Satellite images of Antarctica online. Mysterious Antarctica (36 photos)

Satellite maps from Google are popular. This is a convenient and practical tool that allows you to view the planet at any scale. The satellite image reveals details: small streets and alleys near the house, cities, countries and continents. This became possible thanks to satellite imagery.
Earlier to receive pictures from space shooting was used television camera with the transmission of a signal to the station or shooting with a special photographic camera, the images of which were displayed on film. Today, modern space technologies make it possible to look at the planet thanks to the scanning mechanism built into satellites.

Satellite Map: Applications and Purposes

Currently, real-time satellite world map is used in many fields: analyzing the state of agricultural fields, forests, oceans and identifying the location of friends using a smartphone. Google satellite map is used for these resources.
Main purpose of use satellite images the world navigation remains from Google. The website features a world diagram showing continents, states, cities, streets and highways. This helps you navigate the area, appreciate its landscape, and simply travel around the Earth without leaving your home.

Quality of online world map images from satellite

The highest resolution images are available for the largest cities in Ukraine, America, Russia, Belarus, Asia, Europe and Oceania with a population of more than a million people. For settlements With fewer residents, images are available in limited quantities and of poorer quality.
Despite this, everyone can take a detailed look at the territory of their home, nearby streets, and look at photos of the planet from almost any point. The pictures reveal the placement:

  • cities, towns, villages,
  • streets, alleys
  • rivers, seas, lakes, forest zones, deserts, etc.

Good quality cartographic images allow you to examine the landscape of the selected area in detail.

Google map capabilities from satellite:

Satellite google maps help to examine in detail objects that are difficult to evaluate on conventional diagrams. Satellite images preserve the natural shape of an object, its size and colors. Before printing and circulation, ordinary, classic maps undergo editorial elaboration to match the scale, as a result of which the natural colors of the area and the shapes of objects are lost. The cartographic images retain their naturalness.
In addition, you can quickly find the city of interest in any country on the map. The diagram has a column in which you can indicate the country, city, and even house number in Russian. In a second, the diagram will zoom in and show the location given object and those who are near him.

Satellite world map mode

Satellite images have the ability to switch to world map mode. It helps to view the territory on the surface of the planet, get as close as possible to the selected object, and consider the layout of the location. This mode allows you to quickly and conveniently plan your trip route, move around the city, find attractions, etc.
By specifying the house number, the diagram will display its location relative to the city center in a second. It is also possible to plot a route from the initially specified object. To do this, click on the appropriate button and enter the address.

Map of the earth from satellite to website

the site allows users to use satellite map in real time completely free. For convenience, the map is divided into countries. To search for a specific city or get acquainted with the area of ​​the state, click on the one you are interested in and begin your “travel”. The service is constantly improving, work is underway to place satellite images in high resolution small settlements.
Good quality online satellite cartographic images posted on our website help you quickly find the desired object, examine the landscape, estimate the distances between cities, and find out the location of forests, rivers, seas and oceans. With Voweb, traveling around the world has become even more accessible.

The photo shows a glacier located on the Kenai Peninsula, along the Gulf of Alaska, which is 240 kilometers long. Photo taken from satellite on August 8, 2005. This image shows ablations—a reduction in the mass of a glacier due to melting and evaporation, depending primarily on climate factors. Dark streaks on the surface of the glacier it is mud flowing from the rocks.

South of Khartoum we see irrigated fields that stretch across El Gezira (one of Sudan's 15 states). This photo was taken by NASA's Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflectance Radiometer (ASTER) satellite on December 25, 2006.

Far away in the Sahara Desert there is this crater, which appeared hundreds of millions of years ago even before the first dinosaurs appeared on Earth. It is an almost perfect circle that is 1.9 kilometers wide and 100 meters high. Modern geologists have long debated the cause of this crater; some believe that it was formed due to the activity of a volcano.

Cloudless skies allowed for a clear image of Tibet from a NASA satellite. In the photo we see snow caps on some mountain peaks and ice partially covering the lakes.

The image from space shows the outline national park, located in the southern part of Tunisia (a state on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa), near the Libyan border.

Two cyclones were spotted from space south of Iceland, an island nation located in the northern part of Atlantic Ocean(northwest of Great Britain).

Even in the snowiest places, such as, there are valleys without snow (between the Ross Sea and East Antarctica). Such valleys are called Dry. Cold, dry air flows through them, rolling downhill towards the sea from high altitudes of the ice sheet.

The large desert of Dasht-e Lut, located in southeastern Iran, stretches approximately 480 by 320 kilometers. This area is made up of sand, which in some places creates some of the tallest dunes in the world (300 meters high).

Akimiski Island is the largest island in James Bay (Canada). The length of the island's coastline is 261 kilometers. The island is currently uninhabited; the vegetation there includes lichens, mosses, grasses and dwarf black spruces. The photo was taken from satellite space on August 9, 2000.

The photograph shows the Bird Glacier in Antarctica, which is 136 kilometers long and 24 kilometers wide. It originates in the vast polar plateau and moves at a speed of 0.8 kilometers per year to the east, eventually flowing into the Ross Ice Massif. Named after the American Antarctic explorer Admiral Beard.

Rub al-Khali (“desert quarter of the world”) is a vast sandy desert in the Middle East, occupying 650 thousand square meters. kilometers in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula, located on the territory of the states of Saudi Arabia, Oman, the UAE and Yemen.

Detailed image from Taiwan's Formosat-2 satellite of ice shelves (floating or partially resting on the bottom) on the Antarctic Peninsula. The level of detail in the photograph is so great that huge icebergs (several hundred meters in length) appear to be just small floes of ice.

A view from space of a dry riverbed in the mountains in the southeastern province of Fars, Iran. A wide belt of agricultural land stretches along the road.

Tropical Cyclone Billy off the coast of Western Australia.

Colorful blooms of phytoplankton (the part of plankton that can carry out the process of photosynthesis) throughout the Black Sea near the Turkish cities of Sinop and Samsun.

Image of a forest in the northern Republic of Congo (a state in Africa) with muddy logging roads (orange lines).

View from space of the Harrat Khaybar volcano in Saudi Arabia. Its height is 2093 meters. A huge basalt plateau (about 200 kilometers), consisting of numerous cones.

Dust settles to the north coast of Libya (a state in North Africa on the Mediterranean coast).

Active stratovolcano St. Helens (Mount St. Helens), located in Skamania County, Washington State, USA. The photo shows lush green forests to the south of the mountains and sparse vegetation to the north.
A stratovolcano is a type of volcano that has a conical shape and is composed of many layers of solidified lava, tephra and volcanic ash.

The houses and streets of bustling Las Vegas, Nevada, are visible in this photo from space.

Sunset on the Amazon River, South America.

This is what the northern coast of Iceland (a state located in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean) looks like from a satellite.

Clouds surround a high mountain with the long-extinct Elgon volcano in Africa. It is located on the border of Kenya and Uganda, surrounded by tropical forests and bamboo thickets. Its height is 4321 meters.

The webcam shows the Antarctic Receiving Station (GARS). Beautiful view to the ocean, icebergs and a huge antenna. The picture is updated every 30 minutes.

The webcam at the Devis station in Antarctica is installed by the Australian Antarctic Division. Updated every 10 minutes. The picture contains information about current weather conditions.

Last online check: (camera online)

Webcam installed on ant arctic station GARS O"Higgins in Antarctica. The camera shows a colony of penguins. The image is updated via satellite every 15 minutes.

Time zone: GMT. Broadcast quality: 360p photo
Last online check: two weeks ago (live camera)

The webcam at the Mawson station in Antarctica is installed by the Australian Antarctic Division. The picture is updated every 10 minutes. The picture contains information about current weather conditions.

Time zone: GMT. Broadcast quality: 360p video
Last online check: (live camera)

The webcam at the Casey Arctic station in Antarctica is installed by the Australian Antarctic Division. The picture is updated every 10 minutes. The picture contains information about current weather conditions.

Time zone: GMT. Broadcast quality: 360p photo
Last online check: (live camera)

The webcam is installed at the GARS O"Higgins polar Antarctic station in Antarctica. The camera shows a view of the antenna, the ocean, icebergs and a penguin colony floating past. The image is updated via satellite every 15 minutes.

Time zone: GMT. Broadcast quality: photo 480p
Last online check: (live camera)

The webcam at the Macquarie Island station in Antarctica is installed by the Australian Antarctic Division. The picture is updated every 10 minutes. The picture contains information about current weather conditions.

Time zone: GMT. Broadcast quality: 360p photo
Last online check: (live camera)

The webcam shows the large antenna at the Antarctic Receiving Station (GARS). The picture is updated every 30 minutes.

Time zone: GMT. Broadcast quality: photo 720p
Last online check: (live camera)

The webcam is installed on the Arctic research vessel James Clark Ross. Basically, it is directed along the ship's course, but sometimes its direction is changed to show something interesting.…
Some online video surveillance web cameras can be viewed with sound. When watching, keep in mind the fact that the sound in the broadcast may be turned on by default.

#Antarctica, #webcams

Antarctica on the map

Antarctica is an icy continent in the very south of the planet. The sixth continent was discovered by Russian navigators Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev in 1820. According to the international convention on Antarctica, this territory does not belong to any state in the world.

There is no permanent population here, but active scientific activity. Of the 45 Antarctic stations, seven belong to Russia. Huge reserves are concentrated in Antarctica fresh water(about 80% of all fresh water on Earth), and also has significant mineral reserves.

Antarctica map

Despite the enormous natural wealth, the entire world community recognizes the inadmissibility of invading the fragile world of Antarctic nature; now only the tourism business is actively developing here. About six thousand tourists visit these harsh places every year! You and I can try to understand what attracts tourists to this distant continent by taking an online walk through this amazing land (see “Walk in Antarctica” and “Antarctica online”).

IN last years Interesting studies of the continent's topography were carried out and new maps were compiled. Studying the terrain beneath the Antarctic ice sheet is critical to understanding the ice sheet's dynamics, thickness, and impact on the surrounding ocean and global climate.

Antarctica from satellite

By influencing ocean currents and rising sea levels, this continent plays a huge role in climate system Earth. Using various methods, researchers are trying to predict how Antarctica will respond to climate change.

Information about ice thickness and continental structure was limited. Now, thanks to work carried out by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), scientists have a new detailed map continent. The video will tell us how the work on drawing up the map was carried out:

Antarctica is not much different from Mars. Just more oxygen. And the cold is the same. In some places the temperature drops to minus 90 degrees Celsius. There is only one fundamental difference - there are people in Antarctica, but not yet on Mars. But this does not mean that the ice continent has been explored much better than the Red Planet. There are plenty of mysteries here and there...

We don't know if there is life on Mars. We do not know what is hidden under the many kilometers of Antarctic ice. And there is only a vague idea of ​​what is happening on its surface.

Surprisingly, there are more high-resolution images of Mars than Antarctica. You can examine the details of its relief in detail only on a narrow strip in the area of ​​Queen Mary Land, where surprises were found. It wouldn't be a bad idea to look at other places. Especially those that have long been legendary.


The discovery belongs to Joseph Skipper, a famous virtual archaeologist from the USA. He usually “digs” on Mars and the Moon, looking at photographs transmitted from there by spacecraft and posted on the official websites of NASA and other space agencies. He finds a lot of surprising things - things that sharply fall out of traditional ideas.

The researcher's collection contains objects similar to bones and skulls of humanoids. And those that (with a stretch, of course) can be mistaken for the remains of their - humanoids - civilized activity.

This time the archaeologist became interested in the Earth - specifically Antarctica. And I found three oddities there at once - a hole, a “plate” and lakes.

I followed Skipper's footsteps and found all the objects he discovered. Their coordinates are known, they are clearly visible on satellite images of the ice continent posted on the Google Earth website.

“Stroke”: 99o43’11, 28’’E; 66o36’12, 36’’S
“Lake”: 100o47’51.16’’E; 66o18’07.15’’S
“Flying Saucer” 99o58’54.44’’E; 66o30’02.22’’S


The "Hole" discovered by Joseph Skipper

According to Skipper, there is an entire underground city on the ice continent. And proof of this are lakes with liquid water among the ice of Antarctica, as well as the huge “Hod” located on the ice continent. But who could build all this in conditions of terrible cold? The answer to this question, according to Skipper, is given by his third find - a huge “plate”, which may belong to aliens.


It is known that the Nazis were very interested in Antarctica. A number of expeditions were sent there. And they even staked out a vast territory in the area of ​​Queen Maud Land, calling it New Swabia.

There, in 1939, on the coast, the Germans discovered a striking area of ​​about 40 square kilometers, free of ice. With a relatively mild climate, with numerous ice-free lakes. It was called the Schirmacher oasis - after the German pioneer pilot. Subsequently, the Soviet polar station Novolazarevskaya was located here.


By official version, The Third Reich went to Antarctica to build bases there to guard its whaling fleets. But there are much more interesting assumptions. Although it’s difficult to even call them science fiction. A bunch of mysticism.


In short, the story is this. Allegedly, during expeditions to Tibet, the Nazis learned that there was something inside Antarctica. Some vast and warm cavities. And in them there is something left either from aliens, or from an ancient highly developed civilization that once lived there. At the same time, a separate story claimed that Antarctica was once Atlantis.


As a result, already at the end of the 30s of the last century, German submarines found a secret passage in the ice. And they got inside - into these same cavities.
Then the legends diverge. According to one version, the Nazis built their cities under the ice, according to another, they conspired with the local inhabitants and settled in a free housing stock.


There - inside the ice continent - in 1945, a living Hitler was delivered along with a living Eva Braun. Allegedly, he sailed in a submarine, accompanied by a large escort - a whole squadron of huge submarines (8 pieces) called the “Fuhrer's Convoy”. And he lived until 1971. And according to some sources, right up to 1985.


The authors of Antarctic myths also place the “flying saucers” of the Third Reich under the ice, rumors about which are permeated in numerous books, films, television shows and the Internet. They say that the Nazis also hid these devices inside. Then they improved and are still in operation, starting from mines in Antarctica. And UFOs are those very “plates”.


"Plate" - either alien or German

It’s difficult to take stories about polar aliens and Germans any seriously. But... What to do with the hole, the “plate” and the lakes discovered by Joseph Skipper? One fits very well with the other. Unless, of course, the objects are what they look like.


UFOs can fly out of a hole in the mountains. The “plate” is real. Maybe even alien. Looks icy. And as if exposed as a result of either global warming or weathering. It belongs to those guys who lived or are living in the warm inner cavities of Antarctica.


Lake on the surface of Antarctica

Well, lakes are just evidence that they - cavities - exist. And they warm up the oases. Like the Schirmacher oasis, which is far from the only one.

Antarctica is generally a strange place...


By the way, Lake Vostok is not free from tales. A strong magnetic anomaly was discovered on its western side. This is a scientific fact. But the nature of the anomaly has not yet been determined. Which gives ufologists the right, at least temporarily, to claim that there lies a massive metal object. Specifically, a huge alien ship. Maybe crashed. Maybe it was abandoned millions of years ago, when there was no ice over the lake. Maybe it was operational and just parked.


This is what the ice looks like over Lake Vostok. On the left edge there is a magnetic anomaly and strange dunes. On the right bank - Vostok station

Unfortunately, the magnetic anomaly is located far from the well - at the opposite end of the lake. And it is unlikely that it will be solved soon. If it ever works out.


At Vostok station in Antarctica, our scientists completed drilling at a depth of 3,768 thousand meters and reached the surface of a subglacial lake

It is already known that Lake Vostok is far from the only one in Antarctica. There are more than a hundred of these. The East is simply the largest of the open ones. Now researchers suggest that all these lakes, hidden under a layer of ice, communicate with each other.


The existence of an extensive network of subglacial rivers and canals was recently reported by British scientists - Duncan Wingham from University College London and colleagues - by publishing a corresponding article in the authoritative scientific journal Nature. Their conclusions are based on data obtained from satellites.

Wingham assures that the subglacial channels are as deep as the Thames.


The mystery of Lake Vanda. This salt Lake, it is covered with ice all year round. But what’s amazing: a thermometer lowered into water to a depth of 60 m shows... 25 degrees Celsius! Why? Scientists don't know this yet. Antarctica will probably present many more similar mysteries.

Laugh and laugh, but the discovery of British scientists does not at all contradict the most delusional versions of hidden Antarctic life. On the contrary, it reinforces them. After all, a network of channels located at a depth of about 4 kilometers under thin ice can connect one cavity to another. Serve as a kind of roads that in some place may have access to the ocean. Or entrance.


Dronning Maud Land is a vast area on the Atlantic coast of Antarctica, lying between 20° west and 44° 38" east longitude. The area is about 2,500,000 square kilometers. The territory is subject to the Antarctic Treaty.

This treaty prohibits the use of Antarctic territories for any purpose other than scientific research. There are several scientific stations operating on the territory of Dronning Maud Land, including the Russian Novolazarevskaya station and the German Neumayer station.

Antarctica was discovered back in 1820. However, its first systematic and in-depth study began only a century later. Moreover, the most interested researchers of the ice continent were representatives Nazi Germany. In 1938–1939, the Germans sent two powerful expeditions to the continent.


Luftwaffe planes photographed vast areas in detail and dropped several thousand metal swastika pennants onto the mainland. Captain Ritscher, who was responsible for the operation, reported personally to Field Marshal Goering, who was at that time the head of the Ministry of Aviation and the first person in the Air Force:

"Every 25 kilometers our planes dropped pennants. We covered an area of ​​​​approximately 8,600 thousand square meters. Of these, 350 thousand square meters were photographed."


The surveyed territory was called New Swabia and declared part of the future thousand-year Reich. Actually, the name was not chosen by chance. Swabia is a medieval duchy, which later became part of a unified German state.

Nazi activity in this area, naturally, did not escape Soviet intelligence, as evidenced by a unique document classified “Top Secret.” On January 10, 1939, he lay on the table of the first deputy people's commissar of the NKVD, head of the Main Directorate of State Security, Vsevolod Merkulov.

In it, an unknown intelligence officer reported the following about his business trip to the Reich: “...Currently, according to Gunther, a party of German researchers is working in Tibet. The result of the work of one of the groups... made it possible to equip a German scientific expedition to Antarctica in December 1938 The goal of this expedition is to discover by the Germans the so-called city of the gods, hidden under the ice of Antarctica in the area of ​​Dronning Maud Land..."


“Lake”: 66o18’07.15’’S; 100o47’51.16’’E. 1. Queen Maud Land and Schirmacher Oasis. 2. Anomalies on Queen Mary Land - a “pass”, a “plate” and a “lake” were discovered here.

There is a lot of evidence that there are places in the central region of the Antarctic ice sheet where there appears to be water at the lower surface. Igor Zotikov, a researcher at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, talked about how back in 1961 he analyzed data on the ice cover of the central part of Antarctica obtained during the first four Soviet expeditions.

The results of this analysis showed that the central regions are in conditions where the heat removal from the lower surface of the glacier upward due to its large thickness is very small. In this regard, the entire heat flow from the bowels of the earth cannot be completely removed from the boundaries of the “ice - solid bed” interface; part of it must be constantly spent on continuous melting at this boundary.


The following conclusion was made: melt water in the form of a relatively thin film is squeezed out into places where the thickness of the glacier is less. In individual recesses of the subglacial bed, this water can accumulate in the form of lakes of melt water.

In May 1962, the Izvestia newspaper wrote: “...It can be assumed that under the ice of Antarctica, over an area almost equal to the area of ​​Europe, a sea of ​​fresh water spreads. It should be rich in oxygen, which is delivered by the upper layers of ice gradually descending into the depths.” and snow. And it may very well be that this subglacial sea has its own, exceptionally unique life..."


There are still unexplored areas in Antarctica, says Sergei Bulat, senior researcher at the Department of Molecular and Radiation Biophysics at the St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics. - The subglacial structure is very diverse; it is an ordinary continental topography, where there are mountains, lakes, etc. There are niches between the continent and the ice, but they are not empty, they are all filled with either water or ice.

However, in my opinion, the existence of a separate civilization under the ice cap is impossible. After all, the ice thickness in Central Antarctica is over three kilometers. It's easy for anything to survive there. Do not forget that average temperature on the surface of the continent minus 55 degrees. Although it is, of course, warm under the ice - about 5-6 degrees below zero, life there is nevertheless unlikely.


The area of ​​Antarctica is about 14 million square kilometers. Almost the entire continent is covered with ice. In some places its thickness reaches 5 kilometers. And what is underneath is known only about an insignificant part of the surface.

A team of scientists from China, Japan and the UK recently published the results of their 4-year research in the journal Nature. From 2004 to 2008, they rode powerful all-terrain vehicles through the harshest region of Antarctica - over the Gamburtsev Mountains. And they scanned it with radars. The result was a surface relief map covering an area of ​​about 900 square kilometers.


And it turned out that the continent was once free of ice. Even 34 million years ago there were mountains and plains with flowering meadows. Just like in the European Alps now.

But something happened. Researchers have found a place from which a small glacier, located on the highest peak (about 2400 meters), began to grow. Gradually it covered the entire Antarctica. Hid several lakes under a layer of ice.

Martin Seigert from the University of Edinburgh, who took part in the expedition, is sure that frozen plants are still preserved in the valleys of the Antarctic Alps. Even small trees. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to reach them. But you can try, for example, through drilling.

Some facts

Antarctica has at least four poles. In addition to the geographic South and Magnetic, there are also the Cold Pole and the Wind Pole.

In Antarctica there are frosts that are not found anywhere else on earth. On August 25, 1958, a temperature of 87.4 degrees below zero was recorded at the Vostok station.
What about the pole of the winds? It is located on the Antarctic Victoria Land. Fierce winds rage there all year round. Often the speed of air currents exceeds 80 meters per second, which leaves the strongest tropical cyclones behind...


A plane frozen in ice in Antarctica near the Russian Novolazarevskaya station

What is under the ice of this continent? As a result of deep drilling at a depth of one and a half kilometers, scientists discovered clear traces of volcanic eruptions and iron ore deposits. Diamonds and uranium, gold and rock crystal have already been found here. Every year brings new mysteries to researchers of the Antarctic continent.

There are fewer and fewer “white” spots on the white continent. However, while experts were working on drawing up the map, they saw a lot of unexpected things. And they racked their brains to explain what they saw.

Volcanoes in ice

This place in the west of Antarctica is well known to polar explorers - expeditions have visited here several times.

But if you stand on the surface, no “circles in the ice” are visible - an ordinary snow-covered plain. However, satellite images revealed such a convex anomaly. It turned out that it was an extinct volcano. There are many of them in Antarctica. And this once again proves that the sixth continent of our planet was not always bound by ice.


Noah frozen in the ice?

And this photo was liked by lovers of everything anomalous. The picture is unusually similar to the remains of Noah’s Ark, which is said to have been petrified on the slope of Ararat (see photo below). In fact, this region of the Dry Valleys is the only place in Antarctica that is free of snow.


How icy rivers flow

Similar photographs can often be seen among archaeologists. Using aerial photography, they determine the contours of ancient cities covered with sand or earth.

And something similar was discovered in Antarctica. Alas, these are not ruins left by a mysterious civilization. And the “river” is an ice stream that moves at a speed of several hundred meters per year. And if there are any obstacles at the bottom of the river or two rivers collide, then whirlpools begin, as in this photo.


Currently, there are 50 polar research stations from 20 countries operating in Antarctica. Russia contains 6 permanent stations and two seasonal ones.