Skype says login to the network is temporarily impossible. Skype is blocked by a proxy server. Skype connection failed

Let's talk about another one technical problem. Failed to log into the network - Skype is writing to you. Let's figure out why this happens and what to do in this situation.

On the computer

  1. How to log in if Skype is offline? The first thing to do is check your Internet connection. Insufficient data transmission, or its complete absence - main reason occurrence of such a problem.
  2. Check your PC or laptop for viruses. Malware, among other problems and malfunctions, can cause a number of errors in the messenger
  3. Check system disk for errors and broken files. For this there are special utilities, this can also be done using the operating system itself
  4. Be sure to check if there are any updates available for your version of the program. If you have installed outdated version Skype, errors will occur when using it constantly
  5. If you need to make an urgent call and the problem persists, we recommend using the portable version of the program, or online version. This will work if everything is fine with the Internet
  6. If you are connecting through a proxy server, this could be the problem.

If you are also interested in learning how to get started with Web Skype com, you definitely need to read our other article on this site.

On the phone

Very often, Skype displays the “Unable to log in to the network” error on Android phones. What could be the reason in this case:

  1. Again, the update was not installed in time. Many errors that occur when using Skype can be resolved by downloading latest version applications
  2. Lack of internet connection. Check if you have used any traffic and if your wi-fi router is working well
  3. If Skype application On Android it was not possible to log into the network; there may be problems with the servers of the program itself. You can find out if this is true here:
  4. According to most users, the problem is sometimes solved by simply rebooting the device

If you need, pay attention to one more of our flock.

In the video you can see what to do if you are unable to log into the application.

“Sorry, we couldn’t connect to Skype” - this message can be confusing inexperienced user. About how to decide this problem, where to start and what to pay attention to, we will talk in this article.

The error "Sorry, we couldn't connect to Skype" usually appears for the following reasons:

  1. No Internet connection;
  2. The application is blocked by an antivirus;
  3. Outdated version of the messenger;
  4. Something's wrong with Internet Explorer.

Failed to connect to Skype: what to do?

If you see such a window, it means that first you need to figure out what happened, and most importantly, stop panicking. We will calmly check everything in order.

1. Diagnostics of network connection.

After thoroughly checking all the wires and contacts, see what's wrong with the connection settings. Go through the Control Panel to the “Network and Sharing Center...”.
If you have any difficulties, just call your provider and find out whether there is a signal or not.

We talk about a similar failure in the material “” and help you find a way out.

2. Blocked by antivirus software.

Try turning this off protective program, at least for the duration of authorization in the application. It often happens that it comes into conflict with Skype, especially if you use little-known software. Don't forget to also find out what's going on Windows firewall, because it can also disrupt the normal course of business. Take a look at its settings and check if the messenger is blocked there.

3. Why does it still say “Unable to connect to Skype” if there are no problems with the Internet? You should update your messenger version. It's not difficult, and in the end you'll get a more advanced version of the program for pleasant communication on the Internet. If so, read our article with recommendations on this topic.

4. Internet Explorer is buggy.

What does this have to do with it? It so happens that the parameters of these programs are interdependent. In addition to the fact that it is advisable to update your browser to more new version, you also need to disable the option to work in offline mode. Path: File - Offline.

These are the main reasons why any person may develop Skype error"Unable to connect to the Internet." We hope that our solutions to it will be useful and effective for you.

Why log into Skype from your phone? Lately becoming a universal problem for owners of a wide variety of smartphones? Let's try to figure out the problem.

Why can't I log in to Skype?

There are several reasons to explain this sad phenomenon:

  • The program version is outdated.
  • The application was not downloaded from the appropriate service (for example, PlayMarket).
  • The login or password was entered incorrectly.
  • The device slows down due to “infinite authorization”.

How to login?

Login to Skype from your phone:

  1. Log into the program on your device.
  2. Wait a little until everything is completely loaded.
  3. Touch the screen near the login field until the keyboard opens.
  4. Enter your username to login.
  5. Tap on “Login”.
  6. All. You should already be logged in to your Skype.

How to get rid of “infinite authorization”?

If your phone has suffered such a fate, which is popularly called “infinite authorization,” you need to stop this process, as it will lead nowhere. To solve the problem, you need to turn everything off and on again, or better yet, reinstall Skype.

You may need to force quit the Skype process. To do this, you need to call the “Task Manager”. Among the processes on one of the tabs, find Skype. If there is one, complete this action.

After this, it would be a good idea to reboot the device to try clean slate» launch an online communication program.

Login issue related to account linking

Recently, when it became possible to enter Skype account by login from Microsoft, also popped up and new problem. If you refuse to link both mentioned accounts (both academic records) on your phone, it then becomes impossible to log into Skype from your smartphone at all.

  1. In addition to your phone, you will also need a laptop.
  2. You need to turn it on, go to Skype.
  3. Sign out by clicking on the Skype icon right click and selecting the appropriate item.
  4. Launch Skype again and find “Microsoft Account” and click.
  5. Now you need to enter account Microsoft, if you already have one, or create an account on Microsoft, if you have not done this before.

Merging records can be done like this:

  1. Sign in using your Microsoft account.
  2. Click "I have a Skype account."
  3. In the window that opens, enter the required data.
  4. Next, both records that are supposed to be synchronized will be displayed next to each other.
  5. If you agree with this and everything is entered correctly, confirm this by clicking on the appropriate button.
  6. After successfully “linking” two accounts, Microsoft Corporation recommends logging in using its account login.
  7. If you suddenly change your mind or it turns out that the connection was made incorrectly, you can cancel this “bridge” between programs.

If Android can't log into Skype

If you want to log in via Android, but it doesn’t work, do one of the following:

  • Log in here: “Settings” / “Applications” / “Skype” - “Erase data”.
  • Reinstall Skype version, having first downloaded it again from the official website. After the update everything should work fine.
  • Reboot your phone.

It is important to note that this application is available with communication formats such as 3G, 4G, and you can also use Wi-Fi. Communication occurs with the same account parameters as logging in from another source. The only thing that can change in this combination is the fee for the Internet connection. However, such issues should be discussed with the operator or found out from the conditions tariff plan, which is used by you.

How else can I log in?

Through social network Facebook, you can also log in to Skype. It's as easy as ever. If you use to search and maintain friendly relations social Facebook network, synchronize both of these accounts directly on your phone and access Skype communication from any device or account.

Skype is a program that allows you to communicate via voice and video from anywhere in the world using only the Internet. Accordingly, the quality of communication directly depends on the quality of the latter. If you are unable to connect to Skype, then in most cases the reason is your operating system. This article will help solve the problem. You will learn about possible reasons its occurrence, as well as how to correct the situation.

The most simple problem, which is the easiest to solve. There may be no Internet for the following reasons:

  1. The tariff has ended. Pay for your provider's services.
  2. Moved away network cable from a PC or router. Check if everything is connected completely. If not, that's why Skype won't connect. Reconnect the cables if necessary.
  3. The router is frozen. Turn it off for a few minutes and then turn it back on. The connection should resume.
  4. If your computer is connected via Wi-Fi, try connecting it via wired connection. Maybe, wireless network heavily loaded or low throughput due to the router or interference due to other access points in neighboring apartments. In this case, there is internet, but it is very weak, and Skype either won’t connect at all or takes a very long time to connect.
  5. The wireless network on the laptop is disabled by hardware. Many laptops have special key or a combination that, when clicked, turns Wi-Fi on or off. If you accidentally press this button, then most likely the network has disconnected. Press the key again to turn the network back on. Usually this is one of function keys F2-F It shows an antenna-shaped icon.
  6. The ISP cable is damaged. In this case, you should contact technical support your provider and leave a request for cable restoration.

As a rule, in all of the above cases there is no Internet connection at all. But what if Skype does not see the Internet? Everything else works, but Skype itself does not work, although the Internet is constantly connected and works properly? In this case, the problem is with the client itself.

Outdated version of Skype

If you were unable to log into the network and you haven't updated Skype for a long time, then this could be one of the reasons why Skype won't connect to the Internet. The legacy client simply does not pass verification on Microsoft servers due to incompatibility or discontinuation of support for some components and displays an error when trying to log in. In this case, installing the latest version will help. However, we recommend that you completely remove the old one first. To do this, launch Control Panel and open Programs and Features.

Find in the list Skype programs, select it and click the “Delete” button. The program will be removed from your PC.

Now you need to clean the registry, because if you don't do this, an error may occur during installation. This can be done using the CCleaner program.

Next, you need to download the current version to your computer. This can be done by following the link Click the "Download Skype for Windows" button and save the installation package. Open it and follow the installer's instructions. After this, Skype should work normally.

Note: In many cases complete removal and then reinstallation can decide similar problem. Even if you have installed current version programs.

If you are still unable to connect to Skype after this, proceed to the next step.

Internet Explorer browser configuration is incorrect

The problem with client performance can also occur due to a glitch in IE. Therefore, the Skype connection settings to the Internet may be incorrect. To fix this, you need to reset your browser settings to factory settings. This is the simplest and effective option. To reset:

  1. Launch IE and open the main settings (Internet Options).

  1. In the "Advanced" tab, click the "Reset" button.

  1. Check the box to remove personal data and click Reset.

  1. Restart your browser.

After that Internet settings Explorer will be installed by default. Try logging into Skype again. If after this you are still unable to log into the network, proceed to the next step.

DNS settings failure

The DNS service allows the operating system to use DNS names (readable website addresses) and places them in a cache. If the cache is full or does not work correctly, then name translation will not be performed when loading any page. That's why you couldn't connect to Skype. The error “Server not found” will be displayed. Resetting helps solve the problem DNS cache. To do this, press the “Win+R” key combination and in the “Run” console line, enter: “ipconfig /flushdns”. Press enter and then you will see a window command line with a message about successful cleaning. Restart your computer for the changes to take effect and try logging into Skype again.

Skype is blocked by a proxy server

Most often this happens when Skype is used on work computers connected to a business or office network. In such networks, security is given great importance so all incoming and outgoing connections are made and filtered through special computer with a configured proxy server. Accordingly, without knowing correct settings, the user cannot use any program unless authorized by the administrator. To allow Skype to connect to your network, you will need to obtain proxy settings from your network administrator or ISP.

Now you know what to do if Skype says “the connection could not be established.” The above tips in most cases completely solve the problem. However, if you still cannot connect to Skype, then the problem may lie in the operating system itself. In this case, you should think about reinstalling it.