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How does today's trick relate to our site? At first glance, nothing. But if Windows lives on your Mac in the Boot Camp section, then you have probably already noticed that Microsoft did not plan and do not intend to change the scrolling direction of the mouse and trackpad. Because of this, it turns out that in Mac OS X the content in the windows will follow the movement of your finger (i.e. reverse scrolling), and in Windows you will move the slider on the screen, and the content itself will move in the other direction.

In general, if you can’t switch from one approach to controlling the mouse to another, it’s time to take decisive action. There are two ways (we will not consider the option of removing Windows and transferring it to a virtual machine):

  • disable backscrolling in Lion or Mountain Lion. This is done in the system settings, in the “Mouse” and “Trackpad” remote controls, respectively.
  • enable reverse scrolling in Windows. Oddly enough, there is a parameter for this in the system registry, however, finding it is a separate adventure

Since we are not looking for easy ways, today we will talk about the second alternative - activating reverse scrolling in Windows.

First you will need to get into, for example, this can be done through the Control Panel. In the Manager, look at the “Mice and other pointing devices” section:

In the list of devices, select your mouse by double clicking. Go to the “Details” tab, in the drop-down list you will need the “Equipment ID” item:

Pay attention to the first line, starting with the letters VID (for example, VID_203A&PID_FFFC&REV_0100&MI_01). Remember this combination.

On your keyboard, press Command+R, type regedit in the window that opens and press Enter. The Windows Registry Editor will open. On the left select a branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\HID. You'll see a list of mice and trackpads labeled with VID, PID, and MI combinations. You will need to identify the device you are configuring here:

Inside the device you can find several more folders. In each of them you need to go inside the Device Parameters folder and change the parameter value FlipFlopWheel from 0 to 1. After rebooting, reverse scrolling will work in Windows.

With the release of Windows 10, a new feature was added to the touchpad of laptops, which has long been present in OS X - finger gestures on the touchpad, including scrolling pages vertically or horizontally with two fingers. But there is a small problem: everyone is used to the fact that when scrolling down, the content of the page moves up and vice versa, but in Windows 10 it is implemented in a completely unusual way - the content of the page moves after the scroll, which is quite difficult to get used to. In all the forums where I looked for a solution to this problem, according to the instructions, it is necessary to edit the registry, which can be difficult for many users. But in most cases it can be done easier.

Press the button Start and choose Options , in the window that opens, select the section Devices (Bluetooth, printers, mouse). If the laptop is equipped with the so-called high-precision touchpad, you will immediately see a switch Change scroll direction .

But most laptops have regular touchpads, in this case click on the link Additional mouse options . A window will open Mouse properties , this way you will be taken to the settings window provided by the touchpad manufacturer itself (most often it is Synaptics)

Press the button Options , go to the tab Scroll

Here you need to uncheck the boxes Switching direction or Scroll direction (other options are possible, it may be different for different models, but by the name you will understand the purpose) and click OK everywhere. That's it, you can use scrolling in the usual way.

Different operating systems have different default scrollbars for browsers. But fortunately, you can set your own colors for this element to make your site stand out from the rest. Once I was on an English site, and I really liked how the colors of the site harmonized with the color of the scroll bar. Therefore, if you decide to make a non-standard scroll color, then make sure that it matches the color scheme of your site.

In this article we will look at jQuery plugins that allow you to create a non-standard scrollbar in the browser, since CSS properties are not supported by all browsers.

Let's start looking at these plugins that change the appearance of the scrollbar in the browser.

1. NiceScroll.js

NiceScroll is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create an iOS-like scrollbar.

2. NanoScroll

This plugin allows you to create a scroll bar on your website like in Mac OS X.

3. jQuery custom content scroller

A jQuery plugin for styling the browser scrollbar using CSS.

4. Tiny Scrollbar

A lightweight jQuery plugin written using the jQuery library that will give a beautiful look to the content scrolling and scrollbar of the main browser window.

5. Scrollbar Visibility

A lightweight plugin written using the jQuery library that will give a beautiful look to the content scrolling and scrollbar of the main browser window.

6. jScrollPane

Using this plugin you can also create custom scrollbars that work in all modern browsers. Styles can be changed using a CSS file.

7. Scrollbar Paper

Using this plugin, you cannot style the scrollbar of the browser, but you can set it for the content of frames inside the page.

8. jQuery Scrollbars v2

Fully customizable scrollbars, and also shows standard ones if Javascript is disabled in the browser.

9.Vertical scrollbar

This plugin requires a fixed container height because the scrollbar is positioned to the right using positioning.

What usually happens is when a person with thick fingers touches the scroll bar, trying to move it up, down or across. He won't achieve much success, will he? This issue is bothering some people using Windows 8 or 8.1 on touchscreen tablets or laptops.

A scrollbar (or scrollbar) is a vertical or horizontal interface element that is always present where the user can scroll content. It appears on the far side of the screen and sometimes at the bottom of the screen. If the standard scrollbar width in Windows 8/8.1 is not enough for you, you can increase it, and I will tell you how to do it.

To achieve our goal, we will use the Registry Editor tool. To run it, press Win + R on your keyboard, then type regedit in the Run dialog box and press Enter.

When the Registry Editor window appears on your screen, go to the following section:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics

In the right pane of the Registry Editor, find the “ScrollHeight” parameter and double-click on it with the left mouse button.

The “Change string parameter” window will appear on your screen. In the "Value" field, enter the desired value. The default value for scrollbar width is -225. To double the width, enter -500. This should be enough for most people, but if it's not enough for you, you can increase the bandwidth even more. To do this, enter any value up to -1500. Remember, the higher the value, the wider the scroll bar will be.

Now close the Registry Editor window. To apply the changes, simply log out and log back in to your account. Once this is done, open any Windows Explorer window to see the new scrollbar width.

This guide should solve your problem as it will make it much easier for you to move the scrollbar up and down or to the side.

Have a great day!

Today we'll talk about the page scroll bar. Or rather, about her appearance, which has not really changed for several decades. And I, just like you, am pretty tired of her. Therefore, we will consider the possibility of replacing it with our own.

This solution is very convenient, since JavaScript is not involved here. Which in turn removes the load on the site. Everything works using styles and has a minimum of code.


Paste this code into Style sheet (CSS)

::-webkit-scrollbar-button (

::-webkit-scrollbar-track (

::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb (
-webkit-border-radius: 0px;
border-radius: 0px;



width: 4px;

The installation is now complete. Now let's figure out which line is responsible for what.

The color of the track along which the scroll bar moves.

Change ecedee to your color.

::-webkit-scrollbar-track (

The color of the stripe slider, as well as its curvature.

Change 6dc0c8 to your color.

Change the border-radius value for the rounding.

::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb (
-webkit-border-radius: 0px;
border-radius: 0px;

The color of the slider when you hover over it.

Change 56999f to your color.

::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb (
-webkit-border-radius: 0px;
border-radius: 0px;

The main width of the scroll bar.

Changing the width value

width: 4px;


As an example, we made a scroll in this style:

Install this scroller on your website by simply copying the following code:

200?"200px":""+(this.scrollHeight+5)+"px");"> ::-webkit-scrollbar-button (

::-webkit-scrollbar-track (
box-shadow:0px 0px 3px #000 inset;

::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb (
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
box-shadow:0px 1px 1px #fff inset;


width: 11px;