How to see hidden folders on drive c. Hidden files and folders

Most computer owners have dealt with hidden folders.

Sometimes this Windows tool is very useful for hiding your documents.

But it often happens that malicious programs have settled in elements hidden by developers, and the files urgently need to be opened and cleaned.

Why does Windows hide some of the system files and how to see them, how to make folders invisible yourself?

What are invisible files for?

Hidden items are normal folders, but they are not displayed like all the others.

These elements use the "hidden" attribute.

In the Windows interface, such documents are not displayed by default.

Do not be mistaken that by hiding some folders, you can free up space on your hard drive. They will weigh the same as regular ones.

Folders are invisible for several reasons.

  • Operating system developers intentionally make part of the system files invisible, which an inexperienced user can mistakenly delete, disrupting the operation of their computer. During everyday use, the user does not need to look into them and change anything, so many do not even know about the existence of these “invisible” ones.
  • Users themselves sometimes hide some documents. This is especially true if the computer is working or children use it.
  • This function is also convenient to use if you have a lot of files on your computer that you rarely use. To prevent them from taking up unnecessary space and preventing you from finding and viewing more important documents, you can hide them.
  • You should not exclude the influence of viruses on your PC. They can be the cause of folders that have disappeared from view.

Files can be made visible on the hard drive as a whole or in a specific part of it.

Experts offer several options for solving this problem.

The easiest way

To use it, we will turn to Explorer.

1. Open the first folder you come across or press the Windows + E key combination.

2. Then select the line "View" in the main menu. Then click on "Show or hide" and select the item "Hidden Elements" .

Showing hidden folders

This solution is also quite simple. It will not be difficult to complete it, even if the user is not particularly computer literate.

  • Need to open "My computer" ;
  • Find the section at the top left "Service" , from the displayed list you need to select the line "Folder properties" (For Windows 7 or Windows 8, select "Folders settings" ).
  • A new window will appear, from which you should go to the tab "View" ;
  • At the bottom of the displayed list, mark the phrase "Show hidden files and folders" (When it comes to Windows 7 and Windows 8 system versions, your point is ), click on this line, then click "Apply" , and then to Ok;

  • In a situation where there is a need to view hidden system files and folders, you need to uncheck the item in the same list "Hide protected system files" .
  • But such an action is recommended to be performed only as a last resort.

It happens that the menu is not visible on the computer "Service" . In this case, use the Alt key (there is a chance that it is not displayed all the time).

You can also go to this window in another way:

  • While in a folder, you need to select the command "Arrange" . It can be found in the upper left corner, directly below the address bar;
  • In the menu that pops up we find "Folder and Search Options" .
  • Here again we find ourselves in "Folders settings" and move to the menu "View" .
  • We put a mark on the proposal again "Show hidden files, folders and drives" .
  • Click Ok

Changing folder properties

After carrying out these simple manipulations, you will again be able to see hidden folders, along with everyone else.

In order to achieve this, it is enough to remove the attribute "Hide" from invisible folders.

  • We start by clicking on the invisible folder using the right mouse button and finding the menu item "Properties" .

  • On the screen we will see a window showing the properties of the hidden folder. We will need to remove the check mark from the item "Hidden" and complete the operation by clicking on Ok.
  • If the folder you need contains other documents, the window will ask you to remove the attribute "Hidden" specifically from this folder or from it and all the folders in it. If your task is to make all attachments visible, select the appropriate item and click on Ok.

That's how easy it is to display all invisible folders.

If you then need to turn off visual viewing of hidden documents again, you can perform this task in the Folder Options window.

Use the system registry

Sometimes it is not possible to use the first method for various reasons.

For example, the malware hid any documents on your PC and blocked the ability to customize the operating system.

Then you can try to solve the problem with the assistance of the system registry.

There it is necessary to adjust the parameters that are responsible for displaying invisible elements, which means returning them to their normal appearance.

So let's get started:

1. Go to the menu "Start" (it is located in the lower left corner of the desktop on the control panel);

2. Click on the word "Run" . In the window that appears, enter the word "regedit" and press Enter (For PCs with systems version seven and eight, you will need to enter the word "regedit" directly to the menu search bar "Start" ). Having done all this, you will see the system registry on the monitor, in it you need to find the item we need.

3. The window on the left will display a list of sections available in the registry. You will need to move step by step from section to section: HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software, Microsoft, Windows, CurrentVersion, Explorer, Advanced.

4. Move to the required section on the right side of the window, then find the parameter "Hidden" , click on it twice and replace it in the displayed window in the line "Meaning" number zero to number one. If it turns out that the required parameter is not in this section, you need to create it. Right-click on the empty space on the right side of the registry window and click in the list that opens "Create" , and then - "Parameter" . Rename the newly created parameter to "Hidden" and assign it a value of one by clicking on it twice.

5. Now you need to go to the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE, Microsoft, Windows, CurrentVersion, Explorer, Advanced, Folder, Hidden, SHOWALL.

6. In it, look for the “CheckedValue” item to assign it the value one. Using the method indicated earlier, we create this item if it is missing and also enter the number one here.

Hidden folders in Windows 10

How to make an invisible folder.

Turning to command line functions

The Command Prompt in Windows helps you perform many tasks in the operating system.

To display the command line on the screen, click on the menu "Start" , then click on "Run" .

In a new window enter "Cmd" and click OK. (For the seventh and eighth versions, enter the letters "Cmd" to the search menu bar "Start".

A command line window will appear on the monitor.

To see invisible documents in a specific folder, you will first need to log into it.

To achieve your goal, enter the following commands one by one (after each of them, press Enter):

  1. X:, where X is the name of the local drive (for example, D) on which the files or folders you need are located.
  2. cd (for example, cd c:/windows/), where hidden documents are located.
  3. After you have moved to the desired directory, all you have to do is familiarize yourself with its contents. If you want only hidden folders and files to be displayed in the window, write: dir /a:h (if you enter the “dir” command without parameters, then only visible objects will be displayed on the screen).
  4. To ensure the normal functioning of former hidden folders that you will need to view through Explorer while in the same directory, do the following for each object: attrib –s –h. This command will remove the “hidden” and “system” attributes (if the files or folders are actually system files, the “hidden” attribute cannot be removed from them). Note! If file or folder names contain spaces, you must write them in quotes (for example, attrib –s –h “Hidden folder 1”).

We turn to auxiliary programs

Many programs have been developed for Windows to help make hidden documents visible.

One of the most convenient and frequently used is Total Commander.

Download, install and run the program.

Then we begin our task.

  • Open the menu "Configuration" , which is located at the top of the window;
  • In the list that appears, select "Settings..." ;
  • In a new window we look for the item "Contents of panels" and we head towards it;
  • In the middle of the window there are settings items. Phrase must be marked "Show hidden/system files" and press the button "Apply" .

After completing these steps, you will be able to view the contents of invisible folders in the main window of the Total Commander program.

They will be displayed to you along with all the others.

How to prevent opening hidden files?

There are times when other users should not be allowed to change the visibility of hidden folders. It can be done.

The parameters that are in the registry will help us CheckedValue, In chapter HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\Showall.

As a rule, its value is determined by the number one.

By specifying the number zero for it, we will cut off the ability to show hidden files.

This method is quite effective, but since Windows 8\Server 2012, the visibility of hidden files in Explorer has been changed using a checkbox "Hidden Elements" , which cannot be influenced by such settings.

Also, prohibitions are not possible when using the “Total Commander” program and its analogues. They will still be able to find hidden elements.

What to do if you need to hide a file

The opposite situation also happens. Let's say you need to hide some documents or files. It's easy and won't take much time.

Your actions:

1. Right-click on the folder or file you selected to hide;

2. Find the property line at the bottom of the drop-down list;

3. In the window that appears, check the word "Hidden" ;

4. Click on "Run" , then OK.

How do you know if invisible folders are visible again?

It's easy to check.

  • Just go to "My computer" ;
  • Next, select the folder "Program Files" . In it, the former “invisibles” will have a translucent appearance, clearly standing out from the rest.


In conclusion, I would like to advise you to pay more attention to the security of your computer - use good anti-virus programs, update them regularly, and do not insert unverified flash drives into the device.

But, if your PC does become a victim of an attack by viruses that hide folders or hide in invisible files, do not be alarmed, but act.

Just use one of our suggested methods for identifying hidden folders. It works!

In the Windows operating system there is such a thing as “ Hidden file"and now we will find out what it is, why hidden files are needed, how to create them, and also how you can display or show these same hidden files.

So, let's get started, the only thing I want to say right away is that when I create and display hidden files, as an example, I will have the version Windows 7, in other versions, for example, in Windows 8, this process is almost the same.

What is a hidden file in Windows?

Hidden file– this is a regular file, but it is not displayed. Hidden files can be displayed and also made normal, i.e. not hidden. In other words, hidden files are files that are marked as hidden. Hidden files, just like regular ones, take up space on your hard drive, so you shouldn’t hope that by hiding files you will free up disk space.

What are hidden files for in Windows?

Hidden files in the Windows operating system are mainly needed to make it possible not to display rarely used files. Those. for example, you have files that you rarely use ( but sometimes you use it), while they are displayed and take up space on the screen, thereby making it difficult to visually search for the file or folder you need at one time or another.

You can also use the ability to hide files to avoid showing any confidential information to other computer users, but this, as you understand, is unreliable, since another user can, just like you, display these files and view them. But in cases where you want some files and folders simply not to be seen by other users, then, of course, you can use the ability to hide files.

Hidden files are also used by the Windows system itself to hide from the user some system files that users do not need and are better off not seeing.

How to create a hidden file in Windows 7?

In Windows, you can hide both files and folders, so we will learn how to hide both files and folders.

In order to create a hidden file, right-click on the desired file and select “ Properties»

The window “ File properties", where we mark the attribute " Hidden" and click " Apply»

After this, this file will be hidden.

In order to hide a folder, we also right-click, but on the folder and select “ Properties" Then we also mark the attribute “ Hidden" and click " Apply»

Then you need to confirm your action, and we can specify that this attribute will be applied to all attached files and folders or only to this folder. Click " OK»

If later you need to make these files or folders back to normal, i.e. not hidden, then the procedure is exactly the same, but with one difference: a check mark next to the attribute “ Hidden"will need to be removed ( and not put). First, of course, you need to display these hidden files in order to go into their properties, and I will now show you how this is done.

How to show hidden files in Windows 7?

In order to display hidden files, open " Control Panel" It can be opened from the desktop

If the control panel icon is not displayed on your desktop, you can read the material “ How to display Computer, Control Panel, Recycle Bin icons on desktop in Windows?" in which I tell you how to display this and other icons or you can use the menu " Start", where there is also a shortcut to launch the Control Panel.

After you have opened the control panel, look for the item " Folders settings"or if you have everything grouped into categories in your control panel, then select " Design and personalization", and then click on the item " Folders settings»

Note! You can also click “Show hidden files and folders” to go directly to the desired tab.

The window “ Folders settings", where we need to go to the tab " View" and in the section " Extra options» find item « Show hidden files, folders and drives", mark it and press the button " Apply" To close the window, click " OK»

Note! In order not to show hidden files, you must select “Do not show hidden files, folders and drives” in the same window..

Now we check, our hidden files are now displayed, their icons, compared to regular files, are a little lighter.

That's all, good luck!

Sep 12 2012

Welcome to the computer help blog. If you cannot find certain files on your hard drive or flash drive after a virus attack, do not despair and forget about this data.

In this article I will tell you and give specific examples of how to display hidden folders or show hidden files on your computer that have been lost or simply disappeared. While reading, you can watch videos on this topic.

Looking at hidden folders

There are two types of displayed information on a personal computer - visible and hidden. Developers of software systems deliberately hide some data so that young or inexperienced computer users do not do unnecessary things, namely, delete or change the necessary files for stable operation of the system.

How to show hidden folders in Windows 7 | website

How to hide a folder or file

Select the file or folder we need.

Right-click on it, go to the very bottom of the displayed menu and go to Properties.

Go to the very bottom of the General menu, Near “Attributes” >>> “Read Only”, click the checkbox next to Hidden.

When finished, click Apply and OK.

We close all the windows we have open. Again we go to the location we need on the computer and this information should disappear or become translucent if you have the system function to display hidden files.

In order to return everything back and make the desired folder or file visible. We perform all the same operations, uncheck the Hidden box, apply the settings and OK.

How to hide a folder | website

The hidden files and folders feature is also useful if you use the Torrent program. To create, enable and place an IP filter in the Documents and Settings >>> Local Settings or Application Data folder, which is useful when downloading files.

It does not allow you to download data from foreign sources, thereby working with the internal resources of the country in which you are located. Saves incoming traffic, which is probably limited to a certain number of Gigabytes for external sources.

What we learned

Today we talked to you about how to display hidden folders or show hidden files on your computer. We learned what hidden files and folders are, where they are located and learned how to make them visible. They were also able to hide the data we needed from unwanted eyes or just strangers.

Perhaps you have questions related to how to display hidden folders on your computer. You can ask them below in the comments to this article, and also use the form with me.

Thank you for reading me on

Sometimes it is necessary to hide important information from prying eyes, from other computer users - i.e. make folders and files hidden, invisible and thereby protect personal information. This can be text documents and personal photos, videos and other files that need to be hidden.

First, let's look at what hidden files are.

Hidden files(or folders) - usually these are rarely used files that have attribute "hidden". Such files not displayed in Windows OS, if in folder properties on the tab<View> there is a parameter - <Не показывать скрытые файлы, папки и диски> . By default, the system provides this. If you want to see all hidden folders on a computer, USB flash drive or portable (portable) hard drive - supply the parameter<Show hidden files, folders and drives>.

In Windows 7, to enable viewing (display) of hidden folders and disable their display, click on the tab<Сервис> - <Параметры> - <Вид>and in additional folder options select the required action

To show hidden files and folders in the Windows XP operating system, go to<Сервис> - <Свойства папки> - <Вид>and you can assign an action - hide or display folders and files that have the "Hidden" attribute

Now that you know how to see hidden files on your computer- let's learn to hide them

An easy way to hide files

The Windows operating system itself has the ability to hide files and folders from free viewing. You can hide files and folders in both Windows XP and Windows 7; just right-click on the selected file or folder, select Properties and on the "General" tab, check the box next to "Hidden". In the pop-up window, you will be asked to apply the hidden attribute either to one folder only - all other files and folders in the selected folder will remain visible, or to this folder and all (it contains) subfolders and files, i.e. everything in this folder will become hidden

In the same way, you can remove hidden attributes from files and folders - simply uncheck the box, provided that you have the option to show hidden files (see above)

Hiding files and folders using the command line

You can also change file attributes using the command line by writing the ATTRIB command to the path to the file (for example, C:\LamerKomp.txt) and assigning the “Hidden” (+h) attribute. For example, a file can be made hidden with the following code

attrib C:\LamerKomp.txt +h /S

You can hide the folder like this

attrib C:\ +h /S /D

If you need to show (display) hidden files, write the same thing, but put “-” before h - this will remove the hidden attribute

Also, for convenience, you can create a bat file with the following code. You can read about how to change the attributes of files and folders with a BAT file in the article

Hide a folder or file using Total Commander

You can also change file attributes using a popular file manager. If you don't have Total Commander, you can

There are often cases when a PC user needs to enter a particular system folder. However, finding it is not always easy, because... it is hidden. And sometimes folders become invisible due to viruses or simply appear and take up extra space.

Be that as it may, there are several basic ways to display hidden folders on the entire hard drive or only in some part of it - we will consider them in more detail below in our article today.

Method one. Enabling showing hidden folders

The Windows system allows you to enable the display of both hidden directories and files - in order to find hidden folders and files, you must do the following:

  1. Open "My Computer";
  2. At the top of the window, go to the “Tools” menu, and in the drop-down list select “Folder Options” (for Windows 7 and 8 “Folder Options”);
  3. In the window that opens, go to the “View” tab;
  4. A list will be displayed below, at the very bottom of which there is the item “Show hidden files and folders” (for Windows 7 AND 8 “Show hidden files, folders and drives”) - click on this inscription, and then click on the “Apply” button;
  5. If you need to display hidden system files and directories, uncheck the “Hide protected system files (not recommended)” checkbox in the same list.

If you don't see the Tools option, try pressing the Alt key (it's possible that the Explorer main menu isn't always visible).

Method two. Via the system registry

Unfortunately, there are situations when some virus has hidden folders or files and you cannot see them. Often the actions of the virus make it impossible to complete the previous step, because block operating system settings.

In such a situation, the system registry comes to the rescue, in which you need to change the parameters responsible for displaying invisible directories and files and thereby return their display. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Go to Start and click the Run button. In the window that opens, type “regedit” and press “Enter” (for Windows 7 and 8, just enter the word “regedit” in the search bar of the “Start” menu). Thus, a system registry window will be displayed on the screen, in which we need to find the item we need.
  2. On the left side of the window you will see a list of registry keys. Go to the following sections one by one: HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software, Microsoft, Windows, CurrentVersion, Explorer, Advanced.
  3. After going to the required section on the right side of the window, find the “Hidden” parameter, double-click on it and replace the number 0 with the number 1 in the “Value” field in the window that appears. If this parameter is not in this section, you will have to create it by clicking on empty space on the right side of the registry window, right-click and select “New” from the drop-down list, and then “Parameter”. Rename the created parameter to “Hidden” and assign it a value of 1 by clicking on it 2 times.
  4. Next, go to the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE, Microsoft, Windows, CurrentVersion, Explorer, Advanced, Folder, Hidden, SHOWALL.
  5. Here, find the “CheckedValue” item and assign it the value 1. Using the above method, create this item if it is missing and also enter the number 1 into it.

Method three. Windows Command Line

The Windows command line allows you to perform many tasks with the operating system, including displaying hidden folders and even files on your hard drive.

To open the Command Prompt, click the Start icon and then click the Run button. In the window that opens, enter “Cmd” and click “OK”. For Windows 7 and 8, just enter the phrase “Cmd” in the search bar of the Start menu.

A window (usually black) will appear on the screen - this is the command line. To show hidden items in a specific folder, you must first navigate to that folder. To do this, enter the following commands one by one (after each command, press “Enter”):

  1. X:, where X is the letter of the local drive (for example, C:) on which the files or folders you are looking for are located.
  2. cd (for example, cd c:/windows/), which stores hidden elements.
  3. After going to the desired directory, all that remains is to view its contents. To display only hidden folders and files in the window, enter: dir /a:h (if you enter the “dir” command without parameters, only visible objects will be displayed).
  4. To make the found folders visible again and can be viewed through Explorer while in the same directory, run the following for each object: attrib -s -h . This command removes the “hidden” and “system” attributes (if files or folders are system files, it is impossible to remove the “hidden” attribute from them). Attention! If there are spaces in the file or folder name, you must write their names in quotes (for example, attrib -s -h “Hidden folder 1”).

Method four. Support programs

There are a large number of programs for Windows that help you view hidden files or folders. One of these is the famous “Total Commander”.

Total Commander is one of the most popular file managers for Windows. Previously, it was called that way - Windows Commander, but was forced to change its name in order to avoid problems with Microsoft Corporation.

Download and install the program. After launching it, do the following:

  1. Go to the "Configuration" menu at the top of the window;
  2. From the drop-down list, select “Settings...”;
  3. In the window that appears, find the item “Contents of panels” and go to it;
  4. Several settings items will appear in the middle of the window, check the box for “Show hidden/system files” and click the “Apply” button.

Thus, in the main window of the Total Commander program, you can go to any hidden directories and even open hidden files if they exist in the current directory (where you are now) - they will be visible to you along with ordinary ones.