “scammers”. I will give a rating after receiving the order in proper form. Although, the delivery time does not automatically allow us to give 5 stars. The argument of delivery on time dates indicating from 25 - 45 - 60 days is not an argument. Because in general, the maximum period is taken when sending with a delay by the seller. Due to the lack of availability of goods at the time of order (which is not notified in advance). If the seller does not delay the shipment, as well as the country of dispatch, then the terms should be appropriate - accelerated. Something like this. I don’t really care about the work of our Russian Post. Sometimes you have to wait more than two weeks for your parcels from St. Petersburg. Because... some incompetent “employees” send, not only are they in no hurry, but also through, where and when it is convenient for them!? And not as it should be. Example From Arkhangelsk via Moscow, parcels arrive in 9-11 days. To the Republic of Belarus parcels from St. Petersburg , they’re coming, well, very good. for a long time??? And even through Samara - RT - Kazan then to Ufa and then to the destination? Although, there are shorter and faster routes along the same railway lines. This is how we “live”... It turns out that until you evaluate the message, the message is not sent!? Hmm... Alas, but higher than 3 - three, yes, and even then with an advance payment, I can’t deliver. (The reason is stated above: 5 days the order was in the l/c. Why, and what did he do during these 5 days in the l/c ts??? It’s just like they “did an audit” - (they were talking) probably!? So, then think about how you need to quickly improve and establish the process of sending consumer orders. In order to gain trust with respect from citizens. Of which there is less than expected, and I would like to observe.

We all order online from time to time, send or receive something by mail. At the same time, you always really want to hold the treasured package in your hands as quickly as possible in order to enjoy its contents. Usually, when you receive a package or box at the post office, it is assigned a track number. Thanks to this combination of numbers, you can track the movement of the shipment and find out exactly where it is at one time or another. This is very convenient, because if something happens, you can always contact the seller if the track does not move, or search when a loss has occurred.

Russian Post is always the starting or ending point for the movement of letters or parcels. And often it is within the country that the path slows down, and the expected thing itself moves from point to point. Of course, impatience takes over and it becomes simply amazing how this system can work so slowly. But, if you think about it, everyone at least once in their life comes to Postal office with the notice I noticed what great amount all kinds of bundles, boxes, packages await their owners. And this is only a small part of what we will see.

The path that a package takes before it reaches its recipient is very long. There are many sorting centers here, where packages are distributed by region, then by city, and then by department. At the same time, every time there is weighing, scanning, and passage through customs control. Of course, the chain never stops and employees must work as carefully and harmoniously as possible so as not to compromise the integrity of the packaging and so that nothing gets lost. Naturally, not everything always goes perfectly. And on the Internet there are a lot of angry reviews about the services of our native post office. Parcels are often lost or damaged during transportation or at sorting centers.

Sometimes the track gets stuck at one point for weeks or several days. This is quite a common phenomenon due to the fact that employees are simply not able to process such a quantity of material coming to them in a shorter time. For those who are always torn and tossed about if their package travels across the Russian Federation for a very long time, it is worthwhile, at least for the sake of curiosity, to see how this system works from the inside. This way, it may be possible to be more tolerant of the prolonged wait.

Sorting center Sharapovo.

This is one of the stopping points for parcels or letters that we often see during the tracking process. It’s good that this is Russia, which means that in the near future you can expect a stop in your city. It would be interesting to find out what kind of place this is in more detail.

The center of Sharapovo is located near the city of Podolsk. This is a very large-scale point, equipped with conveyors and scanners. This is where all the letters and parcels from all over the country flock. At the same time, this also applies to foreign parcels. From here the entire flow is distributed over six regions. During one shift, 350 people work in this huge center. In total, 1,650 employees work here. Each has its own microtask, and each performs its own operation. People here are like little ants making a big anthill function. Regular and registered letters, as well as fines, taxes, notices from pension fund and much more.

I am glad that the center has gone through modernization. Competent logistics made it possible to reduce the processing time for correspondence. Thanks to special equipment, all envelopes are sorted and receive a stamp showing the date and time of leaving the sorting center. It is this kind of recording that allows you to track as clearly as possible each step that the letter or packaging went through, so that in case of loss you know where to look. Yes, you can submit a search report by mail.

Our mail is actively developing, and management is trying to bring it to a high quality new level work and service. We can already see how much the branches have changed, and the attitude of employees towards clients has changed. Work has also been done to reduce unnecessary items in the process of movement. For example, if earlier we could write a letter from Volgograd to an addressee from the same city, then first it went to Sharapovo, and then returned to Volgograd again to reach the recipient. The situation has now stabilized and the address is now critical.

Operators working in sorting are mainly engaged in scanning barcodes. They have hand scanners, thanks to which computer system the type of correspondence they considered is recorded. This way, the data from the identifier goes to the official website of the post office and not only employees, but also people waiting begin to see the information. It shows the collection point, final delivery address and recipient's name, as well as weight.

What is important in sorting?

Human labor is very important here. Since the conveyor system cannot be fully used due to the non-standard nature of some parcels. For this reason it is in use manual scanning. The system also allows you to very quickly distribute envelopes and packages into the appropriate cells by reading barcodes. Nothing is ever left in disarray here. Only precision and accuracy allows you to act without errors and as clearly as possible. In total, there are several flow lines along which the division takes place into large and oversized parcels, those that go abroad, as well as ordinary packages that belong in urban areas.

Throughout the entire route of the tape there are short stops, during which there is a division into republics, regions and cities.

We are ordering more and more abroad. And this is not only the notorious China, but also Korea and Europe. People often use online stores, so the need for a center like Sharapovo is huge and justified. It is also expected in the near future Big changes. Under the influence of time, it will become larger and more modern. Russia is a country of great opportunities, and postal services are important at any time.

Now, when we have looked as far as possible inside this organization and have taken a peek at how this big machine works, it will be a little easier to wait for a piece of notice. Streamline employees act solely in our interests. Therefore, the speed at which the track will move further depends on how clearly they work.

Depending on how far you are from the Sharapovo point, it may take from five to fifteen days before you can pick up your treasured package. This time is justified by the fact that further movement will take place through the city post office, where sorting by indexes takes place. It is extremely important to correctly indicate all necessary information, regarding the address, so as not to become a weak link that can destroy the work of such a harmonious system.

It is very joyful that we are also beginning to benefit from the experience of world practice. I would really like pick-point style cells to appear in branches, and you wouldn’t have to stand in lines and wait for the workers on the shelves to find your address and last name. Progress is being made, and fortunately, even in small towns positive changes are already being felt.

Nowadays, it is popular to make purchases via the Internet; it is considered especially profitable to buy Chinese goods, because they have a very attractive price and the quality of Chinese goods is no longer inferior to any other. Most often people buy on Ali: clothes, shoes, accessories, cosmetics, small appliances, and household goods.

It happens that the parcel does not arrive for a very long time, but the shipment status says “released by customs.” How long should I wait for such a parcel?

Now cases of delays of parcels from abroad at customs are a common occurrence and this happens to every third person. What are the reasons for this misunderstanding?

  • Exceeding the permissible limit for the value of the parcel;
  • Problems with documents

If the parcel is delayed by customs, the wait may be seriously delayed and you risk being left without the long-awaited goods at all.

How to track your parcel

You go to Ali and make a purchase of the product you like. After paying for it, you choose a delivery service with which the goods will be delivered to you. That is, find the “Delivery” menu to the right of the product image and click on “delivery from your country.” Next, you can see a menu where available delivery services will be displayed.

Here you choose a service that suits you; we will talk about them and their features below. But, please note, if the “released by customs” status lasts more than days, you need to contact the service administration or Ali to resolve this issue.

EMS is the world's largest delivery service

Through this system delivery you can receive the parcel from Ali. What is its difference from other companies, advantages and disadvantages. The first advantage is representation in Russia - EMS Post Russia.

One of the services for tracking parcels from EMS Russian Post is Postal Ninja. Here you can track your parcel by tracking number.

The EMS representative office in Russia delivers the parcel in the same way as it was sent from China, so the risk of confusion and delays is virtually eliminated. Here are a few more important features service:

  • The delivery service operates mobile;
  • affordable price;
  • Poski delivery by courier to your home;
  • It is also possible to pick up the parcel at the post office;
  • permissible weight - 31 kg.

If you use EMS delivery services and your package is detained at customs, here is what you need to do and what to pay attention to:

  • The parcel can be registered at customs for no more than 10 days;
  • regarding the delay, you can contact the Russian representative office of the company directly.

China Post

State postal operator provides internal and international delivery parcels, which has developed system mail processing points throughout China. The largest centers are in: Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Here is a list of important features of China Post:

  • Due to heavy workload, processing your order may take from 7 days to 1 month;
  • China Post cooperates with many small online stores and large trading platforms such as: Aliexpress, eBay, TaoBao.

It is important to understand that when sending a message to this service, it is assigned a track number, but it will be impossible to track its movement after passing the Chinese border.

DHL - German logistics company

It operates all over the world, delivering parcels from different parts of the world. It has its own representative office in Russia and is a customs broker. One of the company's sorting centers is located in the south and also in the center of Moscow.

Due to tightening work requirements, DHL has suspended delivery of goods throughout Russia, with the exception of some stores, the list of which includes Aliexpress.

You can track a parcel sent through this logistics company using the tracking service. Here you will see how many points and how long it takes your product to pass through before getting into your hands and where it is currently located.

If the parcel arrives at the Vnukovo customs office, this process will also affect this service. You will see when your goods have been accepted, processed and finally received the status “released by the customs of MR LC Vnukovo”.

It should be noted that 102976 Sharapovo is the location of the international postal exchange Vnukovo. Therefore, released by Sharapovo customs means that the parcel has successfully passed customs control and from that moment the established shipping deadlines within Russia begin to apply.

Delivery EPACKET

Very convenient service delivery in China. Its main advantage is that delivery through China to the Russian border is very fast, thanks to the company’s internal cooperation agreements and corporate ethics. Upon reaching the border, the parcel is handed over to the Russian Post.

If the goods are delayed at customs, you can only get information from the store that sent it to you. It is possible to track the parcel using the track number, but if the shipment status is not updated for a long time, then you can only ask questions to the store from which you made the order.

However this method shipping is one of the cheapest and fastest of all available on Ali. Many online store users use the services of this logistics company.

Now you know what the “released by customs” status means and how you can find out Additional information about the dispatch and timing of receipt of your goods. We also figured out how long to wait, how to track the parcel and where to contact if it is delayed.