Statistics of queries in search engines. Yandex search query statistics: description of the service. Search for promising queries

Dedicated theory keywords , we have covered the basics of the concept "keywords" and mentioned that there are 3 great ones online service to select them, use the search engines Yandex, Google and Rambler. Today we will talk about this topic in more detail and in a practical context.

In anticipation of your question, I’ll say right away that you need to use all three: each of them has its own features that will make your life easier. But one of them, of course, should be the main one, and two others - auxiliary(not to be confused with secondary ones!). I suggest choosing Yandex as the main one, because it has the richest statistics. Let’s start with this and consider the following questions:

  1. Getting started with the Yandex statistics service -
  2. Keyword frequency. HF, MF and LF requests
  3. The concept of query competitiveness
  4. My Tips for Writing a Keyword List
  5. What's happened semantic core site?
  6. The benefits of associated queries
  7. Additional tips for creating a keyword list.
  8. The most important advice for webmasters for life
  9. We continue to edit the semantic core. Yandex query operators
  10. Conclusions and recommendations

1. Getting started with the Yandex statistics service -

In order to start working with it, you must have an account in Yandex. To do this you just need to start Mailbox on Yandex () and you will have access to all Yandex services. And, of course, to the “Keyword Statistics” service.

Word choice (wordstat) is a service that helps to obtain information about Yandex user requests. For example, it allows you to find out how many people per month search for a particular phrase, and see queries that are similar in meaning to your phrase.

Beginning of work

You can use the word selection form from the Direct interface. To do this, click the button Find words in the block New keywords and enter a passphrase.

To take advantage of all the features of the service, such as selecting the region and type of user device, go to the word selection service. Word selection is available only to authorized users.

By default, statistics are shown for all regions and all device types. The Desktops slice includes requests for desktop computers and laptops, Mobile section - on phones and tablets. You can view data on requests on phones or tablets separately using the Only phones and Only tablets slices, respectively.

The number next to each query represents the projected number of impressions per month you can get by choosing that query as your keyword phrase. When making a forecast, the system uses data for the last 30 days before the statistics update date. The data is considered by the system only for the Yandex search results page , excluding queries made by users on search Advertising network Yandex.

How to use the service

For example, in Direct you place an advertisement for an apartment renovation team and want to add a key phrase to your ad repair. Enter this phrase in the word selection service. From the data in the left column it can be seen that repair- popular request (11 million impressions per month). But it does not reflect what the buyer was interested in: repairing apartments, cars or telephones.

To prevent ads from being shown for popular but unsuitable queries, replace the key phrase in Direct repair on renovation of apartments. Clarify phrase repair You can also use negative keywords. If you add negative keywords cars And phones, the ad will not be shown for popular queries car repair And phone repair.

When working with the service, you can use additional operators. Operators work on the By Words and By Regions tabs. On the tab Query history Only the + operator works.

Look at the queries in the right column. Users who searched renovation of apartments, may be of interest apartment renovation And suspended ceiling . Add to list key phrases your ad in Direct are those that correspond to the goals of your advertising.

Query history

To understand the dynamics of user interest in your topic, go to the tab Query history. Here you will see data for the last 2 years, grouped by month, as well as a graph of user activity.

Statistics on queries on tablets have been available since March 1, 2016. Until March 1, the statistics of requests on phones also included requests on tablets.


Or before launching it is necessary to create a semantic core. It sounds scary, but in reality these are just queries by which users will search for your services or products in search engines. If you choose the right key queries, your site will quickly rise in Yandex and Google rankings and bring you clients. To understand which direction to move in, think about how you yourself would search for your products, using what phrases. You can write down 3-5 main topics and build on them. But, in order not to rack our brains and invent a wheel, we created an assistant - Yandex Wordstat.

Wordstat shows statistics of user requests. The service displays all phrases with the entered key and the number of users who searched for this key query. In this article I will talk in detail about the service and what nuances should be taken into account when working with it.

Yandex Wordstat comes to the rescue

To view the statistics of the query you are interested in, you need to enter it into the search bar, click “Select” and the service will display the result. Below is a schematic representation of the main blocks of service functionality.

  1. Search phrase.
  2. Last update.
  3. Total number impressions per month.
  4. The number of impressions for a specific phrase.
  5. Similar queries.

You can search phrases by:

  • words;
  • regions;
  • request history (by month, week, etc.).

The service shows the result not only for the entered query, but also similar phrases that users searched for.

Basic operators

To understand how it works, let’s enter the query “Italian pizza”:

The service gave us the result that this request was entered 16,654 times per month. But is this really so? No. It should be kept in mind that users could search for the query in different variations, for example, “buy Italian pizza” or “cook Italian pizza.” Some requests are clearly not worth considering. And to see a more truthful picture, the service has basic operators.

1. Quotes:"Word". This operator allows you to see the exact number of impressions of this request, but for all possible endings and word order.

Now, instead of the number 16,654, we see 1,152 impressions per month. This is a more plausible figure.

2. Exclamation mark: !. Allows you to view the number of impressions on request, taking into account the end.

We changed the ending of the query, and we see that only 225 times users searched for this phrase and with this ending.

Auxiliary Operators

There are additional operators, which open up more opportunities when analyzing and selecting queries.

1. OR operator. Helps to combine queries and compare several phrases.

In the figure on the right, we see how many requests for each phrase were made per month.

2. “Square brackets” operator. Fixes the order of words, taking into account all word forms and stop words. Denoted by .

3. Operator "Plus". Searches for the request itself plus additional word. Denoted by the + symbol.

4. Operator "Minus". Gives the result without the word that comes with the - sign. Indicated by the symbol -.

Using this operator, we removed all queries containing the word dodo (dodo is a brand of pizza).

5. Operator "Grouping". Used when you need to group multiple statements. Denoted by ().

Additional features

At the beginning of the article, I mentioned that Wordstat has the ability to search and analyze queries by words, by region, and by history. Let's start with the request history.

Request history

Soon New Year and you’re already wondering when to start notifying your subscribers about New Year’s promotions and sales. To track when people start to become interested in this topic, let’s go to the “Request History” tab and look at seasonal fluctuations in the request “New Year”.

If you look at the graph, you can see that the peak occurs in December (month 12). But they begin to become interested at the end of October.

Number of requests in a given region

In this tab you can see the number of impressions of a request in a region or city. You can also estimate popularity as a percentage. The higher the percentage, the higher the interest.

In the “Map” mode you can see the number of queries and their popularity by country on the world map.

Collection (parsing) of requests of a given length

Sometimes it becomes necessary to search for queries of a given length (of 2, 3, 4 words, and so on) with the occurrence of a keyword.

For example, we want to find a phrase with the keyword “pizza” and a length of 4 words:

Queries from 2 to 7 words in length can significantly increase your audience reach.

The article discussed the main functionality WordStat service. Now all you have to do is correctly apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Be sure to use this tool in your work, if quality is important to you, launch effective and.

In addition, Yandex and Google, different algorithms formation search results, hints, and accordingly popular queries also different. This means that in order to get the maximum possible traffic from Google, we need to collect semantics on it. In this article we will look at how to do this completely free of charge, spending no more than half an hour.

If you have previously launched an advertising campaign, then Additional information according to query statistics Google Adwords, you can see by monitoring what queries your ad was shown for. To do this, go to the section "Reports" and create a new one in the form of a table.

Then, in the “Targeting” section, find the Search term and drag it into the table field. Further, the data obtained in this way, in any convenient format, including an Excel file, can be saved on your computer, and then cluster or make a sample of interest. The figure below shows real data for one of our clients, where 1894 unique requests ! Isn't that cool?

Among these queries, you can select all queries that indicate company names, phone numbers or competitors' website addresses, and add these keywords to your companies in KMS and/or on search.

The second use case is to improve SEO optimization of websites or separate page: .

Also this statistic, will help determine the real needs of users:

  • intends to buy, but not soon;
  • evaluates proposals from different companies;
  • ready to buy right now;
  • will not buy, looking for general information.

Another example of collecting statistics on queries

For example, our company repairs computers and hardware in Moscow. At the same time, we have a fairly limited budget for advertising, so we want to find keywords for which there is the lowest competition (few advertisers), so that advertising can be a priority choice for users and thus get maximum amount conversions.

  1. The query for which the words will be collected: “laptop repair”.
  2. Region: Moscow.
  3. Level of competition: low.

Here are a few of the 300 keywords that the system showed us, among which the request looks very promising "tablet repair". You don’t have to rely on the recommended bet level here, since in fact it can differ significantly from the real one, both with a “+” and a “-” sign.

After checking the request "tablet repair in Moscow" We didn't find any advertisements.

Therefore, we can conclude that Google Adwords query statistics are a treasure trove useful information, at correct use, which has enormous potential. But whether you use it or not depends entirely on you.

Today we will dive into the Wordstat service from Yandex and learn how to find out the number of queries by words per month, how the number of queries changes depending on the month, region, etc.

Why is it important to know the number of queries in Yandex by words?

The fact is that the entire advertising campaign originates from the semantic core (this is a set of keywords), onto it, like on a skewer, all the add-ons, YouTube tags, fancy bidders, whatever you want are strung on it. But if we don’t know what words people use to request our product in Yandex, then we will advertise blindly, and, accordingly, we’ll just merge advertising budget. When we clearly understand that there is a list of queries with a certain frequency, people are using them to search for our product, for example, from December to March there is a decline in activity on queries, we can build an advertising strategy. Very convenient and practical.

So, understanding the number of requests in Yandex by words helps us:

  • Collect a semantic core for customization contextual advertising in Yandex and Google
  • Collect a semantic core for website optimization (for SEO promotion)
  • Choose the time to enter the advertising campaign so that the return is as high as possible (for example, launching an advertising campaign in the summer using the keyword “snow removal” is pointless).

How to find out the number of requests in Yandex by words?

Using the example of the keyword “buy sand-lime brick”, we see that for this request in all regions (all countries) the number of impressions in the previous month was 8,883. By the way, there is no need to confuse the concept of “impression” and “request”. If you typed “buy sand-lime brick” into a search engine, then this is a request when the search results page appeared in Yandex - this is a display if you went to next page search, then + another display, i.e. there is only one request, but there can be many impressions if you turn the pages.

It happens that we need to look at the number of impressions per month for the phrase “buy sand-lime brick” while excluding all others additional phrases. There are data operators for this. You just need to put in the request certain characters and Yandex will understand what you need.

Data operators

1.Operator "" Quotes

"" Quotes - will show only the specified keywords, but in any word form

2. Operator Exclamation mark (!)
Exclamation mark - we fix the given word form. Those. if we don’t need words like sand-lime brick, sand-lime brick, but only sand-lime brick is needed, we put an exclamation mark before each word

3. Minus operator (-)

- Minus - using this operator we exclude words that we need to exclude from the search. For example, we want to remove the phrase “Moscow”. Then the request will look like (again in the case of sand-lime brick) in the following way:

4.Plus operator (+)

Plus – we force Yandex to take into account prepositions

5.Bracket operator (|)

Parentheses and forward slash – Using this operator we can combine multiple queries into one report. For example, we have several main keywords and we need to understand how many requests there are for them, but we don’t want to mix these words with each other ourselves in order to get all the statistics - Yandex will do this for us

How to find out the number of requests in Yandex for words in a specific region?

Very simple! We need to go to the “All regions” tab and select your region or city

How to find out the number of requests in Yandex by words in a specific month?

And we have the answer to this question! Go to the “Request History” tab, we see a graph of frequency distribution by month, as well as absolute and relative figures for each month

Conclusion about the number of requests in Yandex Direct

So, today we learned how to determine the number of requests in Yandex based on words for certain period, in a specific region and for exactly the words you need using data operators. This information is necessary for niche analysis, as well as for drawing up an effective advertising campaign. Thanks to the Yandex Wordstat service, we can easily understand how many people are interested in a product and how many such people are in a particular region, and don’t forget about seasonality!